Mother of all conception months Graduates

Morning all

Yes i have all that ligament pains, sciatica(usually hits me after getting up).

Gawd, hope i dont have a 'big baby', a friend had one a few months ago and put it this way, she had serious trouble sitting down for a very long time. the baby was in 3 months clothes when newborn.
Morning all. I had a migraine all night. Slept fitfully with migraine dreams til half 3 when I was sick. Slept better for three hours til morning when I had to wake DH for help with food. Still had all the pains all morning but it's going now. Hopefully for good but I always have a woozy period after a migraine. DH is out with the boy now. Not much of a day off for me. :(

On the plus side I got my scan date this morning. 15th oct. I'll officially be 12+3 but I think 13 by ov so will see what they say. Apparently there will be training for nuchal measurement too. Not sure if that means I'll get a result or not but I'll get a little longer to see my baby! So hope all is well...

How is everyone this morning? Hope you have better news today loopy.
Oh you dont sound too well peauntbean, what a horrible night you had, you're really having a crappy time so far arent you. I get lots of aches and pains, im still off my food and have peaky moments, but in comparison im luckier than you it seems.

Me on the otherhand, i seem to be doing well in the headache dept, i used to get them regually with AF, but now i dont, obviously:winkwink:

5 days and counting till my scan, im starting to get worried again, excited too, i really need to make sure my 'cup is half full rather than half empty' i think. Not looking forward to a super full bladder though:growlmad: so im hoping they dont make me wait:growlmad:
It's true I'm not great when pregnant but probably others are more stoic than me! It's annoying though as I regularly get migraines but when pregnant last time I had two. Granted they were the worst ever but still only two. This time I've had a lot of niggley headaches and now a full on migraine. It's awful not being able to take ibuprofen. Still got head pains now, thought they'd gone. DH and the boy have now gone swimming so I'm going to try and shower and be alive soon!

Exciting about your scan! The bladder thing is ok. You'll have plenty to be distracted by!
:hugs: aww, have a nice relaxing soak in the bath if i were you.

with the early scan i shot off to their toilet like something posessed as soon as the sonographer was done, only then did i return to get the paper work!
Lol I think that's standard! Was your first not internal?

DH is back and I've had a mint choc ice thing and am now scoffing pringles. I just want to eat this afternoon! Before they came back I emptied and filled the dishwasher, cleaned the kitchen including the gross hob we don't even cook on! Tidied away the boy's nappies and tidied the bathroom. Hung out washing. Tired now but glad to have done something about the dive we currently live in!
nooo, it wasnt internal (thankgoodness), and it was a nice clear pic too, although ive been told the NHS pics are a little on the fuzzy side compaired to private scans.
On the topic of scans I asked what type it would be for mine and they said it would just be an external one thankfully.

Well that's another week at work over thankfully, but I've got trapped wind. It's so sore.
Oo gilz! Lie down on your back a while and it'll ease.

My migraine is back. :(
Hi guys..

well bleeding settled again and just dont know what to think. But on the whole am not feeling optimistic at all.

Had to tell the ward manager today am pregnant , although I almost feel a fraud doing so. Realised the ward nurse who is pregnant was told not to take blood or give injections whilst pregnant after being risk assessed. I took blood from someone with heP B/C on monday (no-one told me he was a known risk) (and I am not immune either) and am not going to do it again. Doing these procedures are so routine to me didnt even cross my mind. Asked for a risk assessment so I can be forearmed . Molly I am sure you mentioned risk assessment ages ago but forgot to ask!

Did not ring EPAU. Figured if they ask for a scan soon there is a risk that they still not see too much and it would only cause more stress. Would rather wait and see what happens and hang on til there is a chance of knowing one way or the other. Slight brownish CM today, no pain and teeny bit sore (.)(.)Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

Got a crazy bad headache today, dont know if a symptom (oh I wish) or just the stress of working on a psychiatric ward. Couldnt leave the ward on monday as there was three very scary people between me and the door. One was braying on the perspex window of the little room I was trapped in shouting obscenities at me. Wanted to crawl under the desk and :cry:, was my first day back after discharge from hospital. Wish I was in GP-land.

Glad you ladies are ok, thank you for thinking of me :flower:
Oh Loopy hon :hugs: I've got everything I can possibly cross crossed for you.

I understand what you are saying about a scan possibly still being inconclusive so if you don't think it'll help don't bother. I was lurking in first tri the other day and there was a girl in there who had two days of proper bleeding she was positive that she was having a miscarriage.

