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Mother of all conception months Graduates

:wave: Ladies,

:sick: ness persistant as ever arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh Lemon does the trick though :thumbup: feeling down again today and no idea why :dohh: hormonal I guess! Mw app next monday :wohoo: its been a long time coming!

gosh you have had to wait a long time to see the midwife, i saw mine at 4 weeks!. blimey!!.

tell you what im tired of forcing food down, i decided to go with beans on toast in the end today but didnt enjoy it & wasnt hungry, i got to get through a pie tonight!. Am really concerned about eating out this weekend!.

plus i have this weird thing, had it for ages, its called a throat spasm, when i lie down on my back it creates a presure on my throat, some nights i can wake up about to choke, i turn over and its gone again. Im starting to be concerned more now though because im wondering in the long run, if i have to have a c-section, i'll be lying on my back, and get this spasm & choke. im going to have to run this by the docs, they dont really know why people get it apart from asuming its anxiety.:cry:
Yes hon I booked the app with my MW about 4wks ago too....it was the next app she had available, a little bit concerning really but its not her regular clinic its her booking clinic so my app is 1hr long! DS will be at school and DH is going with me...a little excited makes it seems more and more real each milestone!
Madcat if you need a section (unlikely) then you can let them know in advance. They'll have equipment that can deal with this. If they can keep unconscious people breathing they'll manage with you I promise! Try not to worry too much!

I'm loving this thread too. When I joined BnB it was like this in first tri but there are soooo many people on here now it's really hard to bond. Thank you for befriending me on the ttc thread, it's made such a difference.

I'm reading work articles on my phone lying on the settee scoffing pretzels.
Food concerns me too....am sat here eating my 4th lemon lolly of the day and waiting for my gingerbread to bake in the oven in a bid and effort to appease the :sick: I am a really really good eater right now I am eating b/c I know I need to and have hardly no appetite for anything at all! The eating little and often gives me heartburn yuck and in turn makes me feel :sick: so thats a go no area! The only thing that I seem to want to eat is oranges, polomints, toast, the occasional choc thing, mcd`s and lollies.....I am drinking blackcurrant juice (dilute stuff) and lemonade.....I confess to having the odd very weak shandy b/c I seem to want refreshing things and tea on an eve on a morning it tastes rank! Not the best diet but I dont think I am going to have major weight gain issues b/c the mat pants I bought last week are looser this week than last unless thats to do with bloat :shrug: I love lollies :)
I want lemon lollies. :( I'm going to go get a lemon/lime callipo from the freezer. They're not as good as sparkles though, too sticky and sweet.
mmmmmmmmmmm my gingerbread has baked and it is really really nice yum yum!

Peanut hon I have some cloudy lemonade freezing in lolly moulds as we speak I will let you know what they are like once I have tried them out :) The lemon lollies were a multi pack from asda (4 cola, 2 cherryade and 4 lemon) was best I could get until my others freeze :dohh:
god yes a lemon lolly sounds good, never thought of that, refreshing and nice, i too seem to be enjoying alot of refreshing drinks, maybe its worth buying a pack of lollys for our freezer then, im willing to try anything, im sure i cant be eating enough calories(even although lollies prob arent the right sort of calories).

When do you think we'll ever start wanting&enjoying food again??..

yes i guess youre right about the c-section thing peanut bean,its just a panicky feeling when it does happen but i will tell them.

I too feel very grateful to have been excepted on here, to be going thru this with you girls and have a bond on here too. My husband wanted me to originally tell his mum about our news as 'she had gone thru it all before and could advise me', but doing that didnt feel right to me, plus she would have forgotten the niggly things you feel when pregnant(her last baby was 36 years ago!).
Im looking forward to telling everyone after 12 weeks, but kinda nervous too, his mum is lovely (better than my mum ever was) but shes wanted grandchildren so badly(&for all she knows at the mo- im never having kids) im just slightly worried that she may be a bit OTT over my pregnancy and going on about nothing else, time will tell i guess!. Looking forward to telling friends though( not that they'll believe me!)

I want a lolly !!!
The gingerbread worked a treat ladies and was really yummy :)

We have told my mum, sister and my best friend but thats it with the exception of DS nursery teacher as I think I may appreciate there help with supporting DS through the change of a new addition! DH wants to wait until 12 wk scan but I dont think right now that will be any time soon :dohh: before telling anyone else but I just feel so excited I want to tell everyone :lol: I think it was best not telling DS yet though b/c hes just started school today which is a major step and too much maybe overload but DH wants him to know next but not until 12wks :growlmad: men eh!
I told a work friend today, the only girl in the team (excluding manager) and I'm really glad I did even though I haven't told my brothers yet! lol It's easier because she is in London so I rarely see her and I wanted an ally at our meetings next week in case I am too rotten to cope. It's ace, I've been emailing baby stuff all afternoon! lol I've done so little work today, even when I've really tried!

