Brunette, I'm so sorry. It really sucks how losses suck the joy out of pregnancy. Praying things are fine and you can feel some peace. My breast tenderness was very come and go this pregnancy. Don't take this the wrong way, but I hope you have a big puke later to make you feel better.

Or you know...maybe something else that would make you feel better??
Starry! Yes I knew even as I've been so excited to feel would just be one more thing for me to worry about! Thanks for the reassurance.
So happy for you and baby Hannah. I didn't have the wobbly legs as much...that I remember??? But I remember I was sore in places I NEVER imagined. Apparently I use my neck muscles when I'm pushing??? LOL my neck was so sore!
Do they have you taking iron? I had to take it until my 6 week post partum visit.
Glad the BM wasn't too bad. With DD I thought I was going to tear myself a new one.

I was terrified of the bathroom for weeks. But that may well have been the iron contributing.
Glad your mom will be there soon. It'll be so great to have the help. That's awesome that she can stay so long!
You said my kids. Kids plural. How awesome is that??????