mid term ttc!

Hey bobobaby, i havent seen a dark line ever when i tried testing last time and had a long cycle and ran out of opks so must of missed it.. started testing on cd14 even tho cycles are longer than 28 i just thought cd14 would be good to test..

Havent seen any dark lines as of yet but cd18 tomoz so gonna test around twice a day maybe 10ish like i have been and then again at 7ish..

Any tips on testing with opks that u could give me?? Even knowing i ovulate but be great.. i did go for day 21test last month but went cd29 and must not of ovulated by then as tests so low.. AF showed up cd45 so i guess i went to early.. bit hard to guess when to go for the test as cycles vary each month..

Maybe if get positive then i can get idea when to book test from opks..

I've been lucky to have my cycles be pretty regular, so I'm not sure how to approach a cycle that varies each month. Does it vary by a lot of days? Or if you usually have a cycle that lasts around 45 days I wouldn't start testing until cd27... or at the earliest cd20. Have you been to the Dr. about your long cycles?

No my cycles were ok since stopping BC in August they were every 35days give and take few days longest being 35.. then in december for some reason AF arrived on cd60... So I waited for my next AF which was cd45 which was miles better so hopefully this months cycle should be back to 35days if not before.. No idea why it went bit crazy to be honest.. (i swear it was stressing over TTC but i dont know)

Went doctors in December when it was so late and he ran some blood tests, hormones and throyids came back fine so he didnt have any concerns.. and then AF shown few days later..Next AF was cd45 but i did spot a week before that for a day..
I know its so strange why for two months they seemed to of gone up the wall when they were fine since stopping bc..

Thats why really wanna track my ovulation this time so i can then book my day 21test for few days after ovulation to make sure its all ok.. As i know its hard to do the test if i dont know when i ovulate..

I just read its better to test for opks at the evening so i think i will as of tonight..

My CM is fine, i mean yesterday i had quite alot and CP is high I been studying that since stopping bc and they signs from them seem to think i ovulate.. just missed the surge when trying last month as ran out of opks before my ovulation as it was 45day cycle.

Hey bobobaby, i havent seen a dark line ever when i tried testing last time and had a long cycle and ran out of opks so must of missed it.. started testing on cd14 even tho cycles are longer than 28 i just thought cd14 would be good to test..

Havent seen any dark lines as of yet but cd18 tomoz so gonna test around twice a day maybe 10ish like i have been and then again at 7ish..

Any tips on testing with opks that u could give me?? Even knowing i ovulate but be great.. i did go for day 21test last month but went cd29 and must not of ovulated by then as tests so low.. AF showed up cd45 so i guess i went to early.. bit hard to guess when to go for the test as cycles vary each month..

Maybe if get positive then i can get idea when to book test from opks..

I've been lucky to have my cycles be pretty regular, so I'm not sure how to approach a cycle that varies each month. Does it vary by a lot of days? Or if you usually have a cycle that lasts around 45 days I wouldn't start testing until cd27... or at the earliest cd20. Have you been to the Dr. about your long cycles?

No my cycles were ok since stopping BC in August they were every 35days give and take few days longest being 35.. then in december for some reason AF arrived on cd60... So I waited for my next AF which was cd45 which was miles better so hopefully this months cycle should be back to 35days if not before.. No idea why it went bit crazy to be honest.. (i swear it was stressing over TTC but i dont know)

Went doctors in December when it was so late and he ran some blood tests, hormones and throyids came back fine so he didnt have any concerns.. and then AF shown few days later..Next AF was cd45 but i did spot a week before that for a day..
I know its so strange why for two months they seemed to of gone up the wall when they were fine since stopping bc..

Thats why really wanna track my ovulation this time so i can then book my day 21test for few days after ovulation to make sure its all ok.. As i know its hard to do the test if i dont know when i ovulate..

I just read its better to test for opks at the evening so i think i will as of tonight..

