Hi Little_one, nice to see you.

I hate wacky cycles that leave you wondering about things. Hope everything is going well for you.
Tricia! Yeah! I'm so happy to be 2nd tri! I'm ready to start feeling better now, haha. I just keep telling myself, at least I'm not puking. But part of me wonders if it would be better to puke b/c then it's over. The whole not sleeping thing kinda stays with you all day. It does seem that the good days are gradually outnumbering the harder days though. Fingers crossed I'll be feeling better/having more energy soon.
Going back to work is so so hard.

I think I cried too.

You'll settle in, but sometimes it's just hard no matter what. I think maybe harder on mama than the LOs a lot of the time. Let us know how first full day back goes/went.
Mariahs Mom...haha aw, I actually think nesting can happen anytime. I HOPE I'm a nester this time around. I took next week off work to work on my train wreck of a house.

So maybe that's like forced nesting.
Thanks for the kind words.

I know she'll understand someday, but right now the things she says breaks my heart...and I want nothing more than to be there with her all the time! But she knows she is loved, that's one thing for sure.
Starry, hehe, I can't take credit for the "threenager" thing. I saw it on facebook just recently (spoilered for size):
My DD doesn't have out and out tantrums, either. But she is quite verbal and will make her opinions known, and sometimes loudly. Today, I didn't look at something she wanted to show me at my mom's house after she asked me a few times, and she finally said, "I'm losing my patience!!!!" LOL ummm I wonder where she's heard that? LOL.
lolol Star Ghost. You mean you didn't go for that??? I was 4 when my mom was pregnant with my brother, and they say I was adamant that they name him Kip. I don't even know where I heard that name.
bb, lol about him calling you "Chick." DD calls my DH, "Peeeeete!!!!" if she can't get his attention with just Daddy. Or if I call for him, she calls for him the same way. He's like hey I'm Daddy to you. But Chick is just too cute, haha.