Mid-August Testers

Nope Snow! :) He rolls on to his front a lot and spins on his tummy but that's it. He does try to sit.up a lot and has serious stomach muscles. I'm.jealous! Got him weighed yesterday and he's 18lb, 8oz. Coming along nicely :)

Nothing else really new here. Finlay is almost nighttime dry and is in preschool now. They will have a school uniform from next month so I will try to take a photo.

Things are busy here with my sister's wedding. It's her hen do this weekend and then we go to Spain more or less straight after, and then I have another hen do the weekend I'm back. July is a write off! Hope everyone is okay xx
Hi Ladies!

Snow - so exciting about your move - how is it going, are the kiddos managing ok? Are you getting lots of pics of the build? I'm planning to do weekly pictures when we get our extension done to see the progress. The more I think about it, the more I hate our current kitchen, but not looking forward to the 4 month of living in a building site. In 2 weeks, we are getting all our windows replaced - it will be loads better and the start of transforming our house!

Nic - bet you are excited about the wedding! Make sure you share with us some pics of you and the boys looking super stunning! We have lots on in July too - 2 wedding, a girls weekend, my work away day (which I've organised this year!), an NCT reunion with my friend who moved to Saudi Arabia.... :) cant wait!

Hands - any more potty updates - are we there now?! there's no way I would expect Elliot to wipe by himself yet,. He gives it a go, but I always wipe after him to as he no way gets it clean! haha, what lovely conversations we have hey!!

AFM - nothing major to report. I had a follow up consultation with my gynaecologist on Saturday and he just confirmed everything we already know really - that I will need a major op. Timing wise it is likely to be not until August (maybe September) but that's fine as as I said above we have loads on in July anyway and I don't want to cancel anything. But it will be a major op, bladder surgeon needs to be in the room, and will be at least weeks off work.

BUT if the surgery is successful, he will clear my blockages, un-retroflex the uterus, detach from my bladder...the full works. IF successful, the it might be I can get pg naturally and IVF isn't required. It's a long way off, but that's the ultimate goal!
I can't believe how old Sebbie and Kennedy are! Time just flies....

Bex - the surgery sounds very promising! I can't wait to see updated photos of your house when you are all done.

Our house reno - Well we are still doing yard work. We can't do anything on the inside until November. Outside still needs a lot done though. We do a days worth of work once a week or so. It's slow.... we would probably do more but it's so hot (over 100 and 100 humidity), and every time we go we get eaten alive by fire ants.

Plus last week I ended up in the Emergency room because my throat sealed shut. One of the chefs at the restaurant we ate at cross contaminated the tongs that they used to flip my steak with BBQ sauce. Within 10 minutes of eating, I couldn't even swallow my own spit, much less breath well. On the way to the hospital I actually stop breathing twice. I hate GA... lol

My lungs are functioning better. Went from 74 to 78. Slow progress, but progress never the less.

Dexter is doing well. He has 1 or 2 accident a week which I am thrilled about.. but he still ends up peeing on his underwear while trying to poop because he refuses to hold it down or lean forward.

He is telling us when he needs to go now.... which is great, but he won't tell others.

And last night he actually stayed dry through the night...wow!

We really didn't have as big of a battle when it came to potty training that I thought I would. So proud of my boy.

His birthday is next week and I kind of went overboard .....oops lol What can I say? I'm proud of my boy and he is interested in different things now. Besides, no one else buys him anything from our families so I tend to over compensate for their lack of enthusiasm.
Just a quick post as it's late for me..but just got home from seeing Idina Menzel in concert. It was so good and has left me in a lovely happy mood where I am reminded of all the good in my life and everything I have to be grateful for! :)
Dexter's 3... yay!

Just got back from our trip to the ocean. All had a blast.

Oh... and Dexter is day and night trained now...yay


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Happy birthday Dexter! That's amazing on toilet training too. Such good work Hands. Well done all of you. Xx
Happy birthday Dex! Yay for day and night potty training! What a great family picture, it needs to framed for sure? Did you like the ocean??!!

Glad you enjoyed the concert Bex.

Getting ready for Spain Nic?

