Miscarried 1st baby over Christmas 2012.Share positive stories of conceiving again.

Karry friends like that aren't good. Do you think she has something personal andajor going on in her life that would excuse her behaviour? I had a "friend", using this term loosely, and no matter what happened good in my life she ignored it, be littled it or pretended to be happy for me. She was very false. Last October I cut ties and told her why and I don't even miss her...that says a lot. My life is actually better without her in it. She was hard work if she wasn't the certain of attention. Rant over! Sorry if that sounded bitchy but at times she really hurt me. Anyway!!! Moral of the story is I think you should choose who enhances your life and keep them close and cherish them.
Good luck Karry with ttc again.

Charlie x
Hi ladies, I am really sorry for your losses, but I just wanted to tell you my story.
I had a miscarriage on 27th November 2011 at 7weeks. We were told to wait until I had my next period but we actually conceived 15 days later and now we have a gorgeous little boy. I was very nervous throughout my pregnancy but I breezed through it really. I do still think about my angel baby often but I am very grateful for my little boy Freddie. Sending you all lots of love and luck and hope you get your rainbow babies soon xx
Hi ladies, I am really sorry for your losses, but I just wanted to tell you my story.
I had a miscarriage on 27th November 2011 at 7weeks. We were told to wait until I had my next period but we actually conceived 15 days later and now we have a gorgeous little boy. I was very nervous throughout my pregnancy but I breezed through it really. I do still think about my angel baby often but I am very grateful for my little boy Freddie. Sending you all lots of love and luck and hope you get your rainbow babies soon xx

Thankyou so much for this and congratulations xx
Hi ladies, I am really sorry for your losses, but I just wanted to tell you my story.
I had a miscarriage on 27th November 2011 at 7weeks. We were told to wait until I had my next period but we actually conceived 15 days later and now we have a gorgeous little boy. I was very nervous throughout my pregnancy but I breezed through it really. I do still think about my angel baby often but I am very grateful for my little boy Freddie. Sending you all lots of love and luck and hope you get your rainbow babies soon xx

Thanks Lynsday. Great to hear!! Can I ask if you had. A D&C or used ovulation kit?

Hi ladies, I often drop into this thread but never post anything. Firstly can I say that I am so sorry for your losses and that you all get your rainbow babies soon.

I'm not sure if this helps but I wanted to share my own positive story with you in the hope that somewhere it may find a little bit of hope. I have had 4 miscarriages, 3 in succession when I was in my early 20's and then the long 15 years of waiting ... Then without knowing I had another in 2010. Although I didn't know about the last one, it still saddened me deeply. It was as if my body was shutting down and it was telling me it couldn't cope wi pregnancy. Someone once told me (came from a doctor) that a pregnancy is like a rocket launch. They check 100 times and then again and again before lift off. If they suspect something isn't spot on, then the mission is aborted and that kind of rang true with me. My body was aborting because there was something wrong with each pregnancy I had.

I already knew that my haemacysteine levels were out of whack (basically I needed a high dose of folic acid) but it didn't really count for each loss I suffered. I began to face the rest of my life childless.

Anyway, to my absolute surprise I fell pregnant in September 2011, I knew my body would reject this too so we didn't tell anyone. But my little miracle clung on to life. Still at 4 months I was too terrified to tell anyone apart from doctors who monitored me very carefully. It was the most awful 9 months of my life really. Every day was a blessing and also a big sigh of relief to get through. My little girl was born in June 2012, healthy and beautiful. She is my miracle baby, the one I thought I could never have.

I waited 15 years for her to come along and it will for you too. Sending you hugs x
Hi ladies, I often drop into this thread but never post anything. Firstly can I say that I am so sorry for your losses and that you all get your rainbow babies soon.

I'm not sure if this helps but I wanted to share my own positive story with you in the hope that somewhere it may find a little bit of hope. I have had 4 miscarriages, 3 in succession when I was in my early 20's and then the long 15 years of waiting ... Then without knowing I had another in 2010. Although I didn't know about the last one, it still saddened me deeply. It was as if my body was shutting down and it was telling me it couldn't cope wi pregnancy. Someone once told me (came from a doctor) that a pregnancy is like a rocket launch. They check 100 times and then again and again before lift off. If they suspect something isn't spot on, then the mission is aborted and that kind of rang true with me. My body was aborting because there was something wrong with each pregnancy I had.

