Miscarried 1st baby over Christmas 2012.Share positive stories of conceiving again.

ttcmoon - glad all went well for you. I also have pcos so I've always had the worry of miscarriage and straight after this all happened I thought I wouldn't be able to go through it all again but something inside me isn't anywhere near ready to give up yet. I have a lot of respect for you and all other women who go through this mulitple times, its heartbreaking enough just the once. I hope you make the right decision for you and it brings you lots of happiness :)

Charlie - hope you're doing well lovely! thinking of you through my nice 12 hour day at work :p

Lou x
Loup - You're definitely not alone with the tiredness! I could sleep all day! I think it's because I find night time the hardest - when DH is fast asleep & I'm all alone with my thoughts. So I try to read until I'm exhausted which probably isn't the best idea either. Fair play to you for walking your dogs - my fella had no walkies today. I just have no motivation to do anything today. I did plant some blue & white bulbs in memory of our little boy (some for the garden & some for his grave) so doggy had a run in the garden while I was out but that was about the extent of my productivity today!

Glad it's not just me then! I'm struggling to get to sleep before 3am at the moment. Well when I say walking the dogs, its not as much effort as it seems! We have a nature reserve a stones throw from our house so I let them run about and keep an eye on them, nothing too strenuous :p

I think thats a lovely idea for your little boy :)
We bought a viburnum plant today and a big pot to bury our little baby in. We rent our house at the moment and aren't sure how long we will live here so we thought this way we could take it with us.
We are going to plant it tomorrow. I'm dreading it it's so final. It needs to be done though and it is something we will always have go remember our baby by. I got a little butterfly on a stick to stand in the pot aswell.
That sounds great elleff.I hope your baby is missing you too.He really missed a great mother.I am a believer of rebirth.So I hope your baby comes back to you soon with a new small healthier body!
Charlie - That's a lovely idea. And you can get roses with lovely names. You can get one called "In Loving Memory" for example. I might get one to add to my rose garden when the weather improves a bit.

ttcmoon - I know what you mean but what has happened is not your fault (same goes for all of us). I can't imagine what you are going through with your second loss though :hugs: I totally agree with what you said about your body betraying you - I feel the exact same. I am just going to try & focus on getting back into a routine with work, diet & fitness & get as healthy as I can be & please God this won't happen again... I'm glad your scan went well.

elleff - That is such a lovely idea & a beautiful plant. I know what you mean about the burial being final but I honestly felt better afterwards. I hope you do too.
It is 1 am here, and I am not getting sleep.
Anybody around?
It's 7.30pm here and I'm stuck at work still, covering an extra few hours :(

Just need some advise if anyone is about? Its now been 2 weeks since mc and one week since bleeding stopped but I'm sat at my desk now and my heart is racing my hearing keeps going and I feel like I'm falling to one side. I've had bad stabbing pains about 3 inches below my belly button for past hour or so and now I'm getting cramps to the point I feel sick and dizzy. I don't know what to do if it gets worse or I do faint?! I'm all on my own here, we have another buliding next to us so I could go over and get help but they can't do my job so I don't know if there would be any point. Going to find some painkillers now :(
Loup - Sorry dear,I am not much aware of this.But did they scan you after your bleeding stopped?With my first miscarriage I got stabbing pain and found some tissues were still there.So I had to go for 2nd D&C.I hope that is not the case for you.

At this moment as you are all alone,and having pain, it is not safe to stay there.Can you call anyone's extension/mobile who seats in the next building?Try to get some help.Gate keeper, receptionist anyone around?I would suggest to call your doctor.As you should not get this much pain.If possible please call your DH/any friend and go home.

You may feel tired and dizzy because of long work hour after going through this much physical strain.During miscarriage we lost too much blood :( please take your vitamins/iron tonic/folic acid on time.Eat healthy and take more rest.Dizziness is sometimes caused by iron deficiency.

Please keep us posted once you reach home.
I am really sorry for your loss :hugs: . It is a heartbreaking experience and my heart goes out to anyone going through this terrible time at the moment.

