Mid June and July Firecrackers Group Due June/July 2017!

I'm definitely not enjoying the feeling the pump is leaving my nipples with. But if I can keep to BM top ups rather than formula I'm hoping it won't affect my supply too much.

Dobby, that sounds painful! Get some silver nitrate on that asap!

Midwife is back tomorrow. Really hoping for a better weight gain.

What kind of breastpump do you have? I was using the medela and it was killing my nipples now that I switch to Spectra S1 feels way more gentle and I don't have to spend much time on it either.

I've got an avent comfort, it's quick and efficient. But between pumping so often and a shallow latch my nipples were suffering.

We had A's tongue tie snipped this morning and I can already feel an improvement in her nursing technique. Now she just needs to gain some weight!

Oh so sorry, no insight on the avent brand but glad that finally your nursing experience is improving with the tongue tie fix.
Hi ladies!

Quick update: Baby is one month old already and doing great. Unfortunately, I have PPD and the struggle is real. My daughter is very jealous and she has been very demanding lately. My mom is leaving this weekend and I'm so scared of being alone with two kids that I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

Dobbie: I'm sorry you're having problem with your SO. I'm in the same boat, DH and I aren't in good term right now plus he hasn't been much help with my depression. You deserve better and I'm sure your will figure it out what is best. :hugs:
Thanks ladies. We sat down and has a talk and things are much better. Probably helps A went back to sleeping well so SO is less sleep deprived

Marie I'm sorry about PPD. We're here if you need to vent. You'll be amazing with both kids. Make sure you take care of you
Alex had a Dr's appt yesterday and he's finally weighing more than he did at birth. About 5oz more. And he's apparently measuring in the 85th percentile in terms of length. Looks like he's taking after Daddy already. lol

Sorry to hear about your PPD, Maries. I didn't even feel like I got the baby blues, but I'm starting to get a little down on myself right now. I'm only 3 weeks postpartum, and I know I need to be consuming an extra 500 cals for milk production, but it's kinda difficult to see that my body hasn't "bounced back". Not that I had a good body to begin with, but still. My stretched out belly was hiding more stretchmarks than I realized, and I can't even begin to imagine how my loose skin is gonna shrink back. Also, I'm kind of starting to regret getting the epidural. I keep thinking back and trying to figure out what I could've done to make my labour progress quicker, so I wouldn't have been in pain for such a long time. I definitely needed the rest the epi allowed me to get, but could I not have just dealt with it for another several hours? Hopefully what they say about subsequent labours going quicker is true and I'll be able to do better next time. At least I don't seem to be dealing with gender disappointment issues.

As for BD and I, things seem to continue to be good. It's a long story, but the other day he said "If I had a 2nd parking spot at my condo, I'd be ok with you being my 'permanent roommate'." I told him I'd be more concerned with the lack of (storage) space in his 1 bedroom place and he said he'd be ok with getting rid of some of the stuff/clothing he doesn't use anymore to make space for me. I have no plans to move in with him anytime soon, but this does give me a little more courage to possibly have the boyfriend/girlfriend talk with him sometime soon. (Sorry to keep bringing him up like some lovesick teenager, but I've been seeing a whole new side of him in the last little while. I've spent years waiting for him to seem interested enough in me to be my partner, and then trying to accept that it probably wouldn't happen. Now, I have a key to his place, he's being a hands-on dad, volunteering names for future kids, and talking about how we'll embarrass Alex when he brings his girlfriend(s) home to meet us. lol)
My feeding saga
My son was born just over 5lbs. His blood sugar and temperature dangerously low. I was given a choice: give him a bottle or send him to NICU. Knowing how many of my friends never successfully transitioned from bottle to breast, I reluctantly and with tears agreed to the bottle. We fed every two hours on the dot.

The next morning, my son stopped taking the bottle. His blood sugar began declining. So we syringe fed him.

By that afternoon, he stopped taking the syringe. So we SNS fed him. That means we attached a tube to the syringe and taped it to our finger and slowly pushed fluid out as he latched on the finger. I waited all day for a lactation consultant that never came. I got a pump since my son refused to latch due to nipple confusion and frustration. So while SO/family did SNS I pumped.