I already knew that my haemacysteine levels were out of whack (basically I needed a high dose of folic acid) but it didn't really count for each loss I suffered. I began to face the rest of my life childless.

Anyway, to my absolute surprise I fell pregnant in September 2011, I knew my body would reject this too so we didn't tell anyone. But my little miracle clung on to life. Still at 4 months I was too terrified to tell anyone apart from doctors who monitored me very carefully. It was the most awful 9 months of my life really. Every day was a blessing and also a big sigh of relief to get through. My little girl was born in June 2012, healthy and beautiful. She is my miracle baby, the one I thought I could never have.

I waited 15 years for her to come along and it will for you too. Sending you hugs x

Thanks for getting in touch. Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

Hi ladies, I often drop into this thread but never post anything. Firstly can I say that I am so sorry for your losses and that you all get your rainbow babies soon.

I'm not sure if this helps but I wanted to share my own positive story with you in the hope that somewhere it may find a little bit of hope. I have had 4 miscarriages, 3 in succession when I was in my early 20's and then the long 15 years of waiting ... Then without knowing I had another in 2010. Although I didn't know about the last one, it still saddened me deeply. It was as if my body was shutting down and it was telling me it couldn't cope wi pregnancy. Someone once told me (came from a doctor) that a pregnancy is like a rocket launch. They check 100 times and then again and again before lift off. If they suspect something isn't spot on, then the mission is aborted and that kind of rang true with me. My body was aborting because there was something wrong with each pregnancy I had.

I already knew that my haemacysteine levels were out of whack (basically I needed a high dose of folic acid) but it didn't really count for each loss I suffered. I began to face the rest of my life childless.

Anyway, to my absolute surprise I fell pregnant in September 2011, I knew my body would reject this too so we didn't tell anyone. But my little miracle clung on to life. Still at 4 months I was too terrified to tell anyone apart from doctors who monitored me very carefully. It was the most awful 9 months of my life really. Every day was a blessing and also a big sigh of relief to get through. My little girl was born in June 2012, healthy and beautiful. She is my miracle baby, the one I thought I could never have.

I waited 15 years for her to come along and it will for you too. Sending you hugs x

Your story is really inspiring.Specially for me who faced 3 losses.One 5yrs back and one last week.It gave me new hope!
Thanks a lot.You daughter is really very cute.
Hi ladies, I am really sorry for your losses, but I just wanted to tell you my story.
I had a miscarriage on 27th November 2011 at 7weeks. We were told to wait until I had my next period but we actually conceived 15 days later and now we have a gorgeous little boy. I was very nervous throughout my pregnancy but I breezed through it really. I do still think about my angel baby often but I am very grateful for my little boy Freddie. Sending you all lots of love and luck and hope you get your rainbow babies soon xx

Wow!this is really a great help to boost our hopes!Thanks a lot....
I got some more positive stories for us girls :)
Keep an eye on this thread...
Thanks Elleff darling!
How you girls are doing today?My day was good, I din't join office, joining it tomorrow.
I went to gym and it was too relieving.My trainer din't allow me to ride on any cardio machine though :(
Stepper,treadmill and cycling everything I did for 10 mins with level 1.She asked me to bring doctor's letter stating I am fit to use those machines.I will be visiting my doctor tomorrow.The trainer says I should take an off for 1 months and try the yoga way in between.I gave loads of money there in the gym to get myself and hubby registered.We thought of restarting our healthy journey together, in order to keep the motivation up.Also doctor asked me to lose 4 kg this month.
Let's see how it goes, hope she gives the letter.Or we would have to talk to the manager to start our package from next month.
I really hate Mondays!! So blooomin busy but thought I'd squeeze in some time for you girls.

