Mother of all conception months Graduates

:haha:made me laugh

i was reading some of the posts in 3rd tri (still cant face 1st tri BTW).
One girls post made me smile, she said she was disgusted with herself, that she ate 6 packets of watsits in one sitting!!, had one after the other after the other!.

thats the sort of thing i could do (Albeit not at the moment with this appitite of mine)
lol I could so do that! I eat at least 4 bags of crisps a day, usually at least two in very close range. I'm just coming to the end of a tube of softmints with my tea.

I really need to walk the dog but we've been having a massive thunderstorm!
Ohhhhhh:growlmad:, i want a thunderstorm, i love thunderstorms, if i had plenty of money id do a few weeks in midwest america and do all the storm chasing!.

As for the crisps, well, ive definately eating 2 one after the other(packets that is), im pretty sure ive done three one after the other once.
Ive done 3 chocolate bars after each other - thats a certainty!.
Had a dig about earlier as AF was originally due tomorrow (but I OV'd 3 days early). Still got a lot of cm including white blobs but I could feel my cervix opening so that means it must be still be quite low... is that ok? Yes? No? AGH :wacko:

I'm off to the doctor tomorrow anyway so I will bombard him with questions but you know what it's like :wacko:
ooohh walkers prawn cocktail crips...could eat my own bodyweights worth yum yum.

Hello ladies :howdy:

sorry this is long....

well gilz looks like i am following in your steps, but unfortunately had to take it a step further and make it all dramatic...

noticed old brown blood on wiping when popped to loo during a teaching. Nearly threw up seeing it. went back to lecture theatre sat there for like 40mins with head in a spin. Thought naw not doing this biting my lower lip fighting back tears.

left, starting with lower left sided abdominal pain on way home whilst driving. Ignored at first but had about 4-5 stabs like a knife that took my breath away. Thought hmm early pregnancy+ bleeding + one sided pain = potentially not good :nope: Pulled over and called GP -no appoints. Told her my worries and she said she would get a doc to call me back. He did later, told him the story and basically was admitted to gynae ward with ?ectopic. after internal nearly hit roof after she pressed on left side. Anyway had to wait morning for a scan.

Staff on ward ignored me as they recognised me as a doc, so kept chatting about hols etc. Eventually one of docs asked them to so me to a room. Worse bit was that they shoved me straight in the room they put me in immediately after they told me there was no heartbeat after mmc in April, alone again. For a hour. OH coming after work but stuck in traffic. Took me right back to April, held it together for 3 mins or so then :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

a really sweet nurse came in eventually and said 'oh darling whats wrong' and gave me a big hug. Blubbed in her arms like a baby for way too long. Bless her.

Eventually saw a doc who is a fellow trainee that I know well. He was like 'we really need to do an do you feel about me doing it?' Nearly died. Said might be better if someone else could do it so he would be able to still look me in the eye every tuesday! Luckly his senior came. Kept in overnight...

eventually after sitting thinking everything ok one minute, doom the next got my scan which showed a <5 week gestational sac with yolk but no fetal pole. Fetal poles appear between 5-6 weeks so is prob too early to tell but scan means there is hope. Reassured me that MadCat was put back too so prob means we ov'd later than we thought.

asked what my serum HCG levels were (i was told they were doing them and would repeat in 48 to see if doubled). slightly snotty senior said - Yikes :shock::shock:

after told all good so far sat and :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: -again. nurse came in eventually and gave me another :hugs: dont know what would have done without her. think they gave me a side room as i am 'one of them' but unfortunately that means no-one comes in. no water. no cup of tea. no food. wandered out every now and then to reassure myself that wasnt only person in the hospital! Eventually someone realised i was in there and gave me some water. Luckily i got Oh to smuggle some food in :pizza:

So there is my ridicously dramatic transition from poppy seed to apple seed. Pain much better but still there a bit. Am constipated too so prob just need a great big c&%p. :blush::blush::blush::blush:

oh and its only one :thumbup:

btw - repeat scan in 3 weeks, fingers crossed. they kindly printed out my scan report for me, but it had my old due date from my last (rip) pregnancy:dohh: would have been 32 weeks today. humph
Oh honey!!! :hugs: You poor thing :( Can't believe they were so rotten to you :growlmad: Thank God for that lovely nurse :hugs: Hope you're feeling better now x
Oh honey!!! :hugs: You poor thing :( Can't believe they were so rotten to you :growlmad: Thank God for that lovely nurse :hugs: Hope you're feeling better now x

thanks hun, she had lost a babe at 5months 17 years ago and obviously still remembers how helpless you feel. She was lovely. Most were nice, it was just one of those unfortunate things when communicate goes a bit awry. They had to stick me in that room as there was nowhere else to go so none of it was someone else fault. Just not enough staff in an overrun underfunded hospital. And with all the cuts to come only gonna get worse...

