Miscarried 1st baby over Christmas 2012.Share positive stories of conceiving again.

Hey girls! :wave: Sorry I haven't been around much - I've been back in work full time & back doing my charity work so I've been exhausted!

Me & my DH went to Egypt on our honeymoon too! We went in December 2010. I'd so love to be back there now - even just for a couple of days to recharge the batteries. Hope work is going ok. Just do what you're able for. I have bad days too (Thursday was horrible) but then other days are better. Just know that you'll get through them & we're all here for each other x I too am nervous about getting pregnant again & having the same thing happen but I guess we just have to roll the dice & hope for the best. I definitely want children so I can't let my fear stand in my way.

I am so sorry to hear about your OHs job! I lost my job in July 2011 & it sucked. I hated not having a job but now I have a new job & I love it! So hopefully it'll be a case of onwards & upwards for your OH too. And my DH is losing his job too but not until the end of the year so I'm kind of in the same boat if you want to talk x And I'm glad your scan went well.

Well done on the key achiever!! And as you know, we're already friends on FB - thanks so much for your messages x And I think your English is brilliant :flower:

I am so sorry about your friend. That must have been an awful shock.

I'm doing good today. We visited the graveyard today (I like to go at least once a week). I don't really have anything to report to be honest. Just trying to keep busy so have a shopping trip planned for the weekend with a friend, then a weekend away with DH, then a 1920s themed night out with the same friend. I'm just trying to give myself little things to look forward to.

AND - This morning I got my first positive OPK this cycle!!! :happydance:
Karry - positive OPK sounds great!You can start TTC again and hope this month is the lucky one for you and you never get a period for next 9 months!Fingers crossed!
How is your work going on?

How other girls are doing?Seems all had a busy weekend!

Elleff - are you still getting positive HPTs?Fingers crossed for you.

Lou- Started Metformin yet?any side effects?

Charlie - How are you hun?

AFM - Me doing fine, weekend was busy.Back to office now!
Morning all! I did just write a big reply but lost it!! ggrrr..

TTCmoon - your english is really good, do you want to move abroad?

Lou - I live in south wales, we are covered in snow aswell. I did the splits walking back from the shop yesterday! Think its going to snow again here tomorrow morning!

Nice to have you back Karry! Did you go to sharm? It was just amazing, we didnt venture out much because we only managed a week out there. Did you go to cairo? I'd love to go back there for about 3 weeks and get a flight up to cairo and see everything. But when you go for a week all you want to do is lie flat on your back in the sun!! we stayed at the sharm plaza hotel, I'd go back there in a second. mmmm.
Thats so nice you go to the grave every week. We buried our baby in a big plant pot so that if we move house we can take it with us. We put it in my engagement ring box with our letters. I did get quite a lot of peace after I'd done it and its always going to be with us.

Charlie how was your weekend?

I had a quiet one, we were snowed in on friday so had a nice day with my husband and then we had his kids all weekend. He really hurt his back playing in the garden with his daughter on sat (she's 12, he made her a throne out of snow...) but by about 9pm he couldn't move. We ended up staying up all night as he couldnt get comfy and couldnt move on his own!! He was a lot better yesterday though.
I had one of my down days on saturday. But feel better now. I am getting faint lines on hpt's. I have no idea whether to get excited or not. I dont feel like I can let myself yet as it may be left over hcg from before. I just don't know. I'm going to keep checking every other day (If I can manage not to do everyday!!!) and then maybe if I'm still getting lines at the end of the week I will go to the docs and ask them to tell me either way. I have sore boobs again too but this could just mean af is coming... I have no idea. This is the cruelest thing ever! I keep having baby dreams aswell. About being really early in my pregnancy or being full term and starting to bleed.

Not much going on this week, early nights and counting down sleeps to the weekend I think!!!
Hope you all had a good weekend and are feeling positive and happy :)
Hi everyone!

I've been trying to get on here all morning but the internet keeps going down here.

Karry - good to hear from you. Whoo, great news about the positive opk! You're making me want to give them another go but I'm resisting until next cycle now. Sorry to hear about you DHs job too, its just really stressful especially as we finally moved out of our little flat and got a house only a few months ago. I'll probably be tearing my hair out in a few weeks so I may need to have a rant lol. What charity work do you do? You sound pretty busy with a full time job as well.

ttcmoon - I'm on day 4 or 5 I can't remember now but no side effects at all so far, we'll see what its like when I up the dose in a few days. Have you got anything nice planned for this week inbetween work?

elleff - You're probably not all that far from me then, I'm right on the coast so I can see south wales and the bridge from my bedroom window, lovely view. Its so strange you're getting positive opks still and if you have sore boobs...I thought hcg levels had to go to 0 before we started a new cycle? I'm not sure on this though. Its all the waiting that drives me insane don't know about you? Hope you're DH is feeling better now too.

