Mid-August Testers

I don't really want to go to Georiga...in fact I told hubby before we got the assignment that I would rather go to Korea than Georgia... and I don't want to go there either... but I guess this is what God has in store for me... so i'll take a few pouty days and then move on with a good attitude. New people to meet. Hopefully we can get out of there sooner rather than later... but who knows I might fall in love with that area too. I'm going to miss Arizona. I love the life here.

Yay for weight gain snow! I'm sure baby Babs will be just fine.
My levels of iron are a bit different Snow. I'm an alpha thalassemia carrier - which means I'm not recommended to take iron unless I'm truly deficient. In my old area my folate (or ferritin - can't remember which) level was tested at 28wks too, but here its for readings 11.4 and under only and without those numbers they can't work out if I'm actually anemic or not. My average levels would always have me as 'borderline anemic' but with Finlay I'm sure I was above 12. I don't feel especially tired - considering I work full time and I'm up so early but I'm definitely going to try to eat better. I need good levels for the birthing suite!

Hands I'm not certain I'm done but the practical side of me says no more. I'm enjoying being pregnant more this time, but I'm getting more pregnancy ailments than I ever did and the vein problems would in all likeliness be worst with each pregnancy I go on to have and I'm not getting younger :D OH is keen on a third but then he doesn't do most the hard work!!

Sorry to hear you're not happy about the move. Fingers crossed it will lead you onto a better place for all of you.
Hands - You just may like GA after all. Theres lots to do around here in the SE. I think you said Augusta? I've been to Atlanta alot but not Augusta. If you are close to Atlanta, you should def do the Aquarium (its amazing!), the world of Coca-Cola and Legoland. We've done the zoo in Columbia, SC - It is decent. Asheville would be a bit further - weve been there a million times - it is beautiful and you can do the Biltmore and lots of hiking in the mountains. Plus, you will be close to all the beaches (NC, SC, GA, FL!) we have here in our area. Am I selling the SE to you yet??!! ;)

I see your smallish raise today Bex and the -. :( Hope you are keeping your head up.

Ohh got ya Nic on the Iron thing. I looked up Thalassemia - I know they asked if I had it with both pregnancies but didn't know what it was. We're not sure about a 3rd either. I need to make a decision by Oct 8th with the c-section on whether to have my tubes tied or not. Financially and given my age (34) and whether we will struggle to conceive another plus the stress of this pregnancy I know I *should* stop at 2. However, we still have a few friends that haven't had their first yet. I am so worried that when they have them - I will instantly want a 3rd and instantly regret my decision. I am so leaning towards just the 2 but its such a final and drastic decision with getting the tubes tied.
Well AF finally arrived. I knew after I got my BFN this morning it would be on its way so glad it came quick. This is the best ive felt about a BFN in a while and thats because I got to 13dpo! Woop! One more cycle then time to see the GP .....

Hands...im sorry you didnt get where you wanted . At least now you know for definite and you can start to plan.

I still definitely want 3 (at least!) OH wants twins next time!!!
Haha snow... good try... but your sense of "close" and mine are different. If I can't get somewhere within 45 minutes... then it's considered a once a year trip. I hate driving with a passion and grew up in a town where everything was within 5 minutes. Driving 3 to 8 hours to a beach is not something I consider "in my area". It's a vacation trip that will happen once. It's not something I can just go out and do on the weekends. So everything in Atlanta and Columbia is out.

We do plan on going to the aquarium and science museum while in Atlanta on the way there... and I wouldn't mind taking Dex to the Columbia Zoo... but Columbia is an hour away and Atlanta is 2hr30min away... so those won't be weekend trips that we can take every weekend. *sighs* Maybe Dex will handle car rides better when he's older. I already told hubby that he gets Dex while driving crossed country because I can't take it (we have to drive both of our cars... army doesn't move them).

Don't get me wrong, I love to travel... but traveling is considered a vacation... not something I have to do on a weekend to get somewhere. That's called commuting and I don't commute.
Oh wow Hands. I suppose I'm just so used to living out in the middle of nowhere land. I grew up in a small rural town (the opposite of you!) and to get anywhere took 45 minutes on a good day when we didn't have a blizzard going on as well. The area I grew up in is always in the top 5 cities in the US for the most snow fall every single year (We would get 100+inches of snow every winter). So there were days where it would take me 1.5hrs one way to get to my college/work/anywhere.

