Mid-August Testers

Just coming on to say Hi! Hope everyone had a marvelous weekend! We had a great one. Very busy but awesome! My MIL comes on Thursday. Ugh!

Still chart stalking Bex.

Are you in Spain, Nic?

Hoping for Army news soon Hands!
Snow - have you ever been to the great wolf lodge in Concord? If we get stationed in Augusta, we are thinking about going there.
Hi girls! Has been quiet on here recently! We had a house warming party on Saturday afternoon. ...the only rain in the middle of a heatwave but we ploughed on regardless with our bbq!

But AF is about to arrive tomorrow . Cramps, low temperature and pre AF spotting today mean for definite when I wake tomorrow the witch will be here in full force :cry:

I'm not as upset as I thought I would be actually. ..guess I'm getting used to the disappointment!
Hands - We have not gone to Great Wolf Lodge but it looks like a ton of fun. A friend of ours won tickets to just the water area and a bunch of friends all went - I know we were invited but I think it was when hubby was in school and had a night class so we didn't go. Dexter will have a blast! I've heard great things about it. We were just in Concord on Sunday - went to BJ's and then out to dinner. It is pretty close to where we live - about a 20 minute drive - hubby's work is a few exits down and his college is close to there too. We have friends that live just past the Speedway. Just a word to the wise - do not come when there is a major NASCAR race going on - We have 2 big races in May and October. It is mobbed up there- we always know to stay away! The Concord Mills Mall is right down the street from Great Wolf Lodge and its a good outlet one. It would be so awesome if we could meet!!! <3

Bummer Bex. Just stalked you and see you inputted AF. I know how much it keeps sucking with each passing cycle.

Just realized that our thread is almost going on 3 years ladies!! xoxo

And holy crap - tomorrow is 3rd tri!!
Aww Bex... it's rough. TTC and the disappointment can really get to you... honestly I don't understand why some women get pregnant so easily while others have to play the waiting game. Just doesn't seem fair.

Concord sounds really nice Snow! We still don't have an assignment so I'm not sure where we are going... but if we do end up in Augusta... we just might have to make plans to meet up :)

I'm honestly hoping we don't end up in Augusta though. There are so many other places I would rather go.... but hubby says there is like an 75 percent chance that we are going to Augusta (Georgia). 10 percent chance of Meade (Maryland), 5 percent chance of staying here (Arizona), 5 percent chance of going to Hawaii, or 5 percent chance of getting caught off guard and going to who knows where.

He wants me to be prepared to head to Augusta, but I'm still holding my breath. hahaha Georgia isn't the worse place, it's just that I don't think it will be a good fit. Best news though, no matter where we go, it isn't forever! a few months to a few years is all.
Thanks Ladies - I know you all know what it feels like. My and OH have made a decision that we are going to give it until the end of September (basically 2 more cycles) then go and see the doctor. I fully expect the doctor to say go away and keep trying for a bit longer, but I need to have some kind of time to work towards rather than this never ending disappointment. But it will have been a year of trying by then.

Hands - hope you guess some answers soon. Out of that list I would pick Hawaii but that's basically because that sounds like a holiday to me!

yep snow - this is our third "mid-august" fast approaching! I never really believed you could make true friends on the internet but you guys really have proved that wrong! :hugs:
Bex - I hear you. In the army you can submit a "volunteer" sheet where you basically tell the army where you would like to go. We are requesting 1. Germany 2. Hawaii 3. Meade 4. Lewis 5. Stay here 6. Alaska

But in the end, it doesn't matter what you want. You don't get to choose.... the army just tells you based off of what they "need"... so it is a sit and wait game

We may get orders within in the next hour or it may be next March! It's a whirl wind ride for sure! ... and yes the uncertainty gets to me at times.
Nic - Where are you??!! Are you ok??!! You haven't posted in well over a week!! Check in!!

Bex - I really hope that this is your cycle and you don't have to go to the Dr. in 2 months.

Bird finally had his 1st hair cut this weekend! He hated it - cried the entire time!! He looks so grown up now! I'll post a pic in a few! His foot grew an entire size as well - I got him measured at Stride Rite last month and bought him some sandals - they were step 2's for beginner walkers. We went to the mall and Stride Rite was a having a sale so I decided to have him sized again to see about getting some new shoes for the step 3 - off an walking/running shoes. And don't you know - his foot grew a ton! So we walked out with 2 new pairs of shoes for him.
I think Nic must be in Spain, I'm sure it was around now she was going. Busy sunning herself I'm sure!

