i havent had headaches or things but i struggled the first time i tried this diet. only lasted 5days (lost 6lbs)
there is good reasons behind it. things low in fat are made up with carbs which are difficult to burn.
yeah just a tuna or ham salad. can have a bacon and egg omlette. chix salad, something like that.
i didnt eat properly before so i found it quite easy. was only really eating one meal a day.
can make chilli with extra veg in for dinner with no rice. or a bolognase
home made burgers, chicken, fish and veg.
it is a bit repetitive but im only doing it as a short term thing.
after the first week you can add in other things but im not doing that.
once you reach your goal weight you then add carbs back in slowly until you start to gain weight again, you then know how much your body can tolerate.
my weightloss will slow down now and i know that but still got to push myself.
its my brothers birthday today so im having a cheat day but will try not to eat too much.
and then i will be really strict with myself again till next friday.
i feel so much better though. bread and pasta and things are so bloating and thats all gone.
i drink lots of water and take vitamins as well