Mid-August Testers

Also - having Bea and Lisette drop by recently has made me wonder how CHDickey is and how she is getting on. I wonder if she is a mummy now, I truly hope she is! She started this thread and we are still here 3 and half years later, I might drop her a PM just in case she does ever log on here!
Thanks Bex. I'm hoping Dex will do better as it is getting nicer outside and he'll spend half the day out there. He hates being pinned up inside all day and it's a good incentive to being good.

He has had a good past two days and I think it has to do with the fact we've been spending 4 to 5 hours of each day outside. The boy honestly should be a wilderbeast.

He would sleep in a tent, swim and boat in a lake, play in the sand on the beach, ride carnival rides, climb mountains, and eat fish, hotdogs, and marsh mellows by fire every day if he could. He likes riding horses and four wheeling too.

I was hoping to get him into sports... and though I will still introduce them to him... I have a feeling he's going to be more of a boy scout than a baseball jock.
thought you would appreciate this....


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Hello everyone! I wrote a really long reply to you Hands and I'm cheesed off that it didn't post :( To summarise(!) basically I think.it's very normal but you just have a tough case of it. Like Bea I suggested descriptive praise and like Bex I suggested sticking to something. On TV the other week there was a parenting expert and she referred to both tactics constantly. When someone said that they tried everything she said that they needed to try something for longer. Finlay is pretty bad at the moment. He ran off in the car park the other day and I lost my card wallet in my pursuit or maybe the battle to get him into the car :( He also slapped me when I told him off For something else at weekend. It was hard enough he made my skin tingle and oh heard it. OH marched him off to sit on the naughty step and it took at least 6 goes before he apologised He's also really clingy.

Bea and Lisette -you're back!! It's lovely to hear from you both. Lisette congratulations on your blue bump Have you got any new photos of Melina?

Bea - my gp thought there might be another reason but the consultant didn't think he needed blood tests, just monitoring. I get the feeling that because I'm short they think he will be too but I'm pleased he's being monitored. Our first height check up is just after easteR.

Bex I went to see 50 shades last week and I might be the only person in the world who spent the film thinking that Anastasia should have eaten more of those pancakes :haha: In don't think I'll be rushing to see the sequel or reading the books!

snow how is flying solo at the moment?

Thanks girls.... I guess its just normal horrible twos... which is a good thing considering the alternatives.

Nic... how tall is Finlay now? Dex isn't growing much either since 12months.
Hey girls.

Hey Bea! Good to hear from you! So glad the kiddos are doing well. You need to post an updated pic of the 2 of them!! Hope you feel better soon.

Hands - I can't offer much help other than to check out some books on Amazon. Look up and search for books about strong willed child or spirited child and read reviews on if the book helped or not. Try and implement what the book says.

Bex - Love the cartoon. I wonder about CH as well. She hasn't logged in a quite a while the last time I checked. Any new news?

Nic - Good news is that he didn't end up having to go at the moment. I think he's rescheduled to go on the 23rd. LOVE the close up of Sebbie you posted on FB. He's so adorable.

I've loads to write.
We met with a Realtor for our house. We are currently making the changes she suggested. Hoping to have the house on the market at the beginning of April. We are really hoping to get close to what she is listing for.
MIL is visiting this weekend. We are going to the St. Patrick's Day parade on Sunday and I am excited about that.
Kennedy is getting bigger. Just packed up her 3 month stuff and she is in most 6 month clothing. She's sick with a cold and has puked a ton this week from congestion. Still EBF and I feel that we've overcome so much and am so proud of both of us.
My PPD is getting better. I've been making some small life changes and they seem help. It's been so nice out - in the 70's, so having the windows open and going for afternoon walks are nice.
DH bonus was minuscule compared to last year. We're totally bummed. We planned to use it to put towards the down payment. So we are hoping getting some money for the current house will help fill in the gap we were planning on. We may be homeless for a few months if the house sells fast. We'd have to put things into storage and move into a apartment for a short time.
Kellan had his assessment. He qualified for Occupational Therapy for his hands. She is also very worried about his upper body so we are being referred to a Physiatrist. He did not qualify for Speech but he was rated at a 16 month old for his speech. Since we qualified for Occupation they will still allow us to see a Speech Therapist. I know makes no sense but I was happy bc I am still super worried about his speech. We will be doing OT once a week and ST 2x a month.
Anyways, I think that's all. Phew! Sorry for the story!
What great news snow! So much going on. I'm so glad Kellan is getting early intervention. That is so important. Try not to worry about his speech. Dexter is behind, but not delayed too. Once he started preschool it has helped some... but he still doesn't make a third or so of this sounds (no S, T, P, L, etc).
Snow - great to hear that you are feeling better. I am a strong believer in good weather helping a lot. It's really felt more spring like here over the past couple of weeks as the weather has improved and the daffodils emerge. Sounds like K is being well looked after with his OT and ST and if he is being monitored then everything i'm sure will be fine! And I feel your pain on the house (even though we're not building a whole house) but our extension plans are firming up and it's going to be 4 months of hell when it does starts as we will be living in a building site!

