mid term ttc!

thats what i was thinknig.... may be i will O during holidays and will have some good hotel sex ;)
quiet BD can be fun to! Especially if you're not normally quiet! DH and I see it as a challenge! We've gotten pretty good! :rofl:

I will be O'ing the day of my FS appointment next month! lol maybe it will work to my advantage but who knows. I have been thinking about having sex about 5 days before I would normally O then making DH hold it all in till the day before I O getting a good 4 days worth in one go, what do you guys think? My reasoning is the sperm will be mature and there is always a lot more when it's been a couple of days. I am running out of things to try.... lol
Thanks for the welcome ladies!

Sounds like we all have some nice relaxing hols/breaks coming up maybe that will do the trick hey...I'm off to a wedding in the lake district this weekend should be lovely will maybe get some :sex:so the spermies are not too old before O next week:blush:!

Angie-i agree with Bohobaby you might just be too early for that BFP...it is not over till :witch: arrives.

Kelly- its crazy hey how we try something different each month in the hope it might work...last month we bd every day from CD 12 leading up to 0. Am planning on every other day this month and not temping or using OPK...we'll see what happens! I really feel TTC has been completely taking over my life so am gonna try real hard this month to not be so obsessed.

Having said that it is lovely to be able to chat with you girls!
quiet BD can be fun to! Especially if you're not normally quiet! DH and I see it as a challenge! We've gotten pretty good! :rofl:

I will be O'ing the day of my FS appointment next month! lol maybe it will work to my advantage but who knows. I have been thinking about having sex about 5 days before I would normally O then making DH hold it all in till the day before I O getting a good 4 days worth in one go, what do you guys think? My reasoning is the sperm will be mature and there is always a lot more when it's been a couple of days. I am running out of things to try.... lol

I agree quiet sex is really fun. Cause usually we are somewhat loud.. :blush:
It might be a good idea to have a bunch of spermies saved up, but I think I would try to have 3 days worth instead of 4 days. 4 days almost seems like it would be too long since a release. :dohh: Gotta keep them somewhat fresh?! haha, but I don't really know! What do you other girls think??
Hi Ladies - May I join you all as I am now on cycle number 6 - been ttc since begining of November so on my 7th Month!:hissy:

Im in limbo as I have been lerking around the ttc forum but are seeing so many 1st cycle :bfp:'s and think how do they do it?

I feel I dont really fit in anymore so was wondering if I could park my bottom in here?

This is my first month using the CBFM - still waiting to ovulate - on a "normal" cycle would be around CD18-20 but as my last cycle was 42 whole days - I am not getting my hopes up to O anytime soon.

Hi all

Welcome NewYearNewMe - please feel free to park your bottom and make yourself comfortable!

How's everyone doing? Looks like its been a bit of a tough month for a lot of us... I always think that it's particularly unfair that you have to get the crappy :bfn: at the precise time of the month when you are feeling most emotional. :hug: to everyone xx
Yeah BFN's during that emotional time are why we get fed up so quick I think.

Well witch got me first thing this morning so I guess I really did ovulate on CD 19! CD1 cycle 11 onwards and upwards.
Well a little background about me so im not a total stranger.
I am 25 years old DH is 26, we have been together for 6 and a half years and happily married for 11 months. we both work fulltime and have been living together for over two years. our ttc journey started in november last year and last cycle was a hard one as i ended up being over a week late with nothing but :bfn: it was so hard - ended up going to docs and got myself into such a state. We are on our 6th cycle now ttc our first little bundle of joy. I cant wait till that day when we become mommy and daddy to our own little bambino.
Hi Ladies - May I join you all as I am now on cycle number 6 - been ttc since begining of November so on my 7th Month!:hissy:

Im in limbo as I have been lerking around the ttc forum but are seeing so many 1st cycle :bfp:'s and think how do they do it?

I feel I dont really fit in anymore so was wondering if I could park my bottom in here?

This is my first month using the CBFM - still waiting to ovulate - on a "normal" cycle would be around CD18-20 but as my last cycle was 42 whole days - I am not getting my hopes up to O anytime soon.


Welcome!! I've also noticed a lot of 1st cycle BFP's in the TTC section. What the hell?? How are they doing that!? Lucky girls.
hey ladies..
13 dpo today and after :bfn: yesterday.. my temp dipped further down... so basically im out for another month.. :(
:witch: is due latest by monday... really looking forawrd to go to holidays nw...
i hope may be change of scene will be lucky for us..
btw.. talk abt packing stuff for holidays.. OPK , thermometer, pre-seed... cant beleive they r my priorities...