Got some lemon sorbet now. It's not a lemon sparkle but it's pretty good.
I've also told my parents, my sister and my best mate. No-one else. Oh! Except a random blurting when faced with a direct question by a past work colleague! I'm rubbish! :rofl: I want to just tell everyone but it is scary to in case of loss. Haven't told anyone on DH's side and don't know when we will. They are very much out of our favour at the moment.
ive told 2 girls ive been good friends with on FB and one girl from college, but thats it!. its been tempting to spread the news but ive been very good.

Not sure how my dad will take it, he was always really pleased when i said i didnt want kids, and always said how he wouldnt want to be involved in all the grandparenting stuff as it goes too far and that hes done his bit. I dont think he's going to be thrilled lol!
Parents say all sorts but it'll all be different when there's a warm, squashy sprog looking up at them! You remember how my mum was when i said I had pregnancy symptoms? That told her! Lol. Their grandchildren are 10 a penny so it's no big deal to them really. Byron was he was my first.
He may come round madcat....if this is his 1st grandchild ? nobody can resist a bouncing baby :)

Apart from my mum, sister and best friend who knew we were TTC and know we are expecting only a couple we are friends with and my other sister knew we were TTC.....so it may be quite a shock for some people :thumbup: esp since we had issues TTC DS and didnt really know if we could achieve TTC another :baby:

My mum is pleased for us b/c she knows how much I have wanted this and so is my sister who has already began handing me baby equipment from her DD :) My best friend is of course estatic she has two DS 8yrs and 1yrs old! I think everyone else will be pleased for us generally if as I say a little shocked! MIL I have mixed reservations about...part of me thinks she will be dead excited and then the other half am not sure she will I cant put my finger on it I just have a feeling about this one! FIL will be so happy (they are divorced!) and hanging out for another boy to carry on the family name! My colleagues wont be surprised I dont think :shrug: maybe one or two will be or simply pissed b/c they will be wondering what it means in the way of extra work for them and my boss will probably require medical assistance when I tell him :rofl:
Been drawn into giant row on here... Gah!

I so want some cheese soufflé...
yeh, i guess theres a chance my dad could come around, but i dont think it would happen immeadiately, it may take some time:shrug:.
It all went wrong the day i moved out! and even more wrong the day i got married!, he said he was happy for me, but there was no enthusiasm at all, he thought he would have his little girl to himself for ever (he even drew up such arrangements in his will concerning the house so i could carry on living in it etc), so now- a baby!:baby: Boom!!.

As far as my mum goes, i havent had anything to do with her for many years, my life has improved enourmously without her, she is baby mad but i will not be allowing her to have anything to do with mine, i wont even be telling her.

My sister is a funny one, shes been stuck with a guy for 8 years, he has huge debt problems which he adds to which has never allowed them to advance in anyway in life, even the wedding has been called off, needless to say they have no children. She too was a bitter when i got married, the news of a baby will be an interesting one!.

Well, i managed to eat 3/4 of a pie this evening and 3 potatos!.
My jeans are being held together by a hairband!!!!!!!!!!!
17dpo or something around there....I may have O'd late :dohh:

thats a strange one, and no AF i take it!. erm, i dont know, you could have Ov'd late, leave it much longer and i think its worth a trip to the docs for a blood test!
:-( They won't do one until I'm like 2 weeks late! It's mental :-( I'm gonna wait it out and if by next Monday :witch: is a no show, I'm off to DEMAND a blood test :haha:
Madly, remind ozzieshunni of your experience? It's not over yet!

:hugs: madcat, sounds really complicated. Jealousy and complicated relationships are not easy especially when you're feeling excited and hormonal all at once! I guess you just need to take your time, see how people are. But you don't people anything you know? They have to deal with it and if they can't you mustn't let it detract from your own happiness. We've been learning the hard way with DH's family and he's only now, after 9 years of neglect and grief (not counting all the neglect before he met me) begun to step back and let things lie.
Hey everyone can I join? I joined a few threads on pregnany the two babies under two and May due date. I don't dare go into first trimester as its too scary to me to handle with a lot of threads that just freak me out on my own pregnancy :) I love a safe area to talk pregnancy that super positive and upbeat :)

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