Mid-August Testers

Bex - Def like Aoife - Hubby would so not be having it and I know Americans would just straight up butcher the name! My sisters friend just named her little girl Maebh - I would personally worry that she will forever have to be spelling and pronouncing her name here.

Good luck Hands! Go Dex! You can do it - you can go poopy in the potty! ;)

Nic - Teagan is on my personal top list - it has for months and months. Hubby says no way! I don't think I have a leg to stand on with it but I love it! I keep trying - I really do. He did bring up Cara this weekend. We put it on the list. I brought up Francesca at one point and hubby said he would call her Fanny. I had to nix it based on that as she will be teased her entire life in Elementary school for a name like Fanny.

So we tried to wean Kellan from the paci last night. It didn't go so well. I think we need to try over a weekend instead. I know we waited too long. He only uses it for bedtime and it says in the crib but still. We would like for him to be paci free by the time new baby arrives.
Snow - Finlay still has one. He was getting good with it but the last two molars have really troubled him. I was planning on phasing them out and not buying any new ones when these ones start to fall apart. When we stopped letting him have them he started sucking his fingers which we figure is worse.

I think you like 'surname' names - Irish family names. How about Tiernan? It's more commonly for boys but is unisex. Tierney is another variation. Both mean descended from a lord
Oh and how about Orla? My neighbours daughter is called this and means golden princess.
That's the thing. We think he is sick or getting sick or is getting teeth in. He's had low grade fevers for a few weeks. Yes weeks. Like 3 weeks. I took him in last week thinking he had another ear infection for the millionth time but I was wrong. So I feel bad taking the paci away when he's not feeling good and needs the comfort even more than usual but with him being in daycare - he's sick all. the. time. So no time is a good time it seems. We're not sure what is going on with him. Going to see what his temp is tonight and how he sleeps before we decide on taking him to the Dr. or not. Last night he fussed for about 10 min but went down good without paci then woke up 2.5 hrs later pissed off so we gave in and gave it to him. He was still up every hour last night moaning and fussing. He was able to put himself back to sleep most of the time except for 3 times. So we went in and rocked him. It sucks not having be able to tell us what is wrong. :( We're just not sure why he's being so fussy lately and why all the low grade fevers.
I love Teagan and Morgan for a girl. Teagan could be called TT or Tia. Morgan is on my top 3 list for girl names but hubby didn't like it and we didn't end up needing a girl name.

Totally try for Teagan again Snow! Hubby and I compromised with Dexter's name... he picked the first, and I picked the middle. Fight for it girl! hahahaha

Pooping in the toilet sucks... my baby can do it, I just know he can. He farts in the toilet all the time, but he wont go poopy. He'll hold it and poop later.

Maybe it won't work out afterall. People say potty training shouldn't take more than 2 weeks. If it does, the child isn't ready.

We plan on going camping at the Grand Canyon this September. I'm so excited!
Oh wow I LOVE Orla! Great suggestion Nic!

Snow - elliot still has his dummy. I thought we would have made him give it up by now but im much more relaxed about it than I thought I would be. Like kellan and finlay though he only has it in bed for sleeping and I can live with that, he gets such comfort from it.

Hands - I think you're doing very well with the potty training. And if you do decide to stop if dex isn't ready thats fine too. He's still young. VERY jealous of your trip to the grand canyon. Thats definitely on my list of places to go one day!
Well I got my letter in the mail yesterday giving me my C-Section date/time/Dr. I was a bit upset as I left a message on Thursday with her asking which Dr.'s were working which days and she just took it upon herself to schedule me for whatever. I never even got a call back. I find it very inconsiderate and rude. But oh well. I guess it is what it is. I like the Dr. I got - just was hoping for a later date. I will have baby girl on October 8th. I have to be at hospital at 5am to have her at 7:45am. 30 weeks today.

I'm jealous too of the Grand Canyon trip Hands!! What a typical boy - farting!!

