Mother of all conception months Graduates

Well just back from my first injection nearly threw up on the district nurse. Thankfully made it to the sink.

Have to love her optimism when she looked at me smiled and said maybe you could try it tomorrow!!
:hugs: Gilz. I'm glad you survived, of sorts! I bet it'll get easier though over time.
Deary me - where do I start?? So much has gone on. Been really busy, have been reading most days to keep us but didnt get time to post.

Gilz, sorry you are being failed by the NHS over and over again. Can you take some hope that all is reasonably well if your renal function on your bloods is ok?? Are they expecting something structural on your renal scan? Sorry you are having to wait for itm how frustrating. Poor you with the injections - at least your nurse has faith in you!!

Madly - so glad you are going back to doctors, especially if you are having pain. How all goes well. So sorry about your dad, but you need to be well to be able to support them properly, and you sound too unwell yourself at the moment.

Madcat - poor you and your DH. She must be going through hell, I cant imagine how it may feel. I withdrew from being around babies and pregnant women for a short time until I felt stronger. That was more about trying to not make other people feel uncomfortable or guilty around me as I knew I would burst into tears and I didnt want to make anyone feel bad. I ony ever wished them well, it wasnt their fault I had lost my baby. However it is not fair her treating you both like this. She should just withdraw quietly until she feels able to cope. Some people lash out I guess when they are in pain.

Peanut - I know it is ages since we chatted! I have been here though with you every step of the way, taking on board your sound advice! It is such a shame that you suffer so much during pregnancy. I feel so lucky. I cant imagine how you are coping with such a pressured job and Byron too. And all that varnishing too LMAO! It exhausts me just reading! I am struggling with my job, particularly the 12 hour days and nights, although they arent as busy as the could be. My main problem is that I just cant seem to sleep, no matter how tired. I struggle to get off, and then am woken by terrible nightmares. And I only seem to be able to wee about 20mls per pee, necessitating millions of pee trips - especially at night :growlmad:

Oh Vbaby your decorations sound beautiful. I love Christmas. In fact I love most holidays, and all seasons! Easily pleased I guess.

Ozzi - happy birthday hun :cake: hope you had a fab day. Glad the chinese stayed down :thumbup:

Oh I cant wait to feel LO move - am so excited. Oh Oh and...the doppler is on the way :wohoo::wohoo:

Off to see A-Ha tomorrow night yipee :happydance::happydance: will be lovely just getting out and it not to be work or child related.
thankyou peanut for the lovely things you said.:flower:

oh no gilz, that sounds awful, blimey good job you made it to the sink though!!.:hugs:

loopy you'll love using the doppler, although, i do think they can be addicitve, its great to hear whats going on in there though!.
Oh loopy take pics on your phone for me!! I looooong for some Morten action! Exciting about your doppler! I hope you haven't taken any offence at what I've said to madcat. I do know how it feels to lose a baby (and then worse - don't ask) and every woman will react in a different way. I guess I just feel that when pregnant we all just have to look out for ourselves as much as we can, it's hard enough without carrying all these extra burdens. :hugs:
Nooo i havent taken offence at all.
i think my SIL just has to deal with things her way, the way she knows best,maybe she'll supprise me one day.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I'm actually pretty upset today....just doesn't feel like my's the first I've spent away from California :-( :cry:
But in your new job!! My birthday's hav all been pretty crap for years now. I think it's an age thing!
Yeah, true, but it's just a temporary job for a while until we leave in December for California :-(
No Peanut no offence at all - it made perfect sense. She will come round eventually and realise she has reacted very selfishly. She should understand how it would feel to have things the other way round.

Will take plenty of pictures - hope I am nice and close! Have booked seating rather than standing taking into account am geriatric and preggo :haha:

Nearly got all my work - or 'evidence' submitted - to prove I am worthy of becoming a second year trainee:happydance: whether it is enough we will have to wait and see. At worst they make me repeat the year. Who cares, as long as I have a job and am getting paid!

Cant wait for the doppler. Have been desperate for one ever since I had a very minor electric shock last week and convinced myself I had stopped the babys heart :wacko: :dohh: The nonsensical things I think I swear.

My OH has developed pregnancy brain. The scary thing is, I rely so heavily on him to remember stuff that I cant afford for him to lose it too. We are bumbling around like a pair of idiots. Bless him.