Snow - I cut Elliot's hair myself as I think there is no way he would sit still in a salon and let someone else do it! It definitely looks home cut but I reckon he can get away with it age 1! Although my friend was telling me that his son gets his hair cut at a place called Sharkeys in Stratford-on Avon. I had a look and it is a US franchise so maybe there is one near you....looks amazing! They get to sit in cars and things while they are having their hair cut.


Hands - any news yet re moving? I'm keeping finger crossed for Germany hee hee!:haha:
We were told by one of the people who makes the decision (Though no actual paperwork) that we will be going TDY to Georgia with no end assignment.

Which means we will be living in a hotel for 3.5 months and at some point while hubby is in school they will decide whether we stay there or move else where.

Best Part (Sarcastic tone) ... we most likely will be on the road between here and Georgia for Christmas. 2,056 miles. It's a 27 hour actual drive time trip... and we will be driving with a toddler.

Things can still change... but as of right now... that is where we stand.
Hi everyone, I'm here! I was trying to keep up and attempted to post while I was away but wifi had other plans. :( Just back from spain after 2 wonderful weeks. Now back to crappy work. Boo! I've had a huge spurt so time for a new bump pic. I will try for one tonight and a new Finlay photo. He's really slimmed out recently.

Eek Hands. That sounds like no fun at all!! Will OH be retraining as something else during that time?

Bex sorry to hear that AF arrived. I think its good you have a plan though. Fingers crossed you won't need the appointment but its good that oh agrees that you should look at seeing what a dr says.
Nic you're back!!! YAY!!!! Can't wait to see the updated pics! To answer your question... yes my hubby is going from a network security job to a hacker.

Bex - Nothing wrong with wanting to see if you can get any fertility help.

Snow - Dex wore size 7t shoes when he turned 1... thankfully his feet haven't grown any in the past year. Congrats on the hair cut. I mostly trim dex's hair myself. I mess up a little, but no where near what the salon lady did to my son's hair. She cut it in early may.... I just now had to trim his hair. It took that long to grow back. I just looked up some you tube videos on how to do it. I'm getting better each time, and he seems more settle at home... watching a movie while mommy cuts his hair.
Welcome back Nic! Oh, I can't wait to see your growth spurt pic! Hope you had a great time in Spain and got lots of relaxing in! Can you believe we are in the tail end of things??!! I have so much to do still - how are you doing with things? You seemed pretty well organized already!

Bex - That place looks super cute! We don't have one in my area but there is one a little over a hour away! We went to a place that's just for kids too. Are you guys going to do another BD fest this cycle? I give you and Hands credit for doing your own cuts - I am way too scared - he moves way too much and I'd be afraid to nic him with the scissors!

Oh man Hands, I know that Georgia was pretty much your last pick. And it stinks that it is temporary assignment. The whole driving from NC to CA and back again a year later was one of the reasons we decided not to go. You guys will need to make lots of stops for sure. And holy cow did Dex have big feet at only a year old! We just moved up to 4.5!

Nothing new here. I called the surgery scheduler yesterday and left a message to see about getting a date for the RCS. It's raining cats and dogs out today! Going to try to tackle cleaning out the closet of the nursery this weekend since I think it's supposed to rain alot again. And maybe get to some stores to look at some decorations for the room as well. We are going forward with the shabby chic/vintage look! ;)
I've just googled us vs. UK sizes and Dex's feet were huge! Finlay is just going into a US 7 at 26mths!

I've attached a rather rubbish bump pic, but I'll try to get some from holiday up when I'm on the pc. I'm all out in front. I'm brushing into things and opening the door on myself ALL the time :)

Snow I'm nowhere near organised. We haven't picked the furniture for Fs room, or done any painting and I haven't bought a single thing for this baby. I'm 29wks! With Finlay I only had 10wks left at this stage. Oh is also away or we have plans every weekend in August, so nothing is likely to get done this month either!! We do have a new favourite boys name though: Rafferty. It's another Celtic name and I love the nn Raffie and you can use Rafa or Rafe for a grown up. It means 'one who prospers' which is a pretty cool meaning :) For girls I'm toying with Lucia, but I worry that it'll be shortened to Lucy which puts me off. The search is still very much on! :)


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Welcome back nic! Bump looks great. Rafferty is a great names. A friends little boy is rafferty and that is the first time I had heard that name but I really like it.

