Mid-August Testers

Aw snow, massive hugs to you!!! Dont worry about the vent. 3 years we've been going here girlie so if we cant rant here where can we hey. Goodness knows ive done my fair share on here.

From reading your post I think there is a fair amount of sleep deprivation and pregnancy hormones talking which is making you stress. Is it worth taking K to the docs again to get him checked over see if it is anything else.

How many naps does he have snow? If he is still on 2 it might be time to transition to one, might help his quality of sleep. Is advil paracetamol. ..? Sorry, not sure of the US brands. If that doesn't seem to be doing anything maybe try ibupofen?
Ah jjust looked it up and advil is ibuprofen so ignore the last comment xx
Snow - Good news... You won't be hearing Tim snore for a few days ;)

I'm not sure what is causing Kellan to stay up either... but here are a few thoughts:

1. Does he have allergies? Perhaps a stuffy nose is keeping him up.

2. Is he having nightmares? They start at that age.

3. Is he either too hot or too cold? Is he starting to get afraid of the dark or can't sleep because of the light? Does he need music or does it keep him awake?

4. Perhaps a sleep schedule adjustment such as skipping a nap or waking him up earlier or putting him down later will help. A bath at night, story time, or even going outside during the afternoon sun for 15 min will help kiddos sleep.

5. Is he learning a new set of skills? That can keep kids up and there is such a thing as 18mo sleep regression. It hit us hard but only for two weeks. Remember 4mo sleep regression? OUCH

6. As far as language development... I hear you LOUD and clear. Dexter has always been right on the edge of being developmentally delayed in his language and it has worried me specially with my auditory processing disorder and speech impediment. But hey he's a boy and is more into learning gross and fine motor than talking. We taught dexter sign language for please and thank you. If he wanted anything he signed please. If someone gave him anything he signed thank you. Now at 2... he is starting to speak in sentences and he always says please and thank you without needing prompt. It will come.

7. I totally understand you when it comes to separation anxiety and it only gets worse!!!! Every time I drop dex off at church he hangs onto my leg and it takes two people to pry him off. Kid's go through stages of where they want one parent over the other. It hurts, but its normal. One thing we have gotten dex though is a hugs to go doll. It is a doll where you can insert a picture of yourself or dad. Dex sometimes runs to get his after dad leaves for work. I tell him it's okay to miss daddy. Give him (the doll) a big hug. It seems to help.


Kellan and baby bird will both be okay... just take a deep breath and grab some chocolate.
Snow - massive hugs. If its any consolation Finlay did not sleep through every night until 18mths. It improved a lot at 16mths but it didn't calm down until all his baby teeth bar the 2nd year molars came through. My godson was 22mths. I hope it's not that long for you, but really almost nothing improved it for us. It just got better on his own - which as advice goes is pretty rubbish! Finlay was pretty sensitive to the cold and always needs a cover except when its humid. We tend to dress him in less layers and increase the sheets as he likes to be snuggled. Is Kellan on a pillow yet or does he have soft toys. The cosier we made the bed, the better Finlay slept.

I would suggest asking your dr for an ENT referral. For someone so little, he really suffers with his ears. Finlay did get earache with his Dracula teeth. Does Kellan have his yet? I think they were by far the worst for him teething wise. Even so earache isn't to be ignored and hearing problems can delay speech development.

I am right with you on the insomnia though. Most nights I wake 3-4 times and I have crazy dreams. The baby's movements really disturb me too and I get uncomfortable. I have put loads on recently. I last weighed myself at 28wks and I was up 16lbs. I reckon I'm 18lbs up now. With Finlay I only gained 23lbs. I was always below the recommended weight gain and he is strong as an ox. Baby birdie is fine. I'm sure. xx
Thanks so much girls! I really appreciate all the kind encouraging words. I really needed to hear it all. And thanks so much for all the helpful ideas!!

Bex - When Kellan moved to this new class they only do 1 nap a day and he generally sleeps for a full 2 hours. I totally agree with this being alot of hormones wrecking havoc on me! Love seeing your crosshairs!

Hands - No allergies for him. I have thought about nightmares. We have his 2 night lights on and sleep sheep that is sound activated so when he cries it automatically turns on. This is a nice feature however you do have to slam his closet doors shut and when you do sleep sheep starts making heartbeat noises!! haha! I really think he is going through new developments - I follow The Wonder Weeks book and he is in a leap right now - it says we have 2 weeks til the end of this one. He has 1 word - Dog and I remember his Ped saying he should have minimum of 3 at 15 months - which he turns in 2 weeks. That is an awesome idea about the doll - Tim was just saying we need to pick out one of his stuffies to become a lovey to snuggle with. Totally need to make some brownies!!

