Update on my situation...
Af came on 4th april (cd1). Ovulated on cd12. 7dpo (cd19) went for progesterone levels test thinking i was going to have a 28 cycle (tests came back low progesterone) then surprise surprise my af came the day after which made my cycle only 19 day which is very short.
Went to the doctors about it yesterday and he didn't understand where i was coming from by the fact that my cycle was shorter than usual, he said that i got my dates wrong for the blood test but i didn't know i was going to have a 19 day cycle.
He now wants me doing more tests as he things i have 19 day cycles but they vary all the time, very very irregular.
Hope that makes sense to everyone
Sorry for rant, im just so stressed and upset.
Sorry huni, i know how you feel re the tests, i go always at the wrong time cause my periods vary so much every month from being cd35 to cd48 so its so hard for me to know when to go too so my results on two trips have been low!! I tried opks but give up with them as i cant be bothered after never getting a positive on them and then cause my cycles are long i give up half way through too..
Have you asked your doc to be referred to a gyno who can do alot more investigating why your periods are quite short being 19days??
After two day 21 test and low results my doctor has referred me to a gyno and i go in May time! I am sure i ovulate but with long cycles this is quite annyoing to be honest and cause they vary i never know when the big o is!!