Miscarried 1st baby over Christmas 2012.Share positive stories of conceiving again.

Hi girlies,

Lou- That is so sad about your work friend, honestly none of us know what other people have gone/are going through before we judge them. We're all guilty of it, I definitely am.
Hope the sore boobs is a good sign!! How did you get on yesterday in the end? I would be 12 weeks weds and I am dreading it. Also 29th is my one month anniversary. :(

Charlie - good luck with the health kick! its hard work but well worth it, I have struggled to get back into the swing of things this year but literally dragging myself to the gym and I do feel good after.

Karry - you must have been non stop on holiday! how did you get to all of those places, did you fly? I heard it was like a 10 hour bus journey?
Thats great that your husbands aunt got pregnant again so quickly! gives us all hope. I'm sure the morning sickness meds had nothing to do with what happened to you, I don't blame you not taking them again though. I guess we just want answers, some reason as to why.
Any sign of af yet? How are you working out when its due?

Proudmomma - thankyou so much for sharing with us it really does help to hear positive stories about conceiving successfully again. I hope I can do the same with other people in the future.

ttcmoon - glad you had a nice anniversary! will have a look for your photos!!

AFM - I had a nice weekend with my very lovely husband. We had a few (eek!!) drinks on friday night and just had a laugh. We did talk about the baby etc and I had a little cry. Always so good to hear he is feeling the same. We do mention it all the time but we don't always 'talk' about it if you know what I mean. We talked about how it will affect the next time and how its so unfair that we have been robbed of the opportunity to have a stress free pregnancy etc.
We did have a lovely weekend though, I hate Mondays!!
I went for a blook test this morning as I have been so tired since the mc so they are checking my b12 and testing for anaemia, just make sure I'm all healthy for whatever the future throws at me!

I tested yesterday and got a BFN :( but no sign of af yet either? Very sore boobs though. I'm tired of second guessing what everything means!! I really need to chill...
We are booking some days off work today to go and visit family in feb and March so will have some nice long weekends to look forward to. Its my husbands birthday soon too so need to think of something nice to do for that! xx

Sorry to see you got BFN :( but just see it as a step in the right direction, it might be why your period hasn't arrived yet? Mine hasn't either and I've no clues that it might soon, I'm trying really hard to stop wondering and worrying what everything means, it wont speed anything up.

Hope today has been ok for you, I know the one month mark was quite hard for me it didn't feel like it had even been a week.

Its so nice to have things to look forward to, so its good you have that. Where are you going to visit family?
As for chatting about the mc, I usually find my OH opens up to me a bit more about it when we've had a drink and we have a better chat or maybe I just think that because I'm drunk :p x
Right I'm just going to do this all in one post before I take up another million pages!

Blueskys - Sorry for your loss. Of course you are more than welcome here. I don't think there is any right time to try again except when you are both ready. We've been trying for 3 years before the mc on christmas eve and so I'm not that hopefull it will happen straight away but we're both at a place where we are happy to try again, we don't want to waste any time. Have you spoken to your husband about why he's hesistant?
I know I'll be terrified if I get pregnant again that I'll miscarry but chances are we wont so try to keep positive. If you ever need a little rant this is the place to come :) x

Charlie - How you getting on? Did you have a nice weekend? x

I'm feeling pretty good today, not amazing but the best I have since everything. Yesterday was my day off and it was lovely. We went to the bank and got approved for our loan for the wedding and spent the day buying everything we need, it was just perfect. I feel quite guilty for not feeling really down still but there has to be a turning point? I have so much to look forward to lately I just hope this good mood stays.
Hi all! :wave:

I will be staying at Lough Eske, just outside of Donegal town! I'm from Meath :flower:

It sounds more active than it was!! All of those things were based in Cairo & we flew from Sharm to Cairo so it was just a day trip. No sign of AF yet at all! I have an app on my phone (the Fertility Friend one) & it works out when you're due from the average of your other cycles & the data from the current cycle (i.e. if you ovulate late then it'll push AF back). I'm expecting this cycle to be longer because of all that's happened but I don't really know what to expect to be honest!