Nic - He sleeps with an Aden & Anais muslin swaddle over his short sleeve and long pants PJ's. We do not use a pillow. I completely agree with his ears. I feel so bad for him. We are on the upside of ears right now but the very next one I have told Tim that I am demanding a ENT referral. He really does not need to be suffering like this - I too worry that it is effecting his speech. He doesn't have Dracula teeth yet and I hear those are super hard teeth to teethe too. The insomnia is kicking my butt! Sorry to hear that its bothering you too - but you are doing great on weight gain!

So we had an amazing night *knocking on wood*. He slept through the night!! He didn't make a peep all night - no tossing and turning either. We all slept like rocks - except me til 2:30am hit and I was wide awake and moved to the couch. I took a peek in his mouth yesterday when I got home from work and guess what! His top 2 molars came through - and I have read those are very ouchy!! So he's got 4 new teeth during these hellish 2 weeks. He had a fever of 101.8 before bedtime last night so not sure what that is about - maybe he's getting sick or its related to his teeth. I don't think we are out of the SA woods but we are going to work on it for sure still if he does wake up.

Now for my appt. It wasn't the best appt. My fundal height is measuring behind by 2 weeks. I am supposed to be 31 weeks tomorrow so I should be 31cm. I was only 29cm. Since my appts are every 2 weeks now - my last measurement was 28cm 2 weeks ago at 29 weeks pregnant so I grew only 1cm since then. Dr. says that if I fall behind any more then we will discuss another ultrasound to check her growth. Sooo hoping baby bird is doing ok in there. :(

Tim is gone til Friday AM now. FX for good nights continue with Kellan. My car needs some work for sure - went for a 2nd opinion last night. Going to have to sink a some money into it but it's been paid off for a few years now.

Anyways, thanks for listening girls. xoxo
Gosh they really worry you so much there. Here you are allowed to be 2-3cm out either way and they don't worry unless you're growth stalls. I was measuring 28 at 29wks and the mw was happy. I've also weighed myself and I've put on 16.5lbs. According to those tracker things I weigh less than I should too at this stage. Im sure My tummy spurt means ive made up that cm and perhaps measuring a littlr bigger. I'm really not concerned and neither should you! In the US you have much more of a culture where people complain about service and suing for malpractice that I think your drs are over cautious. The logic in me also says that if your baby is naturally smaller, then you too will measure smaller. Nothing is wrong as long as birdie continues growing. There's no prizes for being the biggest baby! As I said before I gained 23.lbs and F was 8lbs at 39wks. Your weight gain doesn't mean baby will be small. Also fundal measurements rely on baby being in a good place. The way they lie can hugely affect how big you measure. If you do end up with another scan then you have another chance to see baby - so all is good! :)
Well Dexter is teething his 2 year old molars. Last two days he has been waking up several times in the night crying out, only sleeping an hour before waking up in a screaming fit, and his eyes almost constanstly have tears running down his cheeks and Crystal clear snot coming out of his nose.

I thought maybe he was getting a cold, or strep... but I got up enough courage to stick my finger in my toddler's mouth last night, and he has a molar breaking through on one side of the top and on the other side of the top the gums are bulging and sore (he said owie when I touched it).

Poor little guy. But I'm glad that they finally decided to show up. No more teeth issues till 6!!! hahahahaha.
Hands - Dex is so gown up getting his big back teeth! Poor little chap it does hurt them.

Snow - Did kellan have another goodnight, I really hope he is doing good for you while OH is away. Completely agree with what Nic said though, I really don't think you need to worry too much about fundal height variations. I always found it quite a strange measurement and not particularly scientific as it depends on starting and finishing in exactly the same place which could easily change by half a cm or so at either end.

My temps have not bee great again, hoping this little dip might be early implantation.....wishful thinking hey! AF due next Wednesday so a week to go!

Top 10 baby names in England & Wales have been released....inspiration for you Nic and Snow, particularly you Snow if you wanted to embrace your inner Brit!

I actually like all 10 names on both lists which is nice :flower:
Nice raise today Bex!! I love Poppy! I will ask hubby but I am sure he will not be down with it. He did say the other day that Teagan was growing on him. I see George made the boy list - I saw Prince George recently on the front cover of one of our magazines turning one. He is so cute! Kellan has been sleeping again - hooray!