Like Orla Nic! Since our last name starts with the vowel "O" we are not doing any names that start with another vowel (aeiou). ;)

You guys make me feel better knowing that your babies still have paci's too. We gave it to him last night. He was up 2x - not bad. I was talking with hubby and we think that we might not try to wean til after our trip home to NY at the end of the month. We are flying and it might be nice to use it if we need to on the plane.
Wow.. it just seems so final knowing you have a date... but congrats snow!!!!! Can't wait to see her. Kellan will be beside himself... and Demi will have a sister!!!!

I can't say much about the paci since Dex never wanted one... however I will say he still drinks from a sippy cup. He does alright with a regular cup.... but we still mainly have him drink from sippies. Oh wells. Around here, you are suppose to wean kids off at 18mo ... but he'll be like 5 before he gives it up completely lol

I believe we have decided that we will give potty training a week or two. If Dexter doesn't start telling us when he needs to pee and poop by the end of the two weeks, then we will stop. Our son has to be able to tell us when he needs to go for it to be a success, but he isn't yet. His language isn't a strong suit (tho he knows the potty words).. so I will give it some time to sink in. If it doesn't then I will probably hold out and try again in Oct. If Oct doesn't work out... then we will probably wait till we are settled into a new place (which most likely won't happen till May).
Finlay's ears were bad on the plane to Spain and for a few afterwards. We let him have a dummy on the way back and no problems, so I do think the sucking helps. The 8th October sounds so early Snow. Sorry to hear it wasn't what you wanted but then Finlay arrived at 39wks exactly and he was big and healthy at that point.

Forgot to tell you that I had another mw appointment. Good news - baby is head down. It's not engaged or anything but it had been stubbornly breech from every point they checked from 12wks on. It is still back to back though but we still have time for it to move. My blood pressure is doing great but my legs are a mess! I have taken a few days to work from home and I've been referred to occupational health. OH is convinced I might get to work from home more, but I'm not so sure I'll be that lucky. Next appointment is on the 18th. I am definitely having more appointments this time round.
I hope the baby turns nic! Back labor isn't fun... Dex was sunny side up and it was a lot more pain than I expected. The doctors here didn't realize it though.... I wonder why. It really surprised the doctor that he was sunny side. She told my mil to stop putting shampoo on Dex's head, once she realized he was face up.

BTW the nurse who had done deliveries for over 27 years forewarned me. She said sunny side babies are the extroverts. They have high energy. And boy was she right!
Yep Finlay was back to back and it did hurt. It would be nice to have a break between contractions this time! He spent most of my pregnancy being on his side and corkscrewed down into a back to back position as labour progressed. It was part of the reason he got stuck. F is definitely an outgoing boy. A bit of a performer really! This one likes to tell you its here. It's a kicker. So I'm guessing it'll be a stubborn baby or a bit feisty. :)

Forgot to say congrats snow on now having single digit weeks left. Less than 9 until Birdie is here. (By the way the names Wren or Jay would make perfect bird middle names. Jay is my SIL's mn.):happydance:
Kellan was back to back too - they said that was why when I was having pain it was all in my back. Hooray for baby being head down Nic. She was head down and facing my left side at 20 weeks but then at 28 weeks she was breech. It doesn't really matter since I am RCS but I think she is still breech as I don't feel anything high up its all in my mid to low belly. I don't know. I might be wrong.

Phoebe is our Birdie name after the Eastern Phoebe bird.That is why I like it so much ;) I can't believe that it's only 9 weeks! So scary! It does seem early - I will be 39 weeks. Hope she's ready! I am so sorry to hear about your legs Nic and that they are still giving you trouble.

Getting close to OV time Bex. Whoop whoop!

Hands - I think giving a time frame is a great idea with Dex and the potty.

