mid term ttc!

hahah Allison. I can't stand Dr. Phil either... he's an idiot! All your hubby's should enjoy all the BDing because within the next month or so you all are going to be knocked up and won't ever want to do it!!! (my poor hubby ;))
Well here's hoping! :drunk:

How are you feeling at this point Chelsea? :sick:
I'm not feeling too bad. Not much nausea (only if I'm starving), no vomiting. Just really sleepy and fatigued. And supposedly crazy mood swings says my husband :shrug:. Luckily, he finds the mood swings hilarious (so far!). Also, I have to eat more which is hard because I have zero cravings. Nothing sounds good so it takes me forever to figure out what to eat. And oh my gosh, so much gas and bloat...:haha: it ain't pretty! Other then that no real complaining over here. I have my first ultrasound in exactly one week so I'm really excited and nervous about that. Can't wait for you all to be with me soon so we can have our Mid Term Grads thread!! Coming soon!! :happydance:
I don't like Dr Phil and I Have to say there is nothing wrong with knowing when you're fertile, so three days a cycle we make sure we have sex then the rest before and after we do it when we want where we want and how we want no worries.

Glad your not to bad off chelsea!

So I should get my temp rise tomorrow, had a neg opk after 2 positives, so will be on cd1 the day of my apt or spotting only. Yippee 15 more days!

Anyway I am exhausted from school and still have homework.
Hey ladies

Hope your all well, sorry been away for a few weeks needed a break from bnb.. And kind of stuck in limbo at moment with waiting on hsg scan so not sure where i belong!! :(
And the fact my sis is pregnant again with her 2nd and my best mate pregnant too all in few months kind of knocked my down my peg, so needed some alone time to get head round and feeling more positive over things now.. (well i have too, was sick of feeling like a green eyed jealous monster)

Anyway, feeling ok about things now, starting to feel bit more PMA in myself so was ready to come back..

How is everyone getting on?

Hey Chelsea see your feeling ok thats good news, and scan not far off!! I hope us ladies follow u in first timester very soon that would be nice news!!

Anyone got anything nice planned for weekend?
Hey beauty! We've missed you! So nice to see you back! Although I totally understand about taking a break, I have been tempted myself. My good news (not sure how far you read back) is that DH and I Have our appointment to start IUI and get on the IVF list. My cycle works out perfectly, it will be cd1 for me the day of the appointment so hopefully doc will see no problems and get me on my clomid right away. I am praying and hoping so cause I can't wait another month.

I've also started school, today is day three and I already have a ton of things to do! Eek!
Welcome back hun :) So glad you're feeling a little better!

Keep your chin up Kelly, nursing school doesn't waste any time bending you over that proverbial table! :haha: Rewarding jobs (and paychecks!) will make it all worth it in the end.

Chelsea, I bet you're getting so excited about seeing the little bugger on screen!! I can't even imagine. Last time I was at the gyno I heard a heartbeat coming from the room next to mine.... and I cried. :haha: tears of joy of course. Which is funny since I had no clue who was next door!!! Thats how I roll haha

there's no understanding me:blush:
Welcome back Beauty!

It's been a busy week for me. I've had the week off work and have been working very, very hard on the new house. It's really starting to come together and feel like it's ours. We're still not living there as we have no hot water - or a kitchen! We have a fridge-freezer now though. Also have a beautiful 1930s art deco walnut cocktail cabinet which my sister as bought us as a belated wedding present. We love art deco and we're delighted with it. God bless Ebay!

On the TTC front we had some not great news today. DH's SA results came back. Motility and volume absolutely fine but morphology wasn't. Only 6% normal (apparently 15% and upwards is considered normal). We're now researching what DH can do to improve it. He doesn't smoke and has never been a big drinker of alcohol. It kind of knocked me for six to be honest. I don't think that is the sole reason we're having trouble though. My AF is far too light so I think I'll talk to the GP about checking that out. The doc said to DH that we can test again in 3 months or so but that there's no reason why we couldn't be successful - it could just take longer. I suspect that he doesn't realise how horrid that is to hear if you've already been trying for over a year.

In a way I'm glad it's not just my 'fault'. I've been feeling completely useless all these months but in a way I'm a bit angry that I've been feeling so awful and it's not been all down to me. However I'm trying to support DH through this - I've had over a year of my body not working properly, and every month feeling a failure so I'm used to it. He's not so I want to make sure that he doesn't feel emasculated by it.

The thought of more waiting is rather depressing though.

Sorry for the long rant! :blush:
Hi girls! I haven't been good about keeping up. I've been spending a lot of time trying to stay caught up in journals and I'm falling behind. School started this week and I am teaching 20 very energetic 7 year olds. I have been exhausted!

I had a baseline scan today because they are hesitant to continue my treatment until they see what's going on. I will find out the results tomorrow. I hope I can continue with the Clomid, but I may not be able to. We'll see tomorrow!
All I can say is, bless you Jen!

I went to eat lunch with my 7 year old nephew at school today and 200 VERY energetic elementary schoolers. I would be lying if I said the noise didn't test my nerves :)

I enjoyed it though. I really want to get a job as a teaching assistant, that's where my passion lies, so it was nice to be there, and fun to see Sam since I don't see him nearly enough!!!

I hope everything comes out in your favor tomorrow. A little bit of good news should definitely be coming your way!

As for you miss Fay, good luck with the patience. My gosh it's hard!!!

