Moving on in the journey from ttc

Mariah - yes, definitely a big celebration for your upcoming V-day! V-day is still early for a baby to come but it does take a lot of the pressure off. What I like best about V-day is it gives you that extra hope because there is a chance for a fight should anything go wrong.

I don't have many bump photos. I do wish I had more candid shots of myself while pregnant...or ever...but I'm the one behind the camera. DH never thinks to take photos unless I ask. I don't mind the lack of bump photos though. I get all puffy and fat in pregnancy and don't want to be reminded of that! :oops:

And I guess I'm one of those who finds pregnancy over-romanticized and definitely over-commercialized. I find it's gotten into the silly realm that wedding planning has trekked into long ago. There's just too much pressure to have the perfect pregnancy. I once saw a book in the store called "How to be a Yummy Mummy". I'd rather focus on getting my baby to term, thanks! :dohh:

Pregnancy is the means to an end for me. I love babies and having babies so I must be pregnant to get there and, yes, it is worth the sacrifice of 9 months. I wouldn't make it through without a site like this where I can vent and whine.:hugs:

And for the record, I HATED wedding planning. I wanted a barbeque in the backyard but my mom said no. :wedding::laugh2:
Hehe those are good points Starry. I thought I was excited about wedding planning...until I had to do it. Um nope wasn't fun for long. :p
I remember my sister bought me a wedding planning book/binder as an engagement present and as I flipped through the pages I began to cry. I was never one to imagine what I wanted in my wedding. All I knew was who would be my maid of honour (my BFF since we were babies), that I wanted to wear a white dress of some kind and that I wanted there to be a groom. ;) After that, my mom and sister pretty much took over. I did most of the grunt work and made final decisions but they had to steer me in the right direction. I was having a winter wedding so looked up info on what was appropriate for decor, colours, etc, and went with that. I even let DH decide the final colour for the bridesmaids. The groomsmen had matching vests. We went with a dark forest green. :)

I'm planning on making a scrapbook for my baby's first two years of life (did the same for DS) and it would be nice to have one page dedicated to the pregnancy. So my "bloat bump" photo of 8 weeks and my final 37 week bump photo should be fine along with a photo of my pregnancy stick. I didn't have a pregnancy page for DS' book but that pregnancy was really scary and bad and I've blocked most memories of that time. I honestly found it harder emotionally than my first miscarriage. I do have a page with our wedding photo and a photo of my positive pregnancy test.
Woke up with no symptoms this morning. Boobs don't hurt etc. I'm so scared!

Being pregnant after a loss is so scary, isn't it? When is your next appointment? Is there any way you could get some reassurance?

I will say that this pregnancy I have not really had sore boobs. They only got really achey during second tri and even then not consistently. And the only consistent symptom I got in first tri was nausea and that didn't hit until 7 weeks. Before that everything was on and off. I was an absolute basket case! So I totally understand the fear. But it doesn't necessarily mean it's over.

Hoping for the best. :hugs:
Thank you :)
It's one of the scariest things I've ever been through.

Yesterday was the dreaded milestone. I thought I'd feel relieved today!

I think I feel sick but I'm not sure if it's pregnancy or worry!

I have my scan in 6 days at 6+3.
Try to hang in there. And you never know, maybe the symptoms will wallop you hard later in the day. ;) In the meantime, try to distract yourself and not give up. It ain't over till it's over. Your scan is coming soon (though not soon enough, I bet).
We are off to a toddler group this morning so that should keep me busy!
Definitely! :)

afm - think I'm going to have to bow out of all the May groups I'm a part of now. I'm due at the end of the month so I knew most of them would be having their babies before me but even the ones due at the same time as me are all announcing their doctors are inducing them early or how their waters broke or are (x) cm dilated already. How am I the only person who is not going into labour early and had a doctor who wants to go the natural route so no induction until 42 weeks??? Why is everyone else's doctors so induction-happy?

I'm at the point where I am no longer happy for the others. I'm just sad and discouraged by the updates now so it's best I stay away. I've even seen June girls giving baby updates. I really am depressed these days and it's tainting my whole outlook on life. I need to focus on other things for awhile. Doesn't help I had more false labour last night. It can get quite painful. I was even getting nauseous from it. But it still fizzled to nothing.
bb I am praying for sticky sticky sticky! My symptoms were different this time too, and it really shook me up. I think I posted about that on fb, though I'm not totally sure , but I don't want to sound like a broken record.

Sorry you're feeling so down, Starry. I don't think induction-happy is really a good thing. That is weird about everyone going early. Hopefully that false labor served to get you that much closer to the real deal. <3
Oh Starry I remember that feeling.

