Moving on in the journey from ttc

Mariahs Mom - So excited your so closed to V Day!!!! How are you feeling?

Eyemom - So pleased to hear your in second trimester!

Starry - Sorry to hear your feeling down and hormonal. It's not easy being pregnant especially heavily pregnant xx

Brunette- I'm glad you have an answer for your losses but I know it must be hard to come to terms with a condition

Hey unexpected...YES VDay is right around the corner. I promised DH and my sister that starting Friday I WILL TAKE IT EASY. (They ganged up on me haha) I will be 23wks Friday, 1 wk shy of VDAy, so I will put myself on bed rest! I'm so excited but so nervous at the same time....

How are you? Has the UTI resolved itself?
I'm 25 weeks tommorow I wish I could fast forward and just have her in my arms. I find it too stressful worrying.

Yeah UTI is gone, feeling good, no more leaking lol which is good cos i kept panicking about it being waters.

So happy for you xx
Continue to take it easy, Mariahsmom!

Glad the uti is resolved, Unexpected!

afm - feeling a little better today but now DS is having a down day. Woke up crying which is so unlike him. I have already had to give loads of cuddles. Whenever he cries my baby kicks up a fuss. She only does it for him (DS would kick whenever any child laughed or cried while I was pregnant with him). I think she's a big fan of her big brother already. ha ha
Mariahs Mom - yay for taking it easy! :thumbup: Do you think you'll be much of a nester? Sadly I never really had that with DD...could have used the productivity myself. :haha: But yeh it's hard working then coming home...even if I had the urge to do stuff, I didn't have the energy for it. Anyway, that's great to have family looking out for you. :) I really believe things are going to go well for you.

Unexpected, glad you're feeling better and the UTI is gone.

Starry, glad you're feeling better. Aw, bless your poor DS. That's sweet though how your DD reacts to him in your tummy. I'm sure he'll be a great big brother, and she'll grow up adoring him.

My morning started out awesome b/c it was the first time in I don't know how long that I actually slept through the night uninterrupted...didn't wake up needing to pee or anything. But then it quickly went downhill with just little stressful things that somehow add up. For one.... DD is excited about the new baby, but she's been super clingy, too. So I know it's affecting her. She's fine as long as we're snuggling or playing, but beyond that, she's way more emotional about things than usual. (It may also be in part due to being a "threenager," but I don't think that's all there is to it.) She's begging me to stay home and not work as many days. And I'd like nothing more than to be able to do that. :cry: Ughhhh she doesn't know I already have mama guilt before she even says anything.
Hello ladies!!
I do pop on to read how you are all getting on. So happy everything is going so well for you all!! ❤️ Makes my heart happy.
Had the weirdest thing last week. My period came as expected spotted for the first day, heavy the second and then woke up the next day and nothing!! Was completely gone. Then today and yesterday the sorest boobs imaginable!! Ouchhhhh. My mums nagging at me constant that she's got a feeling I am pregnant lol. I'm like stop this do NOT get me excited. But needed someone else to talk to, the OH gets sad whenever we think we might be and ends up as a neg, so don't want to stress him out, especially considering the 6 month anniversary of his dads death is fast approaching :(

Soooo, how long do you all have left. Time seems to be flying by so fast :( xx
Mariah - yea for closing in on v day!

Eye- 14 weeks already! The second trimester is another great milestone gore pregnancy, I felt better reaching that point!

Afm- today was the first day back at was harder than imagined leaving Talon at daycare... I cried all the way to work :( I eased in with only a half day today, but tomorrow will be a full day, not looking toward to it!
Mariahs Mom - yay for taking it easy! :thumbup: Do you think you'll be much of a nester? Sadly I never really had that with DD...could have used the productivity myself. :haha: But yeh it's hard working then coming home...even if I had the urge to do stuff, I didn't have the energy for it. Anyway, that's great to have family looking out for you. :) I really believe things are going to go well for you.

Unexpected, glad you're feeling better and the UTI is gone.

Starry, glad you're feeling better. Aw, bless your poor DS. That's sweet though how your DD reacts to him in your tummy. I'm sure he'll be a great big brother, and she'll grow up adoring him.

My morning started out awesome b/c it was the first time in I don't know how long that I actually slept through the night uninterrupted...didn't wake up needing to pee or anything. But then it quickly went downhill with just little stressful things that somehow add up. For one.... DD is excited about the new baby, but she's been super clingy, too. So I know it's affecting her. She's fine as long as we're snuggling or playing, but beyond that, she's way more emotional about things than usual. (It may also be in part due to being a "threenager," but I don't think that's all there is to it.) She's begging me to stay home and not work as many days. And I'd like nothing more than to be able to do that. :cry: Ughhhh she doesn't know I already have mama guilt before she even says anything.

