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Mother of all conception months Graduates

Right click on it, copy location. In your sig click on image icon and paste in the link. Voilà!

Not sure lemonade has been cure all. Also had s&v squares and mint choc bar...
ermmm sound stupid but its not working.... i right click on it and it says copy... so i copy and then go onto signiture...is it the icon that says insert image? if so it wont let me paste it... ??
:happydance:Hello to our newbies on here!!, nice to see you!!.

I was on the lemonade yesterday!, i also made myself snack throughout the day, not sure which it was, but i managed to get through the day without feeling too bad!!
Are you doing copy image or copy image location? It need to be image location: https://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd316/lindseyj85/moacm--big-1.gif

Morning all. What a mad night! Byron slept from 5pm til just after midnight when he woke up (before either of us had any sleep) and was as lively as anything. I went to sleep about 1am and DH put him to bed a bit before 2am then he slept until about 8am and us until 7am. Man those 6 hours straight through are some kind of heaven! I feel so much better for it, was able to get up and eat breakfast in the kitchen for the first time in days. But maybe it was the lemonade Madly! lol Still nauseous and retched a lot over teeth cleaning today but still feel well better for the sleep.

How is everyone today?
Are you doing copy image or copy image location? It need to be image location: https://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd316/lindseyj85/moacm--big-1.gif

Morning all. What a mad night! Byron slept from 5pm til just after midnight when he woke up (before either of us had any sleep) and was as lively as anything. I went to sleep about 1am and DH put him to bed a bit before 2am then he slept until about 8am and us until 7am. Man those 6 hours straight through are some kind of heaven! I feel so much better for it, was able to get up and eat breakfast in the kitchen for the first time in days. But maybe it was the lemonade Madly! lol Still nauseous and retched a lot over teeth cleaning today but still feel well better for the sleep.

How is everyone today?

Ha ha and youre doing the sleepness nights all over again soon!. I think one :baby: might do us y'know!.

Well as i said i had a relatively good day, was still off my food but didnt feel too bad, im back sipping the lemonade today&will try to snack. I had to get up again at 3am for a wee(i dont know where it all comes from), but if try to ignore it it just makes my insides ache!.

Ive just cleaned our woodburner and intend to do more housework today,:coffee:

i have my (8?)week scan this thursday, i feel terrified, just praying everything is ok, i think i'll ask the sonographer to let me know when its safe to open my eyes.:wacko:

How are you today peanutbean?
How exciting! I feel a lot like I'd like an early scan but I'd rather have no bleeding(the only way I'll get one) and I'm not overly fond of the internal scan.

I'm ok. Feeling nauseous but not so cripplingly. More a background hum than a retching at the slightest movement kind of nausea. Getting peckish too so better go deal with that.

I'm working from home (did I already say this?) in case Byron has another bad turn at the nursery but I think he's going to be fine. It's a good excuse to sleep in, take my time getting ready and not worry about battling with public transport. I'll have to go in tomorrow though. Hope I can manage.

I'm counting down the big things I have to conquer. First is our festival next week when I'll be in Birmingham for two nights with meetings all day full of people I have to hide the pregnancy from at all costs and some who will probably guess! Then I've another festival at home at the end of Oct where I've got four events going so that'll be challenging. At least by then I can tell people so will be able to reel in the sympathy. Then it'll be the quiet approach to Christmas and a bit of time off. Things stay ok in Jan but Feb gears up for our national science week in March but I'll be big by then so will be able to opt out of things and my priority will be getting things in order for my mat cover. Then I reckon I'll finish end of March ish. Yay! Alongside all this I'm going to be studying for an NVQ in Management with monthly workshops. That should be quite fun though.
i just did a silly thing!. i went onto 1st tri forum and read all these awful posts, now im worried over every ache and pain!, stupid woman i am!!!. i am particually achy today.

I did the same,awful lot of bad news at the moment.Freaked myself out too...
i just did a silly thing!. i went onto 1st tri forum and read all these awful posts, now im worried over every ache and pain!, stupid woman i am!!!. i am particually achy today.

I did the same,awful lot of bad news at the moment.Freaked myself out too...

i'll never learn, went and looked on there the week of my early scan, wasnt a wise move. hopefully 2nd tri forum will be a bit better, glad we have this little section, to still be able to chat and compair notes without being frightned to death!!
Hi to all the new ladies and congrats on your bfp's!!
I'm ok,felt proper sick for the 1st time last night,even got the vomity taste in my mouth,but didn't throw up.
My boobs are full on aching and throbbing today.It used to be just if i pressed against them,but now they're constantly sore...
Quite glad to be havin these symptoms as I wasn't really getting any before,makes it feel more real!
Not able to eat dinners either.Made a big sunday roast for us on sun,and then i just had a bowl of cornflakes,couldn't face it.I'm hungry all the time tho,and start to feel sick if i don't eat something!!
My 2 are keeping me very busy,they're both dosed with colds,so they're coughing and spluttering and miserable,great fun!!!
i just did a silly thing!. i went onto 1st tri forum and read all these awful posts, now im worried over every ache and pain!, stupid woman i am!!!. i am particually achy today.