Sorry to hear you got a BFN - hopefully that'll all change soon!! And it's great that you have some days off to look forward to which will hopefully help take your mind off things.

Did you get your blood test results? I'll be thinking of you tomorrow x

I am so sorry that you're joining us. As was said previously, unfortunately none of us can answer your question for you. Whenever you & your DH are ready you'll know it. I thought it would be harder than it was - we just had to take the leap.

Wow! That's so nice of you!! If you donated them to our charity I'd make sure you'd get all the cuddles you wanted! :hugs: How far away is the wedding now? I don't blame you for getting excited! I'd love to be back there again! Don't be feeling guilty for feeling good - we can't be miserable all the time x

I'm good today. A little low but I held it together (so far! lol) I think I have a bit of a stomach bug or IBS. I definitely don't feel right anyways. I got a second positive OPK yesterday (eight days after the first one). When I found out I was pregnant it was by doing an OPK & getting a positive very late in the cycle & I know they can be positive when pregnant so I tested the next day & got my happy news. This second positive was yesterday & I got a negative this morning so I'm not sure what's going on. I'm terrified to test & get a negative. I'm also terrified to see a positive & maybe it's still hormones from the last pregnancy & not a new one. I guess I'll just have to wait & see. AF is a day late at this stage so hopefully it stays away!!
Morning ladies :)

Lou - congratulations on the loan! great you can go out and get everything you need now, so exciting! I remember doing all that and getting all my bits for the tables etc and laying it all out, putting it away, getting it out, putting it away etc etc coz I was just so excited!! We got married in Scotland so had SO much stuff to take up in the car!! plus my step kids and my wedding dress!! it was not fun :)
We're going to northampton, nottingham and Scotland. We've got family everywhere so live out of a bag quite often when were visiting our parents etc but its all good, we get spoiled as they don't see us that often :)

Blueskys - fingers crossed whenever you both feel ready to try it doesnt take very long! it must be hard when you're both not quite in the same place! He will get there though, he just doesnt want to ever see you go through that again I'm sure.

Karry - I used ff app when I got pregnant it was brilliant! I just didnt temp this time as I felt ill etc right after the mc and thought it would give me a raised temp and I wouldnt really know what would be accurate? So I decided to start temping again from the first day of my next af. Plus I wanted a 'relaxed' approach to ttc again this cycle... yeah right like thats happened!!!! :) I hate being so out of the loop I have no idea whats going on!
I havent got my results yet, I called the surgery yesterday and they said they were back but the doctor hadnt seen them yet. Will be no big deal either way, more injections for my b12 or iron tablets. Or nothing if everything comes back normal!
Have you tested yet??

I managed not to test the last couple of days. Mainly because I only had 2 tests left!! but I have more on their way now so I think I'll test when I go home for lunch today. Don't expect to see anything though, I think my insides have completely stopped working! I do have sore boobs but that is it. Nothing else going on! whats happening?!

I'm interested to see when you girls get your period though, or your BFP!! maybe we are all pregnant again?!?

big hugs x
Hi girls

How are you all?
Karry it's a lovely spot. Have you ever been before?

My weekend was good. Sat night was our first night out and besides two of the girls (who didn't know I mc'd) talking about babies and scans it was great!
Think I'll have a pj weekend this weekend tho :)
It'll be 4 weeks on Sat since my D&C so my period should come within the next 2weeks then I will hopefully get a positive opk because as yet, in the last .3 weeks I haven't had a positive opk and Im testing every day between 2 and half 2...
Anyway, suns shining and Im staying at my friends who lives 20miles away tonight so I must get myself organised.!

Charlie xx
Hi everyone,

Thanks again for all your advice and support. My husband came home from work last night and said he's ready to try again this time around. I am thrilled! He said he was hesitant because he wanted to be sure that I was emotionally physically ready. I am nervous but going to try and have a positive outlook, I mean trying is the fun part right?!!

