Mother of all conception months Graduates

Thank you for your comments on my Sister`s `new house` situation Ladies :flower:

SK I am so glad your Dr listened and you are getting support you are happy with :hugs:

:hugs: Ozzie Hope you had a nice day with your niece :)

Sequeena sounds like we have another grad babe on the way :happydance: will check out your journal next :thumbup:

NOMORE I have pics of Oliver in neonatal too :cry: and of course now we have similar images of Harry :cry: AND well done you for standing your ground :kiss: I am so proud and happy for you :happydance:

madcat one of the Mums at school whos 2nd daughter will be starting nursery soon told me that her one regret is spending too much time cleaning her house and not enough time enjoying her 2nd and last child....she urged me to cherish every single minute with Charlie if hes going to be our last and leave and put the cleaning on the back burner :thumbup:

:hugs: for an adventful day Peanut sounds like you had a lot planned to do today :wacko:

Molly sounds like a good idea to put off jabs for another week especially if your a tad worried and matt isnt around :thumbup:

Tas I have no advice about your leaking boobs :wacko: sorry not helpful :flower: Like the idea of your reward chart :thumbup: it might seem difficult to stick with to begin with but stick with it because it nearly always produces results ;)

:hug: vbaby sounds like your having a rough time right now :hugs: might be a little late as I am only just catching up now but I hope your scan has gone well :hugs:

Gilz how are you and Noah hon?

Apologises if I have missed anything :flower:
Nomore old school consultants think medical thats it sadly we are usually lumps of meat on the slab but glad you have a date and that you feel ready to give vbac a go I so hope you get a birth like mine to give yourself so confidence back.

Jumperoooooooo. I think we are going for the bounce bounce baby, my MIL wants to by Abby a swing I'm not sure as she is happy in her bouncy chair. I'm thinking of asking if she will ut some money towards the bounce bounce as its what abby needs she loves being upright.

SMear went well my quirky sence of humor got me through it. Uncomfortable on my stitched bit but not to bad. Cat apparently there is a speculum fondly known as the virgin speculum that might work for you when you get the nerve up. I went as a achallenge with my neighbour or neither of us would have gone. oh abby was in bed before 8 pm and I will be off in a mo
Molly thats exactly why Charlie loves his already :lol: he likes to be upright and be nosy :rofl:
lol thank you for the code it doesn't work on the bounce bounce either so will go into to store and find out about it and how long the sale lasts. I have a £5 voucher too so would use that getting £17 off if the vouchers have arrived at my parents I canuse them too and get a granny donation, and ask for a swing for number 2 as I doubt I will have a free hand to do rocking lol. late for bed whoops off i go
So in answer to your question Molly I've not a clue what we're going to do about money but with no way to afford the £12.5k childcare I'd rather not afford to live at home than not afford to live in a job I've grown to hate. I'm hoping the job gods come good with part time work but we'll see. Once the tax credit system for next tax year is decided I'll be able to calculate all our options and find out what works best for us.

Indigo fed all bloody night while Byron slept through. She woke me at 6.20 and has gone right back to sleep. :( I'm a wreck. DH is at a party tonight in Leeds with comic people so got to negotiate a bedtime that results in Byron sleeping somehow.
Morning all:flower:

well, we seem to have gotten to the bottom of baileys bottle fighting/refusals of the last few days, things came to ahead yesterday when he was just screaming so painfully whenever he was laid down, or trying to be fed. I also only managed to get a few Oz's into him yesterdat day time.I guess we thought the reflux had been long gone.His crying yesterdat really started to worry me, we decided to try the gaviscon again. at 1st he didnt want his bottle but after we managed to get him to have a few sips he realised it wasnt going to hurt and had the rest and got the gaviscon into him. He slept for hours then(still in his nappy as he had gotten so hot from crying). At bed time he let us give him another bottle with the gaviscon in and drank all of that too(thankgod).
I thought i may have been up in the night with him after the day we had, but no,he slept right through! to 6.30!:happydance:,i even got up in the night just to check on him as he was so quiet. i think he would have slept till 7 actually if it wasnt for dh getting up for work.
So, if hes ok today, we can safely say its the gaviscon making the difference and the reflux is back:shrug:, feeding him this week has been a mare, so hopefully things will improve again.

Madly, its so right what your friend says about house work. i fly around if hes kipping and give the bathrooms/kitchen a good clean, i do what needs to be done, but no more. Dh once said i should give bailey to MIL so i could clean, sorry, but im not having a love affair with the hoover while someone else brings up my boy!.

