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Mother of all conception months Graduates

Madly, remind ozzieshunni of your experience? It's not over yet!

:hugs: madcat, sounds really complicated. Jealousy and complicated relationships are not easy especially when you're feeling excited and hormonal all at once! I guess you just need to take your time, see how people are. But you don't people anything you know? They have to deal with it and if they can't you mustn't let it detract from your own happiness. We've been learning the hard way with DH's family and he's only now, after 9 years of neglect and grief (not counting all the neglect before he met me) begun to step back and let things lie.

yeh i dont exactly have a normal family, but like you say i am making life alot more simple, i gave family members 2nd chances with various issues but in the end i leave them to deal with. If theyre happy for me, great, but if not - well, i have or will have my own family that will be my priority.
I spent too long in the past trying to cheer everyone up etc, no more!!
Welcome to our Grad Club Duffy! What's your EDD? I'll add you to the front. If you want a siggy I'll put the link in the first post too, that'll make it easier won't it?
Hey everyone can I join? I joined a few threads on pregnany the two babies under two and May due date. I don't dare go into first trimester as its too scary to me to handle with a lot of threads that just freak me out on my own pregnancy :) I love a safe area to talk pregnancy that super positive and upbeat :)

we're all too scared to join 1st tri!, stick with us!! x
:haha: And some of us are just tagging along cause we want positive vibes! :blush:
Hey Ladies,

Gosh I got drawn into a row on another thread too so I have stepped back!

Welcome to the Grads Duffy :kiss:

Ozzieshunni....my story vvvvfaint bfps from 11dpo was convinced there were evaps :thumbup: continued to get them all the way to 22dpo when :af: for 10days and vvvvfaint bfps for 12days :dohh: My lab test when :af: was 8 days late was bfn and I was totally going :loopy: DONT GIVE UP HON :af: IS A GREAT SIGN!

Madcat and Peanut families are an absolute nightmare...whats the saying `you can choose you friends but you cant choose your family` oh the joy if we could :lol:
Madcatwomen, I always had the motto with my own difficult family, you can love them from a distance but you don't have to put up with bullsh&t :) And I'm totally sticking with you girls!

Peanutbean, thanks for the warm welcome, it feels great in here loving the vibe. Sure I would love a siggy, I think your asking for my due date? If so lol is May 18 (caculated by my mom she was right on with my first pregnancy)..........

Ozzie, sending you netty vibes!

Madlyttc, sorry you got into a row in the thread sometimes stepping back works the best.
hehe and I do mega strong lines apparently my mum suggested twins the cow. Boss has beentold hes actually pleasedforme and hes already teasing me. Considering changing GPand thyroid fiasco for the secondtime. Going tolooked after by a great team of midwives and a consultant. have greatcase of nausea and cramping inright boobandright side of womb Abby (the word baby rearranged) is really settling in i think and already has talons lol
Ooohhh look at all our new graduates!!.:happydance:

Morning all, feeling ok at the moment,(was off colour again last night, OH thinks maybe its best for me not to be eating proper meals in the evening, and just have something smaller and lighter)

Scan tomorrow @ 5.15:baby::huh: Oooooo...
Ooohhh look at all our new graduates!!.:happydance:

Morning all, feeling ok at the moment,(was off colour again last night, OH thinks maybe its best for me not to be eating proper meals in the evening, and just have something smaller and lighter)

Scan tomorrow @ 5.15:baby::huh: Oooooo...

Hey with my first pregnancy, i was always ill in the evening after a big meal, so i cut it down and it helped!!
Good luck with your scan :) its amazing!!! xxx
ohhh good luck madcat, I relised that to after i couldn't stomach the half a curry I had made. I'd deffinatly like to know if soft poop is bad or am i just lucky to be going lol
Hello everyone. I am working from home AGAIN! Hooray and :sick: My mum's here looking after Byron today so I get some nice chatty tea breaks and she's gone to the supermarket so I might have something better for lunch, if I can hold out that long. Really sick and hungry now though, it's way past lunchtime!

Madly - what thread were you arguing on? Mine was on an anti-vaccination thread.

Duffy - updated at the front. :)

I'm going to tell my manager tomorrow as I don't want to be concealing working from home so much. I'm totally allowed but I always feel guilty. But I've done much better work today. Done a load of forms and some newsletter articles and prepared a presentation for our volunteer day next week that I was planning on just winging til I found I had some good photos to use. I was thinking of typing 'I'm pregnant' on my 121 form under problems/threats/risks. :rofl:
:wave: hey Ladies,

oh the :sick:ness :( I dont know if its MS or a bug but I ended up going back to bed this morning until 11.30am (SHOCK HORROR!) and letting DH taking care of the school run :dohh: I feel on a downer right now :cry: and am worried about returning to work at the weekend if this keeps up :wacko: My problem is all day :sick:ness I dont seem to fair up so bad after a good evening meal infact I feel better but during the day I just dont feel well at all!