Well Kellans big appt with the physiatrist was Wednesday. Good and bad news. Good news first. He's a clumsy uncoordinated quirky kid. So no muscle or nerve issues. Bad news. We're being referred to a developmental pediatrician for some atypical autism things. I'm devastated but not completely surprised. Just hard hearing someone say it. Given his sensory issues and a few other things DH and I know that something seems off. I'm a mess today. Can't stop crying. So worried and scared. Hope we can get in soon for an evaluation with them. We have a tentative psych eval for him set up for the 13th in the mean time. Girls, my world is crushed.
Snow, yes I loved the ocean, but with that said I want to address your news with Kellan.

I first want to say that you have every right to grieve. Whenever we get bad news about our child no matter how big or small it devastates us moms. Take time grieve, it's okay.

With that said, please let me reassure you. I worked in Special Ed before becoming stay at home mom. I worked with several kids with a broad range of Autism. And let me just say, that they are just as smart and special as any other kiddo.

Autism doesn't have anything to do with intelligence and everything to do with how your child deals with sensory and communicates what he knows. There were several of our higher functioning autistic kids that were in regular classrooms and were on grade level.... especially in math.

Some of my kiddos are all grown up now and living on their own with little assistance.

I honesty can't assess where Kellan is on the autism spectrum disorder, but what I can tell you is that he still s your precious little boy, and that there is still a promise of a fulfilling life. It just make take a little extra work and prayer along the way.
Happy birthday dexter!! It looks like he really enjoyed his birthday and he looks so grown up!!!

Snow - I'm really Sorry about the tough time you are going through right now. I think hands has given some great advice and i think everything will be s lot easier to deal with and move forward if you have more visibility/information about how you can help and in the right way.

A friend of mine has a little girl with autism and they just need to make sure they manage things in a helpful way for her and what she needs (avoiding last minute change of plans, giving her day clear structure, when they go on holiday they spend time in advance looking at photos of the resort etc and taking about what they will be doing.) It doesnt limit what they do at all...just changes the way they approach things a bit

Nic - hope you're enjoying the busy time (and the nice weather here!)

Afm - got my op date through (19th August ) so im happy with that. Will prob book the week before that off work too.
snow - any updates on Kellan and Kennedy?

Bex - Less than three weeks away... is everything still looking good for the 19th?

Nic - How are things with Finlay and Sebbie? Do they do Preschool at age 3 in the UK?

AFM - Quite honestly our life is in complete chaos with this renovation. By Christmas we have to completely renovate this home and move in....

.... the best part is since I have last posted... the army has decided to send my husband off. He is gone till September. He will be here for the month of September. Then he leaves again in October and won't be back till just before Thanksgiving.

Because of the unexpected turn events, I went ahead and enrolled Dexter into a 4(half days) preschool program with the private school he is in. I'm not very good with my hands, but we just simply can't afford to contract everything out so while hubby is gone I will just have to do some of the work by myself in the mornings while dexter is in school.

I feel bad about shipping him off... but perhaps it will be good for him since his social skills have slumped since he got out of school in May. He's trying to hit kiddos again on the playgrounds and etc.
Hi everyone. Sorry it's been a mental few weeks. To start my sister postponed her wedding two weeks before. There was a mishap on the paperwork and they'd had to compromise on some things so have decided to delay it. We then went on hols. Had a lovely time, though we went with my family so it was quite intense and too much for oh and it caused a bit of friction for us. The boys had a wonderful time though and we have some wonderful photos of them including some on the plane. We flew business (flights were on offer last year) and watching Finlay in his seat was hilarious. I then went on my sils hen do and had a brilliant weekend. Laughed so much but came back to a room full of washing and a broken iron!

Hands private preschools (so just stand alone preschools) will accept from 2.5 though nurseries have a preschool class which they enter from 3. I can't remember if I told you but I was unhappy with the new class. I had some concerns but we now have a different key worker following a meeting with management and it is improving. I do need to spend more one on one time with Finlay though. On holiday Sebbie got so much attention and I could see him getting jealous and every now and then he does act up. It's never directed at Sebbie though. Annoyingly though Sebbie has just gone into a clingy phase, so really bad timing.

Baby led has stalled a lot. It's laziness though because if I put chunks of food to his mouth he'll eat it. He will eat almost anything except solid cheese and fruit, and was amazing us at just what food he enjoys. He was eating anchovies in vinegar, squid, chorizo, anything Spanish. His reactions when he tries something new that he likes are great to see. I have a new highchair for him which puts him at the same height as the table, so hoping that will help him.
nic - sounds like a great, busy time for all but oh! I totally feel for OH though because when I'm with my Inlaws... I just about go nuts.