Tiffany, you should be proud of me. I'm just now sobering up and i'm not feeling sick :happydance: choking down a couple quick shots is SO the way to go!!! This was also ironically the first time since just after I turned 21 that I managed drunkenness.... woot
Hey beauty! We've missed you! So nice to see you back! Although I totally understand about taking a break, I have been tempted myself. My good news (not sure how far you read back) is that DH and I Have our appointment to start IUI and get on the IVF list. My cycle works out perfectly, it will be cd1 for me the day of the appointment so hopefully doc will see no problems and get me on my clomid right away. I am praying and hoping so cause I can't wait another month.

I've also started school, today is day three and I already have a ton of things to do! Eek!

Hey huni
Thats great news about starting the IUI i bet you are getting all excited.. Keep us updated huni on how it goes.. Hope school isnt workin you too hard..

Thanks for the welcome, just needed to clear my mind.. just waiting on my hsg scan now and then fingers crossed to starting some medication to help with pcos and ovulation.. xx
Welcome back Beauty!

It's been a busy week for me. I've had the week off work and have been working very, very hard on the new house. It's really starting to come together and feel like it's ours. We're still not living there as we have no hot water - or a kitchen! We have a fridge-freezer now though. Also have a beautiful 1930s art deco walnut cocktail cabinet which my sister as bought us as a belated wedding present. We love art deco and we're delighted with it. God bless Ebay!

On the TTC front we had some not great news today. DH's SA results came back. Motility and volume absolutely fine but morphology wasn't. Only 6% normal (apparently 15% and upwards is considered normal). We're now researching what DH can do to improve it. He doesn't smoke and has never been a big drinker of alcohol. It kind of knocked me for six to be honest. I don't think that is the sole reason we're having trouble though. My AF is far too light so I think I'll talk to the GP about checking that out. The doc said to DH that we can test again in 3 months or so but that there's no reason why we couldn't be successful - it could just take longer. I suspect that he doesn't realise how horrid that is to hear if you've already been trying for over a year.

In a way I'm glad it's not just my 'fault'. I've been feeling completely useless all these months but in a way I'm a bit angry that I've been feeling so awful and it's not been all down to me. However I'm trying to support DH through this - I've had over a year of my body not working properly, and every month feeling a failure so I'm used to it. He's not so I want to make sure that he doesn't feel emasculated by it.

The thought of more waiting is rather depressing though.

Sorry for the long rant! :blush:

Sorry about the results huni, again like the doctor said re testing in few months is really worth it.. sometimes a cold can affect SA results!!

My oh had one done few months back, wasnt great but doc said nothing to be worried about but wanted a retest.. we have put him on "wellman" tablets and its now been well over 3 months and we are ready to re test shortly just before my HSG scan so they have the results in.. As gyno said then need to have his tests in order to see if its worth giving me clomid etc!!

The thing is i have pcos so giving me clomid will help with ovulation and going off SA last results i am praying for an improvement especially with him taking the wellman..

Have you thought about trying him on "wellman" suppose to be like really the best u can get..can get them from boots or hollands about £7 for month supply and my oh swears by them!!

Keep your chin up babe, like doc said it might take you a little longer to get that BFP but keep at it.. dont let things grind you down!!
Thanks for the advice Beauty.

I did buy him some Wellman tablets a few months ago but he was rubbish at taking them and then didn't buy any more when he finally ran out. I think tha the SA result will help encourage him!

We did some research last night and that helped put his result into perspective. His 6% isn't actually all that bad (makes you wonder how anyone can get pregnant if our menfolk have so few undamaged spermies!).

Right, off for another day of painting.
hello ladies

sorry was MIA for few days... as super bus at work AND BnB is blocked at work now :cry::cry: ,, how i miss that.. oh well...

beauty - welcome back :flower:

Allison and Tiffany - my lovely ladies.. how are you? Allison its almost there. :thumbup:

Tiffany - we both are coming close too... PMA for us

Leila - 6% is not bad at all... i hope your paining work goes well

Bizy - im off to your journo to catch up

Chelsea - my knocked up friend.. how are you?
Hey! Leila just an issue with morphology isn't that bad! I wish my DH had only that problem but he has issues with all three and they are testing his sperm antibodies on the 24th so knowing our luck thats gonna suck to and screw us over for IUI. Well hopefully not but I don't have much hope.

Yay only a couple of days Allison! You will have to tell me how the whole process goes and feels pain wise.

Nids, yes we are very close, are you excited?

Welcome back bizy, I hope you get the good results you deserve to!

School is ok for now, a lot to read so hard to keep up and make sure I get enough sleep, it's the calm before the storm at this point the end of the month will be very busy for me, got 2 papers due and a midterm and who knows what else. Well I am off to class now.
We are getting tantalizingly close! Monday I am supposed to start my new cycle so Wednesday I should start the Clomid. If all of that goes according to schedule I will be going in for the procedure the following M,T, or W!

I have a couple of friends who have told me that the vag. ultrasound is plenty uncomfortable. One of them has also had the uterine catheter and she said it hurt pretty bad. Her recommendation was to take some percoset before leaving the house that day.

The whole thing sounds pretty unpleasant, but I will do it with a smile on my face if it means getting my :baby:!!!!!!!!!
I'm not gonna lie.... i'm getting pretty excited for us all :happydance:
I'm such a joiner. There is a shiny new journal in the lttc journal area produced by yours truly.
I hope i don't have the catheter one, I think it is just an abdominal and transvaginal and thats it but because you have some endo they might do the other on you... I will hope not!

You must be ecstatic! I am excited and I still have 13 days till apt and hopefully meds. I am also hoping with the clomid and trigger shot that I will Ov earlier the cd19 like maybe around cd14 or something, that would be nice.
yea, i'm actually trying really hard to not get too excited. Mine will go pretty fast too cause I usually ov on CD 9 or 10 so they want me to come in on cycle day 7,8,or 9 to ensure that we don't miss it!!!

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