Moving on in the journey from ttc

I loved breastfeeding. I did it exclusively until 18months. I'm happy to help anyone wherever I can :) I'm not claiming to be a pro but I have experience!
I will be greatful for your lovely ladies experience when she's born I'm sure!
Left - at least you've been enjoying it. I hated it so I had no will power to fight through our intital problems. Other than that, I'm not of much help. I just don't see the big deal about bottle feeding other than the cost and annoyance of having to drag bottles and coolers and ice packs along everywhere. It would be nice to just take my boobs and go. But unless it goes easily for me this time I'll probably just switch to formula right away again. With DS bonding was much easier during bottle feeds as I could focus on making eye contact and singing and cooing to him rather than trying to keep him awake and forcing him to latch.

So yeah, no clue how to lead a horse to water AND making it drink. lol I have noticed that babies tend to get fussy when a routine is broken but they tend to get back on track after a few days. For us it was in regards to sleeping but I'm sure it could apply to BFing as well. So yeah, just stick to your guns and I'm sure he'll go back since there was a routine beforehand.
Starry I don't think there is a big deal either but I have found bf so handy especially in the middle of the night !! Ill try keep going for a few more days and see how we go . Today he has had 3 ff as refused to bf . My issue is keeping my supply during this as I get no joy with pumping at all ! So I'm thinking my milk will just dry up soon anyhow if he is not feeding . Brunette wow 18 months that is an achievement . What are your words of wisdom for me ??
Oooooh remembered you already told me to knock the bottles on the head !!!! But will he not be starving ?? Ill try it tommrow ............... Well ill try anyway
Just offer more boob.

No words of wisdom I'm afraid. Just stick with it. I promise it gets easier!
Starry, glad you had a better day than expected yesterday. :hugs: I find that the anticipation of those days can sometimes be harder than the day itself. Glad you had some welcome distractions. Next time your daughter will be able to go with you outside of your belly. <3

That would be really special if your DD came on the 31st. Have you been trying anything to bring on labor? Not necessarily dancing. ;)

bb, sorry you're feeling lousy, but glad things seem to be going well baby-wise. I agree sometimes you just gotta eat what you feel like you can eat. I was a pretty healthy eater when I was pg with DD, and I'm generally a pretty healthy eater anyway. But since I've been pg this time around, I can't say the same! Wish I could stomach the good stuff, but sometimes I didn't even want to think about it. Anyway, I hope you're feeling better soon.

Left, so sorry for the BFing frustrations. I can try to help any ladies with BFing stuff too, best I can. Like bb, I can't claim to be an expert, but I nursed my DD for almost 24 mos, and I had to pump at work from 6 weeks on, so I overcame a few things. I was lucky in that we didn't really run into trouble going back and forth from bottle to boob, but we had some other ups and downs. How old is your LO again now? Maybe he's frustrated b/c he has to wait for letdown at the boob, but not with the bottle. Maybe try stimulating your nipples (either by hand or with the pump) to get a letdown first, then offer the boob to nurse? Or consider buying slower flow nipples if it comes to it. I think eliminating bottles for a bit might help, if it's an option. Obviously you don't want him to starve, but it may be worth a try. You're a great mommy, hang in there. <3
Thanks guys , tonight I had the SUPRISE return of AF !! Ah ha I have read it can temporarily decrease milk supply and alter the taste of bm making some babies fuss . Maybe this is a reason ??? Quite surprised to see her wasn't expecting her just yet lol....

On the other handi get to chart again :) ( I really enjoyed it when I did it ) annnnd It makes it more real that there is a possibility of trying for a brother or sister for Sean :)
Yeeeeep I think you may have your culprit there. In which case, I think it'll get better soon. :thumbup:
Left - I hope that is all that it was. Hopefully, Sean will go happily back onto the boob soon. It's not really fun weaning before you were wanting to.

brunette - sorry that you're feeling lousy but it is encouraging you're getting such strong signs. Hopefully, it won't last too long though. And don't worry too much about what you're eating. I found munching really helped with my nausea but I just could not stomach veggies. Like, at all! Sometimes I could get a few strawberries down but the only real foods I could get down were the starchy ones. Mashed potatoes was the food of the gods for awhile. lol At the moment you need the calories to keep you strong. Experiment with the healthy foods you can handle. Otherwise just focus on what you can keep down.

afm - feeling really hyper and "wired" this evening. It's making me hopeful something will happen soon. I got really hyper and weird the night before DS was born. I mean, with DS I was having other signs days before and this time I've only had a very heavy feeling and downward pressure but no cramps or plug or anything. I may be clutching at straws but this sudden burst of energy and alertness after weeks of sluggishness and mental lethargy has me hoping it's body getting ready for labour!
Sorry ladies I have no experience with breast feeding. I'm sure I will be turning to you guys when my turn is here!!!