Loup- Enjoy every minute of planning your wedding!

Karry- I hope your feeling better! And I loved your comment about " just having to take the leap"!

Charlie- fingers crossed for a positive opk!

Elle- good thoughts your way for a bfp!
Hi everyone,

Thanks again for all your advice and support. My husband came home from work last night and said he's ready to try again this time around. I am thrilled! He said he was hesitant because he wanted to be sure that I was emotionally physically ready. I am nervous but going to try and have a positive outlook, I mean trying is the fun part right?!!

Loup- Enjoy every minute of planning your wedding!

Karry- I hope your feeling better! And I loved your comment about " just having to take the leap"!

Charlie- fingers crossed for a positive opk!

Elle- good thoughts your way for a bfp!

Blueskys that's fantastic news!!!! 😊 X
Blueskys - That is a great news!

Elleff - Sorry for your BFN dear, did you test again?I hope whatever you said turns true and we all are preggo again!But whatever happens I wish everyone else to stay on this page till we all get our rainbows.

Lou - How are you doing dear?I am so excited for your wedding, what all you bought for yourself?Must be shopping like crazy!

Charlie - You must be enjoying at your friends place!Good to know that you had a good day.

Karry - Did you test again?I am so hopeful for you...how is your IBS?I hope you are doing great.

I had a mixed week.I am hitting gym daily though not losing any weight, may be because I am new to weight training.But, getting lots of compliments as people thinks I look leaner!I am loving it.My periods dint arrive yet.I did not do OPK either, had some unprotected days though.My doctor gave me a medicine if my AF doesnt arrive till 8th Feb.I am just wondering, shall I take them or test first?

What are your weekend plans?
Hi ladies I will reply properly tomorrow but I just wanted to let you know that I got my first period today. 37 days after the start of my mc, 33 days after I lost my baby and 27 days after my bleeding stopped.
I was/am pretty upset, ESP as its quite heavy and painful but this is a new start now. I can temp and hopefully get accurate opks from now on.
I am going to concentrate on being healthy, having a good diet and get my hair dyed while I know for sure I'm not pregnant!!
It is a reminder of what happened, I'm not going to lie, but it is a new start and a chance to try again and be happy xx
Dear Elleff, I know it must be depressing to get period, but as you said it is really a new beginning.And I hope this you won't get your period again :)
I am not sure even, when I am going to get my period :( I had my last scan on 22nd and dint ovulate till then.I too wish the new beginning comes to be as well.
Healthy diet and timely prenatals may help!Best of luck xx
Hi ladies! :wave:

That was my plan too!! To relax this cycle. I think it lasted two weeks! :haha: Have you got your test results by now? Hope all is well & you enjoy your trip. I'm so sorry to hear AF arrived. I'm dreading it myself. But, as you said, it's a fresh start & hopefully this cycle will be your lucky one :hugs:

I have indeed been before - this was my third trip & I hope it won't be the last! We had an amazing time. Being back to reality sucks! Glad you had a good weekend :flower:

I'm so glad to hear your hubby is on board now! :happydance:

My IBS is grand now, thanks! Haven't had any problems with it in a very long time so hopefully it won't bother me again any time soon. As for your AF I would test before taking the medicine - just in case.

Nothing to report really. We're just back from our lovely weekend away. It was a little sad as we'd planned this before Christmas so we thought we'd be going there while still pregnant but it was lovely to go & relax & let my hair down for a while - I even had a cocktail or two! :blush: It was brilliant.

I did test on Thursday but no joy. Still no AF though so I'll leave it til the end of this week & maybe test again if AF stays away.
I lost my first baby in June 2011 at 12 weeks, found out in January 2012 on the exact due date I was pregnant. I had a perfect pregnancy and gave birth to a beautiful 7lb 14 oz baby!
Thanks Charlee for sharing your story.I just hope the same happens to every lady in this thread!
Karry - I would definitely test before taking the medicine,even I can wait for a few days!Who knows if I ovulated or not.And if yes then when!
Good to know your IBS is gone.Seen your photos on FB, they are lovely and you look great.Keeping my fingers crossed for you,just hope you get your BFP soon.