Anyhoo..was reading about your (.)(.) - if lumps same on both sides likely just to be milk ducts etc just puffing out getting ready for :baby: mine are exactly like that too. if you get worried see yer doc as the girls have mentioned :flower::flower:
Thank you :hugs: I'm not worried... more fascinated iykwim? I'm going to have to google pics of milk ducts now :haha:
Oh loopy! :hugs: :hugs: I hope everything is going to be ok for you! I won't say all those same things again as you've already read them and had a horrid frightening time. You don't say if you're still spotting/cramping? It could be any number of things adjusting causing it. How awful to have all the reminiscences of your loss but remember that every pregnancy is different and what happened then means nothing to what will happen now. I'll be thinking of you in your long horrible wait. But then, the closer you get to that next scan date the better it will be and the more likely to see a gorgeous little bean squiggling about there. Take heart.

Sequeena - I have nothing to offer about cervixes as I have never rummaged about mine to know what is/isn't normal at any stage of life! lol I would not worry about it though on principle!

I remembered as well that after catching up this morning I meant to mention boobs. I am big too (34E normally). I have no just about filled out the light stretch marks that appeared last time (only as silver, I never had red welts or anything) and I can only fit in my two best fitting bras which a little bubbling at the top now. Plunge bras are an amazing no as they give me 4 ginormous boobs. Dunno about lumps as they are too sore to touch but like Gilz (was it?) said if they are in both then most likely the development of your milk ducts. I was wearing F cup wired bras to the end (well to giving up work when I finally could give up all self respect and move permanently into soft cup nursing bras). The nursing bras I got were like a G or something (still 34) but they are so badly fitted. I have no idea how one can get a soft cup bra to fit a big pair of boobs as whatever size they are the boobs just mould into a big horizontal cylinder of flesh. I just fitted myself into whatever I didn't spill out of and made sure it sat right around my chest.
Oh Loopy hon I'm so sorry you've been having a rough time. I'm sure your wee bean will be ok.

Just try to stay positive and get as much rest as you can :hugs: :kiss:
Thanks PeanutBean xx Mine are also sore to the touch but I must be sadistic or something, I keep poking and prodding just to make sure they're still sore :rolleyes: :haha:

I'm going to have to stop wearing wired bras I think. I've been contemplating it for a while as no matter what bra I wear they dig into me.
Mine dig in too but I CAN'T wear a soft cup and be seen in public and they are so unsupportive I get terrible backache. I bought nursing vests from mothercare after the birth and they have a supportive inner bit and I find they are excellent to sleep in to help with sore boobs and good for lounging around the house in to give relief from diggy wires.
Oh loopy! :hugs: :hugs: I hope everything is going to be ok for you! I won't say all those same things again as you've already read them and had a horrid frightening time. You don't say if you're still spotting/cramping? It could be any number of things adjusting causing it. How awful to have all the reminiscences of your loss but remember that every pregnancy is different and what happened then means nothing to what will happen now. I'll be thinking of you in your long horrible wait. But then, the closer you get to that next scan date the better it will be and the more likely to see a gorgeous little bean squiggling about there. Take heart.

Sequeena - I have nothing to offer about cervixes as I have never rummaged about mine to know what is/isn't normal at any stage of life! lol I would not worry about it though on principle!

I remembered as well that after catching up this morning I meant to mention boobs. I am big too (34E normally). I have no just about filled out the light stretch marks that appeared last time (only as silver, I never had red welts or anything) and I can only fit in my two best fitting bras which a little bubbling at the top now. Plunge bras are an amazing no as they give me 4 ginormous boobs. Dunno about lumps as they are too sore to touch but like Gilz (was it?) said if they are in both then most likely the development of your milk ducts. I was wearing F cup wired bras to the end (well to giving up work when I finally could give up all self respect and move permanently into soft cup nursing bras). The nursing bras I got were like a G or something (still 34) but they are so badly fitted. I have no idea how one can get a soft cup bra to fit a big pair of boobs as whatever size they are the boobs just mould into a big horizontal cylinder of flesh. I just fitted myself into whatever I didn't spill out of and made sure it sat right around my chest.

ta hunnies x

bleeding now stopped, lost some weird looking 'bits' i couldnt quite identify despite a decent rumage. christ wanted to get my bloody microscope out. was convinced was degraded tissue but as scan reasonably ok am just putting it out of my head. am trying to just focus on this bean now and try and relax. At least its still there :winkwink:

i know you had a terrible time with Byron (such a cute name) , am hoping you have a trouble-free pregnancy this time :flower: (not including all the :sick::sick::sick: cos you already have all that trouble!!)

my boobs are normally a B cup although doesnt really describe them adequately enough. more like a spaniels ears. use push-ups but the poor dear things lay like liners in the bottom :rofl::rofl:

i am gonna enjoy big porn star (.)(.) soooo much, even if they are too painful to touch!!
Mine dig in too but I CAN'T wear a soft cup and be seen in public and they are so unsupportive I get terrible backache. I bought nursing vests from mothercare after the birth and they have a supportive inner bit and I find they are excellent to sleep in to help with sore boobs and good for lounging around the house in to give relief from diggy wires.

