Mid-August Testers

I am so sorry Bex. I have been in your shoes and understand. I know how bad it hurts and sucks. Have yourself a good glass of wine and talk with some of your girlfriends. We are here for you too!

Great pics Hands. Looks like a great time! And Bex is right-Dex looks just like you!!

Nic - Hooray for names. I like Sebastian the best! Hope you can get shopping this weekend.

AFM, appt day today. I am still only measuring 32 weeks so a full 1 month behind and I haven't gained weight in a while either. :( They ordered another ultrasound for Monday to check my fluid and her growth again. I am getting really scared. if anything, they would take her out earlier as she would be better off on the outside rather than the inside. I guess we will see what they say on Monday. I am just happy that they are watching her making sure all is OK. I feel like I am being well taken care of and if something is to happen then they will certainly catch it. But I don't really know how to feel. I am scared but want to remain positive at the same time.

On a better note, Tim is about 99.99% sure he will be coming home on Saturday. Good because we have a very busy next week and I really need him here.
Yay snow! He's coming home early! I can't believe your little girl is almost here!

I have to agree.. I like Sebastian the best.

Nic - if you guys pick Sebastian, would you nickname him Seth?
No Hands we'llgo with Seb / Sebbie for a baby. Its funny you guys like it best as is probably the one I've begun to go off! Its a lot of name to go with our surname _ but then again all of them are! I just am still finding it hard to get my head round that I could go into labour near enough any point from now and I'm really not mentally or practically prepared. OH took me aside today and said we need to get things sorted. He's worried how disorganised we are. It must be bad if he's mentioned it! I guess it because nothing is to hand. We have the big things but nothing together, laid out and ready. I have an emergency bag of clothes for finlay but that's it. I also watched a programming tonight where two midwifes took two new dads to be and prepared them for labour. My denial is now moving drastically and I'm starting to panic a little. I kept looking at the programme and thinking of everything I haven't got.

Bex I'm really sorry this month wasn't it. Will you give it another month or will you speak to someone? A least oh is home to be with you. xxx

Snow sorry to hear today wasn't so great but pleased they are watching you. Fundal measurements and weight gain aren't definitive ways of measuring. They can be misleading. See what happens on Monday and go from there. So glad Tim will be back in time for the scan. How did your sprinkle go?

Hands I can't believe you have to move so close to Christmas. What a nightmare! Have you started your Halloween plans yet? Our shops are starting to get decorations in already.
Nic - I can't imagine how overwhelmed you must be feeling. Get a list made and get to it girl! How is Finlay handling the big bump?

As far as Halloween goes... CHECK, CHECK, and TRIPLE CHECK. I got all my decorations, candy, and costumes bought. We have a goodwill here that is amazing. Costumes for 4 dollars and decorations for 75 percent off sticker price!

Now ask me about Christmas!! Everything is already bought. I just need to wrap and organize items. Also I need to make our scavenger hunt cards. With celebrating Christmas on the road (during a move no less), I need to make sure I have everything ready by mid November. After that it will all be about packing and cleaning. You couldn't believe he cleaning standards the military has! We are talking about scraping crevasses with a spoon!

Snow - With today's technology surely lil Birdie will be okay.
Thanks ladies. I had a tearful day yesterday and I really appreciate your support. I think we are both thinking that we are going to take some tine off ttc for a bit. Then maybe see doc when we have the motivation to get back into it. It might only be one cycle but at the moment I cant face ttc again. So no temping, opks, or vits and bd when we want to (or not!)

Just looking forward to our holiday next week. A much needed break!

Dont worry, I'm not giving up bnb!
Bex - a little TLC sounds like a good plan to me. Take it easy. You have time and there isn't anything wrong with getting some help. Many of us on here had to go to a doctor for that little extra push.
Happy to hear your not giving up on BNB Bex. You def need to do what is best for your wellbeing! I agree that taking a break is a good idea! A vaca next week is perfect timing to refresh yourself, def enjoy.

Way to go Hands. You are on top of the holiday's girl!

Nic - I agree with Hands that you need to do a list. I feel very unready as well. I am hoping that we will be able to conquer a few things on Sunday.

I got a call yesterday afternoon and that the OBGYN office had an opening this AM for the ultrasound so I snagged it. I just got back. They only checked my fluid levels. They are just barely normal. She said "low end of normal". They are 8.7 and they should be 8-14 so yean, not that great. I am frustrated because with everything baby girl is just barely over that normal/high risk line. They want her to be above 10th%tile. She is 10th%tile. Want fluid over 8. It is just a hair over 8. It's just hard not to worry when she's right on that cusp. I have my next appt on Wed. I hope they continue to monitor her. I am going to ask about another growth ultrasound to make sure she is actually growing. I just want to be continued to be watched.
Snow I'm sure I saw somewhere else on bnb that the fluid levels need to be above 5, but maybe I'm just confused with something else. Keep pushing for more growth scans. Youre almost a term now so if they need her to come out sooner she'll be okay. Try not to worry x

Bex I think a month off would be a good idea. I think the fact I was more relaxed this time was why it happened quicker second time for us. Full on ttcing and temping is stressful.throwh in a toddler and a career and juggling household stuff, and you must be exhausted. Are you going away or just time at home?

