Moms to Many TTC 2, 3, 4 or more Come join us...

Hello Ladies! I will be honest with you! I was about to at this moment to tell you that I will not be on here anymore but my husband and I just got into an argument and we agreed that we will try one last time. I have been in a deep depression. I went into Walmart today and started bawling. Everyone around me is freaking pregnant and I coudn't face any one of them. My husband's cousins (3 of them), my best friend, some of my coworkers are pregnant. My best friend wanted me to come visit her and I told that I couldn't. My hubby as a freaking man couldn't understand why I could't go over there to visit my best friend. I am an emotional wreck. Hopefully, this next time, the egg will stay!!
hey sweet sorry to hear that you are having trouble but its understandable, how long have you been trying now? i know for us after 7 years and all 16 m/c 1 ectopic then losing Lilly-Maye given a child to have it taken away, i am having the same doubts about continuing to TTC, i just feel as if it will never happen. we have had arguements recently about continuing, when we go out it kills me inside when i hear a baby cry or see pregnant women or newborns, it tears me up everytime hun, i fall apart and hurt so badly, i go to another aisle in the supermarket or just avoid going out completely, it is a hard journey for us who are long term TTC 5years plus trying and still having nothing but all i can say is that you are strong and you will find the hope to continue trying, we always do, we get knocked down, have the stuffing kicked out of us then get up dust ourselves off and start again, talk about glutten for punishment us gals!!!xxx

We haven't been trying that long but when you get your hopes up as we have and it doesn't happen or there is a miscarriage or ectopic as you and I have had then that tears us apart emotionally! The biggest depressed state for me was the ectopic because I do not believe in abortion because of my religious backgroud and here I have a 9 week baby on my right ovary that has to be removed. To this day, I still have regrets but my hubby said that it was a medical emergency and there was no choice!:cry: It may have happened 3years ago but it will always be like yesterday! We as women take on so much and feel so much with our emotions, our love, feelings even anger, because that is the way God made us! That is why we get stressed more easily than men. I would love for one day for men to have the feelings, emotions, stress, responsiblity, everything that we as women half to deal with and they would appreciate what we go through on a daily basis. To please, to have perfectly good babies as we are intended with no difficulties. I have a 16 year old that will never drive because she has seizures. How is she going survive? I have a 13 turning 14 that we have to wait for her to get her license to drive the oldest around! She sees flickering lights and she starts seizing. She has 2 more years and then I don't know what will become of her. All I can do is give her hope as a good mother should! I could go on and on!
I agree with you! We do get knocked down and get the stuffing kicked out of us and we do need to get up and brush the dust off. I always tell my oldest that we can fall in a mud puddle but do not waddle in it, get up, wipe yourself off and walk out of it. Don't wallow in it.

Good morning ladies! Trying to catch up on house work and crochet today!

How are you all?
Good morning ladies! Trying to catch up on house work and crochet today!

How are you all?

Hi MommyMichele,

How are you doing?....I tried just a little while ago to clean but really am tired after having to be at the emergency room most of the morning with Emma my little girl and then I was up until 2:20am with Patrick so I took me a nap just alittle while ago and now I really feel like I'm dragging.....Did you have a good weekend?
We haven't been trying that long but when you get your hopes up as we have and it doesn't happen or there is a miscarriage or ectopic as you and I have had then that tears us apart emotionally! The biggest depressed state for me was the ectopic because I do not believe in abortion because of my religious backgroud and here I have a 9 week baby on my right ovary that has to be removed. To this day, I still have regrets but my hubby said that it was a medical emergency and there was no choice!:cry: It may have happened 3years ago but it will always be like yesterday! We as women take on so much and feel so much with our emotions, our love, feelings even anger, because that is the way God made us! That is why we get stressed more easily than men. I would love for one day for men to have the feelings, emotions, stress, responsiblity, everything that we as women half to deal with and they would appreciate what we go through on a daily basis. To please, to have perfectly good babies as we are intended with no difficulties. I have a 16 year old that will never drive because she has seizures. How is she going survive? I have a 13 turning 14 that we have to wait for her to get her license to drive the oldest around! She sees flickering lights and she starts seizing. She has 2 more years and then I don't know what will become of her. All I can do is give her hope as a good mother should! I could go on and on!
I agree with you! We do get knocked down and get the stuffing kicked out of us and we do need to get up and brush the dust off. I always tell my oldest that we can fall in a mud puddle but do not waddle in it, get up, wipe yourself off and walk out of it. Don't wallow in it.

