Mother of all conception months Graduates

those TENS machines sound alright from what youre saying, will look into hiring one of those perhaps!
I'm used to it peanut, I just hate seeing people get soooooooo fixed on one idea not saying you are theny it ends up badly.

Justweird as I know it's no way personal but bad experiences are al ways blamed on someone or thing worse rather than just accepting and learning. Get a fair bit at work, loopy would understand this the jobs no exact science so can be tough . Blahhh still not in my happy good place.

If any of you girls find a awy to just sneeze a baby out I'd love to know.

Save me one less worry
I'm used to it peanut, I just hate seeing people get soooooooo fixed on one idea not saying you are theny it ends up badly.

Justweird as I know it's no way personal but bad experiences are al ways blamed on someone or thing worse rather than just accepting and learning. Get a fair bit at work, loopy would understand this the jobs no exact science so can be tough . Blahhh still not in my happy good place.

If any of you girls find a awy to just sneeze a baby out I'd love to know.

Save me one less worry

lol!, the way i sneeze im doing all i can to keep the baby in!!!
Peanut hon so glad the party was a success :)

Get some food and some rest now :thumbup: sounds like you deserve it!
Sneezing them out would be good! Lol

For me if the cord had been round his neck, or he'd been in a bad position, or I'd had prolapse, or if he was distressed, or even if he was massive! Anything at all, it would've been ok. But we were both utterly normal and the treatment was totally unnecessary and not only ruined the birth but led to months (arguably years) of depression as well as difficulty breastfeeding and a total lack of confidence in myself as a mother. This would all have been worth it had there been an actual reason for the treatment... Though nothing excuses that mw doing an internal 14 hours after my waters had gone as she got it wrong and thought it was 2 hours after.

I don't blame the medics for doing what they think is best. My anaesthetist friend sees women in pain, gives them an epidural and sees them feeling better (mostly). I can totally see why she recommends it. But she doesn't see what happens next. She doesn't see how broken so many of those women are and she's never been there herself so can't relate. I don't doubt the intentions of the individual practioners. Not in the UK anyway, the states is a different kettle of fish. I doubt the evidence for routine medical intervention. I doubt the culture we are exposed to from as soon as we are old enough to be exposed to tv and the likes. I doubt the martyrism women are often forced to hide behind to rationalise their negative experiences which in itself perpetuates the notion they labour is a killer but it's the sacrifice we make for our babies. And I doubt the depth and accuracy of information given to pregnant women.

We know there are risks in childbirth, we know that in undeveloped countries maternal mortality is so high, but much of that could be dealt with through good antenatal care and scans, something we're fortunate enough to have. I don't think anyone in their right mind would suggest someone with a transverse lie should go for a natural birth, or someone like Gilz should do it alone with known risk factors, for example. But why on earth do we have a section rate of 30%? And what's the rate of assisted delivery, maybe 20% Does anyone really believe that left to their own devices only 50% of women could naturally deliver? It doesn't add up.
totally, totally agree peanut!!

All im saying is its MY first time - how can I possibly know it hurts?? I'm telling myself its natural so why shouldnt it be, if im low risk (which i hope i am) then everything ''should'' go according to plan? if it doesnt then hypnobirthing type courses can only help me to stay calm if shit does happen and if i need medical intervention so be it!!

i do agree molly about people getting set on ideas but why arent we told more that it may not go to plan etc - surely people wouldnt get so set on ideas if they knew the full complications??

ah this is one of them mind field subjects - no offence to anybody!!

but if i sneeze my baby out due to hypnobirthing i'll let you know lol ;)
Bids on something you said earlier, don't know anything about hypnobirthing- and about the tens unit- i had just seen a thread somewhere i here mentioning not to use them if you are pregnant could have early contractions- but if there are special ones for labor its awesome. I have a tens unit myself and probably won't be using it until the baby is out.

Also, my friend had a natural birth in january. And if SHE can do it, so can we. Because you know what? She's one of those girls like me that doesn't do well with pain. She was induced and everything and she did it. I mean, yeah i'm sure it hurts like hell but i really don't want all these drugs and things if it's possible to do without.