Eyemom- It's funny that u have mentioned nesting, I've actually started today lol. I am a week away from Vday and I'm hoping that it's not bad luck :wacko: I have a little energy so I figured I would get a little done today...maybe you will be a nester this time around!

And awwwwwwww I know that your daughter would like to spend more time with u, but it sounds like you're doing the best you can. She knows that :hugs: I'm sure you will find the balance. I hope I do lol
Hello ladies!!
I do pop on to read how you are all getting on. So happy everything is going so well for you all!! ❤️ Makes my heart happy.
Had the weirdest thing last week. My period came as expected spotted for the first day, heavy the second and then woke up the next day and nothing!! Was completely gone. Then today and yesterday the sorest boobs imaginable!! Ouchhhhh. My mums nagging at me constant that she's got a feeling I am pregnant lol. I'm like stop this do NOT get me excited. But needed someone else to talk to, the OH gets sad whenever we think we might be and ends up as a neg, so don't want to stress him out, especially considering the 6 month anniversary of his dads death is fast approaching :(

Soooo, how long do you all have left. Time seems to be flying by so fast :( xx

OMG hey LittleOne, long time no are you?

Honestly, the same thing happened to me the cycle before I became pregnant with this one. I honestly thought I was pregnant. DH was the same way whenever we received a negative test while TTC. I really hope you guys fall pregnant soon.
little one - sometimes our cycles go off with stress. If you continue to spot or your pregnant symptoms increase it might be worth taking a test even if to keep yourself from wondering "what if" too long. I wouldn't say anything to your dh if he is that stressed and upset unless it comes out positive, of course.

eyemom - "threenager", LOL I love it! Never heard of it put that way. I've always heard "the terrifying threes". DS isn't quite 3 yet but he's heading into that phase already. He hit his "terrible twos" quite early so not shocking this phase is coming early too. He has been very sensitive lately and his feelings are easily hurt. Lots of snuggles and reassurances that mommy and daddy love him no matter what have been in order. But he has been clingy ever since I started getting big and the idea of a baby finally dawned on him.

Tricia - aw, today was a hard day but in a few days I'm sure both of you will be used to your new routine. He knows his mommy loves him.

mariah - I think nesting comes and goes. I got it really bad the first few weeks of my current pregnancy but have only had it in spurts since then. I don't remember getting it too often with DS.
I am really well thanks Hun, keeping busy with work and studying and having my DD who has hit the terrible twos early!!! Eeeek. Been so clingy to me the past couple of days and super jealous, very unlike her she is normally very relaxed and calm.
Starry looks like we are both suffering with the early trouble from our darling children ;) it's quite fun somedays though!

The tantrums can be unbelievable. I'm not putting any pressure on myself to test or hope I am pregnant as we aren't TTC but will wait until the weekend and grab a test then. Then if it is a BFP then my partner will be here, I don't plan on saying anything. I have you girls & my mum to share with. He needs to have a peaceful mind and doesn't need to be worrying about me.

Sorry I have been away so long, was a little tough when we made the decision not to actively try. And the original thread just isn't the same without you all popping by anymore. X
Thankfully, my son is a very congenial child so the tantrums haven't been severe. We already went through a bit of that a month ago. Now it's the tears. It's like his whole world is falling apart and he doesn't know how to cope. Poor guy.

And yeah, it's weird not going back to the old thread anymore but it was getting very full of pregnant ladies so I know that would be painful to those long term TTC. I remember dropping out of TTC threads as they filled up with pregnant ladies.
I agree about the other thread. Not the same anymore.

I have a threenager at home too. He has started calling me chick :rofl: "Chick please can I have a drink?" "Chick quick look" "When's Daddy home Chick?" I asked him why he was calling me it and he said because Daddy does. He is hilarious. Everyone has been in stitches listening to him!

Kids. Love 'em.

My 6 year old nephew completely forgot I was pregnant so the other week when I was talking about it over Skype he acted all shocked and then said, "well, it only matters if it's a boy". I had to reply "sorry to disappoint you, but it's a girl".

"What? Another one?? Ugh!" (he just got his second little sister a few months back)

This is the same kid who had wanted us to name our son Star Ghost as his full name. And was quite disappointed when he found out we didn't use his suggestion.

Hi Little_one, nice to see you. :) I hate wacky cycles that leave you wondering about things. Hope everything is going well for you.

Tricia! Yeah! I'm so happy to be 2nd tri! I'm ready to start feeling better now, haha. I just keep telling myself, at least I'm not puking. But part of me wonders if it would be better to puke b/c then it's over. The whole not sleeping thing kinda stays with you all day. It does seem that the good days are gradually outnumbering the harder days though. Fingers crossed I'll be feeling better/having more energy soon.

