Military Wives/Fiances/Girlfriends Support Group

Name: Sophie
Military Branch: British army
How long he's been in:5 years
Currently Deployed?: no but will be deployed yo Afghanistan again soon
How long you've been together: 4 years although we've recently gone through a really bad time and where seperated for a few months
How do you like the Military Life?: I love it I wouldn't change it and I'm planning on applying for the air force myself in the not so distant futer!
Hi to everyone xx
Hi everyone that's joined in recently!! :wave: It's been kinda quiet in here lately.

How's everyone doing?

Justagirl- You scrapbooking yet? ;) How's school going?

Nimyra- Everything back to normal with your DH back?

We are almost to the halfway point for DH's deployment. Which is an awesome feeling to nearly get over that hump! :dance: Still quite a while to go but it's really been flying by so far. He should be in port soon so we will be able to skype hopefully!!
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been in here much, I've been so busy with work school and the baby that time is flying by... in a month I get to see my husband! yayy :) :)

Anyways I am in a huge fight with my MIL... her and I already bought our plane tickets to go see DH graduate from Basic training, and yesterday she tells me she invited 4 of DH's extended family members to attend and that she wants to have a family dinner... mind you I spent $450 on 2 days with my husband, and that is with a curfew of 8pm... I AM NOT SHARING him with 4 other people that he does not give 2 sh**s about seeing anyway (They are like great aunts/uncles.. 2nd cousins, people he's rarely ever even seen) I am so pissed off at my MIL right now. There's been times when I just wanted to punch her in the face but I feel like this tops them all. She NEVER thinks about MY feelings before going and doing some BS like this. So I am talking to her today and telling her under no circumstances are they coming and taking up MY time with my husband.
Oh hey to all the new people!! Pleaseee stick around and post more than just the opening line... I mean come on here again and tell us how you feel!! Sometimes it can really suck being a military wife, and I think having an outlet is important! I hope you guys stick around!!
Oh, Justagirl, I know just what you mean. When DH was home on R&R and Maya was a little baby almost my entire family (and his too) gave me crap about wanting to come visit and see Maya and see DH during his time off and I was like, "heck no! This is MY time for us to be together as a family... you all can wait." Stand your ground. They really should understand how you feel... JJ needs that quality time with his Daddy too.

I've also been really busy with school. Things are feeling back to normal (more or less) with DH having been home for a while now. It's really great.
Justagirl!! My MIL tried pulling something similar. DH's ship was pulling back in after a 7.5 month deployment when we lived in Virginia. Well, when his ship was getting ready to come back MIL started asking for details so she can come see his ship pull in and stay for a while. :shock::wacko: I immediately emailed DH the most pissed off email ever, telling him to talk to his mom. In the end, I finally emailed her and explained that I haven't seen my husband in 7.5 months and that we want to get reacquainted without her and FIL hovering around. It's kind of hard to have loud welcome home sex with inlaws under the same roof. :rofl::rofl:
Oh hey to all the new people!! Pleaseee stick around and post more than just the opening line... I mean come on here again and tell us how you feel!! Sometimes it can really suck being a military wife, and I think having an outlet is important! I hope you guys stick around!!

Dont even get me started on how i feel lol! :nope: it comes in its stride....and is coped with most of the time, but sometimes id gove anything to have a normal 'job' for DH.
Oh ladies why oh why are MIL's so f***ing annoying!!!! I try not to but I just HAVE to swear!!!!!!!

I told her how I feel last night and she got all pissed off like I was the one being unreasonable. I hate her!!
Oh hey to all the new people!! Pleaseee stick around and post more than just the opening line... I mean come on here again and tell us how you feel!! Sometimes it can really suck being a military wife, and I think having an outlet is important! I hope you guys stick around!!

Dont even get me started on how i feel lol! :nope: it comes in its stride....and is coped with most of the time, but sometimes id gove anything to have a normal 'job' for DH.