And ladies, please, anyone who is using them don't take offense! please! I just personally don't like medications and such if i don't have to.
ANd hell, if it's awful this time, i know in the future i want the meds right?
I might've looked more favourably on the epidural if it had actually worked! :dohh: I felt it all and ten times worse for being paralysed on my back! If I can do those 35hrs I can do anything this time around. :D And won't it be so much better being able to move around and actually push?

I think dare (but I've never used them so might be wrong) that tens isn't recommended in pregnancy but very much is once in labour. I know of loads of people who got great benefit from it in labour. I might borrow one this time especially as I don't want an epi and found gas to be a waste of time!
Dare the MW gave me a leaflet about hypnobirthing when i said i wanted to go natural - think it actually started in america?! so i just watched a few births on youtube and read some stories and its the route i want to take, if its a loads of bull then i wont do it again - think its just like relaxation techniques etc also its nice as DH can get involved too!!

we'll all be fine whatever we chose - everyone has preferences and hopefully we can all have the births we want EASY ones haha

just got a tx off my mate she's got extra fluid around the baby, theyve tested for diabetes and it isnt, their worried it could be toxic plasmosis or cleft lip/palate - anyone know anything about this?? she's just turned 20 weeks :( hope she's ok she's like my bestie!! i havent had chance to google yet and am sure it wont do me any favours anyway?!
Dare the MW gave me a leaflet about hypnobirthing when i said i wanted to go natural - think it actually started in america?! so i just watched a few births on youtube and read some stories and its the route i want to take, if its a loads of bull then i wont do it again - think its just like relaxation techniques etc also its nice as DH can get involved too!!

we'll all be fine whatever we chose - everyone has preferences and hopefully we can all have the births we want EASY ones haha

just got a tx off my mate she's got extra fluid around the baby, theyve tested for diabetes and it isnt, their worried it could be toxic plasmosis or cleft lip/palate - anyone know anything about this?? she's just turned 20 weeks :( hope she's ok she's like my bestie!! i havent had chance to google yet and am sure it wont do me any favours anyway?!

I don't think Toxoplasmosis does that- i thought it didn't really show up until after the baby was out? i don't really know- but hey, what are all you ladies doing to protect yourself against it, i mean- as far as cooking and stuff?

I have been invited by my bump buddy Madcat. By the way i love that rocking chair i want one but my baby room is too small :(
I'll start with this isn't my 1st baby, i have a 2 and half yr old that acts like a 4 yr old,he is so clever and tall and most people think he is older than he is :( not my baby anymore and he tells me he's a big boy now mummy lol! Love him, he is very exciting about having a baby brother and he is taking his job of being a big brother very serious,he pulls faces at my belly and tells me the baby is laughing and he kisses my belly and tells to baby as well,he's such a cutie just hope he stays like that when baby is here!

Also i will be having an epidural as i had one with my son as my blood pressure went to high and i didnt need any assistants,they lowered the dose so i could push. I am hoping for the same MWs (i know long shot but im into bribery to get my way lol) they were really good thing with me.
Ive heard about the tens machine but i never used them,slipped my mind to be honest!

Madcat put it in your birth plan,i wrote mine before i went to my birth plan appointment and make sure they know what you want!! I know my birth plan went in the bin as i wanted a water birth but i was induced and the contractions comes bad straight away so i just wanted drugs lol! (its the only time my mum would let me get high on drugs lol)

Anyways i like to go on so i'll stop now xx
Hey Tas

Glad to see you on here, this is like a little safe haven here esp when all the other forums get a bit too much with scare stories, its like a seperate bubble here where anything goes, on and off topic. We're all mostly due within weeks of each other so its nice that we're all at a similar stage with similar symptoms etc, apart from you and i that is, all we ever did is gag and retch our way through pregnancy so far lol.