I did the same,awful lot of bad news at the moment.Freaked myself out too...

i'll never learn, went and looked on there the week of my early scan, wasnt a wise move. hopefully 2nd tri forum will be a bit better, glad we have this little section, to still be able to chat and compair notes without being frightned to death!!

I know,not gonna do that again,my scan isn't until 2nd oct so thats a long time to be worrying.Thats great you've yours this wk,sooo exciting.You'll be grand,so don't be worrying.
Yeh i'm gonna be a very happy lady once i have my scan and enter my 2nd tri.I never worried this much with my ither 2,ignorance is definately bliss!!
vbaby3 my boobs!! They even hurt right through if I so much as shiver! Today is the worst yet.

I just made some real lunch. I'm very proud. I did pasta with a touch of red pesto as I wasn't sure I wanted it, some pretend bacon and some cheese. It was so tasteless! :rofl: Where's the acid? What's the point of food with no vinegar or citric acid? :rofl: I thought about covering it in salt but the bacon and cheese are both plenty salty. Very disappointed. Back to crisps I go!
vbaby3 my boobs!! They even hurt right through if I so much as shiver! Today is the worst yet.

I just made some real lunch. I'm very proud. I did pasta with a touch of red pesto as I wasn't sure I wanted it, some pretend bacon and some cheese. It was so tasteless! :rofl: Where's the acid? What's the point of food with no vinegar or citric acid? :rofl: I thought about covering it in salt but the bacon and cheese are both plenty salty. Very disappointed. Back to crisps I go!

Oh no,is crisps all you can stomach??Now that you say it I wouldn't mind a packet of salt and vinegar tayto!Mmmmm!!
i just had a bowl of homemade veggie soup,it was delish.its proper dinners I can't stomach,meat and veg,just not doing it for me.
I'm making salmon and cous cous with chilli honey sauce tonight,not sure yet how that'll go down...Have to say i'm really craving stuff thats not so good for me,e.g. chocolate,sausage and bacon sandwiches,chips,mc donalds etc etc!tryin gnot to give in to these cravings coz i'll end up huge!Piled the weight on with my 2nd son,really don't wanna go back there!
All I could eat with the Byron the entire time was basically crisps. This time so far I'm faring better but nothing tastes any good. Only crisps. And they're so easy and immediate. Yum. I'm snacking on allsorts and it's all rubbish and not what I want. Choc mint sticks, mints to settle my tum, toast, cereal. :sick: All rubbish. Mmmm I could drink grapefruit juice til the sun goes down but we've run out! :hissy:
i just did a silly thing!. i went onto 1st tri forum and read all these awful posts, now im worried over every ache and pain!, stupid woman i am!!!. i am particually achy today.

I did the same,awful lot of bad news at the moment.Freaked myself out too...

i'll never learn, went and looked on there the week of my early scan, wasnt a wise move. hopefully 2nd tri forum will be a bit better, glad we have this little section, to still be able to chat and compair notes without being frightned to death!!

I know,not gonna do that again,my scan isn't until 2nd oct so thats a long time to be worrying.Thats great you've yours this wk,sooo exciting.You'll be grand,so don't be worrying.
Yeh i'm gonna be a very happy lady once i have my scan and enter my 2nd tri.I never worried this much with my ither 2,ignorance is definately bliss!!

its only an 8 week scan(or supposed to be 8 weeks), i dont have my 12 week scan until oct 10th !!! arraaghhh!
ignorance is definately bliss:haha:
vbaby3 my boobs!! They even hurt right through if I so much as shiver! Today is the worst yet.

I just made some real lunch. I'm very proud. I did pasta with a touch of red pesto as I wasn't sure I wanted it, some pretend bacon and some cheese. It was so tasteless! :rofl: Where's the acid? What's the point of food with no vinegar or citric acid? :rofl: I thought about covering it in salt but the bacon and cheese are both plenty salty. Very disappointed. Back to crisps I go!

i nibbled on a bit of cake at 12, i still need to have a proper lunch though, i dont fancy anything, dont know what im going to have, must have something, im not even hungry!, eating for the sake of it. its very weird for me as ive always loved my food!
Wee update from me if you haven't seen yet....another :bfn: this morning. This is the third :-(
:wave: Ladies,

:sick: ness persistant as ever arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh Lemon does the trick though :thumbup: feeling down again today and no idea why :dohh: hormonal I guess! Mw app next monday :wohoo: its been a long time coming!
I love this thread ladies it was such a good ides :thumbup: the outside world is so scary :(

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