Hi ladies. Doing a bad job of lurking lately. Hard to properly lurk with so much going on. :-/
Unexpected, what do you do for being anemic still? Try to up your iron even more? Sorry LO is making you worry, but I agree, still plenty of time to move.
Wanted to share some updates. Copying and pasting this from another thread because I don't want to type it all again. Sorry because I typed it in the context of another thread, some of it sounds kind of out of context here. But you'll get the idea.
Okayyyy soo. AFM. Ugh. Rollercoaster couple of days. Well not really, rollercoaster would imply some "ups," but really it's been mostly downs.

And also my excuse however pathetic for not accomplishing much at least in the last couple of days.
To address the bleeding, I had that little bit on Tuesday which was not too long after an orgasm (next day), so I had put it down on that. DH wanted me to message the Dr office though, so I did. They reassured me that things were fine, and I wasn't all that concerned in the first place (other than terrified of doing anything sexual), so it was basically fine. Then Thursday night I bled again and we definitely HADN'T done anything sexual, so I was worried, and even more upset about the way DH reacted (again, we're cool now). At DH's prodding, I messaged the Dr again that night. Friday morning I had a little more (TMI warning - it was like a big bloody snot), actually more than it was on Tuesday or Thursday, but still a small amount. So I was finally starting to freak. I waited to hear back from the Dr to say anything more, but they didn't message back which was unusual. I finally called, but they leave at noon on Fridays.

So I was going to have to wait until Monday, but I got to talking to the receptionist, and she said she was going to have the nurse on-call to call me. That nurse finally called me back a couple hours later, and she still reassured me that it's fine, some women just bleed when they are pregnant. But I was just NOT feeling any better. I mean I'd gone over 10 weeks without bleeding, then suddenly I bleed 3 out of the last 4 days. Ugh. I was on the verge of tears all afternoon but I had to swallow it back to work. Then when I finally got in the car I just lost it. I was totally frazzled. I ended up messaging a college friend who is an obgyn in St. Louis (I had avoided doing it b/c I didn't want to bother her, even though to put myself in her shoes I don't mind eyeball questions), and she was really reassuring too and said she never minds questions and I just felt so much better after talking to her. I was an emotional wreck basically all day yesterday though. Today basically no bleeding, just a speck tonight but it looks like maybe old. Little girl still wiggling constantly, and no cramps or anything aside from the odd gas pain here and there. So I'm MOSTLY feeling good but it's still scary. Especially knowing enough people with 2nd tri losses from incompetent cervix and such. I just wanted to know that my cervix is fine.
So on the topic of 2nd tri losses and why I'm a useless human being today.

Our friends - my DH's best friend and his wife who were due some 2 weeks before us. She went to the hospital a couple of weeks ago after losing amniotic fluid, but she had been doing okay at home on bed rest. Until today--she went to the bathroom and saw the cord had prolapsed.

They went to the hospital and the doctor gave them no chance of survival. I thought she was 23 weeks, so at least a tiny chance, but apparently I had miscalculated because not yet. A prolapsed cord almost always means the baby is coming out one way or another, but he moved into the birth canal and he was born today at 22 weeks + some days. They gave him a breathing tube, but he only lived for about a minute.

His mommy got to hold him a bit after he passed. There will be a service for him at some point but no details. They named him Sohma. It just so totally sucks on a million different levels, and I am just so sad for them. Again these are people so close to us, and somehow (God willing) we're going to go our lives with them looking at us and DD2 and thinking - ours would be that age too. Ugh.

I'm sort of in shock I guess (even though I can't say it was unexpected--I was still hoping for the best), plus I'm still so emotionally spent from yesterday, I can't quite process it all yet or really get that emotional right now. It's just so unfair. Apparently she asked him (DH's friend) if they were going to try again, and he was like no way. He was going to join the V-Club after this baby was born (assuming he lived), but I hope he doesn't rush into anything now. I don't blame her for asking, and I don't blame him for his reaction, but it's just too soon. But they have GOT to be on the same page. DH is worried this may drive a wedge in their marriage, and I'm worried too because DH's hunches on this general topic have always been right up til now. Anyway, if you pray, please pray for them.
I had two friends due at the same time as me, and now I'm the only one left.
Sorry for the wall of text.