Anyway, morning!!.
still no snow, only on the mountains, everywhere else gets it but us, even cornwall where i used to live!!. i dont understand it as i know north wales used to get snow every year when i was a child!.
Everything is frozen here though.
Welcome Tas! :wave: Let me know your EDD and I'll add you to the first post.

:hugs: Bids, no advice I'm afraid!

I'm off to Sheffield right about now and hoping the roads are ok! Bye all!
Is it bad that the only cereal that seems to be settling for me is Coco Pops!? :rofl: I know chocolate and sugar are usually a no no while pregnant, but gosh durn it! If I find something I can eat, I will eat it! :rofl:

Quit the job. They were only going to keep me on until we left anyways. Not worth it really....I've applied for some other jobs so we'll see what happens. :flower:
Hi ladies,god so much to catch up on in just 2 days!!
Firstly congrats dare,happy and healthy 9 months!!And welcome tas 1!!

Girls,it was snowing all day here yest,now i'm practically trapped in the house!!!
The school is closed and all.We live in a little village in the country so its narrow windy roads to town.looks like we'll be havin a very quiet wk stuck at home!
Dh went to work as usual and told me to stay indoors,that the roads were pretty bad:cry:
Last yr when we'd the big freeze we had no running water for 8days!Hoping and praying it doesn't happpen again!!

God peanut,so sorry for your awful birth experience with byron.
Happy belated birthday to him by the way!!
I had similar with shay,2 days in labour,epi wearing off on 1 side,topped up too much,in stirrups trying to push him out.Actually got him out myself in the end,but I think only coz they were shouting at me,his heart rate was dipping with every contraction,there were loads of people there,docs on standby for when he was born,it was very scary.He wasn't very responsive when born,but was ok after a few mins.
All I can say to you,and also madly who also had a bad experience is,my 1st was 36hrs,my 2nd was only 3-4 hrs.I did it my 2nd without any pain relief(not out of choice)and if I can get thru it anyone can!
Peanut you#ll have your lovely home birth.As you say there weren't any problems with your 1st labour,or with byron,so this time you should have a nice calm homebirth,and your lo will be born in hrs rather than days.x

the girls who are gonna be 1st time mams just keep an open mind,and do your research.
Anyone who wants to do it naturally,you definately can!
But I also know a lot of ladies who wanted to do it natural,and then were crawling around begging for the epidural at 2-3cm's!
You just don't know how its gonna go.
I went in pretty relaxed about pain relief,was just gonna see how it went.Had high bp with shay so at 4cm's was advised to get the epi.I gladly took it,and spent the nxt 5 hrs lying there having the banter with the midwives and dh,and having lil snoozes,I felt nothing,it was amazing.Until it started wearing off on 1 side,but it was still worth it.
God can't believe i'm doing it all again!Wonder will this 1 be as quick as oran was!!!!
Love the chair madcat.I've something similar in oak in my baby room.I've 2 big cushions on it,and it was lovely and relaxing for night feeds!!
DAMN SNOW! My scan has been moved until Sunday! :-( None of the midwives can get in APPARENTLY! I would hate to go into labour just now :haha:
Well she's just tx me again and is back from the hospital and over the last week the fluid has balanced out and everything looks ok - they saw the face and everything seems fine so phew what a relief so glad everythings ok she's such a worrier as well :(

Hey Tas :D nice to have you here!!

Peanut im sure the roads will be fine today - think we're getting snow overnight tonight, not looking forward to that as I have work tomorrow but am off from wed-fri so wont be too bad, its ok if you get to stay at home i love it but having to drive etc is just crap!!

thanks for the advice vbaby - im open minded about it and will take it as it comes not much else you can do really!! perhaps you'll be the first to sneeze one out this time vbaby hehe...

awww i feel all christmassy today for some reason :)
oh no thats crap ozzie :( stupid snow - more hassle than its worth!! specially as i cant even go sledging this year lol
I agree,hate the snow!!!
Nice to look at,but the whole country comes to a standstill and all our plans get ruined!!

Yes bids,maybe coz its my 3rd and my bits are all nice and loose I will just sneeze my baby out!!!

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