Starry it would be AMAZING if your little one was born on the 31st. It's like the universe correcting itself but if it doesn't happen that ok as well. Life is so unpredictable and I've learned let go & let what will be, BE. It has made my life a lot easier. Our rainbow baby is due exactly a week from the anniversary of our angel Mariahs passing date. WHAT ARE THE CHANCE?!?! Sept 8th was probably the hardest day of my life but now it can possibly be one of the joyous days of my life :)

BB I'm so glad that your symptoms are providing comfortable. I think pregnancy is the only time ppl pray for sickness haha...I'm confident we are carrying out rainbow babies :)
Hey girls...I have an appt today and I am so scared. Idk why I'm so scared but I am. I just want the appt to go well and the doctor to tell me "Everything looks great. See you back here in 4 weeks". I know my baby is "viable" but I just don't want her to come this early. I still haven't announced my pregnancy on social media or gathered ppls information for my baby shower. If this appt goes well I will relax and get things rolling.

DH told me that after this pregnancy he wants to take a 4yr break from TTC and I couldn't agree more. We have been nervous wrecks because of our history. I just need a break. I just want to exhale and hold my healthy baby girl...3.5hrs until the appt PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, go well!!!!
Keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you. I'm sure everything will be fine.

I can completely understand the 4 year break after what you've been through.
Mariah - good luck with your appointment. I am sure things will be fine. And I understand the need for a break. TTC can be so stressful and it would be lovely to simply enjoy your rainbow's early years without that distraction on top of everything.

afm - still pregnant! ha ha (*sobs*) Just trying to pass the time and enjoy the fact summer has finally arrived. It was such a long winter. Though it seems we have completely skipped over spring.
Mariahs Mom - Fingers crossed all is ok at your appointment i'm sure it will be xx
Starry, aw, I wondered how you were doing. :flower:

I agree, Mariahs Mom, I'm feeling confident for you. Please let us know how it went when you can.

AFM, had my 16 week appt yesterday. Heard the heartbeat which is always wonderful. Dr was happy I finally gained a few lbs. BIG u/s is scheduled for June 16, and I can hardly wait.
How exciting. Are you finding out the sex?

AFM - I feel so so ill. I know I wanted to get MS and I'm thankful I have but I don't think I've ever felt so bad. I've only been sick 3 times this morning but the nausea is awful. It gradually gets worse through the day. I'm fighting the urge to cry because I feel so bad.

I have this minging taste in my mouth after managing to eat, that seems to make me feel worse. Any idea on getting rid of the taste please?
I only felt OK while I was munching so I munched almost all day. I couldn't even stomach water. If I diluted a bit of apple juice in there I found it was OK so I would sip at that. But otherwise I was wreck. I could barely lift my head before becoming sick. Light made me sick. I spent a lot of time lying on the couch with a cool cloth draped over my eyes. It was a long first tri. Brushing my teeth did help with the taste. One tip I read on this site to prevent gagging is to put your hand under running water as you brush. That really, really worked.

eyemom - so exciting that your scan is booked!! Not much longer and you can see your little one!
Hi everyone :) baby Hannah is still making her mammy wait is see;) mariah hope the appointment went well for you and you can take a few more deep breaths :)
Eye 16 weeks almost half way ........ How did that happen ?????

Brunette you poor thing :( there really is nothing worse , I just felt uck and I found freezing cold things took the sick feeling and the taste away while I was eating them so lots of sucking ice lollys , ice cubes , ice cream for me ...... But it is awful I know its a gret sign but that doesn't help when ya have it !!! And sleep ...... As much as you can xxx
Yes, sleep! I rested as much as possible. It was the only relief. Thankfully, I have a DS who was good at playing on his own and I let him watch lots of cartoons and movies....much more than I normally do. He would play beside me on the floor or watch TV and sit at my feet on the couch. I wouldn't have survived if I had tried to chase him around. He's back to his regular routine so those short weeks of lots of TV haven't done permanent damage.

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