Moving on in the journey from ttc

Good Luck Mama :)

Been to see my consultant this afternoon. Nothing new was really discussed but he has scared the shit out of me. He said that with antiphospholipid syndrome most losses happen in 2nd trimester! I thought we were safer now I was in 2nd tri!
Mariahs Mom, did you ever get your meds? That's sooo upsetting. If this has been a recurring thing, it probably totally is that girl's mistake. But it brought to mind a time I called in an Rx myself b/c the patient lived a decent drive away from her nearest pharmacy. She got there and they said they never got it. So she drove all the way home and called me and said they didn't have it. So I called the pharmacy back and asked to speak with someone (usually to call in an Rx you just have to leave a message), and when I asked about it they were like "Oh lol here it is." :dohh::dohh::dohh: In any case that's awful. Hope you got what you need and that you are doing fine. :flower:

MamaT :hugs: (gonna go post on fb in a min)

bb, Congrats on 2nd tri. :happydance: How upsetting that your Dr said that to you. Does he just not want a girl to relax and enjoy her pregnancy? I guess it's the kind of thing you'd want to know though as crappy as it is. It's still a great milestone to be in 2nd tri. Having smaller milestones to celebrate helps pass the time. I'm feeling so positive for you this time, hang in there. :hugs:

Everyone else doing okay? Having a slow day at work so I'm able to catch up a bit...though I need to be filing insurance ehehghghghgh.
BB - That would freak me out too. I'm sure the odds are still highly in your favour that this is your rainbow. Your other losses were all in the first tri so try to focus on the positives that you are now in second trimester! :)

Mariahsmom - good luck with your appointment. I like that sticker idea. It really is a cute way to relieve the tension for yourself. :thumbup:

afm - I'm pretty sure my post partum bleeding is done for good now. :happydance: My mood seems to be improving too though I still have relapses that hit hard so I can't let my guard down. We're having some money stresses and this morning I thought "If I were to die we'd have one less mouth to feed" and even then a part of my brain was all ":saywhat:" but the rest of me thought it seemed like a good idea. I blame it being 6am as well as the PND. Obviously, it seems crazy to me now and I told DH all about it. Saying these things out loud really zap the crazy thoughts of all their power.

But yeah...mood is mostly improving. Life feels sunnier again for the most part and I feel more up to the housework and such though I still am letting a lot slide. Hannah has a cold....poor dear...but it doesn't seem too bad at the moment. A bit of a cough and the snotty nose. The in-laws are coming for the weekend so that is bit of a stressor too! They aren't mean, but I find them stressful (they like to point out all the things we should be worrying about and Hannah's cold could not be more poorly timed...and they can't know about my PND)
Update for anyone not in the Facebook group:

Sorry for all the cross posting! Things don't look very good. My symptoms have all but disappeared and I am now fearful of an ectopic. Eagerly awaiting my blood draw results from yesterday. Hopefully they can get in sometime today so I know if my levels are dropping or not. To recap, I went in at 6+2 and they did not see anything. I am worried about it being ectopic because there was no sign of the baby anywhere. I know baby development varies from person to person, but I can't shake that there is a baby in there but it is hiding in the wrong place!! It's still really early and I have to follow up in a week, but I don't know if I really want to wait that long to be seen because if this is ectopic, I could be in serious danger. I am beyond scared. This time around, I have a child. If I went into the hospital, I would have to explain why to my parents and I wanted to keep this from them.
Oh mama its just awful ou have to go through this and are left in such uncertainty . For your own peace of mind I hope you get some answers soon . Also if you have any pain at all go to a&e . Even a small cramping it might just gt you the answers you need . Please know you are in my thoughts x
Hey girls...I have a lot to catch up on, so here it goes haha: So we had our appt and I had mixed feelings about it. The baby is great and heart rate has been steady in the 140's. I explained to the doctor abt how I have not received my medication in almost 2wks. I advised him of his incompetent assistant and how she just lies. He immediately apologizes and explains that the nurse who usually handles the refills is out on maternity leave and his assistant is new to the process. Once he explained, it made so much sense and we felt a lot better. BUT what didn't sit right with me, still, is the fact that she would lie to my face and never return phone calls. UGH. My doctor explained that she has only been a medical assistant for almost a year and for the future we should deal with the more experienced MA. So all in all, I feel like something was resolved!