Molly, thanks for the smear info,:thumbup:i am really dreading it because, well:blush: things feel tight down there, im sure they stitched me up too tight!, im going to see a doc to do it when i do go and speak to her before.
Madly Noah and I are just the same. I've stopped posting about it cos I'm bored listening to me moan about it so god knows how you girls feel :blush:

Our appointment at the children's hospital is monday so not long now :thumbup:

Charlie and Noah are now the same weight! Since he stopped comfort eating and started refusing feeds his weight has slowed right down so only gained 2oz this week taking him to 12lbs 5oz as well.
Morning ladies

Just wanna rant for a minute....since my sister deleting me from fb I have only seen her yesterday I acted normal and spoke to her because we were at my mums for tea and all boys were there but you could feel tension! So my mum and sister had a dig at my OH coming for tea then leaving about half an hour afterwards (we normally finish about 7 after we have cleaned up etc) but if he doesnt come they dig that he doesnt wanna see them feels like nothing we do is good enough for my family and it's starting to fuck (sorry I only swear when I'm made) me off why can't they just be happy or slag us off when we are not there and put a front up like any normal person! So anyways my mum sister BIL and nephew are all going to meadowhall today which has upset Caden because he wanted Cameron (my nephew) to go to a play centre so when I said Cam can't come he's going to meadowhall Caden said can we go I had to say we're not invited well why aren't we he's upset about that to distract him I let him out a star on his chart even though he didn't do anything! Then we're going to my cousins night do tomorrow and to save petrol etc we were all gonna go in my car (except my parents who are going to day do as well) but now my sister has decided she's going in her car once again Caden will be upset that Cam isn't coming in our car! It's all so pathetic and they all think I need to grow up! I'm feeling quite hurt and lonely now


Cat hope the gavison keeps working for Bailey,these poor babies I wish mummies could take their illnesses away for them!!

Molly glad you enjoyed your smear lol at least it is done now!!

Madly you had a busy day and great about your DH job hope he takes it!!

Vbaby when will you get your results back?

Gilz we're not bored of you moaning it's what we're here for! Sone mums understand on here and the rest of us try to understand! Hope it all gets sorted on Monday!

Hope everyone else is ok!!!

oh Nomore your post gave me goosebumps. Well done you for being so brave. I had to read it twice to make sure I had read it right!:hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss:

Put Dylan down for tummy time (I keep forgetting :blush:) and he promptly licked the mat then fell asleep....

HV coming soon for big weigh-in so fingers crossed.

Ozzie - FedEx me some of that super-duper boobie juice pronto!!

Will try catch up later, off to Ikea with Ds-s shopping for his desk and tv cabinet to finish off new room :thumbup:

hugs to everyone xx
LMAO Loopy :haha:

I need a rant too.....we met DH's friend's fiancee last night. She's ok, I guess. I'm still friends with his ex (I posted in Baby Club about all this). Honestly, do you try and tell someone you just met to ignore your baby's cry? That he has a nice quiet cry and you could ignore it? :growlmad: On top of that, don't tell me not to feed my baby. I feed on demand and he clusterfeeds in the evening. It's just how it is! I had to bite my tongue. I did say that it's different when it's your baby. Try ignoring your baby's cries. It just doesn't work! :gun: I think she's a bit full of herself though. Thankfully, I probably only have to see her one more time before DH's friend goes to Germany and she goes back to England. Maybe I'm just hormonal, but I think trying to tell someone how to parent that you just met is so out of line!!!!!!!!!

On top of that, I clearly expressed to DH that I did not want her to hold him because I did not know her. I was fine with his friend because we know him and I trust him. So what did the prat do? Hands Alex to her while I'm in the bathroom!!!!! We had a massive row last night because Alex was crying and I needed a break and I got the old line of that he's tired and needs sleep for his work!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!! I'm tired too! Probably moreso than you! I actually screamed that I hated him so much and told him he was fucking useless :lol: He's been really nice to me today, but I'm still very mad. I'm not sure I want to even go out with him tomorrow :cry: I'd rather just keep Alex at home and cuddle with LO. Fuck DH. :grr:
Oh ozzie men never think! My OH knows now to listen to me about the kids or I'll turn into a pyshco mummy lol!

And that is out of line from that lady! Has she got kids? Poor little mites if she does

morning everyone,
Well I had my mri last night,and very glad its done.If I ever need another I will be asking for sedation,it was horrible,just so claustrophobic,I didn't realize the tunnel was gonna be so narrow.
Anyway,I should have my results back today.Gonna ring my doc after lunch to see if they're in.My stomach is in knots even with my 'relaxer' tablets.
My friend is calling up in a bit,so at least my mind will be occupied,and she's always good for a laugh!!

Nomore,i'm really delighted for you hun,so glad you're feeling happy now!x

Peanut,we've been in some pickles as far as money is concerned,but i think something always turns up,we've not been left homeless or without food yet lol!!
I've defiinately learned this wk,between my dads scare,and now my scare,your health is your wealth.

