Starry, glad you had a better day than expected yesterday.

I find that the anticipation of those days can sometimes be harder than the day itself. Glad you had some welcome distractions. Next time your daughter will be able to go with you outside of your belly.
That would be really special if your DD came on the 31st. Have you been trying anything to bring on labor? Not necessarily dancing.
bb, sorry you're feeling lousy, but glad things seem to be going well baby-wise. I agree sometimes you just gotta eat what you feel like you can eat. I was a pretty healthy eater when I was pg with DD, and I'm generally a pretty healthy eater anyway. But since I've been pg this time around, I can't say the same! Wish I could stomach the good stuff, but sometimes I didn't even want to think about it. Anyway, I hope you're feeling better soon.
Left, so sorry for the BFing frustrations. I can try to help any ladies with BFing stuff too, best I can. Like bb, I can't claim to be an expert, but I nursed my DD for almost 24 mos, and I had to pump at work from 6 weeks on, so I overcame a few things. I was lucky in that we didn't really run into trouble going back and forth from bottle to boob, but we had some other ups and downs. How old is your LO again now? Maybe he's frustrated b/c he has to wait for letdown at the boob, but not with the bottle. Maybe try stimulating your nipples (either by hand or with the pump) to get a letdown first, then offer the boob to nurse? Or consider buying slower flow nipples if it comes to it. I think eliminating bottles for a bit might help, if it's an option. Obviously you don't want him to starve, but it may be worth a try. You're a great mommy, hang in there.