mid term ttc!

Aww, bless him aussie, you've got a good man there :laugh2:

Kelly9, I'm also loving the risky car-based nookie! Fingers crossed you don't get disturbed by any late night joggers, dog walkers etc. :rofl:
hey beuaty.. thanks babe... well i came home around 5.30 and guess what DH was there at home cooking dinner.. cudnt beleive my eyes but then he said he realized how important its for me and all that.. so yeah i got my :spermy: in me... on that note i did OPk and still not very strong... so may be tommorow is the day..

also going to doctors tommorow and may be get a referral for US to check for PCOS... just happy things are moving ahead for me...

feeling much better now :)

ARHHHHHH thats nice of him, some things just take time, i know how you feel tho this is my 7th month and i am dying for my BFP.. keep trying and keep getting that nookie in.. good luck huni
Kelly, that's determination! After all of your drives and risky :sex: in the car, a :bfp: will be well deserved!

Aussie, glad your OH changed his plans. Hope you O soon!
I haven't had a proper normal af flow for 3 months.
4th April was cd 1-light flow.
+OPK CD10,11 and 12. CD12 was ovulation.
CD 19 I started light bleeding which lasted two day after a few days of spotting.

I dont know if that was my af or just mid cycle bleeding.

I assumed it was af and im now CD8.
Mine bloated, have cramps and my boobs are sore
My FF temps are not proving anything.
AF decided she would show her face this morning :(:(
aww pusskins i know hw you feel when your body is messing with your mind, hope you get some sort of answer soon xx
Hey girls, hope everyone is ok.

Bit of an update for you....

Went to consultant yesterday after dh's bad sa results and he said those dreaded but somewhat inevitable words "very unlikely to conceive without treatment". So the IVF waiting game begins..:hissy:
Hey girls, hope everyone is ok.

Bit of an update for you....

Went to consultant yesterday after dh's bad sa results and he said those dreaded but somewhat inevitable words "very unlikely to conceive without treatment". So the IVF waiting game begins..:hissy:

I'm so sorry!! :hugs: In the end it will all be worth it when you have your baby, and you WILL have your baby!!
So sorry about needing the ivf but at least you know whats going on and whay will help! You can destress in that sense.

Pussikins are your temps before O always that high? do they go up much after O? I am curious cause my temps are a bit higher then usual.. although I think mine are due to travelling but I think it is going to affect my after O temps this month. I would say maybe your last increase in temps could be possible O again? do you take Bvits to lengthen your luteal phase?

The nookie in the car was fun and I love seducing my husband it keeps things exciting and less routine. But now I won't see him till saturday after work :(
Hope you get your BFP Kelly because you sure worked for it this month!!

Well... I'm feeling a bit like shit right now :hissy: after talking to some people about how DH & I have been trying for 8 months now and them making me feel like its somehow our fault its not happening... as if I have some kind of control over it! I already feel horrible enough that its taking this long, I really don't need opinions from 'super fertile' people or from people who don't even know what they are talking about.:cry: Sorry, rant over...
Hugs bobobaby! I think we all feel that way at one point of another. I can't help think that if it's taken 10 months there has to be something wrong! But i had a client come in to the bank yesterday while I was working and she was pregnant like 3 months with baby in her arms and she said it took her over a year to conceive her first and it was while she was waiting for her FS appointment that she found out she was pregnant. Another of my coworkers said it took them 2 years. So have faith. DOn't believe anything is wrong with you cause 8 months isn't all that long I guess! Neither is 10 for that matter.
Yeah I know in the grand scheme 8 months isn't that long... especially since a lot of you brave women have been doing it even longer... it just keeps dragging on!! blah... bad day. Thanks though hun. :hugs:
Hey girls, hope everyone is ok.

Bit of an update for you....

Went to consultant yesterday after dh's bad sa results and he said those dreaded but somewhat inevitable words "very unlikely to conceive without treatment". So the IVF waiting game begins..:hissy:

I really hate to unload on you ladies, but I have had THE WORST DAY! Let me outline the last 24 hours for you...

Last night my impatient husband just had to find out if the screw we picked up in our truck's tire had punctured through... I'm sure you can imagine the outcome of that one. It's going to cost $700 to get new tires.

I wake up this morning to my husband saying he had a voice mail on his phone from my mom. She called my phone but it had powered off in the night(so now I need a phone also!). Mom needed me right away b/c my grandma (who i'm very close to and who has been battling cancer the last 2 yrs!) was in the emergency rm. Her doctor has advised her to cease the chemo and call hospice. The cancer has spread aggressively to her liver and it is failing.