I would love to see any one of you graduating from this thread.And let's stick together till we all become proud mommas..what you girls say?
Took my period today �� On the up side we can now start planning cause I'll have an idea when Im ovulating now. The opk's didn't seem to work for me. I wil use them again this month just to see...
Hope you are all well girls xx
Hi girls!

Hope you all had a good weekend!

Charlie & elleff - don't take this the wrong way but I'm glad to hear af arrived for you both! Obviously would rather it was better news but its the first real step in trying again, I'm really excited for you both this month :)

Karry - Nice to hear you had a good weekend away, its amazing to get away and have some time to relax, just not so nice having to come back! My wedding is a little over 4 months away now, I'm so organised now though that I'm not stressing at all!

Blueskys - Thats great news! How you getting on?

ttcmoon - I can't wait to start seeing you all have some great news! Lets hope it happens for all of us very soon :) I don't know when my period will show either, it's so frustrating but I'm going to give it a few more weeks and see what happens.

AFM - Not a lot new going on. I was at a course all day Friday and didn't get back til late and then had a lovely weekend off. Went for a 4 mile walk on Saturday, it was lovely and the weather was really nice, after that I went for lunch with my dad and then spent Sunday cleaning and cooking for friends we had over. Haven't had much of a chance to get on here! xx
Aw thanks!! It's a lovely spot. It was my third time there & I miss it already! Also I work in accounts & month end is always very busy (I was lucky to get Friday off - my boss was just being nice because she knows what happened). So today I was back from our break AND really busy in work. AND our weather here is gone crazy! We're to get snow tonight & the sleet is so bad it's effecting our satellite.

And I'd love us all to stick together until we're all pregnant - and beyond! :hugs:

Four months? That's not that long! Such an exciting time :flower: I'd love to be back there again!!

Sorry to hear your AF arrived. Don't write the OPKs off just yet. Mine aren't working as usual this cycle but they worked every other cycle.

Nothing to report really. I don't really like Mondays (who does?) because I work in accounts but on Monday I cover reception as well & it's so quiet there with too much time to think & I hate trying to put on a fake happy, smiley face so people don't realise I'm upset.

And as I said above, the weather here is awful. DH walked the dog before I got home from work (before the weather turned). Dinner is just ready so we're all going to curl up together infront of the fire & watch TV/movie :happydance:
Hi girls!

Elle and Charlie- as painful of a reminder of the mc AF may be, it is a new cycle and fresh start. Soon you will be able to start trying again and that is so exciting! Elle, how does your hair look?

Karry- try not to stress to much at work!

Loup- sounds like you've been keeping busy and enjoying yourself which is great! I think the more relaxed we all are ( as hard as that can be), the better our chances of getting BFPs.

Charlee- thanks for sharing!

AFM- this is a big week, let the baby making commence! I'm going to try and enjoy this time and think food thoughts!
Hi Ladies! Hope you're all ok!

Charlie how you feelin now you got your period? Happy/sad? Its a wierd one isnt it.
Blueskys, I havent actually had my hair dyed yet! I'm so nervous about it after last time but I will get it done as my grey hairs are glistening in the sunlight!! and if I get pregnant this cycle I won't be doing it for a while!!
I hope everyone either ovulates or gets af soon! Good luck to you blueskys I really hope this is it!
I have finished my period now. It was really heavy but only really lasted 3 days so I am now cd5. Should hopefully ovulate next thurs/fri providing my body has fallen straight back into a 28 day cycle! Then I should be able to test around 10dpo which is actually my husbands birthday and we're away for the weekend so would be an ace present if I get a bfp!

Karry - I hate the fake smiley face too. Without going into too much detail I saw a new client this morning who told me she had mc in December and then started sobbing as she told me how awful it had been. I obviously can't tell her my situation but it was so hard to sit there without sobbing too. The hardest moment of my working life I think. xx

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