Aw snow, massive hugs to you!!! Dont worry about the vent. 3 years we've been going here girlie so if we cant rant here where can we hey. Goodness knows ive done my fair share on here.
From reading your post I think there is a fair amount of sleep deprivation and pregnancy hormones talking which is making you stress. Is it worth taking K to the docs again to get him checked over see if it is anything else.
How many naps does he have snow? If he is still on 2 it might be time to transition to one, might help his quality of sleep. Is advil paracetamol. ..? Sorry, not sure of the US brands. If that doesn't seem to be doing anything maybe try ibupofen?
From reading your post I think there is a fair amount of sleep deprivation and pregnancy hormones talking which is making you stress. Is it worth taking K to the docs again to get him checked over see if it is anything else.
How many naps does he have snow? If he is still on 2 it might be time to transition to one, might help his quality of sleep. Is advil paracetamol. ..? Sorry, not sure of the US brands. If that doesn't seem to be doing anything maybe try ibupofen?