Hands - that sounds very frustrating about the move, sorry to hear that. I was looking forward ti having you In germany! I guess the only thing you can do is be super organised to get everything planned out in so much detail it makes the journey a lot easier.

Snow - loving your fb announcement! Our plan for this cycle is to fully dose up on all vits, back on the vitex and this time not going to stop at ov. Bd a bit more relaxed until get positive opk then nail it for a couple of days. Last month oh got a bit too tired!! I expect to ov in the next few days
Awe! You look great Nic! Loving the bump! I need to do a good stand up pic to share. I can't currently take any pics with my phone because I have no storage room left. I need to put all the pic on the laptop and delete them all. Maybe I can steal hubby's phone tonight. How are you sleeping? Starting last week my insomnia has kicked into high gear. With Kellan it started around 20ish weeks so I made a good bit further this time. I only got 5 hours sleep on Saturday night. It was horrible. I like Rafferty. It think it is a very cute and it seems very European/British to me - I don't know what type of word to use - just that it's a name Americans wouldn't use but is super cute. Like the name Jasper - I like it alot but it for some reason I just get a British vibe with it.

Bex - I think you got PG with Elliot with the vitex right? I hope it works again for you! Good call on relax Bex. I honestly think that helped me is that I just really didn't care this time. We were just like if it happens it happens. And to my VERY much surprise.... Hooray for OV week!!!

Hands - We were by Great Wolf Lodge again this weekend. Thought of you!

We did the name game this weekend too. I don't remember if I brought up the name Kennedy to you guys. But we liked it a few weeks back but I looked up the meaning and it was horrible so we kinda nixed it - like ugly deformed helmeted head. Very odd. But we brought it back up this weekend so it has made a reappearance and onto the list despite the weird meaning. Phoebe is still in the running. I am just not sure if it goes with Kellan - I like to be cheesy and having kinda matchy match names. And it's not an Irish name even though hubby isn't like "off the boat" Irish or anything but I don't know. I love our meaning behind the name Phoebe though. I guess we will have a name one day. As of right now we aren't committing to anything.
Snow , I think I've said it before but my absolute favourite irish girls name is Aoife (eeefa) Others I like are niamh (neve) , caitlin and roisin (rosheen)
Love the bump pics!!! So cute. You guys totally have style.

Bex - I really hope this month is it for you girl... but the long wait makes the BFP all that more special.

As far as names go... I'm sure you all will figure it out ... some day.. hahaha October is coming up quickly girls!

As Far as Dex goes.... I think I'm going to start potty training this week. See how it goes. If Dex isn't potty trained by Nov 1st. Then I will wait 6months. I can't see potty training right before a move, during a move, or during the 3.5 month stay in a hotel, just to be moved again.

2.5 is such a great time to start, but for us, we will have to work around it. When at home, I can keep dexter dry all day long (outside of naps) by just taking him to the potty every 45 minutes... but I can't get the kid to poop in the potty! Arg!
I think pooping in the potty is a real common problem. Finlay almost only has poop accidents. I think he wet himself maybe 3 times the whole holiday and at least once was because we weren't quick enough to get him to a potty. He has been dry at nursery for several weeks but most days there is a poop accident. He just doesn't like doing it. Our friends son who is 2mths older has been dry since march, but took 3mths from that point to poop in the potty. Boys in particular seem to not get the hang of that part.

Bex - good luck for this month. I think the mid-August tester thread is due a mid-August BFP. :)

Snow - I know what you mean. Rafferty is definitely a British eccentric kind of name. The sort of name a private school boy should have :) Irish girls names are hard - mostly because they have tricky spellings and pronounciations. A friend named her daughter Saoirse which is pronounced Sear-sha. I also worked with a Dearbhail pronounced Derval. There is no way that people would get those pronounciations from the spelling alone. The Irish girls in my family have horrible names, but my sister's mn is Francesca. That could work for you - nn Frankie / Fran / Cesca. I do like Ciera a lot. Neve (spelt that way) is cute and I like Cara. How about Teagan or Sorcha?

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