Thankfully, when we got home he took to bottles I had bought. But the flow was too fast, so my mom had to go get ones for preemie babies. I continued to feed him high calorie neosure and watched as his weight soared.

Then, my milk came in. I began supplementing: 50/50 formula and pumped breast milk.

Finally, I had enough milk to get him to latch with the controversial nipple shield and weaned him off formula. But something wasn't right. He would feed for an hour and still be hungry. He cried 8 hours a day. His weight gain slowed tremendously. So I was told to let him feed 15m per breast then give him 30ml of pumped milk.

A few days later, his weight gain had not improved though his crying did. I was told he needed more calories than my milk provided so I had to fortify my milk with neosure.

Then, he stopped latching with the shield. So now I exclusively pump. Every 3 hours to make sure he gets 2oz at each feed. And I fortify each feeding with neosure. His next weight check is tomorrow, and I'm hoping for close to 6 lbs (doc wants anywhere between 5lbs 13oz and 6lbs).

Despite this, I consider myself lucky. I am lucky I have enough supply to pump enough milk for him, even if it means I can't skip a single session. I am lucky to have a supportive partner who understands that I feel and look like a dairy cow and tries to comfort me or hold A so I can pump. I'm lucky my family doesn't grill me or ask a thousand questions about why I stopped using the shield of when I use formula only.

Why I brought this up
I pumped an extra half ounce and was putting some on A's chapped lips. And I got the brilliant idea to drink a little lolol

Who else has had their bm? Or is that just me? :rofl:
Pretty never apologize for talking about your life, that's what this thread is about. I know I love hearing your BD updates because I'm so happy for you that things are working out really well. :). That's so wonderful that he's getting more and more excited about the idea of a commitment.

I'm sorry about the body issues. I hated my pregnancy body and I actually gained the first week postpartum from swelling. Are you drinking a lot of water and resting? I try to drink a glass every time A feeds, and any time I eat. My weight started coming off about ten days ago, but I am considerably active. I have a two story home so I'm up and down a fair amount/ we have so many weight checks/ the mail is a short walk. I've lost 21 of my 30 pounds and look about 10/11 weeks pregnant. I also don't eat more just because I'm breastfeeding. But I do make sure I eat three meals and a snack a day. Maybe that's why I have to fortify my milk. But I'm too effing tired lol. But I have to lose an extra 20 on top of my pregnancy weight (I could live with 10 but ideally 20), and I've only got about a year to lose it as I want to get the girls done early next summer so they're ready for summer vacation and potentially a wedding ceremony
Thanks, Dobby.

I'm trying to stay as hydrated as possible. A bunch of my weight came off pretty quickly after I had Alex cuz of his little 8lb butt, amniotic fluid, and placenta. As of this morning, I was down 34 of the 60lbs I put on during my pregnancy. But I really gotta make an effort to eat better and start walking more. That being said, I was able to walk for about 40 mins (with Alex in the stroller) to his Dr appt yesterday. And I'm gonna try to walk to and from WalMart (55 min round trip) tomorrow to get baby pics printed.

Good job with being able to pump so much. I was able to manually pump a little over 2 fl oz this morning and 3 this evening and I feel accomplished. lol
Omg! Pretty try not to be so hard on yourself! Losing 34 lbs in just three weeks is awesome! You can only lose so much at a time, so hang in there. The rest will come off in time :)

Thanks. The hospital pump does a great job of extracting milk, and I have a medela expression bra so I can pumps hands free. I'm still tied to the machine but I can eat/be on my phone/change a diaper. Holding him is tricky as I have to hold him st shoulder height which hurts/sometimes pulls the cuffs off.

