Mariahs Mom,

sorry, I thought of you when I posted that. I couldn't remember if you were exactly 22 weeks, but I knew it was close. They want their space right now, but we sent a card and flowers, so I hope they'll be taken ok. I just hope I can handle things in the best way possible whenever we do meet up again. They're in DH's hometown about 2.5 hours away, and we're not able to visit much anymore, so I don't even know when it would be. Sigh.
MamaT, sorry the worry is creeping back in. It's basically unavoidable though I guess! So sad that loss kind of robs us of the innocence of pregnancy, so to speak. I resolved to enjoy my pregnancy as much as I could for however long I got to enjoy it - but it's one thing to decide to have that outlook, and another thing entirely to actually live it out! It's so hard, and maybe impossible...but do try to treasure these moments as much as possible. It's totally valid emotions to feel dread and fear, but if that's all you let yourself feel, it's kinda like robbing yourself of something special. Anyway, not trying to tell you how to feel, and it's important to be honest with yourself and how you're feeling. But if a little excitement tries to creep in, you don't necessarily have to squash it eh?

Hope it's all smooth sailing for you. (Oh - and that is a bummer about the insurance.

My Dr didn't actually want see me until I was 8 weeks, but I did go in sooner for betas. It shouldn't be as long of a wait for lab...can you call and see if you can talk to his nurse and see if they can at least order betas and maybe P? Then they'll have that info in advance of your appointment. Maybe it wouldn't influence your care but I TOTALLY get wanting to know for peace of mind.)
AFM, update on the bleeding. I ended up seeing my Dr this morning (Tuesday am, though I hadn't had much of anything since Fri morning and a teeeeeensy speck Saturday night.) They still thought it was PROBABLY fine, and I agreed it was PROBABLY fine. They agreed it'd be good to know for sure, so I was thankful for that.
Turns out I have a cervical ectropion which is okay when pregnant. But can case some discharge/bleeding. But no concern, whew! I'm just so happy to know where it's coming from! Also made sure my cervix is closed, and it is. I knew I'd be happy to have some reassurance, but after I left I was just feeling really GOOD! Like I can enjoy being pregnant again.
Today's the 2 year anniversary of our loss. Continued my weird tradition of making "birthday" cupcakes. Doing okay though. Cried once after I put out the cupcakes and DH gave me a big hug...hadn't cried about it in a while. The one I'm carrying doesn't really replace the one I lost, but it does help to have that hope this year. Still missing my angel baby, but really today I have felt really positive about things.