Moving on in the journey from ttc

You look fab lady! It is a big bump but a very neat and round bump too.

No it's normal to be fed up! From 37 weeks last time I was really fed up and I went to 41 weeks doh!!

So exciting to hear you will be having your baby soon!!
That is a big bump but it's very round. You look great :)

Does anyone know anything about Hand, Foot and Mouth in Pregnancy? It's going around Tristan's nursery so I'm now worried about going there.
I accepted the invite but not sure if I'm in the group. FB confuses me sometimes.

Eye yikes sorry for the scare...def not cool.

No baby yet over here. Docs say if I don't pop by Monday, they are scheduling an induction. I'm friggin huge and people are questioning if there is really only one baby in there. I reassure them , yes, only one. I know this might sound odd, but is it wrong for me to wish I wasn't pregnant anymore? I'm just so worn out at this point....

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You're in the home stretch woman!! Should be any day now, I hope!! Sooner than later.
Starry that's a good point, it's not customary here for the GP to order tests, but one could certainly do it. But if ob had to change, I wonder if she needs a new GP too? Mama do you have a PCP right now?

Wow, can't believe lil Miss Hannah is a month now. I totally get the internal conflict of looking forward to when it's easier, but still wanting to treasure every moment when they're tiny. <3

Unexpected, sorry you were up sick with the different iron. :( Hope the new one you mentioned turns out great. That'll be so great to have an anniversary getaway. Enjoy!

bb, that doesn't sound fun at all. :( Hope everything is okay.

Sweetz! Hmm I don't see you on fb. (bb do you have any pending admin approvals?) I agree with unexpected, I think you look fantastic. It is a very neat and round bump! ;) But yeah don't beat yourself up, I'm pretty sure at this point it's totally normal to be uncomfortable and just so ready to be done. Good luck with everything. Were you induced with your DS?
...until I was 20months...
dang! :wacko:


Hahaha :haha::haha::haha: I meant to say 20 weeks hahahaha

Bb- I'm sure things will be fine but seeing blood is not cool. Maybe they will prescribe some meds that will stop you from being sick and hopefully that will help.

Unexpected- Yesssssss I'm so excited that if my lil girl decided to come now then she would be fine (overall) Dr said that she would most likely have respiratory issues like asthma be prone to flu like sickness(Es) for the first few years. But he did reassure us that baby's born after 32 weeks are "intact preemies" which have little to no complications. So hoping I go to at least 32wks!!

Also, thanks soooo much for your kind words, they mean a lot. :) I'm a true believer that things happen the way they were supposed to. I easily accept the good things that happen so I have to accept the bad things as well!

Sweetz- You look great. You are all stomach. Hopefully you will have that baby after the 4th so you can enjoy the holiday!

AFM- my little girl is kicking so much I can't ignore them anymore Lol. While I was walking down the steps yesterday, her kicked stopped me dead in my tracks. They are getting so powerful. I keep hearing horror stories abt babies kicking the ribs and other painful places. Did the kicks get pretty intense for you ladies?
Mariah's Mom: Towards the end the kicks did resemble karate kicks!! They would take me by suprise!! I didn't feel them as much because of where the placenta was, but when I would get an ultrasound I would see Sky kick kicking away!!
Hehe Mariahs Mom, I knew what you meant but it was just too funny to let slide. ;)

I never got really painful or uncomfortable kicks. But I think she hung out pretty low. There were lots of kicks and rolls, many of which definitely got my attention. But nothing painful. I've heard all the horror stories too, but that was not my experience with DD1. Maybe I won't be so lucky now with DD2. One thing I do remember about DD1 though is her hands were down by her head, so it was like she'd always tickle me down low lol. :)
I never really got any painful kicks with Tristan. I just found that sometimes the wriggling was a little uncomfortable towards the end.

I've been to the Doctors. He thinks it's the Aspirin causing the bleeding. He's put me on Omeprazole.
Mariah mum near the end Sean's kicks and rolls would take my breath away and made me feel physically sick ! Makes sense now he is so strong !!! Came out sturdy LO lol ...
I never really got any painful kicks with Tristan. I just found that sometimes the wriggling was a little uncomfortable towards the end.

I've been to the Doctors. He thinks it's the Aspirin causing the bleeding. He's put me on Omeprazole.
I hope that helps bb!
I got painful kicks the entire pregnancy with Hannah. She liked to use my cervix as her trampoline and that area is sensitive! ha ha She also spent much of the pregnancy lying sideways so I would have her ding-donging back and forth from one side to the other. If I was sitting down there were times I almost slid sideways off the seat as she knocked me off balance! Another time she was rolling non-stop for 8 hours (seriously, no breaks whatsoever) and by the end I was so motion sick that I was begging her to stop.