Perhaps finding time while Sebbie naps or goes to bed early? for Finlay will work out or he can help mom around the house?

Anchovies ! -- BTW we found out a few weeks ago, that it's Anchovies in BBQ sauce that I'm allergic to. The mystery was finally solved. No Caesar salad dressing or left overs from sebbie's plate for me. teehee.
Hands - don't feel like you are shipping Dexter off, that's not it at all. Here in the UK, every child gets 15 free hours of childcare a week once they are 3 (ish) so even mums that don't work tend to send their kiddies to preschool 5 mornings a week. It's great for their development and really starts to get them ready for full time school. How does it work in the US with school? Will Dexter start full time school next September - As an October birthday, Elliot wont start full time school until the following September (2017).

Nic - sounds like it's all been a big crazy with your sister having to postpone her wedding!! I can't imagine how much stress that caused! But a great holiday non the less by the sounds of it! And I'm very impressed with Sebbies eating! Elliot's fab but I'm not sure he'd go anywhere near anchovies!

Snow - how are things with you - how long till the house is ready? are you doing ok in your temporary accommodation?

AFM - well, yes all still on track for my op on the 19th. Had a meeting with the urologist yesterday as he wanted to meet me before the op which was nice. He now needs to have a meeting with my gynaecologist to discuss what they actually need to do....basically, as my bladder is healthy and fully functioning, he wants to operate on it as little as possible because of the (low)risks of having bladder surgery. But they need to get together and work out the lowest risk option whilst restoring maximum fertility - I'm leaving it to the two of them to discuss for now (so happy this is all covered on health insurance. I dread to think of the cost with 2 consultants involved!!

Also building work starts on our house next week!!!!!!!!!!! Everything happens at once hey! We have already had our windows and doors replaced so that's a start of things to come....I'll try upload some pics!
Old is the white garage, new is the green


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Bex - the house already looks better! congrats... and you surgery is less than 2 weeks away... yay!

As far as school in the US go... it all depends. Education is a state law though recently the federal government has gotten their hands into it (don't get me started on how bad of an idea that was)..... but since Education is up to the states, when schools start and age cut off and etc are decided by the state.

Typically School years are from August to May or September to June. And the Age cut off is different as well. Typically the child has to be 5 by Aug-Oct. Again the state/District gets to decide when the cut off is but typically it is one of those months.

Some school districts have Pre K programs now.... but most still start at Kindergarten (5yrs) and Preschool is dependent on parents to find a program outside of the district to enroll their child into.

And quite honestly school still isn't actually required by law in the US until 1st grade, though the majority of the population are having their kids start preschool at 3 or 4 because we know how important early hands on learning is.

The private school I found that started homeschooling curriculum at age 2 for Dexter is actually quite rare in the US. His private school goes through Kindergarten and I much rather him start Kindergarten in public school since their Kindergarten program is only 9am-1pm 4 days a week and I don't feel like that is enough time....

.....however our house that we are renovating and moving into is in one of the worst school districts (with only a 50 percent high school graduation rate). With that being the case, if we are still here, I will keep him in his private school.
Honestly don't feel guilty Hands. Finlay has been doing 2 full days a week since I went on maternity leave! It isn't for childcare reasons but it's so important imo that he got the extra attention I can't give him. I can probably count on one hand the amount of messy play activities I've done with him!
Nursery is great for that and never underestimate the wonders of peer pressure for getting children to eat or do things you'd battle with then to do at home. :haha:

I definitely have the intention to spend more time with Finlay. Sebbie unfortunately is a rubbish napper (though excellent night sleeper when his teeth aren't playing up), so we aren't getting the time I thought we would. I did manage to get Sebbie down early tonight though and let Finlay stay up late so we had some time doing puzzles before bed.

How are things for everyone else?
Just a quickie to say ive had my op...currently in bed at hospital, but good news is they were able to do laproscopically so recovery time will be quicker...yay! And gynae is happy and said it was sucessful :)
that's amazing bex! So glad to hear the surgery went well. What is the next step from here?
Yay I'm home!!

Next step is just to see how it goes. Going to heal then try naturally for a few months. After that we will reassess the ivf option again.

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