MrsBea !! Hello and so lovely to hear from you _ I am glad that you are able to drop in and say Hi! Sounds like you are getting on really great. I work 3 days a week too (wed,thu, fri) and I love it - it's a perfect balance and I wouldn't have it any other way. Elliot goes to nursery 2 days a week, which is perfect for him. He is doing so well there, even though I worry he is there for long days (7.30am - 6pm). Buy yes - been trying for #2 for nearly 2 years now and to be honest it sucks! I've been through every emotion under the sun, but I'm in a relatively optimistic state of mind at the moment, as I think we are making progress in the right direction. We are basically looking at IVF (which 2 years ago I wouldn't have believed) but I am ok with that and it's the journey we need to take.
Hands - sorry I didn't get back to you sooner - I'm loads better at replying in the back half of the week (when I should be doing work instead haaha!) You sounds absolutely at the end of your tether - but it really isn't your fault. Every age group has there challenges. My friend assures me that age 3 is a completely different to 2, but not all good either - its not like its the terrible twos and that's it - the difficulties are still there they are just different.
The thing that sticks out to me in your posts is that you have maybe tried too much. Choose one discipline method (I think you have now) and stick with it. I strongly believe they need consistency, regardless of the actual approach that is taken.
I still think (and obviously this is just my opinion without knowing D) that at this age the punishment / consequence needs to be immediate in order for them to relate to it. So I think maybe Dexter didn't truly understand why he was being asked to be in his room and therefore he got upset and worked up. He will also feed off your tension so try and keep your voice calm whenever you can (easier said than done I know). Its so hard what to suggest but I think you just need to stop the car (and keep it stopped) until he sits in his seat with the belt on. Personally I wouldn't give him toys etc. as that's just ammunition to throw at you! I think he needs to CHOOSE to sit in the seat, rather than be forced in. In theory, he would eventually get bored of not going anywhere?
I don't know Hands - you're doing a fantastic job, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And it is perfectly normal for a 2 year old to be strong willed and independent. It's an important skill.