Now, the part of the visit that didn't sit right with me was the fact that I explained that we were going out of the state this weekend. Since I haven't received my injection in almost 2wks, shouldn't I get an examination to check and make sure my cervix and everything looks fine? He says no "You have a cerclage so your baby won't just fall out. You will know if you're going in labor." So now I will be out of state and praying that I don't go in labor, GREAT!!!!

Eyemom- you were exactly right, I was able to arrange with the pharmacy directly to call in my own refills. After this experience, I think this is for the best....That is crazy that poor lady drive almost 2hrs round trip to the pharmacy and still not get her medicine. I know we are all human and we make mistakes but GEEZZZ I would be livid!!!...OMG you're 22wks *Yay* you're so close to Vday!

Mama- I'm soooooooo sorry that you are going through this. Being in limbo is the worst feeling ever. I know exactly how u feel. With my first pregnancy, I went to my appt and should've been 6wks along but there was nothing on the ultrasound. My doctor scheduled me to come back in a few weeks, then there was my baby. My doctor said it happens, sometimes we ovulate later than we suspect....So even though things seem like it's over, I hope that it's not an etopic pregnancy and you've just ovulated later...I'm sure your parents would understand the discretion.

BB- WTH!! I know your doctor just wanted to prepare you but OMG that would crush my hopes, as well. The good thing is your pregnancy is coming along so beautifully and this is your rainbow baby! I was giving the same diagnosis with my short cervix (most losses occur in the second trim) and here I am at 31wks. No doctor can predict which babies are viable, so let's only entertain happy thoughts :) :)

Starry- Wow. I just want to hug you *HUGS* I can 100% empathize with how you are feeling because DH deals with depression as well (stemed from his childhood). I glad that you are starting to feel better and you've developed a system to deal with those feelings. Hopefully the inlaws won't be too bad. Less stress is the best stress haha...I hope Hannah's cold disappears soon. Poor baby

Left- How is Sean? How is DH doing?
Hi Mariah 31 weeks the single figure countdown is one :) yahoooooooo . You won't feel the time flying by now and your LO will be here :) how exciting I'm almost as excited for you as I was for myself lol ..... Ill be closely stalking !!

Sean is doing great , he gets bigger every day ! He is a real little boy now and I adore him. He brings me so much joy just as your LO will. OH is doing a bit better thanks , he has however now been found to have really low / non existent levels of B12 which are also a culprit for the chronic tiredness he battles !! He now has to get a course of injections for this over the next 6 months which should really help . Untreated deficiency in B12 aparently can lead to depression as a secondary illness ... Anyway his form has improved , not as unmotivated or grumpy lol..... I'm hoping the B12 will transform him lol.....
On my way to L&D girls. Started spotting and cramping...I will keeping girls updated!!!
Oh girl hope things are fine and little girl can stay just a bit longer. Praying for you, trusting you both will be okay no matter what.
So I'm back from labor & Delivery. Brooklyn and I are good! False alarm. I do have an infection (BV) so I just have to be monitored. Also, we learned that I have a irritable uterus which is causing the bleeding :( I have a follow up appt this week and I'm just hoping I can hold her in at least until after my baby shower lol

Thanks Eyemom :hugs:
Mama I'm so sorry your going through this. I hope that's not the case :hugs:

Mariah's Mum I'm so glad your both ok! I didn't realise BV could cause spotting and cramping!

Left that is good news that you found a reason, I hope the treatment helps!

Starry I'm glad your moves are improving. I hope Hannah feels better soon!

AFM - I saw the Doctor yesterday. I have thrush and carpel tunnel syndrome. My problems seem never ending at the moment :lol: Will all be worth it though!
Mariahs Mom - Gosh that post scared me. So glad to hear you are ok!! I will be keeping my fingers crossed she keeps in there for as long as possible but at least till that 34 week mark. xxx
So I'm back from labor & Delivery. Brooklyn and I are good! False alarm. I do have an infection (BV) so I just have to be monitored. Also, we learned that I have a irritable uterus which is causing the bleeding :( I have a follow up appt this week and I'm just hoping I can hold her in at least until after my baby shower lol

Thanks Eyemom :hugs:

Oh thank goodness. So happy to read this. Darn those cranky uteruses.
brunette: Oh I would have been scared as well. I know that people have to tell you the possibilities and the risks, but there is a better way of saying things. I think there should be a class in medical school that covers what to say and what NOT to say.

