Moving on in the journey from ttc

brunette - hooray for barf. LOL I can't really give advice on how to reduce the terror. I never really figured that one out for myself either. I was bad. I would have breakdowns in front of my son and he'd either say "Mommy, OK?" or "Mommy crying!" All I can say is that our feelings don't dictate how things will turn out. So don't let the fear of something going wrong become a sign that things are going wrong. It's the best way to keep the fear to a minimum.

Also...distraction. I had to pretend to not be pregnant as much as possible (hard when you're sick all day!) Anything to look forward to that is not pregnancy-related is also good. We drove out to visit the inlaws when I was 9 1/2 weeks so that gave me something else to think about (I was very sick so the 9 hour drive was tough but I didn't actually start throwing up until 10 weeks)
Mariah - sorry to hear about your grandma. I know you said you weren't close, but it's still a hard thing, isn't it? I would still OK the travel with your doctor though. Maybe s/he could even give you a reassurance scan to make sure you have less stress as you travel.

And yeah, gas in pregnancy is terrible sometimes! I would get that too and it scared me everytime! Especially when all that pressure would bear down on my vagina.

eyemom - movement is so exciting but it's also one more thing to stress over, isn't it? I was obsessed with Hannah's movements. She could go days without hardly moving and then other days she'd moved so much I'd get motion sickness. It did take me several weeks to get any sort of regular pattern. Before that it was just random movements.

Unexpected - beautiful ultrasound pics!

afm - yes! Baby Hannah is here! I'm home now but I'm really wishing my mom was here to help already. My legs are so swollen and standing for more than 5 minutes makes them so horrible it's hard to wiggle my toes. I had forgotten about that part of recovery (had it with DS too). I already had my first BM and I thought it was going to be HORRIFIC because of my tear but it really was not bad at all.

I am having troubles with low blood pressure. It hasn't interferred too much but I was able to nap before supper and I just felt so woozy and blurred vision and disconnected I was starting to get scared. Going to the bathroom actually made me feel better.

My mom comes in 3 days and is staying for 3 weeks. It will be great to have someone cooking and cleaning and helping to prepare bottles (right now I'm combi-feeding) so I can focus on caring for my kids.

Thanks Starry...No we weren't that close but now that I'm here I'm glad that I came. She can't speak or move too much but I believe she's aware. She reached out and touched my belly and said "baby". It was a very special moment.

OMG Hannah is here!!!!!! How is she? I bet she is so frickin adorable :hugs:

My mom will be here a lot when Brooklyn is born so I know that extra help with definitely help u. Especially, since you already have a little one.

I'm so scared that I will tear. I heard it's so painful but hearing that your bm was not so bad gives me hope!

Eyemom- See I knew that little one would kick you! They are so stubborn lol. This little girl kicks all day, especially when I lie on my left side...Random, but when did u give birth to DD? I believe u said 29 wks? That's 3 weeks from now for me. How did she do in the nicu??
I think I've hit freak out stage. I woke myself up crying. I just can't shake this feeling. My boobs hardly hurt, I don't really feel sick. I am so so scared that something is going to go wrong. :cry:

Aww BB I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I felt that way EVERYDAY until I hit 24wks...UGH!!!!! Pregnancy for us isn't so beautiful as it looks on tv. It's filled with worry and fear :cry:

I'm sure your pregnancy will fly by. Just like you cheered me on, I'm here for you!!!!!!
My mom will be here a lot when Brooklyn is born so I know that extra help with definitely help u. Especially, since you already have a little one.

I'm so scared that I will tear. I heard it's so painful but hearing that your bm was not so bad gives me hope!

Eyemom- See I knew that little one would kick you! They are so stubborn lol. This little girl kicks all day, especially when I lie on my left side...Random, but when did u give birth to DD? I believe u said 29 wks? That's 3 weeks from now for me. How did she do in the nicu??

