mid term ttc!

How is everyone today? Any new symptoms or implantation dips or hpts?
How is everyone today? Any new symptoms or implantation dips or hpts?

Nothing to report from me yet. CD15 today and negative OPK's so far. I'm hoping something starts happening soon....
i just realized... there r few of us in 2 WW.. im 3 DPO today .
ALso, i got done my ultrasound today.. for PCOS... so im just happy things are moving somewhere for me... i will meet my GP on friday and IF i do have PCOS atleat something will be done for that :)
Nothing new here either. I am on cd2 and so the :witch: is with me for a couple more days and hopefully she doesn't go visit any of you next!
So my friend Jess that got pregnant without meaning to (that really upset me) just found out she tested positive for the down syndrome marker trisomy 18. She now has to go in for an amnio to see if the baby has it an if it does has to decide whether or not to abort. I feel so bad for her, I was so upset when she told me she was pregnant and even happy when she told me she was having a boy even though I knew she wanted a girl but now I feel like crap. I just want her baby to be ok. The thing is if the baby does have trisomy 18 the likely hood of it surviving past birth or even to a year old is less then 10 percent. I just wanna cry. It's not fair. The worst thing is the doctor didn't tell her that most babies who have trisomy 18 don't make it long he just said that it is a form of down syndrome... I googled it when I got home to learn about it. I am so frustrated with everything right now! Have any of you ladies with babies ever had an amnio? DOes it hurt? My friend is scared crapless of the procedure and I would like to reassure her everything will be fine.
Omg, I have no knowledge about any of that, but I am so sorry for your friend. That is terrible news. :cry:
it really is a terrible news Kelly.. poor girl.. i feel bad for her..
Yeah she won't know anything for about 1.5 weeks, she has to get in have the amnio then wait for the results but she is 18 weeks tomorrow so she is going in under urgent cause if she is going to abort they need to know by week 20 at the latest and she is going home for 2 weeks next friday. It sucks
:hug: to your friend!

I have never had to go through anything like that, but my mom did when she was preg. with my sister because she was older and considered high risk for that sort of thing. She said that it certainly doesn't tickle, but it's much easier than the childbirth! Also, because of the nature of the situation she said that the waiting and anxiety about your baby would be far worse than the pain of the procedure.

I certainly hope that they are wrong and her baby is ok. I can't imagine the pain and worry she is going through. She will be in my prayers.
Thanks everyone! I love the support you give people you don't even know! I will all let you know how she makes out once I know any more. She is in my thoughts and prayers to.
The poor thing. It's something everyone dreads.

I think I'm 2DPO today although temps haven't confirmed ov day yet. Managed to get a couple of BD sessions in so will have to wait and see.
The poor thing. It's something everyone dreads.

I think I'm 2DPO today although temps haven't confirmed ov day yet. Managed to get a couple of BD sessions in so will have to wait and see.

Im also 2dpo today.

Got another temp dip, cramping and brown discharge.
Can implantation happen that early?
No I don't think implantation can. It could be left over ovulation spotting maybe. Good luck! I will be in the 1ww tomorrow!!!!! (My ticker is one day off, to lazy to fix) I am hoping for a nice temp dip tomorrow when I stick that good old thermometer in my mouth.
The earliest I've ever heard of implantation happening is at 4 days... but even that's somewhat uncommon. Also implantation bleeding occurs a while after implantation, so that would be too early for that at 2dpo. I agree with Kelly, it might be left over from ovulation. Good luck!
Worst week ever... although I have to say I got signed off work for 2 weeks. I have been having issues with a bully of a boss and today things kind of hit a head and now i am using my 2 weeks off to find a new job. I just hope I can find one so I don't have to stay there for long. I was originally going to quit for Aug 7th but now I want out now. I think I am to stressed out and wound up to get pregnant this cycle. I am just going to write it off all together.
hey ladies... im 4 DPO today and nothing much happening to me apart from odd twinges in abdomen and short periods of sore boobs..
last cycle.. i had MASSIVE sore boobs 5-8 DPO and i thought that was it but then :witch: arrived... so not sure what to think any more.. i will be getting my ultrasound report tommorow and will see if there is any PCOS in me..
and then things will start moving forward in right DIRECTION.. so im feeling very positive today...
That's great that you will find out tomorrow Aneageraussie! I'm excited for you since things are moving in the right direction. I've noticed that a lot of you have been to the Dr. Did they take you all seriously or try to brush it off? I'm just afraid if I try to go to the doctor at 9 months TTC they won't take me seriously, so I haven't bothered going in.
thanks hun.. well luckily my dr. is very considerate.. he has always taken me seriously and in March after 7 months of TTC i went to him he immediately asked me to go for blodd tests and when my girlie hormone level came low he gave me a refferal for ultrasound.. i put that off for 2 months.. cuz iwas nervous.. but then when i went to him when i got flu he was quiet persistent and asked me to go to ultrasound and so i decided i will..
im really lucky to have an understanding dr...
Oh Kelly, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts and prayers are with her. I hope they are wrong and everything turns out fine.... :hugs:

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