PeanutBean it was a thread about drinking during pregnancy.....I posted a few times after lurking and OH BIG MISTAKE.....I was instantly jumped on for my opinion on the subject :( I havent posted since needless to say!

Molly def lucky for still been able to go.....constipation is another of my major ailments its no wonder my poor tummy feels hard done by :rofl:
The gingerbread worked a treat ladies and was really yummy :)

We have told my mum, sister and my best friend but thats it with the exception of DS nursery teacher as I think I may appreciate there help with supporting DS through the change of a new addition! DH wants to wait until 12 wk scan but I dont think right now that will be any time soon :dohh: before telling anyone else but I just feel so excited I want to tell everyone :lol: I think it was best not telling DS yet though b/c hes just started school today which is a major step and too much maybe overload but DH wants him to know next but not until 12wks :growlmad: men eh!

We haven't told anyone yet!getting scan on 2nd oct,its my sons 2nd birthday the following wk end,so all family and friends will be here for his party,so gonna tell everyone then!
My son is 4 now,def not telling him yet coz god forbid if anything went wrong,how do you explain to a 4 yr old that mammy has no baby in her tummy anymore,plus 9 months is long for us,but its like an eternity for lil kids,waiting and waiting for this new brother or sister!!
He'll be sooo excited,often asks will i be getting another baby from my tummy,and reckons he'd like a girl baby coz he already has a boy baby!!
Ooohhh look at all our new graduates!!.:happydance:

Morning all, feeling ok at the moment,(was off colour again last night, OH thinks maybe its best for me not to be eating proper meals in the evening, and just have something smaller and lighter)

Scan tomorrow @ 5.15:baby::huh: Oooooo...

Best of luck with the scan tom madcat!!can't wait to hear how you get on.x
:wave: vbaby3 my DS is 5yrs old in oct and we feel a little like the same with telling him.....9months an eternity :lol:....We will also prob announce at his birthday party to our wider circle of friends b/c hopefully by then we will have had a scan :)
We've told Byron and mention it again most days but he's not 2 yet so he'll soon forget if anything goes wrong. Hoping we can help keep him from being upset by involving him as much as possible.

Lol Madly, you didn't say that you advocate drinking did you? I can't believe that thread is doing the rounds again. Must be one every 3 months I think.
:wave: hey Ladies,

oh the :sick:ness :( I dont know if its MS or a bug but I ended up going back to bed this morning until 11.30am (SHOCK HORROR!) and letting DH taking care of the school run :dohh: I feel on a downer right now :cry: and am worried about returning to work at the weekend if this keeps up :wacko: My problem is all day :sick:ness I dont seem to fair up so bad after a good evening meal infact I feel better but during the day I just dont feel well at all!

PeanutBean it was a thread about drinking during pregnancy.....I posted a few times after lurking and OH BIG MISTAKE.....I was instantly jumped on for my opinion on the subject :( I havent posted since needless to say!

Molly def lucky for still been able to go.....constipation is another of my major ailments its no wonder my poor tummy feels hard done by :rofl:

youre the opposite to me, i fair worse in the evenings and pretty good in the mornings. by about 3pm i can start feeling like somethings starting to go wrong, by dinner time eating is the last thing on my mind, and by evening time im feeling pretty awful!!:dohh:
Hey everyone just skimmming through the threads this morning, baby going woke up at the crack of dawn so this is gonna be a longgggggg day.

Feeling good though no sickness or tiredness praying I escape it lol, its settleing in more that I'm pregnant I sch my first OB appt oct 6, I can't wait to see the lil bean growing!

Madcat wishing you the best luck on your scan too!
Hey everyone just skimmming through the threads this morning, baby going woke up at the crack of dawn so this is gonna be a longgggggg day.

Feeling good though no sickness or tiredness praying I escape it lol, its settleing in more that I'm pregnant I sch my first OB appt oct 6, I can't wait to see the lil bean growing!

Madcat wishing you the best luck on your scan too!

thanks, im hoping everything will be ok in there!, its a shame im having to wait till 5.15! arraghh!. not sure how im going to hold a full bladder for an hour either!!!:haha:

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