mid term ttc!

Claire, I think that was really rude of your OH dr. I have read and heard that that Men are the problem 1/3 of the time, Women are 1/3 of the time, and the other 1/3 of the time is unknown whats up. There could be something wrong with him just as much as with you and that was so ignorant of the dr. to say that!!

Of course you two will most likely be fine!! Good luck hun! :hugs:
Sparklebaby, we'll miss you. Please stop back to visit. Even better - hope to see you in first tri with a Christmas baby!

Welcome Leila, glad you could join us. Hope this is your month so you don't have to worry about your OH being away.

Claire, that's a ridiculous comment for your Dr. to make! My OH has to have an SA when my AF finally arrives, so I have instructions. It says he must abstain for 4-7 days. It must be delivered within 30 minutes and kept warm (near body temp) during transportation. It must be delivered directly into sterile container (without use of a contraceptive). Hope this helps!
is that get mixed up where people are bizybee or are very keen at lunchtime, hehe x
hehe :rofl:
I was referring to where people are, but the keen at lunchtime is funny too. Too bad I am off and my hubby is working today!
am i dreaming or did i see that someone on here had only been trying for one month?? I though the whole purpose of this thread was for people that were neither short or long term...i wouldnt consider 1 month as being mid term? :blush: not being mean but i though thats why we are here and not in ttc lol

My good friend tootsy got her :bfp: today and despite me feeling a wee bit jealous i wish her all the luck in the world!!! i want her fertileness (if thats a word!) she been pregnant twice in 2 months!! whooooppp!!! :happydance:

Im gunna be ashamed to show my face in here if i get :bfp: this month, although not holding out. Hope your all ok today?

ok well went to my appt she was lovely very sympathetic and very friendly, i explained i had been trying a while (didnt even say how long so i didnt lie) and i was worried cos i had the 1 ovary, anyway she looked at my notes and i have a yearly scan to check my left ovary to make sure a large cyst doesnt appear like the last one my last scan was in october where the doc afterwards said everything was fine! anyway she said well you only have 1 ovary and its polysistic i said WHAT!? she said yea thats what it says on the scan report and i said no one told me they said it looked fine, so i have a polysistic ovary! and she said its harder to get pregnant. But she did say its a good sign that my periods are regular and has ordered me for cd 21 progestrone tests to see if im ovulating and blood tests for when i get my period to check my hormone levels then she said if they show im not ovulating then i will be refferd to a gyne (oh and she still wants OH sperm checking)

So i feel like shit i cried when i come out of the surgery and i think i will probs cry all night i feel so cheated that they didnt even tell me what was happening with my body
Claire.. dont worry it will be fine.. isnt it a good thing that your preiods are regular. One of my friends who had similar problem and she had an emergency surgery done Sep last year and they remved one of her ovaries.
She had other polycytic ovray and she is currently 3 month pregnant.. expecting her first born in August..
i think you will be fine.. just thinknig positive and trust me it will pay off
Take care hun XXX
ok well went to my appt she was lovely very sympathetic and very friendly, i explained i had been trying a while (didnt even say how long so i didnt lie) and i was worried cos i had the 1 ovary, anyway she looked at my notes and i have a yearly scan to check my left ovary to make sure a large cyst doesnt appear like the last one my last scan was in october where the doc afterwards said everything was fine! anyway she said well you only have 1 ovary and its polysistic i said WHAT!? she said yea thats what it says on the scan report and i said no one told me they said it looked fine, so i have a polysistic ovary! and she said its harder to get pregnant. But she did say its a good sign that my periods are regular and has ordered me for cd 21 progestrone tests to see if im ovulating and blood tests for when i get my period to check my hormone levels then she said if they show im not ovulating then i will be refferd to a gyne (oh and she still wants OH sperm checking)

So i feel like shit i cried when i come out of the surgery and i think i will probs cry all night i feel so cheated that they didnt even tell me what was happening with my body

omg, I'm so sorry hun! :hugs: Just remember it may be harder, but its not impossible. It'll happen! I would do some major complaining to that last dr.'s office. That is not cool that you weren't even told this at your last appointment. Its great your new dr. is being active and running tests. I hope you feel better soon and we are all here for you. :hugs:
WOW I havent been on in two days and a lot has been going on.....

Claire- Keep your head up and I am sorry about the doctors today! I am giving you big :hugs: and everything will be okay!!!

aneageraussie- GOOD LUCK THIS MONTH!! I hope you get your :bfp:!! I am rooting for you!

Bizybee- Where are you in your cycle again?

Anyway, I am on cd 45 and I THINK i might have ov'd late? Not sure but I just recently started having very sore bb's and been very tired... I am going to test tomorrow though and next weekend, and I only get :bfn: I am going to the doctor to check myself out.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!! I work all weekend so no fun over here!

:hug: to all!
thanks so much JksJkes... i really hope this is my month..
Yeah, this thread has really become a hit.. i love it here tho..:)
thank you for all of your lovely comments it really means a lot xxx

My OH is genuinly gutted which im suprised about and he wanted full details of the appt and what was said what the next steps are and what options will be available, he is saying we can adopt i said it hasnt come to that just yet haha!! bless him
thank you for all of your lovely comments it really means a lot xxx

My OH is genuinly gutted which im suprised about and he wanted full details of the appt and what was said what the next steps are and what options will be available, he is saying we can adopt i said it hasnt come to that just yet haha!! bless him

Claire, just hang in there and it will all work out well for you :hugs:
anegaraussie thanks hun i really hope so, im not going to stop trying. x
on the brighter side , if ur trying then u will be having:sex: and lots of it.. :happydance:
I agree with aneageraussie that everything is going to be fine for you Claire. My aunt just had a baby last year without really trying, because she has medical problems and was told it was impossible for her to ever have children. So she never tried. They ended up having the greatest surprise and a cute healthy little boy. Try not to let this get you down, it'll happen!

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