And now the area I live in just has really bad traffic!! I've been having car problems so we had to drive my car just across town (18 miles) and it took 1.5+ hours to go there and back home.

You are awesome Bex. You have a great outlook so much better than I did. I so wanted twins too!
its okay snow. I actually grew up in a really cool small town that had a lot of amenities. Can't quite find another city like it. Bowling, Skating Rink, Miniature Golf, Arcade, Movie theater, swimming pools, ymca, parks, grocery stores, outlet malls were all within 5 minutes

a zoo, discovery center, mall, ice skating rink, go karting, camping (fishing, water skiing, boating), a small water park, and an airport were all within 20 minutes in the next town over.

Big name Concerts, science museums, and etc were 45 min away

Aquariums and amusement parks were 2hrs away and weren't visited much due to the distance.

It's just hard for me to get used to large cities that still don't have quite as much as I had within 20 minutes of where I lived. My town had 19,000 and not a suburb of a larger city. It baffles me and it is something I'm still having an extremely hard time adjusting to.

I'm honestly trying to get chipper about going to Georgia though. Not quite there yet.
Hi all. Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Fairly quiet one here, but progress has finally been made with Finlay's new room. The walls are now blue and woodwork has a base coat. Still a ton to do though and the weekends are flying by! Just 3 weeks left of work too. When will you finish snow? Xx
Good weekend here. How are you feeling Nic? Great progress made so far. I feel we have alot to do still too. I made a list to try to help with my overwhelming anxiety these past few days. After this weekend only like 5 more til my RCS. It's coming so fast! As of right now, my last day of work will be Oct 3. Wish I could get out sooner!

We fly to NY this weekend for my dad's retirement party. I am excited to see everyone and to be with my 2 sisters. It's not often we are all home at the same time!

Had my appt today. I am getting an ultrasound on 9/11- didn't even push for it. I did grow however not great and Dr. was like well since we can do one - why not? I was so floored - so I am excited to get another ultrasound and hope that all is well. It will help with some of the anxiety I have been having.

Kellan had his appt today as well, my appt was at the same time so hubby took him. Poor thing got 2 shots. He is now 23pds!! My little baby has put a good amount of weight. So happy for him. However, bad news. He has another mild ear infection in both ears. We are treating it with antibiotics as we are flying on Friday and don't want a screaming baby in the plane. He woke up yesterday sick again with a cold and cough. We also got a referral for an ENT Dr. about talking about tubes and to test his hearing. We also got a referral for a speech Dr. as the Dr. said he was "mildly delayed" - talk about a knife in the heart to hear those words about your child. They said it is because he isn't really talking. He says dog and Mama/Dada and babbles alot. However, no real words or new words in months. I am worried as usual but Dr. says not to - he wasn't going to do the referral but hubby pushed for one. Dr. said it could be due to all the ear infections/fluid in the ears so he hears things muffled etc. I don't know what to think about that. And Kellan also has a referral for a Occupational therapist to check out his hands - Dr. didn't really recommend this one either but hubby pushed for it - He holds his hands in a closed position alot if they are not in use - He eats with both hands great, plays with both hands, can use a spoon, hold crayons/markers etc. But if he isn't doing a task then he has it kinda closed/in a claw position. He sleeps with them kinda closed too. So we would rather have them check it out and let us know if we should be worried or not and be pro-active. It's alot and I am very upset but it is what it is and we are getting him help if he needs it. Just hate this for him. I hope the Dr. is right and we have nothing to worry about with the speech and hands.

Anyways, that is what is going on here.
Well done to Mr Snow! It sounds like he remembered everything you're concerned about and pushed for the right referrals. I know its scary to hear them say things, but its much better to get things worked out before they can cause a proper problem. A speech delay doesn't mean that K is behind. Tons of children can't speak very many words at his age. Finlay is very vocal, but not clear at all and he is behind a lot of them in his nursery room for language, but his memory and problem solving skills are ahead of his age group. They balance out. Also if his ears are causing a problem then he's at an unfair disadvantage to other children his age for speech. His babbling is a great sign and shows you that he does want to communicate - so he is ready for language. Have they mentioned glue ear to you? Both my sister and oh had this and had an operation to help the problem, but both were when they were already at school. They both weren't good readers until much older because of their hearing difficulties and my OH still has mild hearing difficulties because the problem was left undetected for so long.

