Mother of all conception months Graduates

We're quite concerned that it's not safe but it's so old we don't think anyone will certify it. But I love my cooker. I could never get anything as good as it has a high level grill which is out of fashion and a griddle where all the new ranges have useless wok jets. We're thinking we need to look and try save some money. Bit of a joke when I expect us to bs about £10k short next year. :(
talking of men, mine pisses me off too. him and the lads are going up a local mountain tonight camping, as they do every year. the Aim is the set us camp, get pissed and wonder around the mountain at about 1am in some sort of stupor. Thing is, i have to watch where im walking up there in the day light, so many drops (edges) and places to fall down, i certianly wouldnt want to attempt it in the dark&pissed. I just think DH should be a bit more responsible now we have a baby on the way, as i dont want to see mountain rescue out one night and a policeman at my door. His mates are no better with young kids of their own. but he wont listen to me AT ALL.:shrug:
Feeling sad today.....thinking about the holidays and how my MIL won't be here to see baby and how my godmother's daughter won't be heart is really going out to anyone that lost someone this year and has to go through their holidays without them :-(.

Happy week 10 to me! Ate a bowl of Special K and it seems to be staying down. I feel pretty good actually..........oooooops, sure I've just jinxed it. :rofl:
Oh no madcat what is it with men :shrug:

I just have to tell you about last night :growlmad:

So I went upstairs to get ready for bed and DH was just finishing a sandwich before joining me. I had a pee and cleansed my face etc and then remembered I hadnt taken my adundance of medications :dohh: So I threw my dressing gown back on and went downstairs now am not an elephant but I wasnt creeping about either and so I walked into the living room and DH jumped out of his skin and quickly hid his mobile phone down the side of the sofa :wacko: He blushed bright red and we proceeded to have this coversation

Him `what do you want?` :saywhat:
Me `I live here incase you have forgotten and have come down for my something to hide have you?`
Him `No, not at all I was just checking my emails!`
Me `What like two minutes before you come to bed?`
Him `Yeah!`
Me `Whatever!`

I caught a glimpse of his mobile before he hid it and on the screen was a picture of a very naked lady shall we say (of the porno type!) Got my meds and took them upstairs with me.

DH comes into the bedroom whilst I am listening to Charlie on the doppler. I finish and we get into bed.

Him `Give us a cuddle!`
Me `No!`
Him `Why?`
Me `Not until you tell me what you were looking at!`
Him `I was playing a game on my mobile!`
Me `Oh I thought you were checking your emails?`
Him `Well yes I was doing that as well!`
Me `If you are going to lie you need to at least get your story striaght, you were either checking your emails or playing a game so which is it?`
Him `Both, why what did you think I was doing?`
Me `I dont know you tell me....I come downstairs to you quite obviously engrossed in something, you hide your phone very quickly, act shifty and blush like you have summat to hide!`
Him `I dont!`
Me `Well I didnt get that impression at all!`
Him `I was playing a game!`
Me `Yeah know thats not true and so do I cause you know what I saw so why dont you just admit it before you dig that hole even further!`
Him `I was playing a game!`
Me `Fine well if you want me to dis-trust you in the future your going the right way about it!.....Its not even what you were doing and looking at its the fact that you are now obviously lying to me when I know what I saw!`
Him `What`s that then?`
Me `You know exactly what am talking about but I want YOU to tell ME!`
Him `Well I was playing a game!`
Me `Fine then I will say no more!`
Him `Well I was!`
Me `ummmmmmmmmm!`
Him `Well I was playing solitaire!
Me `Please dont insult me that WAS NOT solitaire!`
Him `Well it was.....only if you win a picture of a naked woman comes up on the screen!`
Me `Really!`
Him `Yes!`
Me `Well let`s have a look then!`
Him `I deleted it!`
Me `What just appropriate!`
Him `It was crap!`

So well now I am left with believing his half bull story for which I have no evidence cause apparently he deleted the game :trouble: and the worst thing is we have no issues where porn is concerned because before now we have watched it together so he knows I have no issue with him looking at naked ladies so to speak and the fact that he hid whatever it was makes me think there is more too it :shrug: The cheeky sod tried to put it down to my pregnancy hormones as well sort of insinuating I was imaginng it :gun: I might be pregnant but am not mental! We have never ever had an trust issues in the 11.5yrs we have been together not about him cheating anyway and its not like he can say hes not getting any :sex: either cause he I am left wondering!
Aw hugs Madly and Madcat men are so rubbish sometimes.