The worst motions were generally at the end of the 2nd tri. By the end of the pregnancy she had less room so I basically got nudges and wiggles. Not too many painful kicks to the ribs or anything.

brunette - hope the switch in the meds is just the thing you need to stop the bleeding.
Miriah....Xan was nicknamed the Karate Krumpin Kid bc his kicks were so strong you would see the outline of his foot. My stomach was constantly on the move. Rib kicks hurt, yes....but the worst IMHO are the cervix and bladder kicks. This one is a mover, but unlike his brother, he takes long breaks between his spaz outs.

As for the HFM....that is very contagious. Make sure to let your OB know and if someone else can bring lo to daycare the better, or even keep him home (the best)

Yes I was induced with Xan, as well as my others. I unfortunately don't dilate well...and that is the only reason why I'm currently still pregnant. I just get stuck at 3cm....annoying. I am hoping this time my body cooperates.

AFM...exhausted beyond belief. Praying for labour to start today or tomorrow I just want to be done lol I'm not sleeping well at all these days....
sweetz - it sucks when our bodies don't do what they should during labour. I hope things go smoother for you this time!

I dilate on my own so I didn't need to be induced but my cervix refuses to drop so I need assistance with the actual delivery. With Hannah I had been pushing for 1 1/2 hours only to have my cervix go from the highest position to the next highest. She wasn't actually coming out. Hence the forceps once she went into distress. I was actually another contraction or two from a second emergency section. Two rough labours are definitely going to factor into my decision whether or not to have another child along with my history of rough pregnancies and recurrent miscarriages. (and the fact that dh is very done)
Hey everyone. Hope all you ladies are having a good weekend. It's almost time to get prepared for Monday in the UK. I am just getting started with my day over here in Texas. I ran my errands in the morning and will be hiding away from the sun the rest of the day.

I am finally feeling normal after not getting much sleep over the last few days. My husband went out drinking and didn't come back until way later than he said he would. That stressed me out till no end. The 4th was fun, albeit busy and tiring.

Hey is everyone?? Thanks again for all the feedback you all gave abt the kicks. She's still kicking like crazy, which is really reassuring. DH gets the biggest smile on his face when Brooklyn kicks. If she's not moving, DH talks to my belly and starts kicking away. It's so cute that she knows her daddy's voice already :) :) :)

MamaTex- Sounds like an tiresome 4th. I'm glad you're starting to feel normal again. I know exactly how you feel! When is your appt again?

So remember I have a cerclage (stitched my cervix shut) and progesterone shots?? Well, the progesterone I need weekly, on the same day each week. My stupid doctors office NEVER. Refills my medication on time. Now I am 5 days without a shot and almost 2wks since my last one. Mind you, they know I have a short cervix and my cervix could shorten at any time (they didn't even think I would make it this far). What really gets me is my doctors MA lied to me and said she requested the refill last week BUT the pharmacy told me today that no one called in the refill...WHAT???? Like why would you lie? Now if I go in labor soon then I swear I would smack that little girl (she's like 23 TOPS). Well, I won't smack her hahaha but I will complain to the doctor about her negligence. This is the 2nd time she's done this! She's just a liar...

DH tells me not to worry because the doctor says that after 28wks the weight of the baby lies more on your pelvic bone versus your cervix. I understand that but once your cervix begans to dialate, then that complicates things. My doctor reassured me if she is born around 32wks-36wks, she'll have little to no long term complications. That helps me relax! UGHH this doctors office brings me so much stress, but I LOVE my doctor. I hope he fires this girl because she's a bad representation of him.
That's awful !! I would complain to the doc as he might not know just HOW USELESS she is !! In the 30s now how exciting . My friend had her baby 4 weeks early yesterday :) both are doing just fine :)
She sounds like a right idiot. I would definitely mention it to your Doctor! Happy 31 weeks :)

I'm kind of celebrating this morning. 2nd tri :happydance: 2nd tri :happydance: 2nd tri :happydance: 2nd tri :happydance: 2nd tri :happydance: I honestly didn't think we would get this far. Feels like such a massive milestone!
brunettebimbo: Congrats on second tri!!

Mariahs's Mom: I am sorry you are having issues with the refill. I would be an absolute bear about that and be up in someone's face to make sure the job is being done right. That's terrible!!

To answer your question, my appointment is today at 10:15am. I am going to continue my tradition of putting stickers on my pee cups when I go into the office. It helped me feel better and not be so full of anxiety. It also put a smile on the faces of everyone in the office. Lol.

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