Starry: Your health is the most important thing. If clothes don't get washed or dishes have to be done tomorrow, that's okay!! Last I checked, there were no official Home Inspectors. He he. Lord help us if there were!! I would fail and get fined every month I think!! Sorry to hear Hannah is sick.

Left: Interesting that you mention the B-12. My husband is thinking of going to get the B12 injections. Didn't know a lack of B12 could bring on so many potential issues!! Glad to hear he is feeling better. Hope you and he see positive changes!!

AFM: I felt okay yesterday and caught up on some sleep. I woke up today and started feeling some slight cramping. I also had an increase in discharge, so I am not sure what is going on. There are no other symptoms though.

I wrote a long message to the doctor's office via the patient portal and the medical assistant called me back. She told me that the doctor did confirm the pregnancy was in the uterus. I thought there was "nothing" there, but I guess she just meant that it was not in my tubes. I asked her point blank if the doctor had actually checked my tubes and she said yes. I asked her if she thought it might be a blighted ovum due to the way my HCG was increasing and she said she did not know, that they were just waiting on blood work.

Oh and she asked me if I wanted to come in and drink the glucose drink. I told her I would come in Monday, but I don't really see the need to do this unless the pregnancy is confirmed to be viable. If it's not, why in the world should I drink a bottle of sugar?

I am really torn because the last time I had Medicaid and could have just walked into any urgent care center to be seen, but now I have to decide if I want to amass a HUGE bill just to confirm that the pregnancy is on its way to ending. I want to believe the cramps are just little one burying in deeper, but I don't believe that to be the case. With the increase in discharge yesterday, I was oddly excited at the thought of it being bleeding and this being the end because at least I could know one way or another, and plan to try again. Miscarrying is not fun, but I would rather have some sign that the pregnancy is not viable instead of just wondering.

Other than that, just trying to prep for Sky's first birthday. Oh my goodness, I can't believe she is about to turn 1. She is so cute!! I now know she understands the word mama and can use it correctly, because she calls me loudly whenever I leave the room these days. Lol. I think we are still having the birthday party it at our place, although my parents offered up their house. I would rather have it be at our house for the convenience. I am thinking of doing a bunny rabbit theme, but I am terrible with crafts and decorations...
Unexpected- Yes I am glad that things are ok with us. I'm hoping she stays in until 34wks as well.

BB- Thanks Hun!...You have the right attitude, it'll all be worth it in the end!

Mama- I know exactly how you feel. Your situation seems almost identical to my last pregnancy in the beginning. That relief you felt when u thought you were bleeding is so natural. I mean who wants to be in limbo?!?! I hope that you get some answers soon and your next U/S reveals that beautiful little baby....

AFM- I am so sore and crampy today from all that poking & prodding they did lastnight. UGH :( I hope this doesn't last too long.
BB- With all that's been going on with my I forgot to congratulate you on reaching the 2nd Trimester:hugs::happydance::cloud9::fool::flasher::bunny::hug:

Haha I know I went overboard but I'm just so happy for you!!!!
Lol loving your excitement :)

Lol thanks! I can't believe I'm in the home stretch of this pregnancy:happydance: My doctor told me that babies born between 32-36weeks are considered "intact preemies", meaning that they rarely have any long term issues. That relieves so much stress.

It made smile reading what you said about Sean :) I can not wait to meet my LO. I know it's going to be love at first sight!!

I meant to respond to your post as well. I'm glad that your hubby is getting better. I know that is a relief to the both of you. It's crazy how B12 can affect so much in the body. My cousin has a b12 deficiency and it causes his feet to go numb. Hopefully, after a few weeks, he will show more improvement :)

Also, I am still so sore. My belly is sore as well. Ugh hopefully it goes away!

How is everyone? I hope well...
BB- With all that's been going on with my I forgot to congratulate you on reaching the 2nd Trimester:hugs::happydance::cloud9::fool::flasher::bunny::hug:

Haha I know I went overboard but I'm just so happy for you!!!!

Thank you :)

I felt safe until I spoke to that silly Doctor!

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