I had 2 miscarriages last year and was devastated at both of them. I never thought it would happen for me. I felt very depressed during the mcs and for a long time afterwards. I still get bad days... However 2 months after my 2nd mc I fell pregnant again with my LO who is now 4 months old. The pregnancy was full of worry and anticipation of a possible another mc but we got there. I hope this gives you hope. It might not feel like it now, but it can happen for you (even though you'll never forget the one you lost).

OH and I have been discussing ttc no 2 next year and I am terrified of more mcs. But I will try again when the times comes and be as positive as I can.

Good luck, and sorry again for your loss

Thanks ttcmoon :) I'll leave a proper reply tomorrow but just a quick one to say I got home ok! They rang for an ambulance who wanted to take me to hospital but was ok in the end so I'm tucked up in bed! Explain tomorrow too tired to think straight right now just wanted to say I was ok :) x
Dear God Lou!

Just read your message. Thank God you are home. Maybe you went back to work too soon? Rest if your body tells you honey. Waiting to hear how you are tomorrow.

I got home about 9.30pm uk time. Still drowsy. Will check in and read other messages properly and respond. Im too tired tonight but was worried about you Lou. Sweet dreams honey x

Charlie xx
Hey Charlie, how was your D&C.Hope you are feeling ok now.

Loup - Thank God you reached safely.I hope everything goes well for you.please take care of your health sweety.

I could not sleep for whole night, it is 5:50 now :(
Lou that sounds horrendous?! What caused it?? Glad you are home safe xx
Hi girls :)

I'm enjoying a lazy Sunday today!
So to clear but what happened last night... I went over to the other building shaking like mad i was so cold! I stood by the heater for a few minutes while a few people were asking if I was ok before I started to get really dizzy and said I thought I was going to faint. Luckily it was a good friend of mine working so he sent me off to his office to sit down and came to check on me after a few minutes. I had really bad stabbing pains at this point and still shaking, then I couldn't feel my hands properly it was like really bad pins and needles but numb at same time so he called an ambulance and held my hand until they arrived, bless! The Paramedics did all normal checks, said I was hyperventilating which is why my heart was racing and hands were numb. I didn't even realise my breathing was that bad until it returned to normal! Anyway they said I had quite a high temperature and that the antibiotics my gp gave me weren't enough to clear it. I declined going to hospital because I knew they wouldn't really do anything and the painkillers they gave me had helped.

So turns out I apparently had a panic attack and still have some sort of infection and so had to ring the out of hours gp service today to get sorted out. Talk about eventful night! I felt so embarrassed that they came out to me when that's all it turned out to be but better to be safe I suppose!

Thanks for your support girls, can't believe how much it's helped coming on here!

I hope you're recovering well charlie :) and getting lots of tlc!

How's everyone else getting on? Hope you all had a nice relaxing unevenful evening last night :p

Aw you poor thing that sounds awful. Has it ever happened before?
Im glad you are ok, maybe you did too much too soon? Take it easy.

I am officially ttc again :) bleeding has finally stopped so we are having another go. Hopefully it won't take long, I am hopeful for before my next af but it's so hard to know where you are in your cycle?! I did an opk last night and had a faint line but I don't know if it might just be hcg in my system that it's picking up, or if I'm going to ovulate soon. I'll try another one later on and see what happens.
Fingers crossed.
My husband and I stayed up for hours talking last night. Even though it's been a week since we lost our baby we just haven't had chance to really really talk. Last Sunday my mum and step dad came to stay for a few days and we have also had my husbands lovely children staying with us for a week and they went back to their mums yesterday afternoon. It's been so hard at times to keep it together but in other ways it has stopped me from wallowing in self pity all week, and of course my mum has looked after me. So it was just lovely to finally have that space and time to talk and cry and let it all out.
Today is a new day :hugs:
No never happened before, so scary when you don't know what it is. I think I panicked when I felt the pain, thinking it was going to be as bad as the mc and being on my own didn't help I just got myself into a state. Better day today even though I'm boiling hot and can't cool down!

elleff, I'm so glad your having a better day today!! It helps so much being able to get things out in the open and nobody better to talk to sometimes. I'm happy you're bleeding has stopped too, that was the first time I felt a little bit happy that I could get on with more things again. Let us know how the opks are going! Sounds promising. I did one yesterday morning and lunchtime and both showed faint line but control line was quite faint too so I thought maybe it would get darker but obviously with everything that happened I didn't test again until midnight and very clear negative. This happened last cycle when I got pregnant though so I'm waiting for my oh to get home and providing I'm feeling ok I'm gonna jump on him! Haha!
Dear Loup - thats really awful.Thank God you got your friend, he was a real help.Do not take much stress in initial days.Start it slow.