Charlie - I'm guessing you've been busy lately, hope everythings alright with you.

AFM I spent Saturday night at work, only had 8 hours between shifts and couldnt get the car out so I didn't feel like walking back in the dark. It was the first night away from my OH since the miscarriage and it was actually fine, I'm really getting back into work now and trying hard for a promotion so that should keep me busy.
I haven't had any strange dreams lately but I was lying in bed drifting off last night and then said "is the baby crying? where is he?" My OH now thinks I've lost the plot but for a split second I believed I had a baby, I'm guessing it was a sort of dream but I was sure I wasn't asleep, maybe I am losing the plot lol.

I'll send you all a pm later with my fb details on, so if you want to add me you can. I was trying to avoid it for a bit but instead I blocked all pregnant friends for the time being, much better idea!

Ha thats so funny I'll wave to you next time I'm at the beach!!
I'm not getting positive opks (although I havent done one for a few days) I meant I'm getting very faint pregnancy tests!! Every single one of them has a line on! some of them are so faint the untrained line spotter wouldnt be able to see them, but some of them are strong enough to really see, I guess it just depends on how diluted my pee is!!
If I am still seeing lines at the end of the week I think I will go to the dr's and ask them to check whats going on - old hormones or new pregnancy. I really don't think its new but I have read a lot of stories about people falling pregnant really really quickly!! The waiting definitely kills me. I think thats why I got so upset on Saturday as I'd had quite a good pregnancy test and I was just thinking it would be so so cruel if this was from before. To lose your baby and then have pregnancy hormones hang around for so long teasing you is just horrid.
What promotion are you going for at work? good for you!
Thats strange that you said that out loud. And quite sad too :hugs: maybe you were dreaming it and it just came out. I do that quite a lot but I usually laugh out loud if something has made me laugh in my sleep. I end up waking my husband up and then I can't stop laughing. I did it again on Friday morning, its a nice way to start the day.
I'll add you on fb xx
Lou - May your dream come true soon!I know you do not remember it actually, but I know in a few months you will really have troubled sleep with a baby crying beside.So till then hang on!Good to know that met is not giving you side effects.I am not having anything planned for this weekend, but our 5th anniversary is coming!!!!It's on 27th Jan...
How is your OH doing?Just wanted to wish him all the best for his job search.
What promotion are you looking for?I have my appraisal discussion tomorrow.I worked very hard in the last year, but had to take few unpaid leaves because of bed rest during pregnancy.I hope my boss won't make it a point to give me a bad rating.It would be a double slap then...one by God and one by him!Keeping my fingers crossed.

Elleff - Thanks for the compliment dear.Yes, may be eventually, we do have a plan to move to abroad (australia).So I am planning to write IELTS, as you need a good score to apply for PR.
I am keeping my everything crossed for you.It is an excellent sign that sometimes your HPT goes darker.I too heard loads of stories about women getting pregnant in there first cycle.

I have 3D scan scheduled tomorrow.During my pregnacy my TSH crossed the upper limit by some amount, so my doctor increased my dosage from 100mg to 112.5mg.Now after my miscarriage she asked me to continue with the adjusted dosage.I tested my levels last week and got my result today.My TSH went below the range!Its 0.12 now (normal 0.25-4.2).With pregnancy it went to 4.5 or so.Now I am really worried.
We din't monitor this cycle and following NTNP method.I am not sure if I have ovulated at all but we had some unprotected BD.Now don't how the lowered TSH is going to affect my body.
My first was a stillborn (27 weeks) in Dec. 2011. We conceived another over Easter weekend and that ended as a MMC, followed by a chemical the next full cycle. Three months after the chemical we conceived our twins. I'm not 16 weeks with the twins and everything is looking great. We have U/S every 2 weeks, so they've been keeping close watch over them.
Seriously don't know what I'm doing today. Not sure how I managed to send that last post! haha!