Nic - I am no rush to read the books either ad the script / dialogue was atrocious. However I will probably see the sequel. Big question....did it ruin Jamie for you???

Hands - hope the good run with the car seat is continuing!

AFM last night I went to the Priory (local private hospital) to their opening evening in the fertility department. it was great. We got to chat one on one with the consultant gynaecologist and also the embryologist gave us a tour of the department. They answered loads of questions we had and really put us at ease. Its up to us now - they basically said if we want to go ahead then we can just call and book the initial consultation - then things can move as fast or slow as we liked. If we wanted to start next cycle then in theory we could! That's such an alien concept to us only ever having had NHS care (which is just as good) but where you always have to wait for aaaages! We both feel really positive about it - and are just discussing when we should book the consulation in for. OH wants to do next week (!) but I said we should wait until my AF arrives (in 2 weeks) just in case we end up with a surprise BFP.

we are also considering egg sharing. it reduces the cost of IVF significantly but (an this is what I hadn't anticipated) delays treatment by about 3 months while they get you and the recipient all lined up. Lots to think about and consider but happy all in that something is going to happen soon!
How has the past two weeks gone for everyone?

Dexter is still acting out. I did find a car booster seat that goes as low 3yrs, 38in, and 30 lbs. The state I live in says he has to just meet manufactures requirements when it comes to booster laws.... so when he meets those three... I am going to give it a try and figure out if this won't be a solution to 1 of several problems.

I think our biggest problem right now is him not doing what he is told and then mouthing back. *sighs*
Hello! No real news here to report from the last 2 weeks. Af arrived (no surprises there!) s we have booked an official consultation at the Priory, so we go on Saturday morning. I think due to holidays in May we wont be able to get started next cycle, but with a bit of luck we should start the cycle after that.
Great news... I know you have to be excited about getting things started Bex.... whoohoo! Elliot is going to be a big brother soon..... perhaps even within the year!
Yes we are excited but trying not to get too excited . Ivf sucess ratess are less than 50% at BEST so we have to be realistic that it might not happen first go.
Fingers crossed. Perhaps you'll even have twins... and then you'll be the first of us to have 3 kiddos. teehee.
Great news Bex!! FX for you guys!! I know the roller coaster of emotions.

I hope that the booster in the future will help with the issues you are having with Dex.

Tim was away this week in AL. It was rough but I survived.

Kennedy has had a cold for about 3 weeks, I feel so bad for her! She weights 14.8lbs. Kellan started Speech Therapy and will start Occupational Therapy in 2 weeks.

We go on Monday and Tuesday to the design center to pick out the upgrades and options for the new house. Hoping to have the current house on the market in 2 weeks. Been super busy painting and decluttering and packing.

Not much else going on. I got a new app for Kellan on my phone, it seems to be British!! Your ring around the rosey wording is different than ours and I have heard different nursery rhymes that I have never heard before!!!
Hi Everyone. I hope everyone is looking forward to the Easter weekend. We are doing the usual drill of family time etc, but always nice to head back up to York to see the folks!

We had our consultation on Saturday and it went well. One good thing about having to pay private is things sure do move fast. I'm back in again on Saturday for a scan to check follicle position and for any adhesions from my section etc. Plus tomorrow I'm having a blood test for AMH levels and OH is having a repeat SA next week. Assuming we can fit everything in on time we should be able to start (with the down regulation) next cycle then the ICSI the cycle after that (end if May) eeek!

Snow - how is the various therapy going for Kellan? And has Kennedy's cold cleared up? I hope your starting to get your house in order, and I really super hope you get a quick sale. I can't believe it's almost a year since we moved.....and still don't plan to do it again for a very long time!

Hands - has Dexter's behaviour improved much? Any exciting Easter plans?

Nic - hope you're doing ok hun - you've been very quiet on here!
Bex..... wow that is fast! I forget how quickly and easy things go in the private sector as well... since our military health is much like it is over there.

I'm so excited and can't wait to hear that great BFP news.