Ooohh I don't know if I've heard you say her name before now??? <3

I had some tearing. I asked my Dr how bad...thinking she'd tell me...1st degree? 2nd degree? Worse??? She just said, "not bad." And I was too wrapped up with my baby in my arms (and possibly too delirious from blood loss ehehe) to press the issue. The tearing really didn't hurt; I didn't even know it had happened until I was getting stitches (which I couldn't feel either). I did have an epidural though, and I got it basically at the 11th hour (so to speak), so it was still in full effect at that point. (Also, my bleeding was more b/c LO took out an artery on both sides on her way down, not as much from the tear afaik.) It didn't really hurt too much when healing either. Now my friend who had a 4th degree tear, she would probably tell a different story.

Yes, LO is kicking me, but it's like once every two days. I need baby to kick me moooorrreeee. :)

Sorry, that wasn't me who delivered at 29 weeks. I don't know who that was. I delivered 4 days before my EDD, and 1 day before what my scan would have predicted, but it was so close to the EDD based on LMP that they didn't change my due date. So no personal experience with NICU here. She roomed with me and left when I did.

Glad you got to go visit your grandma. Sounds like a really special time with memories you'll treasure always. <3 :hugs:
My mom will be here a lot when Brooklyn is born so I know that extra help with definitely help u. Especially, since you already have a little one.

I'm so scared that I will tear. I heard it's so painful but hearing that your bm was not so bad gives me hope!

Eyemom- See I knew that little one would kick you! They are so stubborn lol. This little girl kicks all day, especially when I lie on my left side...Random, but when did u give birth to DD? I believe u said 29 wks? That's 3 weeks from now for me. How did she do in the nicu??

Ooohh I don't know if I've heard you say her name before now??? <3

I had some tearing. I asked my Dr how bad...thinking she'd tell me...1st degree? 2nd degree? Worse??? She just said, "not bad." And I was too wrapped up with my baby in my arms (and possibly too delirious from blood loss ehehe) to press the issue. The tearing really didn't hurt; I didn't even know it had happened until I was getting stitches (which I couldn't feel either). I did have an epidural though, and I got it basically at the 11th hour (so to speak), so it was still in full effect at that point. (Also, my bleeding was more b/c LO took out an artery on both sides on her way down, not as much from the tear afaik.) It didn't really hurt too much when healing either. Now my friend who had a 4th degree tear, she would probably tell a different story.

Yes, LO is kicking me, but it's like once every two days. I need baby to kick me moooorrreeee. :)

Sorry, that wasn't me who delivered at 29 weeks. I don't know who that was. I delivered 4 days before my EDD, and 1 day before what my scan would have predicted, but it was so close to the EDD based on LMP that they didn't change my due date. So no personal experience with NICU here. She roomed with me and left when I did.

Glad you got to go visit your grandma. Sounds like a really special time with memories you'll treasure always. <3 :hugs:

YESSSS my little girl's name is Brooklyn Michelle. I can't believe I never told you ladies :hugs: I've always liked the name Brooklyn, took some convincing for DH to get on board though haha...

Ouch I hope that I have your experience with tearing! I usually have a high threshold of pain so I'm hoping that I will be fine. And I guess that was BB who delivered early?!?! I have such bad memory. Pregnancy brain is REAL. I can not remember for shit haha....

Yes being in FL to visit my grand mom is great. Haven't seen this side of my family in YEARS.

Have you thought of names for little Eye? When is your anatomy scan?
Mariah I love her name :) you kept that one to your self until now ;) what a special moment it must have been when your nan touched your belly . Very special x
Mariah I love her name :) you kept that one to your self until now ;) what a special moment it must have been when your nan touched your belly . Very special x

Thanks Left :hugs: Very special!!! And I can't believe I kept the name from you guys haha

OMG so I reading these threads from the baby-center App and these women are RIDICULOUS!!! They think the women on there, giving opinions are doctors. These girls are bleeding, spotting, cramping, feeling pressure and having BHC BUT since the women commenting are saying "Oh that's normal, don't worry abt it. No need to go to L&D."

I almost fell out my seat. I always comment and tell the ladies to get checked out I make sure everything is ok. This one lady was having cramping and a lot of pressure. She was told by numerous girls that it was normal and not to worry. I told her to go checked out to be sure. But of course she decided to listen to the other ladies and not "bother the doctors"!!!!! HUH, bother them?!?!