My CM is fine, i mean yesterday i had quite alot and CP is high I been studying that since stopping bc and they signs from them seem to think i ovulate.. just missed the surge when trying last month as ran out of opks before my ovulation as it was 45day cycle.


Aw I see. I've read that the best time to test is at 2 p.m. or at least in between noon and 8 pm. I'm not a girl who can hold her pee very long and usually only hold it for 2-3 hours before testing, and that has been long enough to get my surge. Good luck and I hope you get a positive tonight!
Thanks huni
I am defo going to be trying to hold it for a few hours, i havent been doing that and i think i shall test tonight about 7ish and see the result..
I just hope i get a positive, things arent going right at the moment feeling down again about TTC as it hasnt happened yet.. i know us girls are in the same vote but how do you keep positive??
Thanks huni
I am defo going to be trying to hold it for a few hours, i havent been doing that and i think i shall test tonight about 7ish and see the result..
I just hope i get a positive, things arent going right at the moment feeling down again about TTC as it hasnt happened yet.. i know us girls are in the same vote but how do you keep positive??

Honestly, I don't stay very positive a lot. But this month I just feel different... I feel more refreshed or something and so I'm being super super positive. Like I keep telling hubby that this is the month for sure (its only cd9!!). And he says he is glad to hear me being positive about this for a change, but he's worried I'm setting myself up for a big fall. Every month around AF time I have a day or two where I can't help but cry and be depressed that I'm not getting pregnant and he's afraid I'm setting myself up for a even bigger fall because as he says, "we have no control" over if it works this month. I keep telling him No, it's a fact... it's happening this month!!

I think I'm just at the point where I need to be 100% positive this month, and honestly if it doesn't work this month I may need to take a break from all this. It's just too devastating every month. So to answer your question (or at least try) I don't really have any tips on staying positive because I don't know quite how to do that as well. :)
Thanks huni, least i know i am not the only one who gets upset and cries when my AF shows up..
My OH is really good he keeps saying it will be fine but to be honest i am driving myself insane.. i mean this is cycle 6 and i was starting to feel really chilled this month and stuff but then today its all gone out the window and i am getting stressed again..

I so want it to happen like everyone else that i suppose we try to stay positive but then it just all goes to pot when we dont get what we want!!

Thanks for the advice huni and thanks for listening.. xx
Hey Claire.. Sometimes i feel like something is wrong with me, but prob being paranoid cause thought be pregnant by now.. :(
How are things with you??

Hiya, i think we spend so much of our life trying not to get pregnant when we want it we decide it should happen straight away, reality is even if there is a healthy egg and healthy sperm the chance of conceving every month is still only 25% you will get there hun we all will xx

Im fine had my cd21 result yesterday which confirmed ovulation just waiting on OH's sperm results and i have sum more blood tests when :witch: pays me a visit.

I know what you mean we try so long not to get pregnant and when we want to it seems to take too long..

Glad your day 21 tests were ok, hopefully once i get positive on opk i can have my day 21 test repeated.. just trying opks and trying my hardest to get the lh surge not had luck trying in the past, either long cycles meaning i miss it and run out of sticks..

Going to repeat test tonight about 7ish..

Do you get ovulation pains.. if so do they feel like AF pains but really lighter that dont hurt but bit of discomfort to the point you can feel them but they dont hurt..

Only have these pains now and again and not sure if it means ovulation or not..

Hi beauty, glad to have you join us! I don't get Ov pains, so I can't help there, but I did have really long cycles (like normally 40-45 days, with one being 55!), and I found I have a 12 day LP, so I got my surge on opk between CD28-32. It stinks to have such long cycles because you have to wait so long before you have another chance to ttc! However, I started some medication for hypothyroid about a month or two ago, and this cycle is on track for 35 days (unless I get a BFP first!), so that might have helped. I think if your cycles used to be 35 days, you should start testing around CD20 and test through CD35 or so (you can buy cheapy ones off ebay so you have a lot). Hopefully you won't miss the surge that way.