What about those sports type bras? I wonder if they're any use...
Oh Loopy you just described my boobs :haha:

I put on 3stone about 8years ago in a bad relationship. Woke up one day decided I'd take my self respect back thanks and lost the weight. When I got back to my normal weight my boobs deflated to a 34B or a 36A and without push up assistance they sort of just flop about. So not attractive.

I'm so not a vain person but honestly if the surgery didn't scare me senseless I'd get them fixed.
Oh Loopy you just described my boobs :haha:

I put on 3stone about 8years ago in a bad relationship. Woke up one day decided I'd take my self respect back thanks and lost the weight. When I got back to my normal weight my boobs deflated to a 34B or a 36A and without push up assistance they sort of just flop about. So not attractive.

I'm so not a vain person but honestly if the surgery didn't scare me senseless I'd get them fixed.

me too. if i could be promised nothing would go wrong would do it in a heartbeat. but no-one ever will so am resigned to these. also have lumpy boobs anyway so i keep a close eye on them and dont want big ole cahoonas sitting on top so cant feel anything abnormal.

am lucky enough to have an OH that pretends i have the most beautiful (.)(.) in the world which is lovely and makes me feel wonderful and sexy to him and thats good enough for me :lol::lol:

congrats on losing the weight, that is the important thing. you will be happier and healthier for your little bubs and also good with your renal history -hell we can always roll em up and make little balls outta them - will at least look ok clothed!!!!
Oh totally they are just boobs at the end of the day.

Would happily have boobs done to my knees in exchange for a healthy bean, I'm sure you would too.
Loopy god love you,so sorry you're going thru all this,but what they saw was good for your dates,and its not ectopic so try to think positively.
I had similar with my 1st baby,severe pain in left side at 5 wks.They couldn't see anything that scan,only that my hcg was increasing did i hold any hope!
had another scan at 6.5 wks and there was still nothing,finally saw a sac at 8 wks,and didn't see the heartbeat til 9!
They thought I must be completely out with my dates,but by my 12wks scan by my dates lil bean had caught up and was bang on 12 wks!
He must've took a huge growthspurt or something!
It was the longest few wks of my life,so know this 3 wk wait is gonna be hard.At least the spotting has stopped,and the sac is in the right place so focus on this.xxxxxxx

I have huge boobs too,36e,and the mothercare softcup bras hold my boobs just fine and they're soooo comfy,i've been in them since about wk 7!!

As for me,spotting stopped again last night and have had none today.Had nice reassuring chat with my gp yest,she said at the end of the day what will be will be,and there's always the threat of mc when there's spotting and cramping,but the fact that the scan showed baby was perfect,and bang on size for my dates was very promising.
So hoping the spotting stays away now and i can relax a bit.

I've my scan on the 2nd oct so just over a wk til I see bean again so at least I don't have too long to wait.

Read back some of the posts,there was loads!!
To all the ladies that were hoping for nausea and got it yay!!!
Yay for pregnancy symptoms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gilz has your spotting stopped completely now?hope it has.x

Chat tom,have to get my kiddies into the bath now.x
Loopy god love you,so sorry you're going thru all this,but what they saw was good for your dates,and its not ectopic so try to think positively.
I had similar with my 1st baby,severe pain in left side at 5 wks.They couldn't see anything that scan,only that my hcg was increasing did i hold any hope!
had another scan at 6.5 wks and there was still nothing,finally saw a sac at 8 wks,and didn't see the heartbeat til 9!
They thought I must be completely out with my dates,but by my 12wks scan by my dates lil bean had caught up and was bang on 12 wks!
He must've took a huge growthspurt or something!
It was the longest few wks of my life,so know this 3 wk wait is gonna be hard.At least the spotting has stopped,and the sac is in the right place so focus on this.xxxxxxx

I have huge boobs too,36e,and the mothercare softcup bras hold my boobs just fine and they're soooo comfy,i've been in them since about wk 7!!

As for me,spotting stopped again last night and have had none today.Had nice reassuring chat with my gp yest,she said at the end of the day what will be will be,and there's always the threat of mc when there's spotting and cramping,but the fact that the scan showed baby was perfect,and bang on size for my dates was very promising.
So hoping the spotting stays away now and i can relax a bit.

I've my scan on the 2nd oct so just over a wk til I see bean again so at least I don't have too long to wait.

Read back some of the posts,there was loads!!
To all the ladies that were hoping for nausea and got it yay!!!
Yay for pregnancy symptoms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gilz has your spotting stopped completely now?hope it has.x

Chat tom,have to get my kiddies into the bath now.x

vbaby - ta hun am feeling positive today x keeping fingers crossed your spotting stays away :flower::flower::flower:
I wear sports bras, and have done for a lone time now, theyre the only ones i find comforatable, that dont dig in to me, and i dont fall out of either (unlike some of the more fancy ones). Well, im just starting to spill out of the ones i have now!.

Im starting to get a bit of pressure in my uterus area now, bit like being bloated but not in my tummy but further down, by looking, and feeling there doesnt seem like theres much more room left right down there anymore!

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