Great news about your scan. Are you any nearer to choosing a name?

Hands - hope you're more relaxed about the move now.

Bex - anything new with you? x
Snow- I contracted two inner ear infections soon after I was born and the doctors didn't seem to find till I was 10 months old. Everything I had heard my whole life was muffled. On top of that, I had an auditory processing disorder. I did have severe speech delays and to this day I'm not a very good reader... but I've learned coping mechanisms. Now days, no one is ever the wiser. I perform on stage (acting), and I graduated college with a 4.0.

Honestly, I hope Kellan will catch up within the next 6 months or so... but even if he doesn't... it won't stop him from taking over the world. In fact, the coping mechanisms will just teach him perseverance and creativity.
Nothing new to report here lovely ladies. Just plodding along like usual! although we may have decided to start potty training much earlier than I imagined as Elliot is showing an interest. If you leave him with his nappy and trousers off then the will run to the potty and do a wee in it which he thinks is brilliant! So maybe we should take the hint and make more of an effort with it! Think it will be gradual though, think i'm less ready for it than Elliot is!

Snow - poor kellan with another ear infection. Personally I think Kellan is still young and doesn't sound too behind to me. Elliot said a few words really early before one (ball, car, mama, dada) but then NOTHING new for months! Now we cant shut him up! ever since he turned 20 months he's been a proper little chatter box!

Oh in other news, OH has found out that he is going to Singapore with work for a week! And that just happens to coincide with the Singapore grand prix (jammy!) so he's going to stay an extra few days and go and see that! Looks like I'll be looking for entertainment while he's away.....I might go to London for a bit and see my sister if you fancy a visitor Nic???
How are we all doing?....started my bding here now. Hoping to ov by the end of the week......
Thanks for the kind words girls! I appreciate it!

Hooray for starting BDing Bex! FX for you this cycle! How is hubby enjoying Singapore? Did you make it to London?

Nic - Not any bit closer to a name. I told hubby just this AM that we will prolly already have her and then get a name down pat when in the hospital. It is that bad that we can't get a name down pat that is the One. What about you guys?

Trip home was good. Super busy but good. Enjoyed family time. Kellan did great on the plane. No crying just antsy.

Got a call from the Dr. office - they put in for the referrals and the specialists should be calling to make the appts soon. Of course, this weekend Kellan starts saying Ball, Banana and Uh oh -all in one weekend. Figures right?
Haha yeah that does sound typical...go kellan! Singapore trip is not till mid sept but its all up in the air now as the CEO of the company has thrown a bit of a strop about 2 people taking the trip so only one can go...and that's going to be neils boss probably. Bit annoying as he was really looking forward to it but good if he doesn't have to go away
Would be fab to see you Bex. Keep me posted! :) Singapore's a great place to go, so I hope your oh gets the opportunity to visit. Good luck on the bding!

Snow - it does sound about right, but definitely keep the appts. It sounds like he has way too many ear infections for someone so little. Apart from when he was teething (Finlay used to hold his ears) and on the plane I don't think Fs had any ear problems (touch wood) and I can't think of any that have needed medicine. It's worth investigating that alone. Boys also are generally slower and I think can be more lazy with language. F's best friend at nursery is 2mths older than him and he speaks so much more when he's with her. When she moved rooms he learnt no more words and appeared to go backwards. He needed her to keep his speech up. I also notice that he talks A LOT after a few days with my mum and sister. After our 2 week holiday where they were there for 10days, nursery couldn't believe how much he chatted. He is still not very clear and his thoughts are quite random which makes following him tricky. He also makes several very funny mistakes. This week he's asking for a carrot when he wants you to carry him!! Also still no names here. Nothing excites me and I don't want to pick a name randomly. For F we had a middle name and 3 first names for boys and only really one girls name but with a good 3-4 we liked enough to consider as back ups. I would love to get a top three for both.

One thing I forgot to tell you. My eldest first cousin became a grandad today. He's only 41!! To be fair its his stepson (his partner is a little older than him and she had him fairly young too) but its scary to consider!
Yay for + Bex! Get it girl!