to be honest hun i don't think it really matters how long you have been trying when you have experienced loss, it does tear you apart, it changes you, and i can also understand your ectopic, my boy was 10 weeks and nestled in my right fallopian tube, i wasn't aware of anything being wrong with the pregnancy till my tube burst and it took out a vein behind, 3 pints of blood in my pelvic cavity and i nearly lost my life, so i understand your pain sweet, i do but you are right it is an emergency and one that could have cost your life so please try not to have regrets:hugs:
you sound like you have a lot of stress going on at the min, can you go away on vacation for a rest hun, try get some you time to relax and be you, not Mom not wife, you!! easier said than done i know that well too lol,
you sound strong and determined in your post and i know you can do it, as you said we just do! men would fall apart if they had to deal with half the stuff we do, i mean look around you, the state the world is in being run by men lol, us women should be in charge, we would have it sorted in no time!!
i saw a film tonight that said the planning arrangements for the the wedding shows you how your marriage will be, involved husband then you will share most of the responsibility, you did all the planning? well there you go........guess which one i was, you got it the wife who planned and sorted it all out same way as it is in our marriage lol!!
keep smiling hun,xx
Good Morning Ladies,

How are you all doing? well I just got back home from the Emergency room with Emma she has been running a high fever of 102 and coughing so we went around 6 something this morning and just got home and I was up with Patrick until 2:20am because he started throwing up...:wacko:my poor little babies are sick...Patrick just eat to much last night and thats why his stomach was bothering anyways I'm home and checking on you all I'm sooo tired I think I will have to take me a nap:sleep:...hope you all have a wonderful day today....

Hello Patty! Well you sound as if you are having a swell time! Sarcasm! How are your babies doing now? May God give you strength through this!
We haven't been trying that long but when you get your hopes up as we have and it doesn't happen or there is a miscarriage or ectopic as you and I have had then that tears us apart emotionally! The biggest depressed state for me was the ectopic because I do not believe in abortion because of my religious backgroud and here I have a 9 week baby on my right ovary that has to be removed. To this day, I still have regrets but my hubby said that it was a medical emergency and there was no choice!:cry: It may have happened 3years ago but it will always be like yesterday! We as women take on so much and feel so much with our emotions, our love, feelings even anger, because that is the way God made us! That is why we get stressed more easily than men. I would love for one day for men to have the feelings, emotions, stress, responsiblity, everything that we as women half to deal with and they would appreciate what we go through on a daily basis. To please, to have perfectly good babies as we are intended with no difficulties. I have a 16 year old that will never drive because she has seizures. How is she going survive? I have a 13 turning 14 that we have to wait for her to get her license to drive the oldest around! She sees flickering lights and she starts seizing. She has 2 more years and then I don't know what will become of her. All I can do is give her hope as a good mother should! I could go on and on!
I agree with you! We do get knocked down and get the stuffing kicked out of us and we do need to get up and brush the dust off. I always tell my oldest that we can fall in a mud puddle but do not waddle in it, get up, wipe yourself off and walk out of it. Don't wallow in it.

to be honest hun i don't think it really matters how long you have been trying when you have experienced loss, it does tear you apart, it changes you, and i can also understand your ectopic, my boy was 10 weeks and nestled in my right fallopian tube, i wasn't aware of anything being wrong with the pregnancy till my tube burst and it took out a vein behind, 3 pints of blood in my pelvic cavity and i nearly lost my life, so i understand your pain sweet, i do but you are right it is an emergency and one that could have cost your life so please try not to have regrets:hugs:
you sound like you have a lot of stress going on at the min, can you go away on vacation for a rest hun, try get some you time to relax and be you, not Mom not wife, you!! easier said than done i know that well too lol,
you sound strong and determined in your post and i know you can do it, as you said we just do! men would fall apart if they had to deal with half the stuff we do, i mean look around you, the state the world is in being run by men lol, us women should be in charge, we would have it sorted in no time!!
i saw a film tonight that said the planning arrangements for the the wedding shows you how your marriage will be, involved husband then you will share most of the responsibility, you did all the planning? well there you go........guess which one i was, you got it the wife who planned and sorted it all out same way as it is in our marriage lol!!
keep smiling hun,xx