Karry - Thanks, I feel ok today but still not 100%. I can't believe one of your best friends would be like that, how awful :( but its times like this that you realise who is there for you and the ones that aren't clearly aren't worth it. I've had a friend try to tell me she knows how I feel because she had an abortion a few months ago as she doesn't want children! I don't think she meant to be nasty but I can't face talking to her at the moment or I might scream.

ttcmoon - good on you for hitting the gym! You're putting me to shame :p Good luck with your first day back, hope it all goes well and its not too stressful.

Charlie - How are you feeling? Hope you're not still sore. Enjoy being looked after while you can :p

elleff - Thanks for finding all the positive stories, they really help and hopefully that will be all of us in a few months time :)

Thanks lyndsay and Elf34,its so nice to hear and you both have beautiful babies!

AFM work want me signed off for another week, although they will struggle to cover they are worried about me working on my own. I tried to see my gp today to see what he suggests but couldn't get an appointment for after work so will try again tomorrow. Had an argument with my oh last night because after quitting smoking for 6 months he decided he would "just have one" all because I was celebrating a friends birthday and had a glass of wine. It all ended ok but I still feel quite annoyed don't want this to be a step backwards for us.

Had better get back to it or I'll never get home!

Lou x
Hi Lou

I can understand where your work is coming from. Do you want to take time off?
Im sorry to be so blunt here but getting rid if a baby and loosing a baby are emotionally two completely different situations!..
You'll make up with ur OH...wait and see. Sure Im always biting the head off himself!! Lol He'll be grand x
I had my mother in law tell me to get up and get on with things today. Kinda felt annoyed a bit as she has never had a mc but I know she meant well.
Anyways...hope you all had a good day.

Charlie x
I wrote a reply hours ago but internet crashed and obviously it didn't send, how annoying!

I'm not sure about time off, I see where work is coming from but I don't know what the right thing to do is. If I carry on working I may let them down by not performing and if I get signed off I'll be letting them down by not doing my job at all. I want to speak to my gp and decide whats best, I'm not somebody who takes time off before the mc I hadn't taken a single day sick in almost 4 years.

I think your Mother in law is trying to be helpful but if you're not ready then tell her. Did you feel better getting on with a few things?
Don't be sorry for my friend, I get so mad thinking about it, it's NOT the same. We all experienced losses because we never wanted this to happen, hers was a choice not a loss in my opinion, I would have done anything possible to protect my baby as we all would have but that choice was taken out of our hands.

Have you been doing anything nice this evening? I've had dinner cooked for me, a hot water bottle made and about to get ready to snuggle up in bed...turns out you were right about us making up haha x

See what doc says honey and go with it. I wasn't saying sorry "for" what happened your friend but for what I said. Im with you! It's not the same at all! Mother in law was to come visit tomorrow but Ive told her Im going round to my Mum's, which I am. I haven't been out to see anyone in over a week now. Im getting cabin fever.
Im having real problems sleeping. My over avtive mind seems to come alive just as I should be going to sleep!
Glad all is good in the house of Lou honey ;) Sweet dreams. Let me know what Doctor says?

Charlie x
Hello Loves!

Chalie - Dear yes please take your time and meet your mother.I know you mother in law meant the best but sometimes whatever be the intention it doesn't come same.I am sure if you see your mum, you will feel better.Now we all understand what we actually mean to our mothers!With 9 weeks of attachment I am going mad, i am missing my angel so much.So think what we mean to our mothers and how painful it is for them when we are in pain!

Lou - Keep us updated what your doctor says.I know how you feel like, but I would suggest to take some time off.You were very serious till now, never taking a single sick leave.So now they would understand your situation.And your health comes first, do whatever you feel like!

Karen - How are you doing dear? Please post us the photo of the grave and the tree.We are too eager to see your sweet angel.

