Molar and Partial Molar Pregnancy Support Group

We are much, much better now Kate, thankyou for asking! It is winter here - its cold but we havent had snow for a while. Actually we haven't had snow since I bought a 4x4 :haha: Were you affected by the flooding in Australia at all? It looked absolutely awful!! We had some quite hot weather in July last year when Oliver was tiny, we ended up buying a air-con unit to keep the house cool because I was sooo paranoid about him over heating. Air con and a pool sounds absolutely gorgeous!!!!! I haven't taken Oliver swimming yet because I hate public pools :dohh:

I'm so glad that you're feeling positive and excitied about TTC! How long is it now? It will come around so fast! And Oliver really is proof that dreams come true :cloud9: It will happen for you honey, really it will!!

:flower:Sarah :friends:
no we werent affected by floods we are in a different state thank god we are south of that area but my oh's uncle was up there but he's okay. It was so awful, so sad. A little 4 yr old boy was swept out of the rescue boat:nope: amongst other terrible things.
Oh I would have been the same paranoid about lil Olly overheating! the heat is dreadful when its really bad!
And yep not long to go now:happydance: 4 weeks and 2 days exactly:haha: its so surreal when i see you say it will happen for me, like I really cant even imagine it right now like its the biggest deal in the world the biggest dream and I just think is it really gonna happen? I pray so:hugs:
Going away next week for 5 days to the beach! yay! we might be popping into a tattoist to see about me getting a tattoo for Jamari, so im happy about that:)
glad to hear you are both feeling much better:hugs:
Hello ladies! I have read all your stories and my heart goes out to you all. I'm having mixed emotions about things after reading the posts and a little more worried now. Here's my story.
I am the mother to a 2.5 year old little boy. My husband and I found out we were pregnant with number 2 May of 2010. With my first pregnancy I didnt really have any symptoms at all, so I really wasn't concerned that I didnt seem to have any with number 2 either. We went in for my 8 week check with ultrasound and found there was nothing there except an empty sac, which was misshapen. The Dr I saw was new to me as we had just moved to a new state and lacked real bedside manner. I had to ask her why we werent seeing anything. She suggested possibly I was wrong on my dates (I knew that wasnt true as I am very regular and we were TTC), so I pressed her for information and she said she was 80% sure it wasnt a viable pregnancy. Pretty much as soon as I started to fall apart she bolted from the room, didnt order blood work and told me to return a week later for another ultrasound.
I made the second appt with a different Dr. During that week I had resigned myself ot the fact that I would mc and just wanted to get things sorted out so we could get back on track ttc. When I went back we found that the sac grew and now a little blob was showing up inside, another turn on the roller coaster. Still no HB and certainly not a baby the size that I should have been, so he said to come back in another week. The next day, I began to spot very lightly and a day later, while using the bathroom I passed what I believed to be the gestational sac. I was actually happy with this as I didnt really want a D&C if my body would mc naturally, but I really didnt want to continue waiting for it to happen. Went back in for another check, told the Dr that I believed I passed the sac and baby only to find on another ultrasound that in fact I had not. Again, I felt the roller coaster of emotion and I begged him to schedule me for a D&C, which was done two days later.
At my 10 post op appt I was still testing positive for pregnancy and the Dr told me of the partial mole findings. He had me come in for blood work to monitor my levels to 0 once a week and my levels returned to 0 after 3 weeks. Now, I believe they returned so quickly because I think my baby stopped growing almost as soon as I for my BFP. He advised me to only wait 2 cycles after AF returned, which was exactly 4 weeks after the D&C.
