Oh no Bex. I am so sorry to hear this news.

Sending you hugs across the miles. My one cousin's wife has PCOS and we are speculating that she is currently pregnant and that the IVF worked for her. I think she is keeping it under wraps til after 1st tri but I haven't heard otherwise and we usually do. My other friend has PCOS as well and just did her 1st IVF but we haven't heard anything either way for her yet. Again, I'm sorry!
Any pics of Dex on his new trampoline??!!Hoep you had a great time with your mom.
Hope Finlay's behavior is a bit better. Sorry to hear about DH friend. That's so sad. Sounds like Sebbie is becoming a big boy! Kennedy has big cheeks too!! Ready for our birthday's on Tuesday my birthday buddy?
All is well here. Loving the spring weather we are getting. It's been wonderful. The pollen not so much but it's nice and warm. Been so busy getting this house in order, getting close. Prolly next week weekend we will be done. It's been pretty time consuming but hopefully will sell fast and for full asking price.
Kennedy weighed 14lb13oz at her 6 month appt. 25.25" We started on purees and she is doing ok. Taking a few more bites each day. She still pushes some out with her tongue. She is now sitting unassisted for about 10 min at a time. Doing really well with that. We transitioned her to her crib and she is doing wonderful sleeping now. Gets up once to nurse and that's it. I've given up on the bottle and are trying a sippy cup - that's not going that great at all.
Kellan's speech is going OK - he only has it every other week. I'm not too fond of the lady herself but what are you going to do. I really like the OT girl, she does alot with him and explains everything to me.