Madly it's not just hormones hon you are quite right to be peeved at your DH for fibbing about what he was doing. It's one of those situation where you now need to decide if you believe it was naked solitaire or if you don't.

If you do then you just need to try not waste anymore brain power or emotion on it. Totally easier said than done :hugs:

Madcat I agree your DH is being a bit of a spoon with the whole drunk mountain camping expedition. Unfortunately since he's gone anyway you just need to try not to get too stressed. It's not good for you or your wee bean :hugs:
I just think the lads need to realise their not drunken youngsters anymore, they have a wife&child relying on them now, their just so stupid.

Madly, the hiding porn issue really pisses me off, we have had issues, with me finding it on here, and the times recorded on the PC were times i was in the bath!, or when i was working of a saturday morning. we had a few heart to hearts because it upset me, esp times when i was available&just in the bath!. I didnt have a problem if i was on AF i told him, but it felt a real insult when i was just having a bath&such a secret. Since then i never found anymore, assuming any sites must get deleated. but since i stopped working im home more than he is hes barely on the PC anymore, just the
If you're ok with it, why would they hide it? :shrug: I wouldn't care if OH looked at porn, but I still have some sex drive between the sickiness! :rofl:
Thanks Gilz hon :hugs:

tbh I dont know what to believe....I dont really believe it was naked solitaire nor do I understand that if that was the case why he didnt just admit it like I said we often watch porn together :blush: so he has nothing to hide or act shifty about regards that which makes me think it wasnt totally innocent iykwim!

He told me the other day that whilst he was in wales beginnning of week one of his colleagues pulled a `bird` in a bar and texted her asking for naked pics....well when I saw his phone it was the first thing I thought about just couldnt help it! I dont think hes cheating just up to summat he doesnt want me to know about and it makes it all the harder to understand as I said cause we have such an open relationship about porn etc.

I am a bit confused but also worried I am going to be highly suspicious from now on!
:hugs:Oh madly,don't know what to think there.We'd be very open about stuff like that too and it wouldn't bother me if he was looking at porn at all,But My head would be wrecked too wondering what it is he's hiding.
Its probably what he said,something harmless,but I'd have it out with him again,trust is the most important thing so it wouldn't be good if you started doubting him.:hugs:

Madcat my dh is completely irresponsible and acts like ateenager on his nights out with the boys!I literally wait up for him coz I worry about him.Thankfully it doesn't happen very often anymore,since the kids came along,so its only a few times a yr!

Well we never get out on our own:cry:We have nobody closeby to mind the boys.I can ask my mam in advance if there's an occasion coming up,and she'll come up and stay the night.Or alternatively we go down to hers and me and dh go out down there and we all stay the night!
Maybe its just coz I'm on baby no 3,but I'd gladly wave them off for a sleepover if the occasion ever arose,which it doesn't!

In the beginning,when it was just shay,I would miss him soooo much,and usually end up getting upset once I got a few drinks into me:cry:
But see once you have no 2,it doesn't even compare with just havin 1,you really don't get to sit down at all,especially at the beginning.So any break from that was so great,so I really enjoyed leaving them!!
That sounds awful,I would be dying to see them nxt day,but really made the most of my time away from them!!
Jesus,what'll I be like with 3 of them?Nobody'll want to babysit for me for a start!!
Madly at a guess it was a text of said woman and he was having a good old butchers at it. Try not to worry yourself. Def off the old :sex: and wouldn't mind matt having a look at such things but noooooo its not the same Gah!!!!!

Exhausted and have a combintaion of heart burn and sicky feeling yay. Iwas going to cook a curry withsides pants.

Def prefering my under bump jeans to over at the mo the over keep slipping down and i most definatly have a bump under my flab.
Thank you Ladies :hugs: I think I am just going to try and forgot about it but if theres anymore sneaky behaviour I may have to tackle it again with him.

