So my little guy arrived on his due date! This is the second time this has happened to me. Apparently it's 1 in 400 odds to have two due date babies.
My boy was born July 9th, at 11:04 p.m., weighing 8 lb. 4 oz., 21 inches long.
The labor was similar to my first. It began right at midnight on the 9th and I spent 12-13 hours at home, just relaxing, watching TV, eating popsicles, walking, timing contractions. I kept thinking things would slow down again. I finally went to the hospital at 1 p.m. with fairly uncomfortable contractions coming every five minutes. They monitored me for 3-4 hours and the contractions were getting really painful at that point, but the doctor wouldn't admit me because I was only 3 centimeters. The nurse was so upset to see me go because she thought I was close, but she couldn't persuade the doctor. She said she'd probably see me back "the next day."
So at home things started feeling really, really intense. I was incredibly tired by this point and the pain had reached a stage where I was having trouble coping. I was also feeling so upset that I was sent home again. Just like with my first labor, I felt frustrated that I could be in pain for 13 hours and not make any progress. I knew if my water broke I'd get admitted, but my water doesn't break on its own.
I spent from about 5:30 to 9:30 at home laboring, and this stage was the hardest. I was almost in too much pain to go back to the hospital and I was terrified they'd just send me home again. We got there late at night and sent me right to a delivery suite instead of triage, so maybe they could tell I was really in pain this time. Well, I'd dilated to 8 centimeters by now, and his head was really, really low.
This was good news because it meant the baby was coming! But it also meant I couldn't get an epidural. And the fear of natural childbirth really kicked in. I wasn't sure I could do it, but I had no other options.
The pushing urge was crazy. I'd never felt anything like it. All of a sudden I just had to get him out. Pushing did hurt, but it felt good and productive, so I was giving it my all. I did end up with some second-degree tears, but that's not bad compared to what happened the first time. And then he was there, crying!
The relief after natural childbirth was so huge. I was just crying and laughing and so, so grateful he was here. I was shocked at how much hair he had (compared to my first bald baby) and how big he was. Apgar score of 9, very healthy. We came home today and we're both doing well. I'm still kind of amazed that I had a pain-med-free birth! I didn't think I could do it!