Poor Dex and poor you! Hope he molars pop through fast! Those 2 weeks were horrible!

Thanks Nic. Just going to wait and see how I measure at next appt.

My maternity photos are tomorrow AM! So excited! ;)

Happy Mid-August day! It's 8/15! xoxo
Aww happy mid-august day :)

Elliot was going to be Poppy if he was a girl!
I love Poppy for you Snow! Poppy is actually Finlay's best friend at nursery and we know a few others too. Isabella was always 'our girls name' before we were married and now we know tons of them. Ava is one of my favourites but more for a middle name. Girls names are hard.

As much as I would love a little girl, I'm starting to feel like this is more a boy and I think that's why the girls name pick is so hard. A few weeks ago I felt very confident it was a girl but I'm starting to doubt myself. Anyone have any suggestions in case my first instinct turns out to be right?
Tim dislikes Poppy. :( In his defense, we do call my father Poppy. So it does make sense why he doesn't like it.

I just knew right from the beginning that Kellan was a boy and just knew that this baby was a girl. And i was right. I totally think that natural instincts are spot on a lot of times.
Bex - wow for today's temp!

Midwife appointment today (again) ladies. I have a stinking cold and zero energy. Need to motivate my backside out of bed and downstairs otherwise F will be super late for nursery. Will check in later xx
Thanks nic....accompanied by a BFN unfortunately (couldn't resist) but still early I suppose. If nothing else my luteal phase looks a lot better this cycle even if AF arrives.

I say put enough clothes on to be acceptable at nursery drop off then back home to bed!
Ack! I love the raise Bex! Maybe yesterdays little dip was implantation! You are a mid-august tester again 3 years later! How's that for luck??

Hands - Check out this Walking Dead trailer! It's gonna be soooo good this season!!

Hope you feel better Nic - colds suck and even more so when we are pregnant because we can't take anything. Let us know how the appt goes!

I got a "sneak peek" at my maternity photos and I like them for the most part so far. We did them at 9:30am in hopes of beating the heat but the heat won. By the end of the shoot my hair had fallen flat and all my curls came undone. Such is the life of humidity and stick straight hair. I'll post a few pics here in a minute if they aren't too big!
Snow -- Bring it on!!! whooo hooo... Can't wait. Last season was soooo slow. I'm ready for the action again. Andrew Lincoln all the way!!!
It sounds mad to me that you're talking about the man who played Egg in This Life! :)

Appointment went okay. Baby is still back to back but I'm measuring spot on. My iron levels weren't amazing though - 11.5. 11.4 and under needs investigation and possibly tablets so I've just scraped in but she's given me some tips to boost my levels. Basically I'm not eating enough so I need to eat much smaller meals and snack regularly. I find it hard though as I just don't want to eat at night. I also had to see the GP while I was there. The cold has gone to my chest so I have antibiotics. I'm also starting to get a bit fed up of feeling pregnant. I'd like my veins and joints to go back to normal please!
awww nic ... I miss being pregnant. Enjoy it! Do you think this will be the last one for you? Originally you were thinking 3 right?

Well girls, it is official. We will be stationed in Georgia.... just not quite for how long just yet. 6mo-6yrs. Hubby has to leave here in December to go to class. The part of the orders that haven't came through yet is what happens to his dependents, but best guess is that we all will be leaving Arizona around December 18th.
How are feeling about things Hands? I don't think it really comes too much of a surprise to you - it seemed you already kinda knew that that was where you were going and the time frame of when you would have to be there.

I did a quick youtube video of him Nic as Egg. He was so young!!! He was trying to be a telemarketer in the clip I watched. It was funny. His voice seems so different too with his British accent instead of his southern American accent - which he pulls off quite well.

You would have been considered low here Nic. I looked at my chart and it says 12.0 to 15.0 is normal. I was only 12.6 - so not great but not as low as you. I know to eat alot of red meat and cereal. I doubt it would hurt to take extra Iron. Just make you constipated. Are you tired alot - I know I was worried was low because I am so tired all the time. I too find it hard to eat alot - I get uncomfortable so fast. I eat alot of little meals through out the day.

Sorry about the drop today Bex. Hugs girl.

Good news for me - I gained a massive amount of weight this week when I weighed myself yesterday! Baby must have had a growth spurt. But also, I stuffed my face full of food and drank tons of water so that may have helped as well. We'll see how I measure up on Tuesday.

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