I found the time I see the darkest surge on opk is about 9-10pm. It shows test line darker than control at 6pm (my usual testing time), but gets way darker by 9pm, then usually is still darker than control at 5am (when I get up for work the next day), and by the time I check at 6pm that second day, the test line is back to being lighter than control (negative). I've read many places that testing between 2 and 8pm is the best time since your surge starts in the early morning.

I too get very upset every month; it's hard to stay positive. I just want a baby sooo badly - I'm sure you all understand! I just try to think that it will happen when it's supposed to happen, so usually I am over it and re-energized for the next cycle about 2-3 days after AF begins. Then I get super excited during the tww (like now), thinking that we must have done it this time! Then as it gets closer to testing I start trying to convince myself we probably didn't do it this time, so the let-down isn't as big. Anyway, it's a vicious cycle of emotion, but I'm so grateful for all the ladies on here who are willing to listen to a rant and can sympathize!

Sorry for talking (or writing) your ear off! :)
Hi ladies, i have been not regualr here.. just dropped in to see hows everyone..
Im doing good.. CD9today and exciting :sex: days coming up..
i want this to have my month... just a quick question tho.. i m scheduled to have a chest xray on 24 th maarch will be 8-9 DPO and its really important for me to have that xray done cuz we taking an insurance and its part of it..
Should i go ahead with it.. i mean i will be 8-9 DPO and probably just implanted (if it happens). .what u think?
Hi ladies, i have been not regualr here.. just dropped in to see hows everyone..
Im doing good.. CD9today and exciting :sex: days coming up..
i want this to have my month... just a quick question tho.. i m scheduled to have a chest xray on 24 th maarch will be 8-9 DPO and its really important for me to have that xray done cuz we taking an insurance and its part of it..
Should i go ahead with it.. i mean i will be 8-9 DPO and probably just implanted (if it happens). .what u think?

it should be fine, but when you are there just mention there is a possibility you could be pregnant because you are ttc... Just so you can be sure it won't be harmful.
yeah i am plannig to tell them.. i just dnt want to create a fuss with them.. generally what they ask to do is take a pregnancy test and if its negative then only they will proceed for xray
i dnt wanna take that test in public.. so i might as well go forward..anwayys its just a chest x-ray
Welcome Beauty. I haven't had much luck with OPK's since my cycles are crazy. I hope they work better for you!

Hi Aussie, glad to see you're back. The x-ray probably won't be a problem, but I'd mention you're TTC just in case...
Welcome Beauty. I haven't had much luck with OPK's since my cycles are crazy. I hope they work better for you!

Hi Aussie, glad to see you're back. The x-ray probably won't be a problem, but I'd mention you're TTC just in case...
Hi beauty, glad to have you join us! I don't get Ov pains, so I can't help there, but I did have really long cycles (like normally 40-45 days, with one being 55!), and I found I have a 12 day LP, so I got my surge on opk between CD28-32. It stinks to have such long cycles because you have to wait so long before you have another chance to ttc! However, I started some medication for hypothyroid about a month or two ago, and this cycle is on track for 35 days (unless I get a BFP first!), so that might have helped. I think if your cycles used to be 35 days, you should start testing around CD20 and test through CD35 or so (you can buy cheapy ones off ebay so you have a lot). Hopefully you won't miss the surge that way.

I found the time I see the darkest surge on opk is about 9-10pm. It shows test line darker than control at 6pm (my usual testing time), but gets way darker by 9pm, then usually is still darker than control at 5am (when I get up for work the next day), and by the time I check at 6pm that second day, the test line is back to being lighter than control (negative). I've read many places that testing between 2 and 8pm is the best time since your surge starts in the early morning.