Today is Kellan's ENT appt. So I will have an idea if they will recommend tubes in his ears and/or adenoids to be removed. And also about his hearing. Monday is the PT and Speech appt. I have my ultrasound on Thursday so we are having a busy week of Dr. appts.

Hubby got word that he may have to go to Michigan. So far we have heard if he has to go it would be def at least 2 weeks. We should know more this AM. I am not too happy about it at all. Very poor timing. It is def hard taking care of Kellan these days and doing so alone will be hard. I may ask my mom to fly down to help me.
Hey girls... sorry that I haven't been on much as of late. It's been very busy here. I do have a question for you all... because I do take your opinions to heart.

I bought my son a used furniture set off of craigslist *internet yard sale* I was so excited to get it. 13 pieces of versatile furniture including a wall unit shelving system that we have placed in his play room.

But here's the issue. The lady i bought the set from told me that the headboard was for a full and it's not. It's for a queen. I placed it in my son's 10ft wide room and it just takes up so much space (his next room will only be 10ft wide as well 10X14).

I want to cry. Plus it has a wood smell to it that bothers me but hubby says he could clear coat the smell in. We even have a neighbor who does wood work and he says it's just the wood (not mold or anything). I don't know what to do. I was hoping to restain it and make it dark wood like the rest of our furniture... but our neighbor says that because they used different types of wood (pine and maple) that we won't be able to restain it and make it look like one solid color. So now I'm stuck with a set that smells, is too big, and won't be the same color as the rest of the house.

I'm trying not to let it bother me, please tell me if you think a queen is too big or not for a toddler. We would just set the box springs and mattress on the ground for now.

I already told hubby the smell issue is a must. Either he seals it in or it's out the door.

The color issue bothers me, but is it really that big of a deal? I've looked online and the sad part is, I haven't found anything out there that I like any better than the next. *sighs* I just can't seem to find the right piece of furniture for my baby boy.
Hmmm Hands. I'm sorry. I would be upset as well. Would re-selling it be an option you would be willing to entertain? I know you said that nothing seems to be the right fit for him right now - but maybe by the time it sells - you would find something. It took a while for our washer/dryer to sell on craigslist. Maybe sell just some pieces - like the bedroom set? Since you are so displeased with it? Then you could use the money to get something you really want. I can't imagine fitting a queen in the room. Both babies rooms are 10x12 and I know a queen would fit with basically a night stand that would be about it. The wood smell would bother me greatly. I def agree to do the clear coat to rid the room of the smell, if you choose to not sell it.
My cousin put her son in a queen bed and he did great. I do not think it is too big. Her kids are 23 months apart so she moved him over younger than Dex is now. And used the crib for her daughter.

Bex - Nice raise! Are you happy with your BDing this cycle? (I could never ask someone IRL this - but I feel on here I can!!)

Nic - Your cousin is too much older than I!! Can't even imagine!!

I will update later with Kellan's appts. I got a ton of info. Some decent and some sucky news. Nothing great though. :(
Exactly Snow. Soo young to be a stepgrandfather! He could quite feasibly live to be old enough to have great-great grandchildren! The mind boggles! Please update us on Kellan's appointments. Sorry to hear all wasn't great, but I hope that at least you are pleased you pushed for referrals. :hugs:

Hands - F loves sleeping on a 'big bed', but given youre moving soon I think it might be worth trying to sell it on. The furniture could end up being far too big for his new room and it could take up a lot of space in your moving van. The small would bother me too. I'm funny about smells though. I'm constantly airing or using plug ins to get rid of smells no one else can smell! Even when I'm not pg I'm this bad. We are moving Finlay straight from his cot into a single bed and keeping the cot bed for the new baby. He will look short in it, but it just makes sense long term not to buy another smaller bed.

AFM - I had two appts today. My first with the mw and the second with my birthing hospital. I'm measuring small too Snow. Currently 32 instead of 34. They are happy with my fluid levels but if my measurements aren't catching up by next appt I will also get a growth scan. I'm also not eating enough which is why I'm feeling a bit of nausea. I am trying to make myself eat more and its soo tricky. I hate the stuffed feeling afterwards.

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