Mid-August Testers

Completely agree with Bex on pull ups. We took a week off and did naked bottom for a day and then added pants, then trousers over a few days. By the end of the week we realised he wasn't ready to do it full time because he couldn't warn us more than 30secs beforehand that he needed to go. That was when he was 21mths tho, so speech might have been a factor. We didnt abandon it all together though. We decided to stick with pants at home with nappies at naps and when we left the house. We gave it a couple more months of just encouraging him to go on the potty at home, before having him nappy free at my mums and then starting at nursery when he was 23mths. It really began to click over the summer, though he kep having accidents at nursery. For the last two months though he hasn't had an accident at nursery. Occasionally he has tiny drops in his pants where he's managed to stop himself, but I have him in pants all day now. Poos are more tricky because of his constipation issues but we allow him to ask for a nappy to do his business which has helped. For us training has been very slow but it worked :)
we don't plan on using pull ups for potty training though we have used them to help him to learn how to pull up and down his pants. He needs a lot of practice with it. For some reason he still can't seem to dress himself ... though he can take things off.

We bought gerber cloth training pants. He willstill feel the wetness but it will catch a dibble so I don't have to change his pants as well when hes ready to be trained.

Right now he still won't tellus when he needs to pee or poop. he hates his diaper being changed but also refuses to go potty.
Could you skip the potty Hands and go straight to using the toilet? Finlay can undress and dress himself but is quite happy to run around half naked so I tend to help him. The other thing that you could try is sit him on the toilet or potty at set time of the day - before bath, first thing in the morning, after meals and ask him to try. Finlay often says he doesn't want to wee / poo but is more happy to try. I also phrase it - do you need to or do you have wee in your tummy to come out? TV is also a great distraction.
we have never used a port a pot... the potty has always been the toilet. *shrugs*

We do ask him to pee in the potty/toilet after bath every night. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't.

About once a month Dexter will ask to use a pull up. I told him he can only wear pull ups if he tries to go potty on the toilet while wearing them because they don't hold much. He agrees and usually will stay dry and willing to go potty until the first poop of the day around 10am. Then the fight is back on. He doesn't want to go potty, and he does not want me to change his diaper.

Refuses to put another pull up on and he reverts back to just wanting diapers and for you to never change him. He pitches the biggest fits about it too... trying to kick you while you change his diaper and arching his back and screaming and frailing about. It's every diaper change and its worse if someone else tries to do it other than mom.

I know physically his body is ready. While in a pull up we can go an hour-hour and a half between potty times and he stays completely dry. He just doesn't seem emotionally ready yet. *shrugs* rather frustrating.
As his language improves, you might find his interest increases Hands. Refusing to use a toilet is any area he has control over.

Snow - sorry to answer your question, yes I'm still combi-feeding but I'm almost done. I'm down to just bfing him through the night now. I stopped the pre-bed feed a week ago as he kept being too tired to feed properly and we ended up skipping a few. I've got mixed emotions about giving up. I really resented breastfeeding and not getting my body back when Finlay was this age. Sebbie is a much better feeder and we have lovely, snuggly feeds most of the time but I don't want to keep feeding and get to the same place again. I'm sad that each feed might be the last but equally I know extended feeding isn't for me. I know this is for selfish reasons and my family isn't especially supportive of bfing, which doesn't help when I'm swaying between stopping and continuing.

How are things for you? What's toughest right now?

Bex - thank you for the update on your appt. Im excited to hear what they say.

Hands - meant to say as well don't worry about ranting about your move. I suspect I probably would be more of an east coast girl. :) The amount of space you describe from your old home terrifies me! Where I live now we are 10mins drive and we are in the countryside - acres of fields and farmland. My OH loves it and dreams of living in a countryside hamlet or village and I have to remind him who he's married to! :) It's so very hard to adjust when you move somewhere so very different. I found the people very difficult to get used to, but in time Ive got there. Children are great for helping you to make friends. In addition to our NCT friends I've made a few through classes we've gone to and from Finlay's nursery. I did get awfully homesick even though I'm only an hour away. When you are lonely and the environment is so different to what you're used to, it's tough. Xx
Morning all. How are we all doing? I don't have anything particularly exciting to report but thought I'd check in as I miss you guys!