Kellan had a horrendous night last night. I think I got maybe 4 hours of sleep if I am lucky. It was horrible. He just wailed and screamed all night even with Advil and Tylenol. So I took him to the Dr. today. Teeth. He's teething. Dr. said his gums were definitely swollen on the top and bottom so maybe he's getting a few at once. Praying for a better night tonight.
I am sooooooo sick of waiting to ov!!!!! I don't know why I haven't ov'd already :( fully thought I would at least have had a positive opk by now. I'm on CD17 for goodness sake!

Found out today that my friend had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. Scan revealed no heartbeat. Rubbish news. She's in hospital now having the op. So upsetting.
Yay for a squiffy cycle Bex! (Silver lining? :) ) Hope its not too much longer for you. Also sorry to hear of your friend. Hope she is okay after today.

Snow this one has been breech at every check up now so it was nice to hear its turned. I was starting to worry. Finlay engaged at 31wks so would really like this one to move soon in case it does the same.
I see your + Bex!! Get it girl!! Sorry to hear about your friend. Hope she is healing emotionally and physically ok.
Yes snow finally!!!!!!

It wasn't 100% positive but pretty damn close so I'm counting it! Got to try and get some more spermies out of OH tonight which will be 3 on the bounce so hardcore for us :haha:

Friend is doing well thanks ladies. Physically she is ok, so its just the emotional bit to go which will just take time as we well know.
:dust: Bex!! Here's hoping for that mid-August BFP. :)

Hope everyone had a great weekend. The weather was miserable here so OH and I hit the shops and managed to get a whole heap of things for the hospital bag and some nappies etc. to get us started. We also bought one of Finlay's Christmas presents -eek! We bought him a toddler digital camera which was half price in the sale - just £22.50!! It'll probably be his main present as we're thinking of buying him and the baby a joint present for the garden - partly to get away with not getting lots for the baby, and something to encourage sharing. Sharing is definitely an area for development :) We've also managed to get a few more house jobs done this week. Our fireplace was installed and we have builders coming in a few weeks to do some repairs to the brickwork and our fences. OH and I still have a list as long as your arm to do though! :)
Girls I'm on a roll. By lunchtime today I ordered Finlay's new furniture and carpet!! Next painting! :)
You go Nic! Sounds like an eventful weekend despite crummy weather! Can I ask again how much weight you've gained so far? I'm nervous as I'm not gaining and am afraid baby girl isn't growing. The other day I was up 15.5 pds which is lower than with Kellan. When I look at the charts and I barely making it. I am slipping off it completely. I go to Dr. for my appt so I am going to bring it up then too.

Bex - I see your crosshairs!!

Hands - How's the potty going?

AFM, I am at my wits end. I need to vent for a minute or 2. Sorry. Feel free to skip! Bird is still not sleeping. I am not sure what to think. Could he really be teething these teeth (the ones next to his front teeth) for this long and in this much pain? From what I've read. Prolly not. We are giving Advil for the supposed pain but he's still waking multiples time and I mean multiple times. He was up 8x before we even went to bed and then another 4x in the middle of the night yesterday. It is becoming unbearable at this point. I have pregnancy insomnia so I haven't been sleeping well to begin with. Then if the baby isn't crying then Tim is snoring. I am getting no sleep. I'm so cranky and tired. My only conclusion is that he is going through separation anxiety which he def has. He gets upset everyday at drop off at school and when Tim leaves to go somewhere he walks room to room looking for him (he is much more attached to Tim than I - I don't want to get into that because it just breaks my heart) so I know we are dealing with it on one level - now I think it is effecting his sleep. We go home at the end of the month and me and my sisters will all be staying at my parents house and I am so worried he's gonna keep the whole house up.
I am so lost and exhausted. I feel like a big ball of anxiety over new baby coming and her health, bird's sleep, health and his lack of talking, work stuff and just everything in general. And my car just failed inspection on my lunch. Thanks girls I just need a shoulder to cry on.
Just got word that Tim is going to Florida. He leaves tomorrow and will be back on Thursday. :(

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