Elleff - Good to know you stopped bleeding and ttc again.Ovulation may be unpredictable in the first cycle.just keep trying every alternate day, that can to do miracle.Praying hard for you.Wish you lots of sticky bean.Also I hope both you and your DH are feeling better after the much needed talk.

Charlie - How are you doing dear?

Karen - Missing you here

I hope all of the lovely ladies are doing great.I had a better day.I had a long discussion with my inlaws over phone.I told them how much we expected them to support us.And they also explained that they are always with us, and they din't wish to call us all the time as they wanted us to be alone,as we were in grief.I felt better after telling them how I feel.
I am joining gym tomorrow, as I need to shed some pounds.It is a new gym and I am looking forward.
I am joining office as well, not looking forward though :(
Go for it!!!! I have really missed it so aswell as it giving us another chance to get pregnant again it was just so nice to be that close again after everything we've been through.
The control line was really faint on mine aswell which was weird. Never seen that before. I think I might post/looks for threads in the pregnancy after loss forum later just to ask for some positive stories from women who have got pregnant really quickly after mc. Just to fill me with positive thoughts for the next few weeks... Xx
Hi gorls! I am feeling a little sore but a lot better today! D&C went well. Needed moriphine when I came round for the pain and they weren't going to let me out last night but I begged them to and walked the corridor to persuede them I was good to go home plus my OH stayed all day wither so they knew Id be looked after. I've got up a few time to make tea and dry dishes but found I got pains so OH has the fire lite and won't let me move now. Im hoping I'll be back to myself in a few days but going to take advise from hospital and take it easy!
Lou I agree with Elleff...I think you have over done it honey but glad you are feeling better. aww Lou I just read that you are going to jump ur OH when he gets home. you go girl!!! lol x
Elleff trying again!! Great news!!! Good luck honey ;) It is nice having family and friend about to support but you also need that one to one between you and your partner.
Ttcmoon Glad you got to clear the air. One of my best friends has been the same. She has wanted to give me and OH privacy and time alone to try to comes to terms with this. Feels better knowing that though rather than wondering why they aren't about. Can you keep us updated on what you find out on the other forums. Thanks Elleff.

Whatever you are doing this evening girls do it to the best if your ability, enjoy and have fun too!!! Lol ;)

Charlie x
Definitely post a link if you find any happy stories elleff!!

Loup - That sounds awful! You must have been so scared! Take care of yourself chick x

Charlie - I can't believe you had such bad pain! Both of mine were ok-ish. I hope you'll be feeling much better soon & in the mean time it sounds like you're being well looked after :)

Moon - How are you? I'm so glad you got to talk to your family in law & clear the air. One of my best friends has texted me ONCE since I texted her to let her know what has happened. Whether she's giving me space or whatever I don't care. I'm done with her. When I told her I was pregnant she sent me ONE text congratulating me & that was it. Never asked how I was feeling or even how far along I was. My other two best friends even offered to come to the burial & everything. This girl never even asked when it was or anything. Ok, rant over!!!

AFM - We're back in action too! We started trying again on Friday. It's sad to be back at this point but it's nice to have hope again too at the same time. DH seems really positive that it's going to happen this cycle so I hope he's not let down. I'd love it to happen but feel like it would be too good to be true. I just so want to be pregnant again but I'll be so worried next time. Hopefully none of us have to go through all this again. I'm not bothering with OPKs or temping or anything this cycle because it's bound to be a weird cycle. The cycle when we got pregnant I wasn't doing any of that as I was just after a D&C & it's the same this time so fingers crossed it'll happen as easily this time :flower:

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