Going back to work is so so hard. :( I think I cried too. :( You'll settle in, but sometimes it's just hard no matter what. I think maybe harder on mama than the LOs a lot of the time. Let us know how first full day back goes/went.

Mariahs Mom...haha aw, I actually think nesting can happen anytime. I HOPE I'm a nester this time around. I took next week off work to work on my train wreck of a house. :dohh: So maybe that's like forced nesting.

Thanks for the kind words. <3 I know she'll understand someday, but right now the things she says breaks my heart...and I want nothing more than to be there with her all the time! But she knows she is loved, that's one thing for sure.

Starry, hehe, I can't take credit for the "threenager" thing. I saw it on facebook just recently (spoilered for size):


My DD doesn't have out and out tantrums, either. But she is quite verbal and will make her opinions known, and sometimes loudly. Today, I didn't look at something she wanted to show me at my mom's house after she asked me a few times, and she finally said, "I'm losing my patience!!!!" LOL ummm I wonder where she's heard that? LOL.

lolol Star Ghost. You mean you didn't go for that??? I was 4 when my mom was pregnant with my brother, and they say I was adamant that they name him Kip. I don't even know where I heard that name.

bb, lol about him calling you "Chick." DD calls my DH, "Peeeeete!!!!" if she can't get his attention with just Daddy. Or if I call for him, she calls for him the same way. He's like hey I'm Daddy to you. But Chick is just too cute, haha.
Nice to read all your updates ladies :)

Little One! Lovely to see you here :) How odd about the period...are you going to test? x
Starry, I saw your pic on fb after someone commented on it (sorry I already forgot who!) and I agree you look fantastic. :D
Random but felt like sharing somewhere. DD has accurately predicted the sex of our friend's new baby (due a couple of weeks before ours, so late October). So if she goes 2 for 2, we'll be having another girl. ;-)
It will be interesting to see how your DD's crystal ball is working! ha ha Now you just need to ask her for name suggestions. We tried to get some from DS but he's not really talking yet. He's probably going to need speech therapy but that's a whole 'nother ball o' wax.

In constant physical pain these days. It's still 2 weeks until due date and really trying not to think about how it could be another 2 weeks (so 4 weeks total) before baby arrives. Not sure I could convince my OB to let me be induced early either.

And so dang hormonal! Also really losing it because my mom is supposed to come help with the baby and since she works she needs to take time off ahead of time. She was going to come on the 7th of June to give me some time to go over and need a hospital stay. It's what she did last time and it worked fine. But now my dad wants to come for a bit too and won't let my mom book a flight nor will he commit to any sort of plans. He's even now talking about going to a wedding over dates that my mom SHOULD be here. Whenever I remind him he says "well, you still haven't told me what date the baby is coming". Like I have any say!!!! If I did she would be here already!!!! Yeesh! My dad is bit of an anal control freak though. DH and I will be OK if baby arrives before my parents get here. The ladies in our church will be making us meals and we know how to keep a baby alive....
Random but felt like sharing somewhere. DD has accurately predicted the sex of our friend's new baby (due a couple of weeks before ours, so late October). So if she goes 2 for 2, we'll be having another girl. ;-)

Oh wow that's pretty cool...she's very in tune with what's going on around her. It's like a sixth sense lol
It will be interesting to see how your DD's crystal ball is working! ha ha Now you just need to ask her for name suggestions. We tried to get some from DS but he's not really talking yet. He's probably going to need speech therapy but that's a whole 'nother ball o' wax.

In constant physical pain these days. It's still 2 weeks until due date and really trying not to think about how it could be another 2 weeks (so 4 weeks total) before baby arrives. Not sure I could convince my OB to let me be induced early either.

And so dang hormonal! Also really losing it because my mom is supposed to come help with the baby and since she works she needs to take time off ahead of time. She was going to come on the 7th of June to give me some time to go over and need a hospital stay. It's what she did last time and it worked fine. But now my dad wants to come for a bit too and won't let my mom book a flight nor will he commit to any sort of plans. He's even now talking about going to a wedding over dates that my mom SHOULD be here. Whenever I remind him he says "well, you still haven't told me what date the baby is coming". Like I have any say!!!! If I did she would be here already!!!! Yeesh! My dad is bit of an anal control freak though. DH and I will be OK if baby arrives before my parents get here. The ladies in our church will be making us meals and we know how to keep a baby alive....

Awww Starry :hugs::hugs: Sounds like a lot on your plate. My cousin is a month ahead of me and she is experiencing the same pain. It hurts for her to walk or ANYTHING. It's sad because she's only 7mos...I really hope your baby comes soon so you can be pain free!!!!

As far as your parents, ugh! Sounds very frustrating. I really hope everything works out the way you are planning it to. That's just added stress you don't need.

Have you completed the nursery?

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