My mum is heading back from Nepal on wednesday, she has come back earlier as it was apparently nasty and dirty and they have been sick alot and not got much trekking done. What a shame. She was talking about doing a bit of paragliding before she came back though. Surely she should be worrying about me, not the other way round?? I feel like I have a 65 year old daughter!
Wow Loopy your mum sounds awesome :thumbup:

I'm toying with the thought of maybe getting a Doppler even though they scare me. I can't believe I'm nearly 15 weeks and I've still never heard the jellybeans heartbeat. Also with the distinct lack of anything resembling a bump and no consistent movement it's hard to believe there's a little person inside me somedays
Evening Ladies :wave:

I have updated my journal about my pants day today but will re-post here as well :thumbup: Despite it starting crap it turned out ok in the end :dohh:

Thank you all for all your support re me and my Dad :kiss:

madcat wanted to ask my doppler has been dispatched :wohoo: do I need to use any oil with it? I thought it said you dont but then I read you mentioning you use it! Great news about the kick btw :) and re your SIL the Ladies are right dont let her rain on your parade so to speak :thumbup: glad you sort of made it through your injecting lesson :hugs: but pants you may have to wait until after Christmas for that kidney scan :trouble:

vbaby you just gave me a great idea for when we put up our xmas decs (prob when I can muster up enough energy to clean the damn house :dohh:) I think we might turn out living room into a white grotto and hang snowflakes etc from the ceiling :)

Loopy glad your joining me and madcat in the doppler addiction club :lol: I am sending one back only to replace it with another :rofl:

Honestly though Ladies on the doppler front I am so glad I had a doppler around for the last 4 weeks since I have been ill...its has proved to be an amazing hire and has really helped me feel reassured about baby Charlie whilst I have been so sick :thumbup: Def a worthwhile buy in my book cause not once since I have been ill has anyone checked my baby :sad1:

Peanut hon how are you feeling today?

Happy Birthday :cake: ozzie hon and congrats on your 1st shift in your new job :hugs:

Heres my update from my journal....sorry its abit lengthy :dohh:

Evening Ladies :hugs:

Had the worst day today :(

Firstly my Dad :( Consultant says he has many pockets of fluid in his stomach and although most will be reabsorbed by his body some will need to be drained. The fluid is travelling around his body hence his swollen legs and groin area :( However hopefully he will be sent home tomorrow with antibiotics until next Tuesday when he will need to return as an out-patient to have a draining procedure done, apparently this may needs to be done a few times so this treatment could carry on for a few weeks. My Mum has been very upset by it all and said although my Dad nows looks better he is struggling to walk :sad1:

Then I went to my Drs appointment :( I was seeing a trainee Dr (no disrespect but I would have preferred to see someone who was more experienced esp since I am pregnant however this was the only appointment available so of course I took it!) So I told her how I have been feeling esp over the weekend (terrible cough, left lung pain, lower stomach cramping when walking and a heavy feeling (?another infection?) chest pain, generally feeling run down and worried) She listened and then asked me to do a urine sample which she dipsticked infront of me. She said that my ketones where high again showing possibly another infection and then called another Dr for a second opinion. I was sat there whilst she conducted a conversation over the phone to this other Dr. Then she hung up and basically said they cant treat my cough as my chest is apparently clear although I can hear it rattling and that I need to wait it out and eventually it will clear up (I have had this for 4wks now and it is slowly getting worse :() That I should continue to take paracetamol and the inhaler (not sure if the inhaler helps me at all :() and other than that to stay indoors as much as possible and eventually I will get better :saywhat: regarding the urine infection I will have to wait 5 days or so for my sample to be sent to the lab to def confirm a urine infection before they will contemplate treating me :growlmad: SO in a nutshell a complete waste of my time considering I also had to practically beg for a sick note even though her advice was to stay indoors and rest and she agreed I am in no fit state for work :trouble:

I was so upset esp when I then popped into the shop to buy Oliver choc for being good in the surgery to see the local evening papers headline story about a couple whos LO died after mum contracted an infection in pregnancy and passed in onto him :cry: The poor couple :( I rang my Mum in tears and she told me to get my self off to hospital. So I headed home to meet David who was on his way home from work to discuss with him :thumbup:

We decided for me to call the antenatal helpline at the hospital before just turning up down there and I`m glad I did :) I spoke to a wonderful MW on the phone....she listened to the full story of the last four weeks and then checked my NHS notes (she could look at my Dr system :)) She told me basically that a urine infection was confirmed (I already knew this!) and that I should call my Dr no later than Thursday for an update :thumbup: She said that the cough/cold/flu bug aside if I have had a urine infection in my system for the last four weeks would make anyone ill esp a pregnant woman. Apparently some woman are prone to them in pregnancy (also knew this!) and that it makes some women dreadfully ill (didnt know this!) So the fact that I got a fluy bug made me go see a Dr who picked up the urine infection and this could have been hanging about for weeks in my system making me feel ill and of course I would just put it down to being pregnant :dohh: She said that Drs esp GPs play on side of caution re antibiotics in pregnancy because if mum takes them too much it can make baby immune and if they need to be given them for any reason on delivery it can cause BIG problems (makes sense :thumbup:) She said however if a urine infection is def concerned then I do need them so to make sure I am given them. I told her I was getting extremely anxious about the effects on baby Charlie the longer I was ill and reading stories in the papers media etc re viral infections in pregnancy ending in tragedy wasnt helping me. She asked in what way I felt it would affect my baby so I explained that I was worried something else was wrong that the Dr wasnt thinking about/picking up on. I told her I probably sounded like a mental paranoid mum-to-be but that I couldnt seem to forget my fears. She then accessed my notes and told me when my bloods were taken for my GTT last week they tested them for an whole host of things :) inc anaemia and checked my cell count etc...she told me that my blood results where great which meant there was no indication of any underlying problems :wohoo: I was so relieved and was so happy at this point that I had called her (I initially felt silly when I called!) to hear this news alone made me feels ten times better :) She stressed to me again I shouldnt wait any longer than Thursday to contact my Dr and I thanked her for her help. Such amazing service and such a great MW
Wow Loopy your mum sounds awesome :thumbup:

I'm toying with the thought of maybe getting a Doppler even though they scare me. I can't believe I'm nearly 15 weeks and I've still never heard the jellybeans heartbeat. Also with the distinct lack of anything resembling a bump and no consistent movement it's hard to believe there's a little person inside me somedays

i wondered if i was doing more harm than good getting a doppler, but i have to say id really miss it now.
Its hard to believe there is anyone inside you though i know!.

being as this is my 1st the whole experience seems quite surreal, like ..."Wow is there REALLY going to be a real life baby at the end of this??"
Madly, i use baby oil with my doppler, its works just fine, you can also just use water but id be supprised if that worked well enough, i would think it would dry to quickly!.

Glad to hear you got yourself off to the docs, i guess theyre so cautious about giving out meds in pregnancy, not sure what your inhailer can do foryour chest though?, i have one, for asthma but does nothing when im down with a bad chest. Hmmmm.

How long have you been signed off sick for, long enough i hope, you need to slow down a bit and as suggested stay indoors! :hugs:

glad to hear your dad is getting the treatment he needs though, did they say why he has so much fluid in him??
Thank you so much madcat hon :hugs:

I am signed off for the rest of the week in wait of my urine results and a further review on Monday to extend if nessecary so I plan on spending all week indoors except to go collect Oliver from school each day cause unfortunately I have no-one else to do this for me as DH will be at work but he will drop him at school so I only have to collect him :thumbup: worried about the possibility of a `white wednesday` though as apparently its going to snow in yorkshire :dohh: I`m not sure about the inhaler either as I said I dont think it does owt but maybe its makes the Dr feels better that they have actually given me summat :shrug:

Apparently its fluid build up from a bowel op my Dad had a few weeks ago...he did have drains insitu after the op but they were removed when he came guess is the fluid hadnt stopped draining properly :shrug: again I am still relying on info relayed from my Mum as I still havent yet seen him!

baby oil isnt expensive either :thumbup: will get me some!
Yeah, true, but it's just a temporary job for a while until we leave in December for California :-(

Hey Ozzie congratulations on your prune! It doesnt seem two mins since your LO was a wee apple seed.

Whereabouts are you from in sunny CA? My dad and brother live there.
Madly I'm so glad you've had a bit of a more positive turn to today and hope things keep getting better. Is your inhaler brown or blue? Byron has the brown one which is steroid and it was prescribed to him as it helps reduce the production of phlegm. Could it be the same for you? Of course that's an entirely symptomatic treatment but if it makes you more comfortable then it's worth it. You should mention to the doctor on thu if you think it's not doing anything though I know with Byron's it can take a couple of weeks before it has an effect.

Thanks for asking Madly, I'm not so bad today. Have pretty amazing heartburn tonight, so bad I've hardly been able to eat, but not so sick today. Got lots of work done and got a reply from funders I'd long since given up on to say they are considering how they can support the marine project. Excellent news for my cv if the marine project starts to happen after all.
Thank you Peanut hon :hugs:

My Inhaler is blue I guess again the Dr didnt want me to have a steroid inhaler cause I am pregnant :shrug:

I do feel so much better for a combination of all reasons and I am glad I felt worried enough to call the hospital because it turned out to be best move all day :)

Sounds like you have had a productive day too :) I can highly recommend lfavoured rennies for heartburn :) its like sucking a love heart sweetie :lol:

How big is your birth ball? was looking at this one thought it was a great price on ebay but wondered if its big enough? seems the biggest ones are 65cm and 75cm with the larger being a huge more expensive :dohh: This one is 65cm do you think it will be big enough?

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