Elleff - I meant to say pregnancy test not opk, got it on the brain clearly! Its really strange I wouldn't like to say too much though and get your hopes up but hoping for the best for you!
Lol thats hilarious, I'd love to wake up laughing, I'm a right grump in the mornings.
Last summer I ran the entire hotel for 3 months whilst my then manager was on long term sick leave, I really enjoyed it and think I did alright. It might mean I have to change to another site but my goal by the end of the year is ops manager. The problem is now my manager knows about the miscarriage I think it might hold me back, they seem to think they know I was trying and it will take a lot of convincing to be considered for promotion. I know they can't discriminate but they will find a way to get round it.

ttcmoon - Thanks lovely lets hope its a premonition. We'll all have to read over our old posts when we have our babies and we've not slept in weeks to remind us how we said we wouldn't moan lol. My OH has found a job he wants but I'm trying to make him look for more in case it doesn't work out but I know hes just got his hopes on it working out fingers crossed!
What have you got planned for your anniversary?
Good luck for your appraisal discussion, I'm sure some time off which couldn't be helped wont stand in the way too much & good luck for the scan too, stay positive.
Hey girls! :wave: Sorry I haven't been around much - I've been back in work full time & back doing my charity work so I've been exhausted!

Me & my DH went to Egypt on our honeymoon too! We went in December 2010. I'd so love to be back there now - even just for a couple of days to recharge the batteries. Hope work is going ok. Just do what you're able for. I have bad days too (Thursday was horrible) but then other days are better. Just know that you'll get through them & we're all here for each other x I too am nervous about getting pregnant again & having the same thing happen but I guess we just have to roll the dice & hope for the best. I definitely want children so I can't let my fear stand in my way.

I am so sorry to hear about your OHs job! I lost my job in July 2011 & it sucked. I hated not having a job but now I have a new job & I love it! So hopefully it'll be a case of onwards & upwards for your OH too. And my DH is losing his job too but not until the end of the year so I'm kind of in the same boat if you want to talk x And I'm glad your scan went well.

Well done on the key achiever!! And as you know, we're already friends on FB - thanks so much for your messages x And I think your English is brilliant :flower:

I am so sorry about your friend. That must have been an awful shock.

I'm doing good today. We visited the graveyard today (I like to go at least once a week). I don't really have anything to report to be honest. Just trying to keep busy so have a shopping trip planned for the weekend with a friend, then a weekend away with DH, then a 1920s themed night out with the same friend. I'm just trying to give myself little things to look forward to.

AND - This morning I got my first positive OPK this cycle!!! :happydance:

Karry that's brilliant!!! How long after ur mis carriage is it honey? X
Hi girls

Sorry I haven't been on lately. With , work, family, bad days and trying to spend quality time with OH Ive not been able to. I just wanted to say Ive read all your posts so Im up to date and when I get back from my Mum's, after my friend leaves who visiting me today I will get on and write a proper message. Chat later ladies xx
Hello me and hubby was trying for 3 years and i finally got pregnant 2 oct 2012 i then lost the baby 3 dec 2012 we were very sad but ready to try again coz we dont give up so easy, everyone was telling me ill get pregnant easy again coz i had a d&c but i got my period in january i am on no bith contral and me and hubby had sex a lot now 2 weeks after my period i get horny a lot,go twinkle every 5 sec and is always hangry and this is not normal for me i was like this the first time i was pregant do u think im pregnant again?
Hi, really sorry you lost your baby. Have you done a pregnancy test? If you are 2 weeks after your period now, I'm not sure if you could already be pregnant but you might be ovulating now?
Dear Charlie, we are missing you!Nice to hear from you.

My appraisal discussion went fine and got a good rating.I went for scan as well, and seems like I am not going to ovulate.My both ovaries are having more than 15 immature small follicles, which is typical in PCOS.I feel soo depressed.
I am going to ask my doctor about clomid.
Ttcmoon chin up honey. It's time for the next step now. Don't give up!! Xx
Hi ladies, hope you're all ok.
Sorry about your scan ttcmoon, what happens now?
Charlie and lou hope you're ok?
I've had a few weird days, have been ok or completely down in the dumps. I thought I was ok yesterday and I was talking to my Dad on the phone and he asked if I was ok and I just started sobbing from nowhere. I didn't even knowing it was brewing up!
Are any of you girls finding things any easier? Sometimes I think things are easier and I can start having a laugh (although everytime I laugh its at the back of my mind and I feel guilty), and then sometimes I feel like its just happened and its suffocating. My manager said after her ectopic, counselling really helped. I'm not sure whether to look into this or not?
My body is also trying to confuse me at the minute and I no longer know whats normal hormonal stuff (achy belly, sore boobs) and whats pregnancy. I would be happy to be pregnant again so soon but it also terrifies me, and I dont actually think its possible yet anyway.
Are you ladies all actively ttc again yet? can you believe its less than a month since this happened to us?
Anyone got any exciting news?? xx
elleff, as you said I too feel good sometimes and I got some laughing moments too, but something always plays behind my mind, after I joined office I got to know about 3 new babies and ate sweets for them.
For me no point to ttcing actively, I din't ovulate and having PCOS.Doctor gave me some medicines,so if I do not get my period till 8th feb I can take them.Then I need to visit her on D2 of my period, she will probably run FSH,AMH tests again.I got bunch of multi vitamins to get my body ready.I am supposed to take my vit. B12 injection as well.So once my period comes she will probably administer me with clomid again, so I ovulate.I am going to ttc then.Yes really it is hardly believe that it happened to us less than a month back, I feel too eager to be pregnant again.
regular gyming giving me some good time.I started gym from 7th Jan and din't lose any weight yet, it is hard to lose weight with PCOS and hypothyroidism, but my doctor wants me to shed 10% of my current weight (I am 154lb, height - 5-5), so quite overweight.

