Jeez, Dobby, that sounds like a lot to deal with. Hopefully A will be all better soon. And Alex isn't moving too much either. He still hates tummy time and he would be doing a proper back to front roll over, but he still hasn't figured out that he needs to move his arm out of the way. He'll sit up and have pretty good neck control, but he still needs to have his torso held.
Some babies just teethe early, leson. I think Alex is starting to and my friend says her 12 week old has started, too.
For Halloween, I ended up just dressing up as a Hogwarts student and Alex was a jack-o-lantern.
So, I've been thinking about my pregnancy and labour recently and getting pretty down on myself. BD's cousin's wife had a baby boy on Oct 27. She was 6 days late and apparently went from water breaking to baby in arms in 4 hours, so "there was no time for an epidural." I don't wanna be melodramatic, but I friggen hate myself. I hate that I put on 60lbs during my pregnancy. I hate that I lost 32lbs in the first few weeks, but I've since put 15+lbs back on. I hate my saggy belly. I hate that I couldn't keep him in til my due date. I hate that my labour took 27 hours. I hate that I gave in and got an epi after 19 hours. My mom was hoping I'd get the epi, BD had like zero experience with the situation, so he didn't wanna tell me what I should and shouldn't do, and my friend admits she could've done better to support me and my wish to not be medicated. I expected better from myself and I met myself down. I've been fighting tears about this on and off for like a week. I wish I could just crawl into bed for several days and not eat. -.-