Hello Ladies, I hope you night is going fairly well! I never can catch anyone of you online!

Sam, Concerning the vacation, I sure need one. I work so much and then when I am home, I try to catch up on cleaning the house. It is hard but I take it day by day!

Patty, I told my hubby that there is a possibility that we will ov when we are out of town at his mom's house and he said that if the ov test shows positive, we will get a hotel!:thumbup:

Hubby is kicking me off. Have to go to :sleep: Goodnight and luv ya!
pics in gallery
Patty whats wrong with Emma??

Emma has a upper respiratory infection so she is on tylenol for her fever and the doctor said that the infection will just have to run its course she had to spend the night with my parents since I had to work today and couldn't get anyone to work in my classroom but she is doing alot better today she hasn't run a fever but a couple of times today and the others days she was running a fever after every 4 hours when the tylenol would wear off....
Good Morning Ladies,

How are you all doing? well I just got back home from the Emergency room with Emma she has been running a high fever of 102 and coughing so we went around 6 something this morning and just got home and I was up with Patrick until 2:20am because he started throwing up...:wacko:my poor little babies are sick...Patrick just eat to much last night and thats why his stomach was bothering anyways I'm home and checking on you all I'm sooo tired I think I will have to take me a nap:sleep:...hope you all have a wonderful day today....

Hello Patty! Well you sound as if you are having a swell time! Sarcasm! How are your babies doing now? May God give you strength through this!

Hey hun, well Emma hasn't been running alot of fevers today praise the lord...she is with my parents since I had to work today I couldn't get out of work due to no one that could do my classroom and I felt so bad all day long knowing that I should be with my child while she is sick...and Patrick is doing better I'm going to be taking Patrick to my parents house in a few well after I fix supper he is going to be spending the noght with them also and Emma will be there for tonight also they are out of school today and tomorrow and its sooo hard for me to get out of work and I thank God for my parents that they can help me with my children I try not to ask them for help but once in a while I have to ....thanks for asking about them....:hugs:
We haven't been trying that long but when you get your hopes up as we have and it doesn't happen or there is a miscarriage or ectopic as you and I have had then that tears us apart emotionally! The biggest depressed state for me was the ectopic because I do not believe in abortion because of my religious backgroud and here I have a 9 week baby on my right ovary that has to be removed. To this day, I still have regrets but my hubby said that it was a medical emergency and there was no choice!:cry: It may have happened 3years ago but it will always be like yesterday! We as women take on so much and feel so much with our emotions, our love, feelings even anger, because that is the way God made us! That is why we get stressed more easily than men. I would love for one day for men to have the feelings, emotions, stress, responsiblity, everything that we as women half to deal with and they would appreciate what we go through on a daily basis. To please, to have perfectly good babies as we are intended with no difficulties. I have a 16 year old that will never drive because she has seizures. How is she going survive? I have a 13 turning 14 that we have to wait for her to get her license to drive the oldest around! She sees flickering lights and she starts seizing. She has 2 more years and then I don't know what will become of her. All I can do is give her hope as a good mother should! I could go on and on!
I agree with you! We do get knocked down and get the stuffing kicked out of us and we do need to get up and brush the dust off. I always tell my oldest that we can fall in a mud puddle but do not waddle in it, get up, wipe yourself off and walk out of it. Don't wallow in it.

