I haven't heard of it, but honestly we mainly buy the tv programs we want to watch versus paying for cable... so I'm not totally with the times.
We have four 500 CD/DVD Binders full of disks and are having to buy a new one for our growing collection. But considering each dvd season is about 4 discs... it isn't as much as it seems.
We basically have a TV SHOWS binder, PG13 and above movie binder, G and PG movie binder, and Kids animated cartoon movies and tv shows binder.
We let dexter explore the stuff that is the G movie and Animated binders while we keep the other two in our room. He even knows how to get the movies out and place them in the dvd player and hit play... which I didn't think he wout?ld catch on so quickly since we limit his TV time to no more than 2.5 total hours a day... but there is typically 2 or 3 days a week he doesn't watch any tv at all.
Is Elliot, Finlay, and Kellan in to TV yet? I do know with Dex he would watch it a lot more if I would let him... but I just won't let that happen.