Molly i doubt you'd get much use out of a swing at this stage.We have a swing and a bouncer(the swing is borrowed)Teagan does prefer the swing but you can't really use them past 6 months so a jumperoo would definbately be a better option for granny donations!
my friend is due any minute now,so sorry if i've forgotten anyone.
Will come back on once i get results,fingers crossed they come through today and i'm not left hanging for the wk end!
Oh ozzie men never think! My OH knows now to listen to me about the kids or I'll turn into a pyshco mummy lol!

And that is out of line from that lady! Has she got kids? Poor little mites if she does


Nope, lol.
thank you ladies! feeling really good about things still today so have obviously made the right decision! today is exactly 1 month until it is the latest she will arrive and although i am in pain, leo wants his mummy back and i can not stand being heavily pregnant in this heat anymore i am holding on to the fact that i have an actual end date. if i think the 5th as my dd then if she comes earlier than that then it will be a surprise you know?

well i do not think potty training leo is going to be easy at all anymore! i am sort of easing him into it over the next couple of months, he seems to be really really scared of having a poo and a wee, he holds his poo in - not for long but still - so lately ihave been leaving his nappy off and getting him to tell me when he needs a wee/poo and asking him if he wants a nappy or to try on the big boy daddy potty. no pressure. well about an hour ago dh was talking to me and you know how distracting dh's can be leo was going a bah a bah - which ishis word for nappy ie he was telling me he needs to do a wee/poo - and what with dh talking i just did not realise what leo was trying to tell me, he couldnt get a nappy out of the bag himself like he normally can - he even puts his pull up ones on himself half the time - andi literally caught the look of panic on his face as he ran over to me weeing. i of course was going wow you clever boy look daddy leo is doing a wee wee like a big boy daddy boy with his winky out wow! but no didnt work leo went absolutely balistic, it took him an hour to calm down everytime i bought it up to say mummy thinks you are clever for doing a wee wee like daddy did you see it! he would get violent and go off on one again

i have made him less scared of poos he now likes to do one so he can look at it lol but wees, maybe its because if you are desperate you just cant stop yourself whereas with a poo poo you can . . . dunno but man did i feel guilty that i didnt get there in time to make him not panic. . . once i got there with a towel and convinced him to wee wee on the towel and thought we were making progress but now . . . hmm
oh god ozzie i hate hate hate that people give parenting advice when it hasnt been asked for when they have kids let alone when they do not

i wouldnt give advice on dunno puppies as i dont have a clue what to do with them! so why would anyone give advice on babies when they dont have them? especially as babies can vary so much in what they do and do not like and require . . . weirdo! if she wanted to bond with you she should have said oh he is cute tell me about him then shut the hell up!

i am so mad for you that your dh let her hold him! if youhad decided that she was ok then you may have done it but as you were not keen plus it was done on the sneaky it is even more annoying
Ozzie that's even worse she doesn't have kids!!

Kate bless Leo he'll get there! I just let Caden tell me when he was ready to use the toilet as I was totally clueless actually my plan was to leave him til Caleb came but he decided himself lol! It must be strange for them to go from having a nappy on to having pants or nothing on then feeling wee running down your leg!

I'm sat in the kids indoor soft play,Caleb has just been sick on me and it was alot so had to change him but I stink of sick lol he's now asleep and I need a wee

im just going to keep him with his nappy off, its more than hot enough, even if he doesnt go in the potty and i have to keep wiping up mess i dont mind, sounds horrible but i think if i just keep letting him have accidents he will get used to seeing the wee wee come out and get used to the sensations etc, he is such a sensitive little thing my brother was the same he was physically ready to train for ages but he was just so sensitive about it!
sorry nomore i nearly wet my self at that poor kid, abby has had a few changing table accidents then i panic trying to saveher clothes lol.

Well Abby has gone from tummy time is for napping or screaming to push ups yikes.

Ozzie block your ears to my next comment but seen as DH is being a dick you might like it.
Bloody Tesco Direct consider thebouncy thing not a toy WTF? I some how need to seeif madly knows who she or her hubby spoke to to get that discount. OK abbby is on her play mat and hasmoved sideways bleeding heck.

PB I see your dilema 12.5k is alot more than half my salary so yup I'd stay home or do agency work. I am yet tofind out if my job is safe grrrr
Still no results.:wacko:
After ringing the place that did the mri,they confirmed they faxed it this morning.Wasn't at docs office,so rang them back and they faxed it again.
Been hounding the docs all afternoon,the results are there,but secretary won't tell me anything over phone.She said doc has still 3 more patients to see today,but will prob ring me before she goes home.
My nerves are shot!!!just really hoping doc doesn't just head off for the wk end without ringing me:nope::nope::nope:
aw i hate hate hate waiting for test results like that! round here it is no news is good news so you wait around for like 2 weeks and then panic thinking erm what if i have missed their call! or the postman has lost your letter for an appointment in thepost of something! grrr hate it!

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