Hands what are your costumes? Amazing bargains too! I'm considering getting Finlay a costume just in case. If I go over though I'll probably be induced around that time. I might get him a normal, nonscary costume so he can still wear it.

Today was a little more productive. Fs bed arrived so we assembled that and the babys rocking crib which is airing out. Nearly all the newborn clothes have been washed now, as has the baby carrier, car seat and pram liner. Tomorrow I need to iron and wash the bottles ready for sterilising. We also have shopping to do. Sunday is time I've pencilled in for a proper clean.
We have bought Dexter several costumes so he'll already have them when he's ready for dress up play. I just buy the costumes so they will be big enough until he's about 6 yrs old. Bigger costumes are better than two small and they are easier to get on and off.

So far we have gotten:

Bob the tomato (veggie tales)
Army Soldier
Construction Worker
Air force Pilot
Police officer
Dark Vador

We figure better buy them now while we can... and in the future he can just pick from his already collection for Halloween. The first 6 years are covered... plus dramatic play....
Nic - Away next week monday to friday. We are going to Bluestone in Wales , not been before but heard lots of good things about it and I am so ready for a holiday!

Hands - what a list of costumes! I'm so impressed!

Snow - before you know it little bubba will be here and you wont need to worry anymore. Worrying is natural but you sound like you are being looked after and checked on, im sure all will be fine.
A lovely autumnal break! Do you have any plans for E's birthday when you come back?

Had a much more productive day today. The last bit of Finlay's furniture has been made and we have now moved all his clothes up. Just need to pick up the bed linen and the stair gate and then he can go up there. We still have a few bits to finish off / get but not anything that delays him going up. OH has also realised that the nursery DOES need painting. Its a little frustrating as I said this all along, and we don't have time to start from scratch, but we have paint from another room to freshen it up. All the baby clothes are washed ready to be ironed and my hospital bag is coming together. Car seats done too, oh and my family threw me a ,sprinkle at the wkend which was lovely. We've got tons of beautiful neutral outfits. Just what we needed! There's still lots to do but hoping by next wken when I turn 38wks I'll have done everything that needs doing and I can do some craft bits and maybe some Christmas stuff too.
yay nic.... sounds like you are well on your way.

Bex ... I hope you have a lovely time. It sounds great.

Snow - I'm sure all will be okay... but keep fighting for those scans!

I would love to see some updated pictures of Kellan, Elliot, and Finlay. And of course the new arrivals when they get here.
Hi all :waves: Just back from
Midwife's and it sounds like Baby Nic was getting a bit jealous that Baby Birdie might be fleeing the nest too soon and wanted to get in on the action! We're now 2/5ths palpable so officially engaged. Midwife has told me she doesn't think I'll be going overdue and there's a good chance baby will be here by 39wks if not sooner. In fact as she finished up she said 'we'll see you in two weeks if you haven't gone into labour by then.' Eek!!! I feel a bit nauseous thinking about it! I've also had a good growth spurt - still measuring a tiny bit small 35cms at 36+3, but I've grown 3cms in two weeks so I won't need a scan. I just need to get on and finish the last bits off. Oh and ask everyone I know for name suggestions :haha: Middle names I think we have: Joseph for a boy (after my Grandad) and Rose for a girl (after my great aunt) but first names are tripping us up. All
Suggestions very welcome!

How's everyone else doing? xx
How exciting Nic!!! sounds like your baby is going to be here before we know it - maybe i'll come back from holiday to some exciting news!! My friend had her baby yesterday so I'm due a spurt of baby news - and you and Snow are next!

Just low key plans for Elliot's birthday. Small gathering at ours with baby friends on the Saturday and then lunch with grandparents on the Sunday. Next year we might do something more 'organised' but thought we can still get a way with effectively a play date so we'll do that again!

For his birthday we are getting him a scooter and the Thomas & Friends book set (not the original ones but the modern ones with all the new trains in as Elliot gets particularly attached to some of the more obsure engines! Rheneas, Skarloey etc.!) - I know he will love both presents so I'm pleased about that! One set of grandparents are getting him a wooden train set, and I think my parents are getting some kind of role play shopping toy.

We've also decided for Christmas we are getting him a wooden playhouse for the garden which I am ridiculously excited about!! Just waiting until an autumn sale pops up then I will buy. My parents have offered to buy him a balance bike for Christmas so he will be a lucky boy :thumbup:
Sorry I haven't been on much!! I am trying to finish up at work and home has been crazy!