My teenage sister, Who lives away at boarding school, had a crushing day. For the first time in the 3 years she has been there she said she wanted to come home. So hard to know she is hurting so far away where I can't give her a hug :(

And the proverbial straw on this camels back is the fact that right smack dab in the middle of this :witch: shows up and my uterus thought it would be super cool to see if it could multiply by ripping right in two! I have never in my life been so happy to have scheduled a surgery. AND in all the rush I forgot :witch: was due today and left my pain prescription at home with every scrap of feminine hygiene products I own.

So now I sit here at the end of this epically bad day and the only thing I can say is...
awww hun!!!!!! I am so sorry your day was crap! It can only get better.

I've got a weird confession to make... my friend who got pregnant without wanting to just found out she is having a boy. I when I heard was all like OMG this is the best day ever! I know it may sound odd but she really wanted a girl and was crushed when she found out it was a boy but here I was super happy. I resented her big time for getting pregnant (and it was her fault never taking her BCP's) and I as everyone knows really want a girl like os bad it hurts, so when I found out she was having a boy it was kind of like a little victory for me. I wouldn't have been able to handle her gloating and gushing and buying pink little cute outfits! It took me ages to come to terms with her having a baby and me not yet being pregnant. Is this weird or wrong? I can't help how I feel! I am still smiling over the fact that she is having a boy and not a girl.
Hey girls, hope everyone is ok.

Bit of an update for you....

Went to consultant yesterday after dh's bad sa results and he said those dreaded but somewhat inevitable words "very unlikely to conceive without treatment". So the IVF waiting game begins..:hissy:

I am sorry Mrs G, i hope your get that BFP you deserve.. Hopefully the ball can start rolling alot more now that they know the outcome.. :hug:

Here if you need to talk..
So sorry about needing the ivf but at least you know whats going on and whay will help! You can destress in that sense.

Pussikins are your temps before O always that high? do they go up much after O? I am curious cause my temps are a bit higher then usual.. although I think mine are due to travelling but I think it is going to affect my after O temps this month. I would say maybe your last increase in temps could be possible O again? do you take Bvits to lengthen your luteal phase?

The nookie in the car was fun and I love seducing my husband it keeps things exciting and less routine. But now I won't see him till saturday after work :(

i am on my 2nd cycles of FF charting and yeah my temps are always high :(
I have no clue what my body is doing, my cycles are irregular.
I dont know when/if im ovulating or when/if my af comes :(

I dont take B Vits but i have been reading up on angus cactus.
Are they any good?

Hey girls, hope everyone is ok.

Bit of an update for you....

Went to consultant yesterday after dh's bad sa results and he said those dreaded but somewhat inevitable words "very unlikely to conceive without treatment". So the IVF waiting game begins..:hissy:

So sorry to hear that Mrs G, but at least now you know where you stand and can start taking appropriate action. Am sure you'll get there in the end :hugs:
I am sooo sorry about your horrible day. My fingers are crossed for your grandma's recovery. :hugs: xx
Hey girls how are we all today?
On cd23 today i think but no idea when big O is do just getting the nookie in as and when! Isnt it bloody annoying when you dont know your own body and when your AF is due or when the big o is! Suppose you just have to try your best to get that egg every cycle!!

Anyone got anything nice planned for wkend?? I got a new cycle the other week so planning on going on some nice bike rides! Trying to focus on my diet and loosing weight instead of TTC, take my mind of things.. my sis said to me the other day i need to get a life and stop going on and mopping around about TTC.. (I cant believe she said that) i mean i helped her through when she was TTC and it took her 18months but yet she hasnt no time to hear me i suppose now she has her child she isnt interested in listening to me trying for one! lol

Nevermind thats why we have these website with you lovley ladies on here to talk too!

Hi there mind if I join you ladies?
Bit about me, im 28 husband is 29 been married for a year but been together nearly 10 years
been ttc officialy for 6 months but unofficialy 8 years (we have never used contraception together) would have thought i would have accidently found that egg by now but no.
I have very irregular cycles up untill last november I only had about 3 a year and was diagnosed with pcos about 10 years ago but since then they have been between 38 - 58 days i know it seems long but its better then it was.
Im currently on CD24 so i think i should be ov either today or tomorrow but thats if i even ov at all.
anyway thats enough for now :)

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