I too get very upset every month; it's hard to stay positive. I just want a baby sooo badly - I'm sure you all understand! I just try to think that it will happen when it's supposed to happen, so usually I am over it and re-energized for the next cycle about 2-3 days after AF begins. Then I get super excited during the tww (like now), thinking that we must have done it this time! Then as it gets closer to testing I start trying to convince myself we probably didn't do it this time, so the let-down isn't as big. Anyway, it's a vicious cycle of emotion, but I'm so grateful for all the ladies on here who are willing to listen to a rant and can sympathize!

Sorry for talking (or writing) your ear off! :)

Thanks for replying.. i will try testing at 2pm and then again at 9pm tonight as its cd18 today so hopefully my line will get stronger..

I am really grateful for you replying, i know what you mean about long cycles its a nightmare.. i am going to see if the cycle comes in at 35ish and if its really long again then i am going back to the doctors to see if he can maybe try giving me something to shorten them!!

I did have some tests last time re thyroids and horomones and all were ok so fingers crossed cycles returns to 35days this month and everything gets back ok.. (No idea why last two cycles were quite long) i do swear its due to me stressing over TTC but then again after stopping BC in September i have no idea if its just my body throwing the pill out and trying to settle..

Love to know if i ovulate tho.. really wanna catch the surge..

How long have you been ttc huni??

I know what you mean every time you think i have done it and then AF arrives and its so hard, i am sure it gets harder every month..

Thanks for all your advice, really appreicate it.. xx
Thanks for replying.. i will try testing at 2pm and then again at 9pm tonight as its cd18 today so hopefully my line will get stronger..

I am really grateful for you replying, i know what you mean about long cycles its a nightmare.. i am going to see if the cycle comes in at 35ish and if its really long again then i am going back to the doctors to see if he can maybe try giving me something to shorten them!!

I did have some tests last time re thyroids and horomones and all were ok so fingers crossed cycles returns to 35days this month and everything gets back ok.. (No idea why last two cycles were quite long) i do swear its due to me stressing over TTC but then again after stopping BC in September i have no idea if its just my body throwing the pill out and trying to settle..

Love to know if i ovulate tho.. really wanna catch the surge..

How long have you been ttc huni??

I know what you mean every time you think i have done it and then AF arrives and its so hard, i am sure it gets harder every month..

Thanks for all your advice, really appreicate it.. xx

I've been ttc since July 2008, but I'm only on cycle 6 due to the long cycles. I'm 9dpo right now, so I should know shortly, or else join all the lovely ladies here on lucky cycle 7!

Aneageraussie, I too agree with the above - I think it's probably fine for the x-ray, but if you tell them you are ttc, maybe they can give you an extra cloak over your stomach or take any other precaution. I'm sure it will be ok, as you probably need that insurance for when you are preggo (which hopefully will be very soon!) Happy :sex: this weekend!! :)
Hi girls, hope everyone is ok!!

Is it just me or is this cycle dragging???!!!!
hi girls just checking in, hope your all ok and going to get lots of BFP's this month.

:witch: will be here sat for me and then i go into the 10th cycle, really hope the gp reffers me to fertility specialist next week when i go bk after my blood tests on monday, i dont think i can carry on my ttc journey for much longer without feeling that im getting sum help of sumone. When i started ttc i thought i would have a baby by now or be due soon...how wrong i was :(
hi girls just checking in, hope your all ok and going to get lots of BFP's this month.

:witch: will be here sat for me and then i go into the 10th cycle, really hope the gp reffers me to fertility specialist next week when i go bk after my blood tests on monday, i dont think i can carry on my ttc journey for much longer without feeling that im getting sum help of sumone. When i started ttc i thought i would have a baby by now or be due soon...how wrong i was :(

hey claire honey, we all in same boat... :hugs:
u will have a baby soon... and when u will look at the baby you will know he/she was worth the wait.. just hang in there :)
I agree with aneageraussie, it will totally be worth it. It's not over for you yet this cycle! Hopefully if AF shows your doc will go ahead and do something for you guys.

I feel like this 2ww is definitely dragging for me Mrs. G!!
i know we all in the same boat was just feeling sorry for myself im ok now. XXX

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