Hands - I need to get good pic of Kellan soon! Those are awesome costumes you have!

Bex - Ohhh sounds like a great birthday and great that you have Christmas all figured out as well. Have fun on holiday!

Nic - Maybe these kiddos will have the same birthday! That would be awesome! Are you leaning toward a certain gender? I am sticking with girl for you! Hooray for belly catch up and being engaged! We still have no name picked either - we have decided we will just pick one once we meet her.

Quick catch up on everything: Kellan checked out at the Occupational Therapist perfect. He got a cold and I caught his cold. He is supposed to get tubes on Friday - we are going in to ENT Dr. today for them to listen to his chest and check his ears as he's sick and they want to make sure he is healthy enough for anesthesia.
My stupid car broke down again on Thursday when Tim was out of town. Had to rely on friends. Get it towed and spend a ton more money on fixes. Missed a party too.
Tim is home. Hooray! We are super unprepared for this baby. We have been trying to get the house together. Still need to get out PNP. Clean the swing, bouncer and etc. I don't have a hospital bag together. No car seat in car. Room is undecorated. Clothes aren't washed. House needs a scrub down for sure! We still need items. I'm a mess. We have so much to do still!!!
Appt today for me. Belly grew 2cm since last week. So I am up to 34. Got a tdap - my arm is ouchy and I'm worried about baby being OK with it. Another ultrasound on Friday to check fluid again and her growth.
Two cms growth in a week is brilliant. I was over the moon with 3 in a fortnight. I'm beginning to think our babies are bi-coastal twins ;) Perhaps they are meant to share a birthday like we do. They certainly seem to be behaving similarly!

I think today was my kick up the bottom! I have spent the whole day finishing off all the shopping jobs I needed to do. I've cleaned out the grocery cupboard and come up with some meal ideas for oh just in case. Still need to iron sheets and baby clothes, pack hospital bag (though I at least have everything now), paint the nursery and clean, but I'm fairly confident that I'll be done by this weekend. Then I can concentrate on resting! :)

Hope Kellan recovers soon. A cold is not ideal right now. Very glad to hear that Tim's home. I can't imagine how exhausting it must be juggling Kellan, work and everything else. I'm sure with his help you'll be on top of everything very quickly.

Bex - sounds like you are very organised. Finlay loves trains, but he hasn't seen Thomas. We took him to London yesterday and he was in heaven. He went on the DLR (which is kind of like a mono-rail or Chicagos L train - only without a proper driver) and he was telling everyone he'd been on the red train.
Nic - How EXCITING... whoohooo. I'm Team BLUE all the way. Keep us posted

Bex - Sounds like a wonderful Christmas gift. Do you guys have Christmas stockings in England?

I have almost all of my Christmas stuff bought and wrapped. Been working on it hard since I know when November 1st comes, hubby and I will both be hitting the ground running.

Snow - YAY for growth!!! I wish I was in GA already so I could come over and help you get ready for the baby. It would be so amazing having our two little ones play while we decorated!

BTW NIC - I'm horrible at Name suggestions but here it goes

Adelaide Rose
Ava Rose
Cassidy or Cassie Rose
Delilah Rose
Liberty *Libby Rose
Madelyn Rose
Morgan Rose
Tessa Rose
Wren Rose


Benjamin Joseph
Brady Joseph
Chandler Joseph
Collin Joseph
Calvin Joseph
Corbin Joseph
Gregory Joseph
Levi Joseph
Lucas Joseph
Ronan Joseph
Yes we have stockings Hands. Some children have sacks or pillow cases instead but its the same thing. My MIL does pillowcases for all her children and grandchildren and stitches the year on every year. I'm from a stocking family so Finlay has both. We use the stocking for the small cheap presents - everything under £5 or £10 - crayons, stickers books etc. and then the pillow case for the mid-range presents under the tree. Very excited that we have a fireplace this year so we can actually hang the stockings up! :) Well done on being so organised. Finlay has a few more presents to go and some Christmas Jammies to buy and them he's done. We've got him a toddler camera that was half price in the summer sale, a board game, puzzle, books, Duplo, stocking bits (craft stuff, mini dinosaurs etc.) and we are going to get him a toy till, a dress up outfit and a wooden toy set - just trying to decide whether to get him the fire station or the work bench. Both are really cheap at Asda (our Walmart). Have tried to pick things up on offer this year. I'm also working through the rest of my list. Slowly making good progress!

Had a horrible night last night though. I thought I was in labour. Had THE most painful Braxton hicks, I was being sick and I admit I lost the plot. I was really stressing out thinking of everything that wasn't ready and I couldn't calm down. The cramps and Braxton hicks started about 11pm and then eased at about 3am after over an hour in the bath. Going to try to eat some breakfast now and then I am going to pack my hospital bag. I can't start contractions feeling as panicked as I did last night.

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