Two weeks later she's just found out that she didn't lose the baby and it was just random bleeding so there are girls going through the same thing who are fine.
Oh loopy i was so afraid of your silence all day that you'd come and post it was over. I am so relieved it has settled again! My advice would be to try and think postive but try and be prepared too. I know you didn't ask for my advice though! This is the time the placenta develops so it could all be related to that. Remember I had the same at 7-9 weeks and then nothing for about 3 weeks then a huge giant bleed at 12 weeks that hadn't been reabsorbed. You know maybe the placenta is just making a mess while it gets settled in? I have everything crossed for you, I so want you to make it. And I'm glad you sorted your RA!
Oh loopy i was so afraid of your silence all day that you'd come and post it was over. I am so relieved it has settled again! My advice would be to try and think postive but try and be prepared too. I know you didn't ask for my advice though! This is the time the placenta develops so it could all be related to that. Remember I had the same at 7-9 weeks and then nothing for about 3 weeks then a huge giant bleed at 12 weeks that hadn't been reabsorbed. You know maybe the placenta is just making a mess while it gets settled in? I have everything crossed for you, I so want you to make it. And I'm glad you sorted your RA!

Your advice is always welcome Peanut :hugs:

After things settled decided to go to work today otherwise would have just been obsessing all day! At least the day passed quickly and wasnt checking in the loo constantly as didnt have time. Work helps me put everything to one side for eight hours at least. Last night just cried and ate chocolate and ice cream and felt sorry for myself.

Have a little more PMA today, it never got really red mainly darkish red/brown and after the initial bit that freaked me out settled quite quickly. The first one looked like it might really start getting heavy.

Gilz thanks hun, spent all night checking the first tri 'bleeding' threads. Some were good outcomes, others not. A gynae doctor once told me once you bleed its about 50:50 whether you will miscarry or not. You just never know, and I will just have to be prepared to wait.

At least my HCG levels were on the high side, not low. And all my infection swabs were negative so thats good.

So.....fingers crossed. Will just try enjoy being pregnant for now :flower::flower:

thanks all :kiss::kiss:
I was told 50:50 too but that is a general figure. You've had a scan since you first started spotting which must help lower the risk for you compared to the average. When I had my emergency scan despite seeing the bleed on it they were utterly optimistic. 50:50 says nothing about cause which will certainly be a big factor in the outcome. Plus looking at it another way, every mc must be included in that statistic iyswim.
I was told 50:50 too but that is a general figure. You've had a scan since you first started spotting which must help lower the risk for you compared to the average. When I had my emergency scan despite seeing the bleed on it they were utterly optimistic. 50:50 says nothing about cause which will certainly be a big factor in the outcome. Plus looking at it another way, every mc must be included in that statistic iyswim.

yes I see what you mean. Rather than thinking logically about it I guess I just compare it to my last experience. It is said when you see a hb your risk goes down considerably yet mine RIP the week after a normal scan. Its the same with the symptoms, had none last time and non now so it has skewed my view of things and it is hard to remain objective.

Thanks though, you are right. And at least the scan has ruled out an ectopic and also identified a gestational sac appropriate for my stage of gestation. So will try focus on that. And I know its still there as it certainly hasnt been expelled!
Stats are just stats. I put this all in a thread a bit ago too. The hb thing is as misleading as the bleeding statistic. Most mc are due to genetic issues. During the first 12 weeks new genes are switched on successively so each time there's a chance of a fault which si ultimately lead to mc. As the weeks progress the chances improve because there are fewer genes left untried. Most women don't see the baby by scan til the end if first tri so a mmc could've occurred. The hb at an early stage improves chances be use it shows there has been no loss at that time but it can be no guarantee for the next however many weeks. This is the problem with stats. People pin hopes and fears on them but they are just a population average with insufficient detail to really mean anything in individual circumstances.
Oh wow totally picked the wrong film to watch tonight!

I cry really easy anyway, think I'm maybe the only person in the whole world who cries when king kong dies at the end of the film :blush:

So I just watched The Time Travellers Wife. I've actually cried so much I've made my head hurt. I'm a complete loony!!
Lol you must be pregnant I couldn't get through the first half I found it too boring! When DH was away a night last time ge got me some films which included one about letters sent from a partner who died of cancer and arranged for them to arrive for the year after. I forget the name, you've probably seen it. But man I was rolling round sobbing! It wS a terrible choice!
Oh yeah it's got Gerard Butler and Hilary Swank in it. Oh it's called PS I love you I think.

The Time Travellers Wife is a brilliant book but thought the film was ok not superb.

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