Thanks Starry

It is fleeting, but can't help the thoughts that pop into my head sometimes, even though I don't want them! I will just barely be in the "2 under 4 club."

Even if I'd carried the one I lost to term, I would have had time to wait a year and then get pregnant with this one anyway. But yeah, it is what it is. And when DD2 is here, I don't have any notions that all the difficult emotions will disappear completely, BUT I will have something to see and hold and love that will make it a whole heck of a lot better. It's just interesting to feel like, "It'll be better when _____." (Up til now I might have filled in the blank with "I'm pregnant.") Which is way oversimplifying. Even though I know that logically, really getting my brain around it in real life is another matter.
Sorry I wish I had some advice on the weaning issue. I have heard the cabbage leaf thing too. I've heard it's okay to maybe hand express the minimum amount to get some relief, and keep up with the painkillers. It was a more drawn-out process for us so I didn't really have to put any effort into it. I'm glad you and Hannah are both feeling better.
Left, I agree not to be so hard on yourself. It's a lot easier to put together the puzzle pieces when you already have the big picture. Sounds like you have a wonderful, understanding hubby. I'm so glad he was able to get a diagnosis so hopefully now he can get on a path to feeling better. Now that you know, love him and support him of course, but it seems clear that he wants to love you and support you in your needs and desires also. Glad you had a good talk. I agree may be best to go easy on him right now, but hopefully as you both learn more about this, you'll begin to figure out what will work best for you as far as how to proceed. Sorry you're going through this though.
Mariahs Mom, glad your glucose test was fine! Did you have orange or something else?
AFM, I had my 20 week ob appt today (omg, halfway!!!) and everything was spot on. Everything was normal at my anatomy scan which I a week ago, and I measured 19 weeks to the day. And SCH was GONE!