As far as Dexter goes... he has his good and bad days... basically 3 good and 1 bad day is his routine as of current. My mom flew in today and will stay for a little over 2 weeks. For easter we are going to church, we do a egg hunt, eat dinner with friends... and have a scavenger hunt where at the end... Dexter will find his 12ft trampoline in the back yard. I'm very Excited about it.
Happy Easter everyone! Sorry I have been lurking. I've posted in reply to you Bex about Jamie but it didn't appear and then didn't have too much to say. :D For the record 50 shades didn't spoil him, but I think he's much hotter in the Fall. He is just too young looking in the film and also I work for a team that advises telecoms companies and people that successful in business ALWAYS look far older than they are. It's the stress! Plus he just wouldn't have the time to get his helicopter pilots licence :-P

Finlay is finally growing and we have his check up on Tuesday. He's been on movicol two months now but I'm worried he's building a tolerance to it as his stomach is still bloated and he's had a few accidents recently. I think he's around 90cms but we'll see. Sebbie at last weigh in two weeks ago was 15,8. He's in 3-6mth clothes now. His cheeks are chubby which makes him look bigger than he is. A few strangers have commented that he's big,but I think it's because everyone assumes he's younger than he actually is. He's also been diagnosed as having infantile eczema so we have some hydrocortisone cream for his patches and prescription lotion and cleaning stuff. It's not particularly bad but he is quite young to have it. He has a scar on his face that I was beginning to think it must be a birthmark and I was wrong remembering him having a dry skin patch there. I'm annoyed I didn't follow my instincts as the gp agreed that it could well be an eczema scar. The cream is just beginning to make it fade at the edges so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it keeps improving. He can sit unaided for 15secs or so now. He still refuses to roll, though he can do it. We also had a bit of a break through on weanin. He loves pears and likes apple. I've been offering him teaspoons every couple of days and in the last day he's opening his mouth and leaning forward. He is just shy of 5.5mths and we are going to try baby led once he's 6mths but offer spoon alongside as we get the feeling he's not going to be a big eater and we don't want to be too restrictive

We are really struggling with Finlay's behaviour atm. I don't feel very in control with how he acts. Oh isn't very helpful either as a friend of his died recently (suicide) and he's taking it badly so I can't really rely on him too much as his moods and behaviour are a little erratic. Completely understandable but I do worry sometimes that he's being overwhelmed.

How's everyone else?
Just a quick one to fill you in on my scan on saturday. Not great news there. My left ovary is knackered. Its polycystic and the tube is covered in adhesions from my sections so it is twisted up into a funny position which makes it unreachable for egg harvest as it stands.

Consultant has put my on metformin for the polycystic ovary. And we are discussing whether its worth have a laparoscopy to fix. Another hurdle to overcome. Life sucks :(
Oh no Bex. I am so sorry to hear this news. :( Sending you hugs across the miles. My one cousin's wife has PCOS and we are speculating that she is currently pregnant and that the IVF worked for her. I think she is keeping it under wraps til after 1st tri but I haven't heard otherwise and we usually do. My other friend has PCOS as well and just did her 1st IVF but we haven't heard anything either way for her yet. Again, I'm sorry!

Any pics of Dex on his new trampoline??!!Hoep you had a great time with your mom.

Hope Finlay's behavior is a bit better. Sorry to hear about DH friend. That's so sad. Sounds like Sebbie is becoming a big boy! Kennedy has big cheeks too!! Ready for our birthday's on Tuesday my birthday buddy?

All is well here. Loving the spring weather we are getting. It's been wonderful. The pollen not so much but it's nice and warm. Been so busy getting this house in order, getting close. Prolly next week weekend we will be done. It's been pretty time consuming but hopefully will sell fast and for full asking price.

Kennedy weighed 14lb13oz at her 6 month appt. 25.25" We started on purees and she is doing ok. Taking a few more bites each day. She still pushes some out with her tongue. She is now sitting unassisted for about 10 min at a time. Doing really well with that. We transitioned her to her crib and she is doing wonderful sleeping now. Gets up once to nurse and that's it. I've given up on the bottle and are trying a sippy cup - that's not going that great at all.

Kellan's speech is going OK - he only has it every other week. I'm not too fond of the lady herself but what are you going to do. I really like the OT girl, she does alot with him and explains everything to me.
snow - what progress is Kellan making in his ot and speech since you've started getting extra help?

Good luck on the house thing. I know we've haven't had any... but I'm hoping that your house will be in a better flip market, especially after all your hard work. If it doesn't sell, will you rent it out?

the high humidity and pollen here is causing my asthma to be out of control.... ugh I hope this doesn't last till winter. I have an appointment in about a week. I'm using my inhaler almost every day.

Bex - Just hug Elliot extra tight and hold on just a little bit longer. I don't know much about either process you are going through... but I do know about waiting from month and month and it sucks.

Nic - If you need any feedback on Finlay's behavior, we are here. I'm just now starting to see the light on Dexter's behavior. He's doing much better, but he still is hitting adults and other kids and he is still back talking... but I at least have a plan im working with on those two behaviors. It just takes time to correct a behavior. *sigh*

Lisette, Bea - you guys still lurking?

BTW Dexter loves his trampoline!


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