TTC is indeed taking on my life..
Ugh I am sooooooooo crampy! Is it weird that I can actually feel my uterus in pain and not just cramps? My actual uterus on top of the cramps is extremely painful like if I try to push out my belly purposely I get sharp stabbing throbbing pains, anyone else get this? It's only been happening the last 4 cycles.

I printed off my FF charst for the FS apt and already have them in my purse!!! The apt is not for 2.5 more weeks! hahaha didn't want to forget them!
hey ladies..
13 dpo today and after :bfn: yesterday.. my temp dipped further down... so basically im out for another month.. :(
:witch: is due latest by monday... really looking forawrd to go to holidays nw...
i hope may be change of scene will be lucky for us..
btw.. talk abt packing stuff for holidays.. OPK , thermometer, pre-seed... cant beleive they r my priorities...

TTC is indeed taking on my life..


So true!
Warning - ranting coming up!

Considering I've just been on holiday for a week I am ridiculously stressed out about EVERYTHING!

Admittedly the day before we went on hols we put an offer in on a house (the first house we'd viewed!) and it was accepted the next day so we're trying to sort out mortgages (weren't expecting to put an offer in so soon - this house was completely unexpected). 10 mins before the call from the agent I'd received a call from my Mum telling me my Dad's in hospital with a suspected heart attack. It turns out it wasn't a heart attack but they don't know what it is. They can't do the angiogram until they've sorted out some kidney problems - next week we'll know if he needs surgery. On top of a whole other load of stress which is far too long winded and boring to go into I started spotting today so AF will be arriving tomorrow. :cry:

I really thought I had some symptoms this month and I can't try for the next 2 cycles as DH is working away from home so I'm really disappointed. It's been 8/9 months now and I'm totally out of PMA.

I'm considering ditching temp charting - yes it makes me feel in control (although I'm totally not) but I know that my cycles are regular and I know that I ov at about the same time (LP is rather short but I'm putting that out of my mind as I can't deal with that just now) so I'm starting to think that temping is actually costing me more psychologically (especially during 2WW) than I am gaining. After 7 cycles of charting I may leave it until DH is back home for a few months.

Don't know whether I'm strong enough to stop! :rofl:
Oh hun i'm sorry. When it rains it pours. And friggin :witch: has impeccable timing when we're stressed out! I have to say though... we have not been trying this month because of my surgery next week, and just having these couple of weeks off has made me feel refreshed. I recommend :wohoo:
My specialist told me that he's not that keen on temping as it can "drive you a bit loopy" if you have to do it for any length of time! Having said that, he then asked me to to keep temping for the next 3 months in order to get a full picture of what's going on, so he clearly thinks it's useful...
update on me : :witch: arrived full force this morning and im so so crampy right now...
it means i will be O during holidays.... oh well here is to holiday baby making...
Leila - BIG :hug:
It might be worth having a bit of time "off". Like you say you know your cycle. Are you taking bvits for LP? I'm on B100 and ov seems to have moved forward this month.

I know it sounds corny, but I do believe that things happen for a reason, and with DH working away and the new house it may be that a couple of months is the time you need to get sorted.

Now we've been told we can have treatment in July I feel much more focused. Before, if someone had said to me you won't get pg for at least another 2 months it would have been a disaster!!! Maybe you also need a bit of time.

You know where I am.
Hang in there leila, the tough time will pass!! Sometimes I wonder if not ttc for a month or 2 would be a great break, I'm going to find out soon enough if we don't conceive in the next 2 cycles as we'll be putting it on hold for about a year!!!! I keep wondering if I will be strong enough to do it... I just think knowing I am for sure not preggers would be better then always thinking maybe and then getting AF. Buying a house is also a wonderful yet super stressy time so take it easy and think of clear blue skies!
Thanks guys!

Still dithering about whether to keep charting or not. AF hasn't shown up properly yet - just a bit of spotting yesterday and today. On the plus side I'm on 12DPO today which is the longest LP I've ever had so that's a big improvement for me. My temps are looking a bit odd for the last week but I've slept in a different place every night as we were on holiday and what with that, the house and my Dad I've been all over the place so I think that would affect my temps.

Aneageraussie, hope you have fun with holiday baby making! :happydance:
yay for longer lp!!!!!! 12 days is nice and safe to!

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