OHs S repeat SA date came through as 5 March so a while a away but ok s its clear of fertile time and we will have had another cycle by then. Plus on the 11 March we have booked an appointment at the BMI Priory (local private hospital) just to find out a bit more about it / costs / timings etc so hopefully plan to get the ball rolling asap as soon as we get results back.
HI girls! I miss everyone too. :(

Bex - IVF is on the way I see. FX for a good repeat SA early March. And for more info too.

Nic - Hows the constipation going for Mr. Finlay with the medicine? I don't think you are being selfish at all, you are doing whats best for BOTH you and him. I give you props for going as long as you did without much support.

Hands - Sorry your having a hard time adjusting. I hope once spring and summer roll around you will get more into a groove.

AFM, We got referred for Kellan to get an early intervention evaluation. It will be done on March 4th and we have an assessment on March 11. They will be here for both speech and fine motor as that is what we are concerned with most. He is saying more these days.

I saw a therapist on Saturday for my PPD. I really liked her and will be going weekly. I hope it will help. Things have been so rough. She recommended some books so I ordered them yesterday and hope they will help as well.

Kennedy was 12lb 10oz and 23.25" at her 4 month appt. She's getting bigger. She is losing that newborn look to her and her facial features are becoming more defined. She has the most beautiful blue eyes. I pray they stay. I have brown and Tim has Hazel. But our siblings and fathers have blue so they are coming along the lines. We tried a bottle for the first time the other day. Total and udder fail. She ended up gagging and throwing up even though she refused to even take A SIP! We need to work on that some more.

My mom flew in today to visit for a few days. It is so nice to have some help!! My best friend is driving from NJ at the end of the month and I'm so excited to see her. She is pregnant with her 2nd and is due end of September.

We will be going back to Buffalo in Early May for Kennedy's Baptism. I am excited to go home but worried about the 12 hour drive. I think we are going to stay overnight half way.

OK. Kennedy is squawking for some milk so I best be on my way. xoxo
Snow - looks like you have lots of lovely things to look forward to over the next few weeks. I'm really glad you r therapy appointment went well too , that's important!! And yes you are right pancake day on Tuesday, hehe brilliant! !!

I'm looking forward to Tuesday as I don't work Tuesdays so I can have pancakes all day then I am going to see 50 shades of grey in the evening with my friend. I haven't read the books but I've been swept up in the hype and to be honest 2 hours looking at Jamie Dornan can't be bad even if the film itself is rubbish!
So I can confirm that Jamie Dornan lived up to my expectations! Whilst some of the dialogue pretty cringey its actually not a bad film and I enjoyed it.

Hands - hope everything is ok with you...you've been quiet for a while. All ok?
Yeah, everything is alright. Dex wanted to wear underwear today. Had one accident and asked for diapers when he wanted to poop. Not bad but I doubt that he'll ask to do it again. I'm just letting him lead on this one.

I haven't posted much because I'm just in a negative mood and don't want to put it off on others.

How is everyone else doing? I'm so ready for warmer weather.
OK, well I'm glad to hear that everything is ok, even if generally you are feeling a bit down. Is there something you could do while Dex is at pre-school - like join a gym or start a new hobby? Something to help you to feel like you again?
I clean house one of the days and the other day I do have some ME time to do hobbies and etc and have been.

Last night hubby and his group at work got approached. They are asking for 9 volunteers to leave here to an unknown location (based on needs). Hubby is going to volunteer. Not sure if 9 have already done so or not... but hubby told me he is going to go for it since I hate it here so much. Hopefully this wont ruin his career. I'm sitting on edge here because I know there won't be any immediate answers... but im anxious to know if he will be accepted and where we will be going and when.
Oh glad the film was decent Bex.

Hands, I hope you are one of the 9. I hate to hear that you are so unhappy. We are here to "listen" anytime.

We found our dream house this past weekend. We just have to find out what hubby's bonus and raise/possible promotion will amount to. He got an amazing yearly review so we are hoping for a good bit.
Hands I hope your OH gets it too...would germany still be an option? Any idea in timescales as to when you'd find out? And as snow said. ..Don't ever feel you can't vent on here, we've all done it!