My Dad is in hospital :( I put a full update in my journal :sad1: My Mum came earlier and she was really upset...I feel so bad I cant help out but she understands I am unwell the timing is just so bad right now :dohh:

I`m not feeling any better and think I will have to call/text my boss tomorrow and tell him I wont be in work for the early part of next week at least I am getting no chest really hurts I just wish the Dr on Thursday had given me some more antibiotics I just knew I would end up needing them anyways :( The inhaler helps some but I dont feel like its getting better only worse. Will see how I am tomorrow.

Oliver is bored cause we havent been out today bless him its his 2nd day cooped up in the house :( we have tried to occupy him but nowt seems to be working right now and he has been nagging :dohh:

vbaby I doubt we will take too much time to ourselves once Charlie arrives too simply because my MIL is too old really to be dealing with having two children over night and my mum and dad work weekends! I think it may be more of day time dates as I was saying to Gilz last night when Olivers at school and MIL is free to take Charlie for a few hours...we will prob do lunch and cinema for whatever :dohh: This will of course mean DH taking time off work too cant see another way around it plus might not happen too much in early days as I will be on SMP pay so half pay and money will be a pinch!
Molly hon I just purchased some over the bump leggings from Next Maternity I am hoping they are comfy as I am a big fan of my Mat Jeans too :lol: I thought I could wear them over Christmas period with one or two long Maternity tops I already bought also with a lovely pair of thick socks and boots :wacko: I think comfort is the best policy whilst the weather is so cold :dohh:
Evening ladies. Sorry you've been having OH issues madcat and madly. :( Madly I agree that he must be being secretive because it's a real person so feels guilty but it doesn't sound like he's up to no good.

Well I varnished all morning while the boy's went to the shops then we went to Byron's friend's birthday party this afternoon. Loads of fun and we're all ready to drop! I'm sick and hungry having just had tea and not being able to manage much of it. :dohh:

:hugs: ozzie.

Sorry about the man probs...hmm I hate the secrecy stuff. Makes you even more suspicious. If I walked in on mine watching porn, he would be like hey come and watch this its ace. If he went red I would be truly suspicious. He does have the odd vid on this phone though. Sure he isnt up to owt though Madly.

Ahhhh the German Christmas Market. I love it, especialy the Glu Wein. Yum yum. I would be on the floor with even one now.

Madcat, have been googling the Angelsounds doppler, am really fancying one. Alway think how lovely it must be hearing the little hb when you and Madly are chatting about it.

Hows the Varnish Bean these days?
The varnish bean? Lol. That mine then? Hopefully not poisoned at any rate as it's water based! Very jiggly. Feels like ages since we last chatted loopy.
oh dear curry for tea, made my own bargies yummy.
i was trying to get comfy stuff but the over bump ones aren't same with leggings sadly

Sorry about the man probs...hmm I hate the secrecy stuff. Makes you even more suspicious. If I walked in on mine watching porn, he would be like hey come and watch this its ace. If he went red I would be truly suspicious. He does have the odd vid on this phone though. Sure he isnt up to owt though Madly.

Ahhhh the German Christmas Market. I love it, especialy the Glu Wein. Yum yum. I would be on the floor with even one now.

Madcat, have been googling the Angelsounds doppler, am really fancying one. Alway think how lovely it must be hearing the little hb when you and Madly are chatting about it.

Hows the Varnish Bean these days?

theres a guy on ebay selling the angelsounds for £20inc postage. For me its been well worth it, not just to hear the heart beat, but to hear movement too, and also hear where in my body the movement comes from as weeks pass by!, its lovely and clear too,loads better than the midwifes doppler. i cant fault it!!:thumbup:
Morning All

My stupid husband is still up the mountain, im sure he'll come back stinking and will have been sick in the night from all the food&beer.

been listening to LO on doppler this morning, gosh HB is one side of me, then its the other, back n forth!.... some really wild kicks going on in there.

Well i won the first pair of mat jeans i wanted on ebay, managed to stay up till end of bidding at 11.15(nearly killed me), i won by 1p! LOL!. :happydance:
TMI question any of you have itchy nipples? My right one itches like mad!!!! :rofl:

NO SICKNESS TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
Great news about the jeans Madcat not so good about the still abscent hubby tho.

I'm at the EPAU again. The jellybean is determined to terrify me the whole way through I think. Just had a scan and the baby is fine but I'm having really intense pain in the left of my stomach below my belly button.

Now just waiting on an obstetrician coming over to look at me. Typical this would happen on a weekend my OH is working.

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