Well I log in today and she sends me a message stating that she lost her son at 23w6d. :cry: I felt so bad. Felt bad because some women will listen to a stranger and not follow her gut!

It just makes me so damn furious!!!!!!!
Sorry for my vent hahaha
Mariahs Mom, I love her name also. I was worried everyone else knew it and I just missed it somehow. Sometimes my reading comprehension is not the best. :p

I can't really think about names until I know what I'm having. I guess I'll be thinking about it harder soon. Boy's name is all but decided. I have some conflicted feelings about it b/c it's hubby's pick. But I guess it's okay. (long story I guess??) Big scan is June 16! I can hardly wait!

Yes there is sadly lots of bad advice to be found on the internet. :-/ I'm sure physicians lament Dr. Google's existence. (Ok I typed this far without reading the rest...omg!!!) That is soooo sad about the woman you spoke with on babycenter. :cry: Who knows if it would have changed anything, but she'll probably go the whole rest of her life wishing she had listened to you. :-(

Okay here's a gross story, sorry ladies. Skip on to the next post if you want.

So I was walking back to my office after picking up some lunch, and on the way I coughed a little...not that hard, just like to clear my throat! And ahhhhh I peed a little. I didn't even feel like I needed to go! The things you forget about being pregnant! Though I don't think it was ever this bad with DD. Guess I should have been doing more kegels. :blush: So that was REALLY uncomfortable but then THANK GOD I rummaged through my purse and found I still had a pantyliner in there, so at least I don't have to feel it. And thankfully it didn't go through to my pants.

THEN after lunch I went to the bathroom. Not my office, but in a department store. And it wasn't the cleanest I've ever seen. So I thought I'd hover iykwim. So I hovered maybe an inch above the seat so I wouldn't have that to feel gross about, and I swear WTH it's like I was peeing SIDEWAYS. Most(?) of the pee went on the left seat and then some of it trickled down to my PANT LEG. I NEED A "MORTIFIED" SMILEY! :haha: Oh man. I kept trying to rearrange myself so it would actually go in the toilet, but no it's like my pee was magnetically drawn to the left side of the seat. I'm still not sure how it's possible when I was only like an inch from the seat (that's about 2.5 cm for the rest of the world). It must have been coming out at a 90 degree angle or something.

So I wiped that up best I could. Not like a LOT got on my pant leg, but still it's kind of a thing I like to not have urine on my clothes. And of course it's my late day so I'm worried about smelling like pee. I don't think I would actually smell like pee. But. It's just gross.

Okay that's my story, do you regret reading it???? :haha:
OMG EYEMOM I laughed so hard reading your post. Not at you but with you because it hard to me's the worst feeling and I hate public bathrooms. Hopefully it wasn't substantial enough to leave a smell on u :)

Anywho, nope you didn't miss the announcement abt my daughters name. I just completely forgot to mention it to you guys! AND The 16th is right around the corner!!!! I can't wait to hear what you'll be having.

I never mentioned this but at my U/S tech stated I was measuring 3 days ahead than my EDD but she didn't change my due date because it wasn't much of a difference. Is that normal? I meant to ask u guys that 8wks ago hahaha
Mariah its perfectly normal !! They don't change dates unless baby is measuring 7 days + ahead consistantly . A few days here and there are perfectly normal .

Eye your story made me laugh out loud !!! Ye poor thing mrs piss pants lol........... All part of the joys ;)
Mariah its perfectly normal !! They don't change dates unless baby is measuring 7 days + ahead consistantly . A few days here and there are perfectly normal .

Eye your story made me laugh out loud !!! Ye poor thing mrs piss pants lol........... All part of the joys ;)

Ok good. That's reassuring! I guess it makes sense, since no one really knows when they conceive. I'm just glad she's measuring ahead and not behind. Which will be great if she comes a little early! I hate that I have to think like that but I'm just thankful I've made it this far!
Mariahs Mom, I also measured 3 days ahead at my anatomy scan with DD. And my OB said they don't change the EDD unless it's a difference of 5 or more days. I think it was 5 (less than a week, I remember that, so I guess it will vary a bit depending on where you are and who your provider is). In any case, 3 days wasn't enough of a difference so they prefer to go by LMP if they can. Was your initial due date based on LMP? Or an earlier scan? Because if it's the latter, I *think* I've heard the earlier scans are more accurate for determining due date, but I can't be certain on that. No personal experience there.