I am 36 and hubby is 38, so after ttc for 5 cycles we went back for fertility counseling (Dec. 29, 2010, day 16 of my cycle). As I said before, I have a very regular 28 day cycle and I can feel my ovulation on day 14 (ALWAYS got a pos on OPK on day 13), so we were pretty sure I was ovulating. The Dr suggested I do a day 21 Progesterone test, then a day 3 FSH test, send hubby in for a semen analysis and in the mean time to keep trying. A week and a half later hubby went to give his sample and AF was due the next day. As you can probably guess I didnt need to go for the day 3 test as I got another BFP the next day! I was elated! It would just figure that we get pregnant that cycle and find out after paying for the testing. I didnt really care though, I'd gladly pay for it five times over to be pregnant!
So, today I am 6w4d and I have my first Dr appt and ultrasound on Tuesday at 7w0d. I am so scared that we will go in and not see a HB again. I really dont know what I'll do if that happens. I am also very scared now after reading all your stories that most of you saw a HB early on and to hear that across the pond you are required to wait so much longer before you ttc. I pray it wasn't too soon for us. Maybe it was a blessing that I didnt conceive right away? Anyway, this Dr appt is driving me bonkers, I think about what will happen constantly! I am driving my husband crazy, and probably myself as well! I know what will be will be and I cant do anything about it now, but I am still going nuts about it. I try to find comfort in the fact that I actually do have pretty strong symptoms this time, luckily without the morning sickness which I now know can be a sign of mp or pmp.
Thanks for providing me an outlet to vent and for reading my story. I really appreciate you reading this. To the ladies who are pregnant, congratulations! To those who are waiting to ttc or are currently ttc, I hope you are able to conceive quickly!
Welcome Amandalucs mum:hugs:Sorry to hear of ur loss. And congratulations on ur pregnancy!! After all my reading and knowing a few ladies now who have gone thru this, I sincerely feel the drs get u
To wait that long to cover them and give ur body enough time to heal, but I feel that our own bodies know when they are ready, ndaybe yours just was, I pray everything turns out fine ontuesday not long to go please keep us updated I know I will be anxious to find out how u go!! As u prob saw I can ttc again in march! 4 wks time, I'm spool looking forward to that, even tho I know I will be so scared and on edge. All I can suggest is try n stay cal
Over the nxt few days for baby:) lil one wouldn't want mummy being upset, although I know too well that's easier said then done. Just wNted to wish u all the best, I hope we can be of much help to you. The ladies on here are so great xo
Thanks so much Jamaris Mummy! It felt so good to get all that out to people who know what I am going through. I am trying to not worry and stay calm, but it almost seems like as the appt gets closer the more I stress about it. For several weeks after finding out I was indeed pregnant I was so sure this baby was a keeper, but now I am not so sure. The mind does crazy things, you know?
Good luck to you in March! I hope you get a good egg at exactly the right time! I give you a lot of credit, it would be so hard to wait this long after such a tragic loss.
Oh I know what u mean Bout the mind doing crazy things, but I think after such a trauma our minds think such crazy things as a defense mechanism u know? And thankyou.. It has suprisingly gone fairly quick, the time.. I'm sooo excited, sooo scared, just want a healthy bubba... Tuesday is coming around very fast!!! Will be waiting to see how u go! Xo
Welcome AmandaLucasmum. So sorry to hear of your loss *hugs*