I went to office today and felt good,Some people knows about my miscarriage and some does not.Those who does not knows that I got some serious ligament and sprain issues.I felt it a quite odd to face those who knows about it.Actually I have no idea about who knows and who doesn't!I told my manager and seems he told it to everyone!!Even my client manager in america sent me a mail stating "I heard you are expecting.I am so happy for you and your family.Hope things are well.".
Means they told him about my pregnancy but not about the loss.Now it was so odd to see congratulation mails when I have nothing to get congratulated :( .I replied him saying "Yes, you heard it right, I was expecting but unfortunately it ended in a miscarriage.This being our 2nd loss, we are quite devastated".He was so kind and responded "I am so sorry for you.I know no word can ease your pain, and I am not going to pretend saying I understand it.Just be positive and hope everything goes well next time". - So kind of him.At first I was thinking who told him, but later I felt good!I talked to a lady as well, she has no kid yet, but she understood me so well I am too happy :)

I went to the doctor as well, as my gym is not allowing me to use the machines because of my miscarriage.She gave me fit certificate and told not to worry about immune system tests and Natural killer cells.Those are not having any solid base, and she will take care of it all in a systematic way.Just when we were talking she called a lady from outside, and she was expecting.My doctor told me "look at her, she had 4 losses and then one full term.now she is expecting number 2".It was so inspiring!

How you all are doing today?
Ttc moon that was so nice of your client in america :) and of your doctor. How does it feel to be back at work?
Lou I honestly dont think you need to worry about taking time off, if you are there and not feeling yourself you are not doing your job to the best of your ability anyway. Do whatever you need to do for YOU.
Charlie I hope you feel better for getting out. At least its only to your Mums, somewhere you probably feel comfortable, a good first step. I am the same when it comes to sleep. I have no problem getting to sleep, but I have been waking up in the night and my brain starts going crazy. Then I get back to sleep and can't wake up until gone 10am. My body is exhausted.

I am not feeling too great today. I am thinking about everything way too much and things I havent thought about before, along with things I thought about at the start are driving me mad. This is the biggest emotional rollercoaster I have ever been on and I want it to stop, but at the same time its the only way to feel close to the baby I have lost.
We buried our baby on Sunday in a lovely pot in the garden and I am getting some comfort from looking at that. I also had a crazy moment yesterday and got a tattoo... a little love heart on my wrist so that I can always remember. I quite like it even though I should know better :)
Just a quick one Go Elleff getting a tattoo!! Crazy but beautiful idea! Some days are better than others and as yet I haven't found a way to snap out of the bad days. Maybe put a good movie on if you're at home? Still haven't went to Mum's yet. It takes so much to get motivated. Dreamt about being back ar work last night. Better than the dream I had a few nights ago!! I dreamt I was sitting in a canteen playing cards and bingo with life sized cats and dogs!!! Weird!!!
Anyone else wanna share their mad dreams? Or nightmares x

Charlie x
I get bad dreams and nightmares too.I saw a small baby there inside the sac I passed and wanting to leave, then felt like some one is touching my breasts...i got very scared.....donno when this would end
Ha I thought it was just me!!!!! I have had some crazy dreams! What's the deal with them?!
Last night I was in Mexico with 2 of my friends and they didn't have any sun loungers, then all of a sudden I was looking after my friends 2 little boys there but neither of them would go to sleep. Then some woman turned up and said she had been having an affair with my husband and had a 10 year old son with him!!!! So we had a massive argument! I woke up and was so thankful he was actually asleep!
The night before that I had a dream I was going to ride my bike from Northampton to Nottingham but when I got to the motorway I realised I wasn't allowed to ride on it so I went to find the bus station and rang my husband to say I didn't have any money in the bank for a ticket. Then I went to a shop and people from coronation street were inside and I ended up arguing with them!
I think I've lost the plot...
Haha! Oh you girls have made me giggle reading those posts! You've also made me feel like I'm not a freak :p I started getting crazy dreams about 5 or 6 days ago, didn't have one last night luckily. The last one I remember I was in a hospital bed being pushed around what was supposed to be a hospital except it turned out to be boots and I kept trying to grab things from shelves as I was being wheeled past! I'm sure its the hormones sorting themselves out. I got dreams like this when I found out I was pregnant and sometimes just before af. Well either that or we're all going crazy :p

Wow elleff, got to love crazy moments!

Charlie, I'm sure you'll feel better after seeing your mum so get some motivation :p

I'm finishing work at 3 then straight to the docs for 4pm, I'll keep you posted.

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