Glad you aren't feeling too bad Maybe!
I have a bit of a question for you actually. Roh is still using the potty (as opposed to the toilet, although he used them fine when we go out), which i'm fine with. It does mean that F sees him using the potty very often, and she's obsessed with it (to the point that she's tipped the contents of it over herself a couple of times)!

Anyway, i'd been trying to keep her away from it after a few accidents, but then the last few days, i've let her play with it and she's started sitting on it. Today, she's been a bit sore, so hasn't had a nappy on all day. Earlier i asked her if she needed a weewee, as she was looking down (which is what she seems to do before she wees), and she looked at me, then immediately went over and sat on the potty and did a wee!!
My question is, was it coincidence, or is it possible she knew what she was doing?? She's way too young for that, right? I'm confused!