Left, oh dear, I hope I didn't just acquire a new nickname. :rofl:
Mariahs Mom, I also measured 3 days ahead at my anatomy scan with DD. And my OB said they don't change the EDD unless it's a difference of 5 or more days. I think it was 5 (less than a week, I remember that, so I guess it will vary a bit depending on where you are and who your provider is). In any case, 3 days wasn't enough of a difference so they prefer to go by LMP if they can. Was your initial due date based on LMP? Or an earlier scan? Because if it's the latter, I *think* I've heard the earlier scans are more accurate for determining due date, but I can't be certain on that. No personal experience there.

Left, oh dear, I hope I didn't just acquire a new nickname. :rofl:

My initial scan didn't match up with LMP. If I went by LMP then I would've been 9 wks by first scan but I was only 7wks. Then I switched doctors at 12wks and that doctor discovered I was 13wks. But at the anatomy scan I was supposed to be 18w1d but I was measuring now that I think of it, my earliest scan was a little off...

But you're right, the nurse didn't want to change it. She said it wouldn't make a difference. I guess at my dating scan at 32wks I will know for sure!
How sad for that woman :( I never ignored anything with Tristan. I was constantly at the Doctors. They said they prefer it that way!

Erin that is hilarious :rofl:
Hey ladies. Had an eventful few days so not really able to do proper catch up.

I have now officially been diagnosed with post partum anxiety. Had a full blown attack the other night where we even called 911. I felt like I was caught in a vice and that everything inside of me was swollen shut. I couldn't even swallow and I could hardly talk and my skin was clammy. But it was through that panic attack they discovered I was severely anemic. The local hospital went over my notes and apparently the hospital where I delivered had noted I had been anemic during labor and that I had bled A LOT during delivery. But they had never told us nor did they do any checks before discharging me.

I ended up needing two blood transfusions. But our local hospital had misspelled my name so hours and hours later they had to redraw my blood and send the second sample to the city where they could match it to the correct donor blood. It took about 15 hours to just start the transfusion. And this morning, just as they were about to discharge me, they found out my blood pressure has now skyrocketed. They almost kept me overnight for a second night but all my other tests came back protein in the urine, good reflexes, no headaches or vision problems and heart rate good. So they figured the high BP is from stress and they finally discharged me at about 5pm. But I have to do follow ups with the doctor every week until my official Post Partum visit with my OB.

I'm still slightly anemic but the doctor thinks iron pills should be enough. Though she is kind enough to say to hold off until my post-birth constipation has cleared. I have to say that this situation is where combi-feeding paid off. DH stayed with me the first day so I could try to nurse Hannah but I was so weak that I nearly passed out after 5 minutes. So he was able to bottle feed her and then today, when he couldn't find a sitter for DS, he was able to stay home with the both of them.

My parents should be arriving any moment now (they rented a car so we wouldn't have to drive the 2 hours into the city to pick them up). Their arrival is very much needed now! Especially since DH is "letting me" do the dishes, laundry and all the picking up. Vacation time is over, I guess.
Oh no Starry! How scary! Glad things seem to be okay now. I wonder if just taking care of the anemia may help with the pp anxiety as well? Or is that a whole different thing? Really glad you're going to have your family with you now.

AFM, some friends are heavy on my mind tonight. I think I may have mentioned my DH's best friend and his wife, and how they are due about 2 weeks before us. They're the ones my DD accurately predicted boy for. Anyway, she went to the hospital today fearing her water broke. Turns out they did find some amniotic fluid. I'm not sure what they've done. I know she was given some medication, but I wondered if they'd do a cerclage in this situation or ??? Anyway, they are actually wanting to send her home on Monday, I'd assume on some form of bed rest. I don't know anything else right now. If you are one to pray, please pray that baby can stay in AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. Right now they're just saying until at least 24 weeks, but obviously the longer the better. They also have a 3 yo son 2 mos younger than my DD, so I know taking it easy will be a huge challenge.

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