I'm having a really bad pumping day. I didn't get my usual 4-5 oz at 4am and I've been struggling to keep up with him today.
I have so much on my mind lately. I go back to work in less than two weeks and the thought makes me cry. D isn't anywhere near ready for it either. During the day she still nurses every 2 hours. I've been pumping 2x a day and was stocking up 6+ oz but that's dwindled down to 2oz and I don't know if I can keep up with her needs when I go back to work. Just within the past two nights she has nursed every 2.5 - 3 hours (an improvement!) But she will still hardly sleep at all if you put her down. I even broke down and got an auto rock n play. It was magic for 1 night only and then she caught on. I'm terrified of her suffocating every single night as she sleeps on my chest. I didn't want to co sleep but there hasn't been any other way. I'm against sleep training/cry it out but for her safety might have to start. :( She fidgets a lot more these days and sleeping on my chest doesn't seem as safe now. I love her so so so so much but I need to be able to put her down at night. It's hard having a preemie. Her adjusted age when I go back to work will only be 7 weeks. :( Other than nursing and sleeping she is developing along with her actual age milestones which is exciting but doesn't really help my situation.

Sorry for the long rant. I've been keeping up with the thread, I just feel a little out of place because I had her so early and at this age a few weeks makes such a huge difference with what you're going through. Maybe that's a good thing and in two weeks I'll see a huge change with how she does at night.
First off Marie I'm so sorry about the PPD.. have you seen anyone for it?

Pretty and Dobby I'm glad to hear about the BD situations... Things are looking up for both of you.

AFM, P is having weight like a feind... She was 7lb 15.5oz when I took her in for her appointment on Wednesday. She does have a bit of reflux so she is on zantac reduce daily and we changed her to the similac pro sensitive formula. She seems to be less uncomfortable now but she's never been a fussy baby which I'm so thankful for. She cries only when she has a dirty diaper or she's hungry.. otherwise she's pretty chill.

I'm finally able to sleep back in bed now as she's going 3.5-4 hours in between feedings which is awesome. I was sleeping on the couch when it was 2.5-3 hours and she was in the rock N play, but now she's sleeping in her crib mostly..

Thankfully my dh has been amazing and let's me sleep from 8-12 and then I take the overnight feeding so he can get sleep for work.
Quick update, I have been reading through but not had time to reply.

We had A weighed again this morning and she has lost weight again so we have spent the day at the hospital. Paed is happy that she's not dehydrated but wants me to pump every feed and check her weight again Sunday. They're keen not to add in formula yet as DD1 has CMPA and there's a good chance A may have it too. I was doing pretty well emotion wise until we got to readmission point and this morning I just broke down. I feel so shit about the whole situation. I exclusively bf dd1 easily, I don't understand why it's just not going right this time :cry:
Gag sounds like things are going swimmingly :). Sorry about the reflux though

Weebles I know we are in vastly different development stages but please vent any time. That's what we are here for. I know as a ftm I have no idea what to expect beyond this week, but I'm happy to listen and offer my noob input. End of day you do what you have to in order to stay sane/get sleep. No judgement.

Girly hugs. I know how you feel. My mom bf easily. Nobody in my family has ever had issues. I did everything right pre and post pregnancy, and it kills me and people don't get it. We are adding in formula though. Waiting to get a weight check now to see if it worked. You are an incredible mother. You are doing everything you can to take care of your baby. I'm sorry it's not going as easily as we would all hope, but just keep it up momma and she will be big and strong soon.

Literally just got that pep talk from my friend. :hugs:
Thanks Dobby :hugs: just reading that has made me tear up.

We were supposed to be hosting a garden party tomorrow so we've had to contact friends and family to cancel it so I can just sit at home and pump and feed. DH has been the one to contract people, but I've had so many messages of support and love from my friends, I'm such an emotional wreck today!

I have an electric pump, but it is a single and just a consumer brand one. Our hospital didn't have a clue about hospital grade pumps or hire, and our children's centre only hire out the medula swing single so I've been on Amazon and ordered a spectra s1 to arrive tomorrow to hope that helps my pumping output after a feed.

Sending love to everyone else!
The right pump really makes all the difference. I'm very fortunate to have mine that is a double and gets the job done in 15m. I'd have lost my mind without it. Hopefully your new pump arrives soon and works out. I'm glad to hear your friends and family are being supportive. Lean on them. We're all here for you.
It's lovely keeping up with you all <3

I'm so sorry for those who are having feeding problems, I can't imagine how tough and scary it must be. I think you're all such amazing and devoted mothers. Girly being readmitted must have been horrible, I'm glad the professionals are encouraging you to keep baby on breastmilk if there is a possible allergy, I hope you're coping okay though? I bet that pump will make a lot of difference for you, I've heard only rave reviews about it!