I'm started to think the same thing. It just sucks sometimes that we had to go to the extreme of the army just to make money.. I mean now I have all the money that I need but I don't have him.. it's terrible!
Justagirl!! My MIL tried pulling something similar. DH's ship was pulling back in after a 7.5 month deployment when we lived in Virginia. Well, when his ship was getting ready to come back MIL started asking for details so she can come see his ship pull in and stay for a while. :shock::wacko: I immediately emailed DH the most pissed off email ever, telling him to talk to his mom. In the end, I finally emailed her and explained that I haven't seen my husband in 7.5 months and that we want to get reacquainted without her and FIL hovering around. It's kind of hard to have loud welcome home sex with inlaws under the same roof. :rofl::rofl:

:haha: :haha:

TRUE THAT!!! I can't BELIEVE she would expect you to be okay with them staying for a couple weeks wtf! I KNOW my MIL is going to be like that. She's gonna want to come down and visit and stay at my house when DH gets back from deployment and that is NOT going to happen!
MILs just don't get it sometimes. :hugs: Although thankfully mine finally understands because FIL retired from his job but started working for our uncle who owns a trucking company. So he was on the road a lot and I think MIL understood more what it felt like to be without and wanting to get reacquainted. :lol:
MILs just don't get it sometimes. :hugs: Although thankfully mine finally understands because FIL retired from his job but started working for our uncle who owns a trucking company. So he was on the road a lot and I think MIL understood more what it felt like to be without and wanting to get reacquainted. :lol:

Oh good!! My MIL is just selfish, controlling, bossy, and in all ways pretty much horrible to me. She wants to be in control of the situation always and doesn't want to believe that shes in the backseat now even though my DH and I are MARRIED with a baby. I can honestly say I am looking forward to moving away from her.
Hi Ladies!

Name: Camille
Military Branch: Army
Stationed At: Macdill Air Force Base, Tampa, FL
How long he's been in: 6 1/2 Years
Currently Deployed?: No, but has been 2x
How long you've been together: married 3.5 yrs
How do you like the Military Life?: Love it most of the time but have my moments of true dislike.
Hello Ladies :flower:

I wonder if you might be able to help me please?

DH and I found out last week that we lost our little bean ('missed miscarriage at 7wks) then found out the following day that DH is going to Afghan for 6mths from April to September 2012 (it was an emotional week!)

My question is whether you think we should get on with TTC as soon as my body is back on course (knowing that our first child will only be a few months old when Hubby goes to Afghan) or whether we should now wait to TTC until the due date will be after Hubby's return...

Any advice/opinions/experience would be really appreciated, thanks x x
I personally say go for it! 6 months isn't that long and while there are a lot of big milestones in the first year, you can video and send pictures and do whatever it takes to record the moments. I've learned quickly if you wait to schedule your lives around the military, than things will never happen! The only thing I would hate for my DH to miss would be the actual birth. But obviously this is all just my own opinion. :D You just do what feels right for your family! :flower:
Hi Cliqmo, welcome to the group. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

My advice is to go for it. My DH deployed when I was 12 weeks pregnant and going through the pregnancy, birth, and first 5 months of LO's life was really hard, BUT if I had to do it again I definitely would. After LO was born the time just flew by and I wasn't as sad about DH being gone. It was actually really special bonding time for me and LO, it just being the two of us, and I got closer to my family because I relied on them more than I usually do.
Name: Jo
Military Branch: RAF
Stationed At: RAF Marham. Norfolk
How long he's been in: 7 1/2 Years
Currently Deployed?: No, did an afghan tour in 2009 for 4 months
How long you've been together: together 4 years married 18 months
How do you like the Military Life? sometimes its great others not so.

Hi Ladies thought id come over an join you's ;) xx
Welcome Joey! :wave: He's only done 1 four month tour?! That must be awesome!! I wish my DH would stick around more.
yeah it didnt come round for ages which was great but im not expecting it to stay that way think. he works in a little bay for is literally just on a big rotating list which comes round every 4 ish years if he was to go onto a squadron (which is likely as he is in the porcess of getting promoted) then he would go away pretty much every year but generally for 3 months instead of 4.
he goes away to lots of other places tho but obviously they arent a worry for me, last year he did a month in vegas 3 weeks in france and 2 in germany.
does ur oh go away lots then? xx

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