Snow - exciting house news! I love house news! Has it been for sale for a while? Or do you think it will get snapped up quickly?
Hi everyone! Belated Pancake Day wishes! :D

Hands - we're not fair weathered friends. We are here for good and bad. :hugs: I can't see how volunteering would be detrimental to OH's career. Surely his willingness is an asset to the army? Hoping all works out well for you. Xx

Great news about finding somewhere you love Snow. Fx the numbers add up. I love house hunting. I've started to watch too many house programs again and it makes me fidgety. Our mortgage statement is in though and we aren't moving anywhere yet! Haha!

Bex - glad you had a good time. I think Jamie is beautiful but I can't face the idea of 50 shades. I guess I'm more of a prude and I don't want them ruining him for me! :)

This week we had another HV check up. All is well with Sebbie. We passed with flying colours. He weighs 14,8 and we've been given the green light to wean if we want but she thinks he might do well on baby led weaning instead, so if I want to hold off awhile we could try that. Bex was Elliot fully BLW? I don't think he's ready yet, though he can sit up for several seconds. I might give it a few more weeks then see how we are. He also started rolling this week. Finlay loves it and keeps asking if we can get Sebbie to 'do the rolling'.

Finlay's medicine also seems to be helping. Twice he has had a bm in the potty this week. He's probably done less then 10 in the last 6mths! We've also got a referral letter for his height tracking so an appt should be through soon.

Bex - what's next for you at the clinic?

Snow - how are you feeling? When is your next appointment?

Hands - what hobbies do you get up too?
Snow - fingers crossed! Dream homes are always very exciting! I love HGTV!

Bex - was the movie too graphic?

Nic - Does Finlay ever give sebbie hugs and kisses?

Update on hubby: he wasn't accepted. Too many others who have been here longer volunteered. .... and yes Germany was one of the options, and so was my beloved AZ!!!!! BOO HOOO :( So depressing.

I have a few favorite past times:

Watching TV series all the way through from ep1 to last. Right now I'm on season 3 of full house.

Designing different floor plans and interior design patterns

Shopping for clothes and toys. Selling and buying things on Craigslist. I love scalping for a good deal.

Writing. Drama skits and I have a novel I have written, though I haven't ever turned it in. I keep making corrections to it every year instead ... lol

Dexter is in pull ups again. It's been about 6mo since I took him out of pull ups. He did his first poop yesterday in the toilet... but then he had 4 more in the pull up. He goes to the potty 1 time every hour as I tell him too, but he still pees in the pull up between times.

I suppose its good that he wants to pee in the potty and wear pull ups, but Im not sure if he is ready yet since he doesn't go by himself or tells me yet. The only reason why im trying pull ups again is because he told me "I don't need this" and grabbed the fresh diaper I put on him, took it off, and threw it in the trash, and grapped a pair of underwear instead two days ago.

He still seems to like the idea of a pull up, but im so tired of telling him to go potty all the time and if I don't tell him, he won't choose to go for pete sakes!
Hands - you've written a novel!!! How exciting!! I wouldn't even know where to begin - can you tell us a bit more what it's about?? Maybe you're going to be the next literary sensation! Gutted about your husband though. Hugs to you there:hugs:

Nic - yes Elliot was fully BLW. He never had a single puree and I never put anything in his mouth. The most I did was pre-load his spoons for him for things like yoghurt etc, but actually most of the time he was happy dipping his fingers into the pot and doing it that way! I am a huge BLW advocate - personally I don't believe you can do a mix of both - I know people do do both, but I would say that isn't BLW, that is traditional weaning with finger food. BLW means exactly that - you absolutely let the baby lead. Elliot is a fabulous eater, he loves his food so much and will pretty much eat anything. I could speak for hours about BLW if you want more help. I have this book and I couldn't recommend it highly enough


As for 50 Shades, it actually isn't that graphic - it's not actually all sex - there is a plot and it's quite a decent one, and the film focuses a lot more on the actual characters rather than just sex (which I think is more what the books do). I think because it has proper actors and a proper director it's actually a proper film. Personally, I think Game of Thrones is more graphic / gratuitious

And Nic - this did not ruin Jamie for me. I was worried because I LOVED him in the fall. And I still do love him!
I'll take a look Bex,thanks. Finlay was spoon fed with finger food. Mostly because of his age he was spoon fed, but the purees stopped fairly early. He was on chopped at 7mths and could use a spoon and fork confidently early. I let him feed himself most things but couldn't get my head around stuff with sauces being eaten by hand. :) Also what did you give him for breakfast when you started out?

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