Oh man Nic. What a rough night you had. I'm sorry you were in so much pain but you prolly dilated a good bit so that will be less you will have to do later! Did you get a bunch done this weekend??!! Hope you were able to catch up on some sleep too.
Birdie did great with his tubes on Friday. He was such a brave little boy. He wasn't happy when he woke up from anesthesia but once we got home and he took a good nap, he woke up right as rain again!!
My ultrasound on Friday went well. Baby girl grew. Not by leaps and bounds but she did show growth. She is being measured (head, arms, legs etc) at around 34 weeks. Estimated weight is 5lb6oz. And my fluid was the same "low end of normal". I saw on my chart online that I officially have the diagnosis of IUGR. Made me sad. I have another Appt tomorrow and will let you guys know what the Dr says.
We got alot done this weekend. Lots of cleaning. Finished a good bit of nursery. Got the rest of the stuff we needed. Installed car seats. Put up PNP, swing and bouncer. Still have more to do. I really need to pack the hospital bag.
I am getting nervous about being away from Kellan. We have never spent a night away from him. I am sure he will do fine but I am nervous. My mom is flying down but she is not all up on his routine. And I hate to know what he will be thinking. He's been going through separation anxiety for weeks now. I am worried what this is going to do to him. I think Tim being gone didn't help either.