1) my son is too good for u (really, have u met him!!! lol)
2) When my waters broke at 20 weeks - thats your bodies way of saying you cant cope with two babies
3) Refusing to come in the room after connor was born (he had passed by the time they came up (8 hours later)) because 'it; might upset her!
4) Saying that we shouldnt have had ivf and thats why 'it' died
5) When telling other family members about Connor, reffering to him as Callum (who the fuck is callum)
5) Not supporting his son after connor had died
6) rang up screaming whilst i was being induced with Harry so angry that she hasnt been told i was being induced (husband has just been asked to make a choice between us)
7) Came up a total of 5 times whilst Harry spent 102 days in hospital
8) Standing no where near my husband on the day of Connor's funeral
9) One of the visit to the unit to see harry, coming in then afterwoods telling us her dad was in the ward downstairs with MRSA and has been with him half an hour before coming to seee Harry
10) Telling me i was a failure to Harry for not being able to breastfed him and for putting him on formula at 13 weeks (had a slight meltdown)
11)Insulting my family (NO ONE insults my family)
12) Telling me that Harry doesnt even smile yet (those of u on fb will see he smiles and giggles but she doesnt see him
13) Reason for his CLD was because i smoked before i got pregnant
14) Reason for his poss asthma, because i smoked before i got pregnant
This woman doesnt support her son at all, hasnt been there for him in years, she doesnt derserve him, let only seeing harry grow up and certainly not the memory of my gorgeous Connor (who she has never even seen a picture off)
Surly there is an island that we can put all of our mil on (the ones we dont like) so we dont have to hear any of their bollocks!!!!