There were two of my friends due after me and both were induced at 37 weeks one due to blood pressure and the other due to that condition of the liver you can get when pregnant.

Obviously I wasn't envious of the reasons but when I was still sat there at 40+6 I felt like crying!!

The last part of pregnancy is so uncomfortable and frustrating. You feel like you've done your time lol.

I hope she comes soon for you.

Brunette - *hugs* It's never easy being pregnant after a loss. I worry about every little thing and I'm 26 weeks now but still terrified of not bringing home a baby. I totally get the fear x
Had my internal today and cervix is still high and closed. Phooey. OB assured me it can change overnight and I do know that. Same thing happened with DS and I didn't make the next appointment. We'll see.
I've missed so much convo in these 2 days I see lol...

BB- I know exactly how you feel. Being pregnant after a loss is SOOOOOOO SCARY. I tried to set little milestones and THATS IT. I didn't even consider planning anything (baby shower) until I hit 24wks. I won't even plan for any of that until I miss the viability stage. So just take it one day at a time...ANDDD OMG this pregnancy sounds just like yours. I was barely nauseous or sore boobs. I was convinced at my 12wk scan I suffered a MMC but all was well...

Starry- I can't imagine how u feel. I wish I was in your position haha lol but I know that's easier said than done. I've heard that the last month or two are so miserable and uncomfortable. I will be thankful to get that far but I'm soooooo dreading it because my 3rd trimester is the entire summer *Shoot me* lol...I know soon enough your lil girl will be here!!! *HUGS*

Unexpected- how have you been?
Don't get me wrong. I'm super grateful to make it term again and I would never have wanted a preterm baby. But there's nothing wrong with wanting a 38 weeker vs a 42 weeker, is there? When there is no longer any danger to baby, it feels pointless to suffer carrying it. When it's still not safe for baby to come then all the aches and pains and mood swings are worth it.

Mariahsmom - my DS was born in July and yeah, being big and pregnant is tough in the summer. Use it as an excuse to relax in the shade or wherever there is air-conditioning and flip-flops are your best friend. Speaking of best friends, get one of your friends to paint your toe nails if you're having trouble bending over. My DH's cousin painted my nails for me when I was pregnant with DS and it helped make me feel less self-concious of my swollen feet.
Baby is term at 37 weeks and full term at 40. I am more than happy for this little girl to arrive any time after 37 weeks but not before then lol. There is nothing wrong with wanting them to come. Pregnancy is hard work and uncomfortable!

With my son I spent a lot of my pregnancy scared of pre term labour but once I got to 37 weeks I was like 'Ok you can come out now!' not expecting to still be waiting at 41 weeks lol.

Mariahs Mom - I'm good thank you. Not much to report really lol. Just been busy with work, looking after my lil boy etc. My little lady is a livewire and never stops moving and I've only got 4 weeks left of work so I'm excited about that. Am finishing at 31 weeks and having 13 months off. Can't wait!

How are you hun? SO close to V day I see :) Hows wedding planning and everything coming along?
Brunette, how are you doing?

Starry, hope things move along for you soon. :)

Mariah, hope you're doing well.

Unexpected, glad you're doing well.

AFM, been home this week to try to pick up my house, but ughhhh I think I needed to take a month off rather than a week. :dohh: Today not much if anything is getting done b/c it's DH's birthday.

Yesterday I woke up with a belly. There was a little before, but seriously it felt like it happened overnight. When I'm just standing and looking in the mirror, I think it looks a little bigger than when I'm trying to take a picture though. And I can really feel it when I'm sitting down.
Aw, I can't see the photo but I'm sure it's a lovely bump!

afm - it's the one year anniversary of my d&c today. And Saturday I should be having a one year old. Next Saturday is the four year anniversary of our first miscarriage. So feeling a little blue. I miss my babies.
Darn, they said that in another thread too. Not sure how I can fix it though b/c I can see it fine. :shrug: I uploaded the same pic to my blog (link in siggy), and I think it's working ok there.

Starry, so sorry about the hard milestones. <3 :hugs:
O starry I'm sorry :hugs:

Eye you've definitely popped! Looking good :)

AFM - I'm doing good. Had a scary day yesterday, was in absolute agony. I was terrified. I saw my Doctor who examined me and turns out I'm constipated pretty bad! She's given me some stuff to help. Nausea has begun too, mainly just in the morning. It's currently 5am and I'm laid in bed fighting the urge to be sick!
Being sick is no fun. :( I hope the signs give you reassurance though. I found drinking prune juice was the best for constipation. But I had to water mine down because everything made me want to hurl.

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