I am quite ok with those who doesn't know about the incident, but when I meet someone who knows I feel guilty and I shrink.I feel bad!Councelling does help!
are you still getting positive HPT?
Thanks Charlie for the encouragement!But when you feel so eager to try again and do not ovulate at all it is frustrating!
Hello me and hubby was trying for 3 years and i finally got pregnant 2 oct 2012 i then lost the baby 3 dec 2012 we were very sad but ready to try again coz we dont give up so easy, everyone was telling me ill get pregnant easy again coz i had a d&c but i got my period in january i am on no bith contral and me and hubby had sex a lot now 2 weeks after my period i get horny a lot,go twinkle every 5 sec and is always hangry and this is not normal for me i was like this the first time i was pregant do u think im pregnant again?

I am so sorry for your loss.
there is always a chance to be pregnant while having unprotected sex, I hope you are pregnant again, did you use OPK or something else to detect if you are ovulating?may be these are ovulation symptoms?2weeks after period is too early to get pregnancy symptoms.
Best of luck!
Hi girls,

I've not had the best of days, time is flying by atm. A girl I used to work with posted on fb earlier that she heard her little ones heart beat for the first time today, she was 3 days later than I was which completely broke my heart knowing that should be me as well.
I'm feeling very similar elleff, I had a moment earlier on the phone to a friend where I had a laugh and then felt guilty for it, I keep doing that and its really annoying, we deserve to be happy.
We're not actively ttc right now, had a chat with my OH and he thinks I'm putting too much pressure on myself to get pregnant again which is probably true and like ttcmoon said with pcos we're very unlikely to ovulate this cycle.
For the first time in a long time I want af to come along so I can start clomid again, I always know a full 2 weeks before af will show and I've had no symptoms as yet.

I had a good few days before now, thinking positive and getting on with things but then the sadness creeps up on me again :(
My OH said he's worried about me that I'm not coping well but I don't know how long it takes to feel ok again? I mentioned counselling just after it happened, I can't say if it would help or not because I've never been but I really believe it can for some people.
Elleff, how are you getting on today? Have you done any more tests yet? Have to mention I had a quick look at your wedding pictures earlier and they are stunning! I LOVE your dress its amazing!

Ttcmoon- I would recommend clomid, I know it doesn't work for everyone but I heard it helps 80% of us with pcos to ovulate which can't be a bad thing.

I'm off to get an early night, hopefully a better day tomorrow xx
Hi girls

Well it looks like we are all finding it hard ATM. Deep dw. We all wish we were pregnant this month don't we. I know what you mean about having sore boobs, cramps tummy....love it to be something to be with pregnancy but it prob my period working on me.
I say try the counselling if you are struggling with things. It is recommended by doctors.
I feel I had a mini breakdown on Sat night. I completely and uncontrollally. My OH has been really supportive. I think I needed a big massive cry.
Here's a suggestion....cause I felt better afterwards...put a sad movie on, cry your heart out! Get it all out. I think this is understandably difficult because we all would be going for our first scans and one month since our mc's. but girls we will get thru this!!
Me and my OH are ttc but Im not banking on getting pregnant this month so Im not setting myself up for a fall.
But I am looking forward to my af coming so I can plan ttc properly!!
We need to stop beating ourselves up ladies! We did nothing wrong. We did our best. Im no expert but Im thinking we need to forgive ourselves and stop blaming ourselves so we can live in the present. This is how I feel about myself anyway and I really hope I having offended anyone. I mean well xx

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