We are told to wait 6 months her before ttc again but I'm sure they are just being super cautious, and if your levels went down that qickly then that's a great sign!

It's normal to worry about your docs appointment, i worried before every one and I still worry now, even tho I know this isn't a pmp.

I would think that if u see a hb then all will be fine hun. My pmp was VERY rare in that there were no signs of it on any of my scans and I didn't lose Frazer til 23 weeks which is almost unheard of for a pmp in the uk, so dont let my experience worry you.

With this pregnancy I bled 3 times in first tri and was convinced it was all over, yet here i am now at 25 weeks!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Me n my OH have had a bit of a sad day today cuz we have started sorting peanuts room today and we got out some of the baby bits we had bought for Frazer which set us both off crying. It's not long til it will have been a year since I gave birth to him, I cant believe how fast time has gone! Xxx
AmandaLucsMom welcome to the thread, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: As the others have said I'm sure everything will be fine, your levels dropped so nicely and I agree that the six month wait is on the over courtious side. I always think too, how many ladies have MP / PMP, but have a 'normal' misscarriage and never know it was PMP / MP? So they just TTC right away? Please let us know how you get on, I will be thinking about you on Tuesday :hugs:

Clo :hugs: It must be so hard, it was hard enough for me and my loss was at 12 weeks, I just cant imagine what it must be like for you to loose Frazer :hugs: I hadn't bought much when I had my loss, but I packed all my pregnancy books and the things I had bought away in a box. I got it all out when I was about 14 weeks with Oliver. I had bought a Mamas & Papas Zeddy Zebra, it was the only thing we'd bought 'for the baby' and it made me cry when I pulled its tail and it sang its song. I just remembered how excited we were when we bought it and hugging it so tight when I lost my baby :cry: Happily though, it now sits on Olivers cot, and he LOVES it! Its odd that I still kind of feel like it belongs to our lost baby, and that Oliver is borrowing it :) I think I feel like that though because we only had that one thing, so emotionally it holds a lot, if you know what I mean? When Oliver outgrows things I sort them out and some I sell, some I put away for if we have another baby, but Zeddy Zebra I think will just get put somewhere safe for me, rather than packed away as baby things, if you know what I mean?
Hi Clo and Sarah, thanks so much for your encouraging words! I am trying so hard to be positive and I didnt think I'd ever make it though the weekend. Hopefully, Monday will fly by and Tuesday will be here before I know it. I thought the 2 week wait was bad, but waiting for the first Dr appt is torture! I think about how blissfully ignorant I was when I was pregnant with my son and had no thoughts about things going wrong.

Clo, sorry about the sad day you had going through the baby items. I know that must have been bittersweet for you. Imagine the joy you'll feel to bring your new baby home! And Sarah, I can see how you feel about the zebra and it belonging to your first baby. You know, one day you both can tell your children about their sibling and they may take comfort in sharing their things. I had a really hard time as what was supposed to be my due date approached (1/19). Even though I wasn't very far along when I lost mine, I will always carry that baby in my heart.

Thanks so much to all of you for the positive thought for Tuesday! I will update right away! We haven't told very many people about the pregnancy (not even my hubby's parents as they took the loss hard), so its nice to have people cheering me on! I so feel that our shared experiences (even though each a little different) tie us together and I am so happy to have found you ladies! Thanks, again!
By the way, Sarah, Oliver is one adorable little man! I know you must be super proud!
Sending you lots of luck and hugs today Amandalucsmum!!!

Hope all went well today Amandalucasmum! Xxxx
Hello ladies! I had my OB appt and I am thrilled to tell you that today we saw a very strong heartbeat!!! I cant tell you how relieved and excited I am! According to my LMP I am 7 weeks today and the baby measured 7w1d, so right on target. My Dr gave me a due date of 9/21/11. Yay, I am so, so happy! Thanks again to you guys for your encouraging words. I look forward to sharing more of the pregnancy with you all!
Any help on how to post a picture and get a ticker going? I don't really see anything obvious on the page where I edit my profile. Thanks!
Hello ladies! I had my OB appt and I am thrilled to tell you that today we saw a very strong heartbeat!!! I cant tell you how relieved and excited I am! According to my LMP I am 7 weeks today and the baby measured 7w1d, so right on target. My Dr gave me a due date of 9/21/11. Yay, I am so, so happy! Thanks again to you guys for your encouraging words. I look forward to sharing more of the pregnancy with you all!


Fantastic news!!!!!!! I'm so pleased, congratulations!!!!!!
Any help on how to post a picture and get a ticker going? I don't really see anything obvious on the page where I edit my profile. Thanks!

For the picture:
Along the top their is a menu bar on the purple strip, if you click on User CP>>>then Edit Avatar and upload a picture there :)

I think you need a certain number of posts for the ticker but I'll find out :thumbup:

Jamari's Mummy your ticker . . . . did you cut and paste the BB code from Lilipie? Its not the first one . . . I think you have the wrong code. Its the BB one you want :thumbup:

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