to be honest hun i don't think it really matters how long you have been trying when you have experienced loss, it does tear you apart, it changes you, and i can also understand your ectopic, my boy was 10 weeks and nestled in my right fallopian tube, i wasn't aware of anything being wrong with the pregnancy till my tube burst and it took out a vein behind, 3 pints of blood in my pelvic cavity and i nearly lost my life, so i understand your pain sweet, i do but you are right it is an emergency and one that could have cost your life so please try not to have regrets:hugs:
you sound like you have a lot of stress going on at the min, can you go away on vacation for a rest hun, try get some you time to relax and be you, not Mom not wife, you!! easier said than done i know that well too lol,
you sound strong and determined in your post and i know you can do it, as you said we just do! men would fall apart if they had to deal with half the stuff we do, i mean look around you, the state the world is in being run by men lol, us women should be in charge, we would have it sorted in no time!!
i saw a film tonight that said the planning arrangements for the the wedding shows you how your marriage will be, involved husband then you will share most of the responsibility, you did all the planning? well there you go........guess which one i was, you got it the wife who planned and sorted it all out same way as it is in our marriage lol!!
keep smiling hun,xx

Hello Ladies, I hope you night is going fairly well! I never can catch anyone of you online!

Sam, Concerning the vacation, I sure need one. I work so much and then when I am home, I try to catch up on cleaning the house. It is hard but I take it day by day!

Patty, I told my hubby that there is a possibility that we will ov when we are out of town at his mom's house and he said that if the ov test shows positive, we will get a hotel!:thumbup:

Hubby is kicking me off. Have to go to :sleep: Goodnight and luv ya!

yay!!!! hun that is wonderful that your hubby said that about getting a hotel....I know I would also feel funny about having sex in my mother-in-laws house to but if it were the time when I was ovulating well I guess I would just have to sneak it in someway...:thumbup:
Hi everyone! Im sorry I havent been on here in a few days....I hope everyone is ok...all your kiddos get to feeling better soon! Realized I needed to come back and post here when I saw MM's thread and BFP! Congrats again MM!
Im still a little nervous but I have also gotten my BFP. I havent posted any pics or announced it in the gallery yet...think Im going to go get a digital that reads out how many weeks along you are when i get off work...I will post that test pic if its a good result! I should be 3+ by now I would think...

Im sending big love and hugs to each of you!!!!
Hi everyone! Im sorry I havent been on here in a few days....I hope everyone is ok...all your kiddos get to feeling better soon! Realized I needed to come back and post here when I saw MM's thread and BFP! Congrats again MM!
Im still a little nervous but I have also gotten my BFP. I havent posted any pics or announced it in the gallery yet...think Im going to go get a digital that reads out how many weeks along you are when i get off work...I will post that test pic if its a good result! I should be 3+ by now I would think...

Im sending big love and hugs to each of you!!!!

hi hun,

so glad to see you...YAY!!!!! congatulations to you also hun...I'm soooo happy for you....:happydance::happydance::happydance::hugs::hugs::hugs:Please please post pictures when you take your test with the digital....sending you lots of hugs...:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Appointment went well, will have the beta results in the AM. She called in prenatals for me and DH will help me remember to take them.

Am only allowed Tylenol, Benadryl, and Sudafed. Not impressed but very happy just the same.
Well, after I posted this I came to realize that the cool CB Digi tests that say how far along you are can not be purchased in the States! haha! They are not available here at, I decided for funsies to do another Answer test like the first one I took. The line came up so fast and so dark that it used up most of the dye and the test line is darker than the control line! hahahaha!
I feel really positive about things now and very encouraged...

Here's the test! Its a bit blurry cause its with my cellphone...but you can see what I mean!


  • 0127001840.jpg
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Well, after I posted this I came to realize that the cool CB Digi tests that say how far along you are can not be purchased in the States! haha! They are not available here at, I decided for funsies to do another Answer test like the first one I took. The line came up so fast and so dark that it used up most of the dye and the test line is darker than the control line! hahahaha!
I feel really positive about things now and very encouraged...

Here's the test! Its a bit blurry cause its with my cellphone...but you can see what I mean!

wow!!! that is a pretty test it is darker than the control line....:thumbup::happydance:again congratulations I know your sooo excited.....

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