Pretty I'm really pleased things are going so well with daddy :)

As for us things are going well, Kayla is 2.5 weeks now and we are loving watching her get more awake and interactive. She is in 0-3m clothes now and size 1 nappies are feeling small! My 3 year old is getting so big and grown up that I'm already begging Kayla to slow down :'(
What has been strange as a second time mum is the babies differences.. like with my first I just took it as it came but when Kayla needs different things I'm like oh.. :p she doesn't boob to sleep very well and likes to be cuddled instead and her latch isn't as perfect as my first so she takes in more air and does huge burps haha but she doesn't seem to have any wind pain so it's not a problem. Bfing is going well and I've started pumping to build up the freezer as I'm also going back to work when she's only 2 months :(
I know I need to introduce a bottle now so she gets used to it but I just can't bring myself to for some reason :'( I'm so scared she'll reject my boobs after.

Afm my vagina is feeling almost normal again, although I'm getting the heavy feeling I got last time from a mild prolapse :( it also started at 3 weeks last time and lasted for a year, sucked. I'm thinking I need to work on my fitness and losing a bit of weight but I suck at it.
Thank you both!

Dobby, the s1 is a double so I'm hoping that will make life easier too!

Mumma, I've been doing pretty well, just very tearful today.
It sounds like things are going really well for you and Kayla! I'm so pleased to hear she's doing well. The bottle thing really upset me when we had to start EBM top ups, and she definitely gets a bit confused. She does prefer the nipple over the bottle still which I'm thankful for. Fingers crossed Kayla doesn't have a preference when you go back to work.

Mine felt normal again within a couple of days, although I've still got a bit of postpartum spotting going on. But for the past week I've felt so horny, rudey dreams and everything. But I'm holding off until the spotting has stopped completely.
Awww that's cute to see the differences!!! I hear you though. A is three weeks today, and I can't handle how quickly he is growing. I'm already dreading going back to work (though I have 9 more weeks at home but I have to start prepping for my sub Monday gag). We're out of preemie diapers into nb and I can actually dress him now :). During tummy time he actually scoots forward using his legs to get closer to me. I just can't.

My vag still feels like Frankenstein so I'm envious lol and SO and I are getting really pent up now that my libido is back. We knocked a few frames off the wall when he got home from work yesterday just dicking around lol. 18 days until my postpartum check and hopefully the all clear to dtd.

Oh and look into Phillip Avent Natural bottles. My kiddo didn't have issues switching between them and boob when I was trying. His latch issues were more my flat nipples than bottle. You can also get first flow or newborn nipples if you find the slow flow is too fast. It takes my guy a full 10m to drink 2oz from his bottle with first flow nipples.
Ooo and you might want to look into an expressing bra. I have the medela easy expressions one (they run small so even though the size chart says I should wear small at a 36BC I'm comfortably in a medium). You get bored holding the cups in place when you're pumping 6-8 times a day for 15-20m at a time. I have a bulky machine so I'm stuck to it but at least I can play games on my iPad or bnb or change a diaper while I pump
I'm glad I'm not alone with the bottle sadness girly. I know it's silly, it's still my milk in her tummy what's the difference?! But it feels so different and like she deserves a better mummy who can stay with her and give her all the boobie she wants. Sorry I know you ladies are dealing with such harder stuff than I am, I am so thankful for how easy things have been and don't take it for granted for one second.

My lovely hubby has just done some washing up and is now sterilising my pumping equipment and bottles and wiping the surface to lay them out on.. such a quality guy <3

Hehe dobby you do make me laugh! It's actually a known phenomena that people get horny around the 3-4 week mark! It's a hormomal thing and hit me like a freight train last time, had the best sex ever at 3 weeks pp! Enjoy it if you've got it I say.
The bottle sadness doesn't really make much sense to me either when I know it's EBM in there, but it still upsets me that it's not direct from the source. Lol

My hubby has been on pump cleaning and sterilising duty all week. He's so supportive, and I'm so thankful to have him here and on paternity leave still.

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